Dec 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Entire post should have been "I would abolish it". ;)

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Exactly. Specifically, abolish it or pull all govt funding and tell them they are a division of the pharmaceutical marketing department and pharma can keep funding them. Essentially they can be a trade organization. Second, reverse the liability protection. That’s all that is needed. Free market takes it from there. Watch pharma all of a sudden test their own products more carefully. Free markets work.

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The United States Constitution grants no power to the federal government over health issues. The entire Department of Health And Human Services and all its subagencies, like the NIH, the FDA, and the CDC are unconstitutional and should be abolished. Powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people. Give back to the people in the several respective states the power to decide what role they want their state and local governments to play in managing individual health issues.

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The Power of the OVER REACHING.

The sworn blood oath secret hand shake?

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100% in favor of Malone for any position in the next administration he desires to serve in.

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I want to see him take Fauci's old job and stop all the grant programs to the universities, and the sundry other orgs. Just think of the billions it could save tax payers every year.

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Let's see. Step #1: eliminate "user fees" (i.e. Pharma Cartel funding of FDA). Step #2: slam the "revolving door" - 10 years in prison for FDA officials who are rewarded by Pharma-linked organizations post "government service." (i.e. board seats, salaries, contracts, payments, stock, options, "book deals", etc).

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

You are far too kind.

You know these guys get jobs like that and the rest of us chumps are out here making an honest living and looking at how the other half lives... we got no shot.

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This is trying to keep it a govt agency which can still get recaptured again later. So the opposite - pull govt funding and tell them they are on their own. Then reverse liability protection.

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Self funded? Like OSHA?

No thanks

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Dr.Malone, would and could make the difference. I would love to see him get the opportunity. I pray 🙏🏻 it happens. I appreciate Dr. Malone so much. The information and education over the last year has been incredible. His commitment and dedication is outstanding. Thank you 😊

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Terrific interview, write up. Definitely support that for best results one needs to provide direction from where one is most comfortable serving and there is need.

As you go through the issues to be addressed, many little added thoughts arise. For another time, another place.

We would be SO VERY fortunate to have your and some of your cohorts addressing medical, public health reforms so sorely needed!

As for a Major Crisis (letting my perverse sense of humor loose for a moment), what could be more catastrophic for our nation than D J T being elected in 2024?

On a personal (more selfish side), Hope we can come up with a way to remain in touch. You will clearly be incredibly impacted taking on such a challenged and constrained by your Government associations.

With you all the way!

Bestest Ever and Always Great Dr's!


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I like how you did that Jean, projecting Doc in that position already and wonder how to stay in touch!! That's a Classic Jean!!

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Dr. Malone, thank you for drawing the distinction between the deep state and the administrative state; in my mind they were the same, but I savor your point.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And this is a great idea: "to build a parallel organization to the point where it is sufficiently functional, at which time you can then deconstruct the one that has become corrupted or counterproductive and replace with the new."

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But can we afford to support 2 parallel organizations? The major problem of financing gov programs is all the redundancy built into every one. Dozens of programs with what boils down to the same name

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The purpose of the "shadow" agency would be to radically streamline the operation and function of the existing. Choosing the right head honcho would be key. The tricky part would be to recruit current agency members who know the inner workings, but realize that major changes are necessary. They would need to, using coaching jargon, "buy in." Easy? Nope. But necessary. There would be a transition period not to exceed 18 months. Some departments could vanish completely, such as the Department of Education, and the only ones upset would be those in the unemployment lines and building owners who would no longer be receiving monthly checks. Unless the feds owned the buildings in which case the proceeds of the sales thereof would go directly into the credit side of negative $34 trillion. A drop in the bucket, yes, but, after all, a new way of thinking is required.

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But the older, inefficient agency would still be there burning through money like mad. If we were not so bloody much in debt I like your suggestion….but we are and just how much more agency funding can the broken fed piggy bank handle?

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It takes time to turn the ship around when it's headed in the wrong direction. No rehires when folks retire. Incentives to retire early. Other folks quit because they feel "overworked" with so many leaving. A new mission means that some departments, like Phizer liaisons, don't survive early on, even before the transition. So yes, some overlap. But the clock is ticking.

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With only 4 years to accomplish anything we would likely end up with both forever or unit the death of us all.

