This is the end game. Biomedical corporate control and tracking of the individual, along with genetic and machine "augmentation". These pyschopaths don't seem to understand that just because something is possible, doesn't mean it's a good idea to do it. I'm also really glad that when I accuse Neo-Leftist corporate globalists of being Nazis, they completely deny it and tell me I'm imagining things.

Australia and New Zealand are a glimpse of the global future. These people are dangerous. When the concept of individual human rights and freedoms becomes a mocking punch line on the left, you know they've lost their minds.

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RemovedJan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022
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I am not Dr. Malone. You're replying to my comment, but I am not he.

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I will followup on this, Elizabeth. God bless and stay strong. We are with you.

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I will follow-up on this because I haven't really heard much about it until I saw your posts. After I do some more research I will address it in whatever limited way I can. Even if it is just raising awareness and exposing yet another area where innocent people are being exploited and used for nonconsensual human experimentation. I have some ideas on how I would like to approach it but like I say I do need to look into it further and become familiar.

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I followed your link. That is some crazy, tragic stuff. But unfortunately my gut tells me it is not beyond what the amoral mischief makers behind the curtain are capable of. You also must know that fighting these bastards on one front is a monumental task let alone multiple fronts. I believe if doctor Malone pursued your cause right now they would have a field day destroying him and discrediting the important work he is doing on other fronts. I do sympathize with the abuse you bring to light. I hope there is an alternative method or treatment out there you can find to free you from it. It must be maddening.

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Thanks something to think about as I drop off into sleep...if they let me...

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Actually I dont do zuckerbook, bezos, dorsey or any of the other mind numbing social media tech. I dont dismiss what you are saying though. It is just one more level to the corruption taking place. You can hide a lot of bad programs in many different rabbit hole compartments in an 800 billion dollar budget and a black ops budget that generates twice that amount. The sheer magnitude of it is mind boggling.

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EC, what is the name of the implant technology you are being subjected to by DARPA?

Second time asking the question.

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RemovedJan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022
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RemovedJan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022
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EC, honestly, I am a little overwhelmed as it is trying to unravel and keep up with the covid psyop. But I dont think you should be knocking Dr. Malone right now because he is not taking on assymetrical mind control too, along with everything else. Why dont you go after someone that is actively involved with the torture you are experiencing. Expose them and bring attention to their crimes. Attacking Dr. Malone because of his professional associations to institutions with programs he was not actively involved in seems unfair. You must know about the level of compartmentalization that goes on. You have brought attention to your issue but you will only succeed in alienating people if you continue to attack Dr. Malone and that will not help you in the long run. Just something to consider.

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RemovedJan 23, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022
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Thank you for delving into this dark, dystopian creepiness we definitely need to be aware of, and I agree we should introduce laws to stop this Frankensteinian course before it’s too late.

Dr. Malone, I know you’re super-busy with Defeat the Mandates happening today and probably haven’t had time to read your comments, so I just wanted to let you know I published your Profile in Courage yesterday:


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Thank you! I just published your piece. Your support is much appreciated

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Wonderful and so glad I caught you amidst the madness! It was a privilege to write. Thank you for your good work, Dr. Malone.

Do you have a link to where you published it? I don’t see it at Substack but would love to check it out when you have time to share.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is such a beautiful article, Margaret Anna!

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Aww, thanks so much, Tessa! 🤗

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Wow! So that is how a pro does it! An amazing treatise on the credentials, credibility and selflessness of this good man. You make that indisputable. You also drive home the point that he exceeds the qualifications for a NPP in medicine for both his professional accomplishments and his willingness to advocate for people's medical rights across the globe. Great bit of research and journalism!

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Haha, thanks, John, and glad you appreciated it!

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I’ll read the report. Your primer however shows their Achilles heel. There is no spiritual component, and that will either be their undoing or the undoing of humanity.

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deletedJan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

Good to have your learned experience. In addition to the core issue of spiritually I wondered how the Masters of Unintended Consequences (the government) was going to implement this level of complexity. It has been said that one of the USAs greatest assets in WW2 was a kind of decentralized subsidiary of control, unlike our enemies. Humility before God is also of great use, as stated in Psalm 33:16-17.

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deletedJan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022
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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

RE: “ They won’t likely admit it and repent.“

Not only that, but the people who complied will have a very difficult—or impossible—time accepting and admitting that they have been duped and downright abused.

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Terminator, anyone? Brought to you by atheists. God fearing people could not do this.

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Dunno about that. Lots of arrogant Christians out there too, although I would hope that that would give many or most pause. Francis Collins, who just 'retired' (in shame, or embarrassment) to 'see more of his family', claimed to be a Christian. Didn't act like one, IMO though (remember when Fauci and Collins emailed back and forth planning how to destroy the scientists credibility after the Great Barrington Declaration?)

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I wouldn't call them Christians any more than I'd call Eco-Communist Pedo Pope Bergoglio Catholic. Satan's in the pulpit or running who is. Last year, vax pimp Franklin Graham abused scripture to nag Christians into injections. He soon suffered pericarditis which he described as a hardening of the sac around the heart. His pericardium had to be surgically removed. Recall that God hardened the hearts of Pharaoh & others. Graham missed the irony. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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Cowards and frauds. A disgrace to the memory of early Christians who faced death to congregate. They need to get another job.

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Satan is hiring...

