Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a brilliant piece of work. Thank you you Dr. Malone. A great way to begin the day. Bravo.

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Doc Malone keeps hitting home runs, thought masterpieces in his essays.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for this piece! I love your thoughts and comparisons with animals - dogs here - there are sweet lapdogs and cruel fight dogs and everything in between - so aptly for the howling of the corporate press.

And thank you so much for mentioning the Brave browser! Funny the App has the symbol of a lion 🦁

From our perspective in Austria, where the highes courts confirmed almost every unconstitutional and unscientific mandate the government passed in the last 2 years, we envy you having judges contradicting such mandates. I believe it depends on who was appointed by whom, unfortunately again political in most cases... Although judges - same as media/journalism btw - should be impartial...

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I particularly liked the "woof" at the end !

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So frightening....the radical left actually believes what they are proposing.

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Mass formation psychosis. The UN crowd and their proxies like Al Gore, David Suzuki have been working on green-a-tising populations for decades. It's completely socially engineered. And now we have these hysterical idiots who think that the earth is about to collapse. The globalists can see immediately who is captured! Of course they will howl and bare teeth if you don't fall into line.

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The globalists prescriptions create a Sri Lanka. God forbid that happens here.

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You don't know what you are asking for. God help the Sri Lankans. We have seen this story before. There are going to be mass deaths due to starvation and a total collapse of their civilization. The horror of it breaks my heart.

Don't, God forbid, wish that on us.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The liberals claim a majority of people support their agenda. If that’s true as they claim why would they be against a convention of the states to amend the Constitution? Or do they really know deep down their agenda isn’t really as popular as they would like us all to believe. Michael Savage has it right: “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.” Trashing our Constitution will destroy our country along with all individual rights and freedom. It would not be a good outcome for anyone including the liberals. The same is true for the globalists and their quest for world domination and power. That too will not be good for anyone, especially the elites.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A majority does NOT support their agenda. That’s why the Libs and Wannabe Resetters have to be so LOUD and OBNOXIOUS.

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Apparently this last election was a “mandate” for the Democrat Communist Party...

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Exactly. Have believed from the beginning the elites were shooting themselves in their tiny collective feet.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The administrative state has been Democrat-dominated for years. This is why US government policy has steadily shifted to the left for years. If JFK were alive today, he would be considered a conservative. Today, JFK would be pilloried in the press for saying “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country”. The Democrats seem to have no comprehension of how far left they’ve moved. They have long acted as if the US Constitution and those Americans holding opposing views are their mortal enemy.

That they would adhere to the objectives of a global organization, the WEF, who are seeking to destroy Western democracy and national sovereignty comes as no surprise. The most totalitarian regimes today (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy) are all dominated by leftist political parties. We are in the midst of a global coup d’etat and these recent US Supreme Court rulings are a major setback for the leftist conspirators.

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We need all the Revolutionaries we can spare committed to the Constitution.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderful post today Doc! LOL on “Mr. Goldberg pulls back from going full la la land cray-cray”. Love your great sense of humor! 🤣🤣🤣

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

YES, ditch the Constitution and embrace the New World Order and The Great Reset...

We <3 you, Klaus... May you live forever in a computer... but why wait? Ditch that human form already!

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"Friends"? I bet Yuval would inject him with a mind-controlling serum and chip him as soon as he'd get the chance... He probably loves Klaus just as much as we do :P...

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Take a look at this website: Read psalm 119 .. I contacted a friend who had some similar issues. did you try Hydrogen Peroxide in your ears? do you grind you teeth? get a mouth guard for athletes .. my son used them.. for teeth grinding.. I will work on this some more. check that website. .

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Nothing wrong with seeing the entire gestalt. After all our “elected” leaders are handmaidens for the WEF & friends.

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And I recall George W. Bush refer to the United States Constitution as a just a G.D. piece of paper.

Recorded live and in living color on every major TV news channel.

But then again so was his swearing in to uphold the very same piece of paper, live on every TV!

Double speak is a learned behavior, is it not? Pretty common in the halls of 1616 Pennsylvania av.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Superb analysis. As near as I can tell from the fringes of civilization here in Flor-gia, it is a little late to be calling for the end of the US Constitution, as I think that the slow death of that document began long ago (as in the mid-1800s). No level of government today appears to respect any part of it. The Bill of Rights has been largely dismantled (unless, you happen to be a billionaire, of course). We have entered the "hockey stick" of collapse now and the Big Crack-up (AKA, Great Reset) seems inevitable.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Needed right now, thanks. Timing great & right on. In the midst of the total totalitarian effects of 2020-22 that these ghouls have worked to jettison the Constitution, pack the Supreme Court is absolutely 100% to have been expected. If we all can’t see by now the shape and mechanisms of this kleptocratic world wide government play we may be lost to the mass hysteria.

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Wow…mine gave me a Google web site warning?

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Google reportedly returning errors and odd explanations why the 4Chan leaks from Hunter Biden's Icloud emails. So the sweep to censor this could be widespread.

