There are interesting rumblings going on that may be harbingers of good things happening. First, Sen Cruz has remembered he is now a Texan and has gotten very active in supporting conservative Texans in public office, particularly Rep. Chip Roy who has been on fire lately. Second, AG Ken Paxton is now unchained after a 1/4 yr hiatus caused by a rino/dimocrat conspiracy. Even more interesting, he is maybe considering a run for John Cornyn's Sen. seat. Just what that will mean in the long run is anyone' s guess.

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Hi Dr. Nash, I listen to Ted Cruz’s podcast Verdict all the time and he bashes Biden pointing out all of his high crimes and misdemeanors. But But But behind the doors of the senate chambers he has said he would not vote to convict Joe. I think it’s China millionaire Mitch McConnell swaying all republicans to let all of them continue to get wealthier and wealthier from China. As much as I like Ted, unless something has changed, he’s not willing to do the right thing. Maybe he should go to the airport and see how Joe is now flying illegals in from other countries, completely illegally, at night, and allowing them to stay. No evidence, to all, my ass!!!!!!

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Share your angst about Cruz. Have to remember he is an alumnus of harvard law. We remember who else enjoys that distinction.

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I’m sorry but I sadly don’t think America will survive if Joe makes it to the end of his term. Why Kevin McCarthy has had no indictments and no impeachments on any of this in your face criminal mafia administration is dumbfounding to me. What will it take?

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Elections!! There is more time than you may think. "They" are terrified of us knowing full well how much of a minority they are. Precisely why they attack the 2nd amendment so vigorously. Fear! And as long as that fear persists, and we work to win elections, worms may turn. Example, if Paxton replaces Cornyn, McConnell loses a big part of his support. He may become toast with a few similar elections lost to honest conservatives. So keep on trucking, James, all is not lost yet.

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Micheal, perhaps Mitch will have a "pause" in his speech that will last forever.

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Would hurt my conscience if mitch "paused" indefinitely.

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Kevin McCarthy owes allegiance to only his donors. Matt Gaetz may be our only hope. He must convince enough Republicans that support for McCarthy will only hasten our demise.

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Gaetz has already said he will not take the Speaker job. Wonder who would take it?

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I would love to see Margery Taylor Greene.

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Chip Roy?

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Love Gaetz, very well spoken. Always check out his podcast firebrand. Wish he had more.

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Same with two faced Graham.

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Worthless willow tree …. I lived in

The SC Lowcountry.

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In Tucker’s interview with Paxton we got a pretty good glimpse into the political situation in Texas. Democrats are actively doing the same thing in every state.

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He also did an interview with Texas Scorecard. My take, based on his experience here in Texans is that when fdr/lbj dims saw which way the wind was changing many simply put an R after their name and went on being dims, simply sounding conservative for the rubes every 2 yrs then putting one of their number in the House Chair and killing conservative measures.

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I recommend everyone see that. An eye opener on how the elections are being conducted. Paxton was really strung up by the TX rhinos, in spite of him winning the election by such a wide margin. I guess the feds are not through with him either. Truly frightening and bleak whether we will be able to counter the mail-in ballots.

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Let's get down to basic facts. Our DC representatives in the Senate are all bought and paid for. It's a uniparty that won't bite the hand that feeds them. Someone should tally up the total wealth of the Senators. Obama certainly learned how it is done. 5 multimillion dollar estates and counting! Probably exceeds the 65-million-dollar book deal. How many books were really sold? Silent on RNA harm! Just a few having the courage to speak their mind on RNA and the ever deeping debt level!

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Bravo to Rand Paul. A taboo topic like J6

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Wouldn't it be wonderful to see Chip Roy in the Senate!

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Rather seem him Speaker of the House

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Cornyn is one of the worst "Republican" Senators in office, a close second to Mitt Romney.

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Mr. john cornyn has never faced a real challenger. Folks like myself have voted for him for years because he appeared to be the only "conservative" choice. When President Trump was elected, I began recognize what a dishonest two-faced rino politician he is as well as the rest of the uni-party. His voting record, his overwhelming accumulation of wealth while in office and his blatant apathy for the welfare of Texas and America speaks volumes.

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Afraid you are right. Sadly, what choice was offered?