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Surely. On the other hand all engaged in efforts for reform must focus on 2024 providing an additional 4 to 8 years. Those tackling specific agency reforms designing change that is very difficult or better impervious to further destructive changes. Hopefully the candidates Heritage is vetting will be on board to act toward enthusiastically toward the needed common goals..

To put it another more crass way.

All need to successfully Walk and Chew gum at the same time and then some.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

I'm still out on Heritage. Stopped donating to it years ago when it gave Jim Demint the heave hoe and then doubled down on its uselessness when we were given the shaft by its fair-haired-boy, Paul Ryan.

It was also the brainchild of Gov. Romney's Massachusetts 'health care,' the prototype of Obamacare. I have a long memory . . .

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What is Heritage?

Is it the Heritage Foundation?

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Yes. Advertised as the world's largest think tank....perhaps conservative is the preface.

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The present leader is a Texan from the Texas Policy Operation. ETV JJ did an interview. Have to say I've always had some positives toward the Texas Policy Operation. This fellow is an aggressive all business fellow. While I'm never set in stone - he is impressive. He's pushing Heritage to support R needs. They are interviewing possible selections for positions in a new administration. Offer policy. Assist with legislation. I was most surprised with the extent of their involvements. The Dems are organizing to demonize. Where this all leads, short of closer investigation, is surely interesting. Hopefully we'll be able to learn more as things move along. On the other hand wouldn't want our adversaries to be able to put any wrenches in beneficial strategies.

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They are 50 years old so maybe by now they have learned something. I noticed they had DeSantis at the anniversary event. It won't take much for Roberts to outperform James.

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The transition would be key. "Build" the shadow agency with no authority on current operations with an 18 month timeline. (I would say 'warp speed' but somehow that seems to confuse things...) "Deconstruct" that sucker when the "Build" folks are up and running.

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I agree with Jean but with a quicker timeline. Old thinking won't work. The corporate buy-out folks would know the playbook, but they bring their own problems to the table. Patriots who are retired agency folks could be an invaluable resource. Or young entrepreneurs with common sense, asking the right questions.

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The best reform for any totally corrupt organisation is to replace 100% of the members of the organisation with honest people who get it. Think blood transfusion. Ok that is not practical and often not possible in most organisations but if it were it would be the best solution. At a minimum you have to replace all of the leadership, at least 3 levels down from the top. Elon Musk fired roughly two thirds of Twitter employees after taking it over. Turns out that was a business necessity anyway, but if he had not done that there would have been very little reform at Twitter, and reform remains a struggle at X. Organization cultures retain a “penumbra” even if 100% of the workforce is fired on Friday and all new hires show up on Monday. In other words it’s nearly impossible to kill them completely. Think drug resistant bacteria. There are supply chains and contracts and written procedures and even outsiders who will be all too happy to tell any newcomer “how it’s done”. Finish the antibiotic course and get the new “organism” launched.

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Dr. Malone, I commend your noble ideas on taking that small bite of our USA healthcare systems apple, the Food & Drug Administration, albeit a very humble bite.

The problem with a system as complicated and inherently corrupted as all the Federal departments and agencies are in The Swamp is this: those of noble spirit and designs based on what is honest and best for We the People are sidelined by the special interests of federal government spending. In FY 2023 that amount was $6.134 TRILLION! That type of incentive for the avarice makes it easy to neutralize any do-gooder at the helm of the FDA.

The one and only person who can have any reforming impact in The Swamp is the President of the United States. I personally believe Donald Trump attempted reforms, and look at what they're doing to him, year after year after year.

But, if President Trump wins another shot at reforming The Swamp, I believe he will be much better prepared by having some very well intentioned Champions advising him. Good Guys like Kash Patel and Deven Nunes.

And, I would pray to see another Champion advise President Trump on our USA healthcare systems. That Champion is Dr. Robert Malone.

Dr. Malone, if you have President Trump's ear he can help you mobilize other Champions and resources to help you in your Noble Quest. More than anyone else on Planet Earth. If President Trump is again elected POTUS he'll have only 4 years to try. Not a good deal of time to dismantle and rebuild our USA government. But, with very knowledgeable Champions like you by his side, President Trump has a fighting chance to at least lay the foundation of reform.