The Google site warnings used to be about security risks, but now are misused to make you scared of clicking through to your page.

The Deep State keeps revealing who they are more precisely, when they participate in censorship, propaganda, and fear and hate-mongering.

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Because their narrative is breaking down. But yes, sensed this. They rely on fear to do their work.

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Same here! It says I'm all caught up and doesn't show access. Even more fun...I had to find this in my spam account along with other tidbits.

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Exactly. Think SubStack is finally acting like a Big Tech, Silicon Valley clone.

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I don't think it is Substack but the environments it mast attach to and pass through.

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Have a funny feeling Dr. Malone and others can’t view some of our responses.

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Don't doubt it , thanks. If we don't make their lists we're not doing our jobs. lol. It's the 2020-22 new advanced degree.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another one for the road. Those people are really crazy :

NYC releases PSA for residents in the event of a nuclear attack

¨As if New Yorkers don’t have enough to worry about, they’re now getting step-by-step instructions on what to do if the Big Apple comes under nuclear attack.

New York City’s Emergency Management Department released a 90-second public service announcement Monday featuring empty city streets and sirens going off in the background amid the rare event.

“So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why,” says a woman who’s walking a deserted city street. “Just know that the big one has hit, OK? So what do we do?”

The PSA laid out three actions residents should take, with the first common-sense measure being getting inside as quickly as possible.

“And no, staying in the car is not an option,” she says. “You need to get into a building and move away from the windows.”

Once inside, New Yorkers are told to stay inside and shut every door and window.

“Have a basement? Head there,” she says. “If you don’t have one, get as far into the middle of the building as possible.”

City residents who were outside at the time of a blast are advised to wash up as soon as possible.

“Remove and bag all outer clothing to keep radioactive dust or ash away from your body,” the PSA advises.

The final step is to follow media for more information and sign up for Notify NYC for official alerts and updates to know when it’s safe to go back outside.

“Alright,” the woman says reassuringly. “You’ve got this.” Read More + Video 1:29 min


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The possibility of a nuclear attack whether in the form of all out nuclear warfare, a dirty bomb attack, or an ElectroMagneticPulse (EMP) should not be discounted and we should all be better prepared. We should not be dependent upon the government to know what we should do be prepared. It wasn’t that long ago when Congress commissioned a study on the possibility of an EMP, it effects and what can be done now to prepare to minimize the effects. The Commission did its job, made several relatively inexpensive recommendations and Congress has since done nothing. Yet look at all our money wasted, actually used against us, by the unconstitutional HHS.

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Congressional concern over an EMP attack followed by inaction sure sounds like one of those "ramp up the fear" efforts.

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Just hope you aren't in the subway since we still nave no communications for engineers or cell phones in most of the system because there hasn't been enough "Homeland Security" spending since 9-11 to implement basic radio communication for subways. On the bright side everyone who failed to protect NYC on 9-11 now has a security corp worth millions.

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Sounds mostly like advice folks living in the tornado belt have been hearing for decades.

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Nuclear blast and remembering all of that? When the Hiroshima bomb fell, people were vapourised and with the intensity of the explosion, a black shadow of where a person had stood was left

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It is possible to survive all out nuclear warfare.

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Not that you would want to.

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The only reason they are doing that is to create Fear.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This beautiful night of the 13th day of July, the moon will be very close to the planet. Low elevation. Summer is nice.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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The Supreme Court has no enforcement capability. It can uphold the Constitution and hand down rulings to get the government back into line but that only works if there is voluntary compliance. Biden and his administration have shown contempt for the Court and its rulings. Biden has made it clear he does not intend to abide by them, particularly Roe. In the case of Roe this is bluster on Biden's side because the Court gave authority back to the states and their legislatures to work out their own acceptable standards. However, Biden his administration and some states (NY in particular) don't like the 2nd Amendment rulings and have said they won't abide by them.

There are other provisions in the Bill of Rights that are currently being blatantly violated. The many people currently held in a D. C. jail because they walked into the Capital is a clear violation of the Constitution. They are, in effect, political prisoners.

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So basically our President is starting a civil war between the executive branch of federal government and the states on many matters. Another destructive set of acts to add to his long list. I saw yesterday he was claiming to be able to put into place actions (like Canada) to keep people from moving between states if not vaccinated. If you recall the build back better bill that failed included a fortune for a vaccine registry that would be the backbone of digital IDs. So he is trying to accomplish this through other means.

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Fortunately we in the USA are not YET entirely sheep like the Canadians seem to be. There is no way people would comply with restrictions on their interstate travel nor would most of the states uphold it.

The only way they could enforce this would be with a social credit system such as is used in China. This would track people and punish them individually. If the Biden regime has its way it will also digitalize our currency taking over complete control of our bank accounts, as was done in Canada.

What is more frightening currently is the way the Biden administration is encouraging/allowing dangerous protests and harassment of five of the conservative Supreme Court justices. The lastest outrage was allowing a mob, alerted by social media, to run Justice Kavanaugh and his family out of a restaurant. When the restaurant came to the defense of Kavanaugh being able to eat in their establishment the Left went on the attack against the restaurant. The Federal government through the DOJ has refused to enforce the law already on the books to protect judges.