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Dr. Malone, this is an excellent explanation of what is taking place. Thank you. I see it too. I don't know who to tell, but the fear and worry caused by the crumbling of our society, country and world is frightening me to the point of severe depression. I don't know what to do. I have been a evangelical Christian most of my life, but my hope for our future is almost gone. Every day is a chore. I have spent the last three years reading and researching every aspect of what has been happening. My knowledge and insight have grown considerably, but my heart is breaking. From the time I was a young girl during the Cuban Missile Crisis I have wanted to save the world. I can't just sit idly by. Knowing there are people like you and your wife, RFK, etc., is my only comfort. I believe God is in control, but I don't want my family to have to live in a world where chaos and anarchy rule. I know this is jumbled, but I had to pour out my heart somewhere. I just want my joy back.

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Stay close to the spirit to guide you. Don’t loose hope. God is with you.

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Fear ends when faith begins.

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Reason and critical thought processes also end when faith takes over. Like so many things in life, it is a double-edged sword.

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That's not true.

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Definition 2) from Websters: faith is a belief not based on logical proof or material evidence.

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Amin! Gospodi Blagoslovi.

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Thank you.

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I think about those who will live on in a joyless world after I’m gone. I can’t think about it everyday, but once in a while I pray that people will change and pray for all this immorality to end. So, don’t let anything or anyone steal your joy, take joy in the small things, the beauty of God’s creations, live by the Golden Rule. Remember, there have been worse times on earth than we’re currently seeing. Best wishes for a better future.

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Keep the faith and share the messages Dr Malone provides with everyone you know and meet. The spell can be broken if we have the courage to stand our ground and never surrender.

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You might want to look into what people of faith have been doing with Scientology. It's pretty big in parts of Africa. They have a streaming channel giving some examples.

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Thank you, but I don't want to go down that road.

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That's what the enemies of freedom want you to say.

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For those of us who need earthly guidance on actually doing something, try The patriots field manual:a citizens guide to saving America at the LOCAL LEVEL (emphasis mine.) William J Ostan

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Is this still the United States of America? Does feel as ifI am I a strange country.

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It is a nation being run by a felonious government stolen by a cabal of conspirators thru a stolen election, i.e. a banana republic in the making

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When I think of it, I am glad to be 80.

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More like a banana 🍌 split! Already made by the ice cream 🍦 🍨 loving higher-ups :-(

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While woke/trans ideology dominates 90% of media, 70% of government, and 70% of corporate boards (my estimates), all of these things combined constitute maybe 3% of the total US population. While the rest of the population is divided, a very good portion are persuadable. So we're in classic need of a figurative decapitation operation, and we know exactly where to focus that effort. Government and corporate boards. jmo of course.

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Like Bill Burr says, "We're all eating the same shit sandwich", or maybe it would better said we're all being fed the same shit sandwich.

I take it to mean that we are all truly in this together.

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The Sen. From Indiana is forthcoming directly to DOJ at the hearing. She was not a clown. We all need a Rep. like her.

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The massive distortion of language rolls on. Misinformation was called deception and Disinformation was called a lie or maybe they are interchangeable. Both original terms are easily understood while their replacements are intended to confuse. Humans are so easily persuaded to believe just about anything by those willing to lie and deceive.

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Good thoughts T.

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I believe we have allowed a corrupted election system insert an authoritarian administration that is hell bent on destroying America. Joe took an oath to uphold our constitution and then devised a multi pronged attack to destroy it. To pile on they have eliminated our southern border completely and it looks as though there could be as many as 20 million new illegals in our country before the cabal inserts him in for his second term. And the house RHINOS say there’s no evidence. We should take a little bit of our 5 trillion in tax revenue and buy each house republican a fiddle so they can all fiddle with each other as America burns. J.Goodrich

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IMO it's OBiden. Should the Democrat's again win the presidency it will be Owhomever. The same objectives will be pursued. We need to do our best to see that doesn't happen! As an aside I have never shown any sign of being a Democrat for many years now. None the less I recently received a Michelle Obama email recommending I check my voter registration and recruit 3 more to register. I am not reacting to such intrusions so to do marginal tracking of their strategies. My registration doesn't need checking. Were I to get any new registrants they would be R. So...

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It's the old Obama team, now with more neocons!

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Aaron Kheriaty says Biden is no longer a defendant, so the case is now named Murthy V Missouri. He doesn't explain why this change. https://aaronkheriaty.substack.com/p/legal-update-missouri-v-biden-now

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Right and updates can be found here: https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/murthy-v-missouri/

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Aaron says that he will post when there is a Supreme Court decision. The Scotus Blog link above shows no action since 9/20

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Interesting situation. Perhaps there is proof that Biden, the person, never pressured any entity to throttle or block speech.

Had this been Trump, I doubt there would be a change.