I have recently watched a Steve Bannon podcast where he's interviewing Kash Patel. Bannon mentioned to Kash him (Kash) being CIA Director under President Trump (not denied by Kash). Kash talked about his plans to use our Constitutional laws to punish those who conspired to overthrow a legally elected POTUS. He also mentioned he (thus implying Trump) had a solid team of other Champions who will seek criminal and/or civil legal charges against those in the federal government who used their government positions to try and topple President Trump. And, Kash stated he'd be ready to roll in the early afternoon of January 20th, 2025.

Could you, Dr. Malone, organize your Fellow Champions to put together a team that would remove MBA from our USA healthcare systems, and replace it with patient care professionals, figuring it out how to pay for it along the way?

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I would like to see Rand Paul as head of Health and Human Services! He would need a dozen or so wrecking balls to go with him.

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I'm feeling more negative about the FDA, because it has been taking money from its pharma applicants for a very long time. The drug approval and money for the FDA should be de-linked.

Doc is correct about the revolving door between Pharma and FDA.

It's spinning faster than is legal, but no spinning should happen.

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I'm glad you're starting to think ahead because the time is fast coming that the lid will be blown off this scam (maybe has been already) and we have to be prepared to install new institutions. Nature abhors a vacuum so if we're not ready, unscrupulous people will slide in with their solutions.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Fend off a New World Global Government while reforming our Nation states?

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It's a tall order but we have to do it. I remember an interview of one of the organizers of the Baltic Chain of Freedom. He said bringing about the revolution was one thing, but you're at your most vulnerable at the point the old system collapses if you have nothing ready to take its place.

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Dr. Malone your contribution remains essential. Thank you for all your hard work. DC, NYC and Big Tech (San Fran) decided they were bigger than America and chose to disconnect from its citizenry and hold them in contempt. In time it will become obvious that this was an epic mistake on their part.

In the meantime we must realize that the institutions whether government, finance, technology, education, etc that are centered in these places are now corrupted to a point that they are unrecoverable as institutions that will serve faithfully the citizens of America. In fact, regrettably, they seem to be quite committed to destroying the underpinnings of America whether it be our Constitution, Bill of Rights or foundational pillars including faith, family, the rule of law and community service. I do not see how you can even begin to set things right until they collapse into their own corruption with all seeing the evil they represent. At that stage those who remain committed to the ideas of America can move forward. What geographical form that might take is impossible to tell but for certain the concentration of the federal government in DC should be no more. I do agree with you that NYC financial interests have played an outsized role in corrupting major federal government institutions. Those of us with like minds need to stick together as no doubt there will be some tough times.

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"The love of money is the root of all evil" - your diagnosis and prediction of demise seems depressingly likely. As always, vigilance and discernment is needed. Unsure if corruption is ever really disrupted; rather like a single cancer cell. Prayers and thank you as always.

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All great ideas, may many be implemented‼️

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Excellent interview. Unfortunately, when a cancer has become systemic the body usually is overwhelmed and dies. I don’t know what can be done to save what this nation was intended to be, other than mass repentance. "Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.” -Job 4:8

P.S. Didn’t Reagan try to eliminate some agencies?

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A new broom sweeps clean...

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Many of the most egregious were the doing of JFK.

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Restoration of the scientific method is required. Conformity of epidemiological models to the Principles of Reasoning is also required; under these principles, the induced model expresses all of the available information about the outcomes of the future but no more. See the seven volume Entropy Minimax Sourcebook by the late theoretical physicist Ronald Christensen for details on this approach to building an epidemiological model. This is NOT the approach being taken today.

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Checks and Balances are a thing of the early 1970s. Thus are nearly all vanished in legal ether.

Nixon closed Gold window, never realizing the fate of America, with wretched later end results.

1984 Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote candidly in his opinions and book notes,

That this entire Federal Court system must be put to "trial" as result of allowing Admin. over reach.

To which "OVER REACHING" is a Gold standard for how things work in "Busy Town" DC politics.

Why ask for permission over anything anymore? I'll have my lawyers to argue forgiveness details.

One need look no farther into the swamp to witness Justice serves the criminally adapted cartel.

How many messy slime Executive orders has current Admin dumped or reversed on Americans?

We are slave to a "gravy trainers" and "Golden parachute's", of a planned Social Life Extinction!

Now extremely obvious . This Malone Substack is a VOLUMETRIC knowledge source site and links

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