There has already been one potential assassination that was only thwarted because the man who came to do the deed still had a sliver of conscience and sanity left and turned himself in.

The Democrats and this administration are becoming cornered dogs. They know they are in deep trouble with a majority of the population and their policies are not going to improve their standing going into the November elections. They know they will not have the votes in the Senate to change the political nature of the Court after November. It seems the current encouragement of deranged protesters is a nefarious method to create vacancies on the Court now. Why else, now that Roe has been decided, are these protesters still out there daily threatening the safety and security of the justices and their families? Why is there now an app that tracks the movements of the justices when they leave their homes so they can be mobbed by Left wing lunatics bent on mayhem.

I don't understand why the governors of Virginia and Maryland have refused to step up and protect the Supreme Court justices. It is the right thing to do. They can have jurisdictional arguments with the Feds later.

What is going on is reminiscent of Venezuela when Chavez came to power. He won that first election by convincing the people he would improve their lives by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. At that time Venezuela had a free press and a Supreme Court. Chavez smashed the press and only those outlets that sang his song were allowed to live. The Supreme Court ruled against his constitutional violations and usurpation of power again and again. He had the military and he ignored the Court.

Are we going the way of Venezuela?

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Cornered cowards are dangerous but they eventually turn tail and run.

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Unfortunately these cornered cowards have a whole lot of force behind them. This administration is using the DOJ, the FBI and other agencies to target their political enemies. This may have happened in the past but never at this level and in such a blatant fashion. They get away with it because their propaganda arm is the media.

They can still do lots and lots of damage before they lose power.

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Believe we understood from the beginning this would be true. Doubt if Joe Biden independently mentioned “you can’t fight the government, they have Nukes and gunships.” Lines have been drawn. Think it might be up to us.

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What does "up to us" translate into? What action would we take?

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Both Governors are apparently considering runs for President. I can't speak for Virginia. Hogan appears to be good with left policies. He bad mouths Trump and "Trump policies. Another Martin O'Malley in his pretend Republican garb. The latest Govs in MD appear bereft of a vision about a state of their dress. Re the Justices - Despicable! Off the rails. Should be front and center of their efforts going forward. Don't let him fool you!

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Could Larry Hogan have been elected in Maryland if he was more conservative? I think not. Voters have a general sense that Republicans are better managers than Democrats and will vote for a Republican when they have run their state into extremis, but if there is a Democrat majority they will always choose the squishy Republican. We have seen examples of this in NY, NJ, MD, CA, etc.

I thank God daily I live in Florida. We have had mostly very good governors in the more than 50 years I have lived here but DeSantis is, by far, the best.

I had family members that lived in MD and would visit there frequently. If I had to do any business whatsoever with government there, at any level, it was always an ordeal. I contrast that with Florida where government here tries to help you. The massive flood of new arrivals may eventually destroy that, especially as they come from blue states where they have become accustomed to being abused and ignored by their governments. They also bring their stupid voting patterns with them. So far, we seem to be registering more Republicans than Democrats and now have 200,000 more registered Republicans than Democrats for the first time ever in FL history.

Let us hope we can integrate all these new people and still keep Florida "Florida."

When I look back 2 years and realize we could have gotten Andrew Gillum as our governor I shudder. We are always one election away from ruin as we see currently with out national government.

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Agree with you. Hogan's initial campaign (and after that horrible Martin O'Mallley) sounded reasonably conservative. Gradually his true core exposed itself. He did zip for his party. He painted himself into a corner where the legislature over rules and ignores him. To think he has aspirations of running for President (unless he's hoping to be a spoiler) is bizarre.

I think Trump and DeSantis are tops. IMO neither would disappoint. I keep noting to a Florida friend that she couldn't be more fortunate! Power to you folks to continue your success!

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Thank you. Hogan may have presidential aspirations but they won't go anywhere. He is deluding himself if he thinks so.

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Doesn’t this remind you of something Obama would do? I really thought Biden would be better than this.

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I knew Biden would be horrible. The man is corrupt. He was stupid and now he is demented. The perfect tool.

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I hoped he’d at least care about the country somewhat. Obama never seemed American to me.

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I hope you'll watch the past 2 nights of Tucker's opening monologue. He focuses on the Biden family corruption and the many ways they have sold pieces of our country's foreign policy, energy and capability to China. He went into great detail last night.

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Bottom line: Reelection objectives override judicial rulings.

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Well said. "Brevity is the soul of wit. "

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Illegally imprisoned by the Deep State, politcal prisoners, subjects of medical experimentation? Being under seige is nothing new in America, they're simply using different tools now that we all agreed to the super "convenience" of the digital age & allowing Big Tech to be in league with our governments.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hopefully the cognitive dissonance cuts through the mental illness of mass hysteria.


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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can’t say it wasn’t expected. Free speech just got a bit more dangerous, lol.

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