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By naming institutions, not specific infividuals , is a the better injunction. No matter who controls these institutions, the injunction covers all. Govt has always jawboned it it part of th "Bully Pulpit". It is the reporters who have been bought, but people like you, McCullugh and others have gained significant traction and others are joining the free speech mantra every day. Perhaps they will call you the "5th Estate"

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Thanks to you, so many of us know what to look for. You are keeping us "safe" from their tricks and shenanigans.

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Everything is in commotion . I think that is their plan. I like the dog story. We have to be aware of our surrounding. We have to speak up when faced with contrary action.

Drs Malone thank you for this platform. It is so refreshing to know we are like minded. I feel as if we have a whole set of new friends with the same love of country and constitution.

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I guess it boils down to this! WHO HAS THE BIGGEST MEGAPHONE!

England's data certainly should be broadcast on the biggest megaphone of all!


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Fascinating Thomas. Great stats and alarming.

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The clowns on TWiV have a new sales pitch for the "new and improved booster" this morning: It reduces viral SHEDDING!! This seems to be the new theme now that they can't talk about the reduction of transmission in a straightforward way.

Guess what they don't mention? SHEDDING of the mRNA spike that their bodies will produce by the trillions.

Jim - Atlanta

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Dr. Peter Mc Cullough fearlessly publishes Substack Courageous Discourse daily, including stats. He just presented the SADS data? To EU. He pays for Instagram spots…. No, not on cable. But then we don’t either.

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I am sorry. It seems that I either am immune to this type of 'progaganda' trick, or I read and filter and my result is .. I catch the twists in nuance and the thrust of the argument under mining the first proposed 'we should all support free speech'. Fails to sway me. But then again, I don't consume this media night and day via TV (tell a vision/story) and other 'social' (what they want you to know and think) media... and no, I don't much care what others think of my opinions or thoughts. Shrugs. I am now going back to my yard work and planting that lovely honeysuckle vine...

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The ability to critically analyze what is read or seen is no longer taught in government schools. It's still an important piece of learning to be an effective, productive human. There are woefully few left. With fewer still who are prepared to join the ranks of those so able and too many who use the ability for evil.

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So right. It is only propaganda if you buy into it. My brain always does a "say what?" even on junk that comes from the 'right'.

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That’s pretty much what we’ve come to expect from The Hill. Those who read The Hill read it because they know they’ll hear exactly what they want to hear, and nothing else.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

I am all too accustomed to the double speak of nearly every sector of government and its appendices and mouth pieces. If you study the original, you know the lie or error when you hear or read it. The Bill of Rights' 'negative and positive rights' have been turned on their head to become a case law of ‘exceptions’, by degree.

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There are honorable Constitutionalists…and then there are those who read into the law something that is not actually there. 'Case Law' can cut both ways.

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Our Constitution was written so that an ordinary citizen could easily understand it. It only becomes murky when professional obstructionists get their grubby paws on it and slather it with legalese. I honestly believe we would be in much better shape had we not allowed lawyers to become legislators.

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Even if they were not, they do not write laws, their staff along with assistances from outside (mainly law schools) write the laws.

Elected officials even have staff to keep track of their donor lists so they don't forget who they work for.

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We should be able to read our laws without the need of a law library. We have given lawyers, and particularly judges, way too much authority. The final authority in a trial should be the jury, not a judge. They are not only because lawyers have so obfuscated the law that even they cannot agree on its meaning. That is flat out wrong

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Agree on all counts. It is the legal staff that move on to law firms and corporation as they get paid a small fortune to decipher the laws for law clients and as guidance for corporations to navigate.

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Honest Constitutionalist are a boon.

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As Biden says, the constitution wasn't meant to be 'forever'.

Won't he be surprised when he realizes that the constitution was inspired by the Creator, about the universal equality of all. To embrace wealth as an end to a means, is the saddest, most shallow, of all purposes and motivations.

We are all here to grant each other tender grace, not to possess enough of a resource to control the population that relies on that same resource.

Every transgression rewards each doer ten fold. Some call it karma, just desserts, what-is-due.

In the end, we all are going to gets what's due. So let us seek grace and a loving way forward, even for those who despitefully use us.

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Dear friends,

he technique of the politicians who are pushing this absurd policies on us is to make pontifications rather than arguments. To defeat them, we must force them to make deductive arguments about the conditional outcomes of the events of the future for the physical systems they claim to be able to regulate.and refute these arguments. I provide help on how to do so pro bono..


Terry Oldberg

Engineer, Scientist, Public Policy Researcheer

Los Altos Hills, California



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