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Naomi just said God fearing people but you attack Christians specifically. Why not respond that there are many arrogant God fearing people out there? Believers of many religions say they fear God and then violate their creed. Some religions promote horrible violence within their creed to please their god as opposed to reluctantly giving into it as a last resort. Any thoughts on their "arrogance"? Satanists appear to be the most arrogant and most violently abusive "believers" as they go about living their credo. They do not fear their god nor do they resist claiming superiority of their god over the God that Christians worship. It would be hypocritical of them not to be arrogant...but I dont come across many hypocritical Satanists, they all seem to be pretty committed to their creed and their god. Any thoughts concerning the "arrogance" of the sick Satanists that are attempting to take over the world right now?

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I thought I was pretty measured in crisizing Christian's. Pretty much in my opinion the same criticisms could be applied to everyone. I mostly said it because I consider myself a Christian (although IMO Collins needs to have a talk with the lord)

Just so it is understood. I stand totally with the Christians. I dont consider myself a particularly strong one, and I'm grateful to be forgiven. If my criticism doesn't strike a "chord" then ignore my comment.

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I apologize if I came across too defensive Richard. It is a knee-jerk reaction. Believers in Jesus are under attack constantly from the secular left and less tolerant intellectual humanists and I must admit we leave ourselves open to attack when we fail to live by His teachings. Which at times I am guilty of. Repentance is a one time thing but perfecting our walk is an ongoing process. I appreciate your perspective, brother.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You don't need to believe in the supernatural to find this extremely creepy!

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There is nothing ever to fear from God, there is only love

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The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9-10. Awe might be a better modern translation for the fear in this proverb.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

Yeah- agreed awe is better. I’ve seen it put as the kind of feeling we might have for someone we revere and who is good to us...because of that, someone we don’t want to hurt or disappointment...not because of punishment, but because it creates a wound between us and a distance. Wonderful thing about the Lord has been encoded in the story of The Prodical Son...and his welcomed return to his daddy.🌝 Kevin Zadai wrote beautifully about praying for fear of the Lord in one of his books. For me, I hope it’s a gift we can all receive because it makes many things easier when we can have a natural feeling of “being with the One we love”. These AI and augmentation plans are quite scary and well under way by the kinds of characters with such perverse morality that it would be chilling to leave your cat or dig in their care. Like leaving a dog with Tony F🙈. But, my friends let us remember that the Owner of the Universe is pretty crafty and His Image is in us — He knew us before the foundation of the world and as we knit in our mother’s womb. He will have us in the end as His Family, Our Human Family. Here is the name used by David the Shepherd to Goliath —


“You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand… For the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hand.” (1 Samuel 17: 45-47)

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Thank you for that post. It got me to thinking.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

I believe that fear can be justified in context for an evil person who may yet be living in sin. Awe is more appropriate for a child of God that accepts and applies the knowledge of holiness to gain understanding. But for those not yet repented, fear of consequence as revealed by God's wisdom might move them toward repentance and holiness. In that way the fear of the Lord would be the beginning of wisdom.

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Not if you're evil.

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The only editing that the human genome needs is to become more spiritual, more open to expanding our consciousness in love and peace.

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So you are saying we need to insert the L-O-V-E sequence somewhere within the receptor binding domain? 😁

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Wouldn’t it be nice if it was that easy. 😍

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can we say Transhumanism? These people are truly evil. I read a book years ago Technocracy Rising and I thought can this really happen? Technocracy rejects capitalism and Biblical Christianity, want state ownership of Industry, distributed wealth and rule by experts instead of politicians. And now we are living this. BTW Technocracy was first gaining steam from 1920-1940 at none other than Columbia University. Thank God it didn’t get anywhere but they never gave up. So here we are today in the battle of our lives. We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of man. We better pray up and fess up and put on the full armour of God.

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Well that was super intense. I am definitely going to read this report and write a piece on my thoughts on this report, and the incredible age in which we now exist. At no other time in history has humanity had to face down such megalomaniacal delusions of grandeur. Which is really saying something considering human history.

Now you see why the technocrats want to get everyone used to Totalitarianism. I can't even imagine what they would do with brain interfaces insofar as controlling the population. I really have to learn more about this and the WELLCOME Leap and perhaps help myself and others make sense of it through writing.

Thanks, doc

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

They seek to be GOD. They believe that the masses are their base materials to experiment with and mould into their new creatures. To say this is evil and unethical only scratches the surface. You are created in the Image of God, they seek to destroy this. It is satanic.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have been following Dr. Malone for a year or more now. I recently signed up as a free member on sub-stack to see what the level of his contribution would be on this platform. I recieved this article this morning via email notification and after reading it I immediately purchased a one year subscription. I believe Dr. Malone is not only a singularly crucial voice right now in this fight for our humanity but his unique ability to draw on a wide range of experience in navigating the mine field of pharma influenced bureaucratic endeavor elevates him to General status and his insights discerning the nuance of various internal relationships and workings is vital. We need to know what this man is thinking and know what his recommendations are for the way forward, IMHO. It will be crucial in order to truly understand the challenges we will face in the very near future. Challenges from very powerful, manipulative and, it appears, totally corrupt quasi fascist entities.

This is a very scary excerpt from the report Dr. Malone cites in this article and one we may already have the potential to be subjected to wih these mRNA injections.

"...C. Improved duration of effect. Being able to target the genome rather than being able to simply deposit DNA into cells means the edits are reproduced as the cell divides and the effect is prumulgated."

Basically, if you consent to this injection you have agreed to take part in research that is moving us toward the augmentation this report suggests is inevitable.

I will be paying very close attention to the wisdom Dr. Malone dispenses in the coming days and months. Thank you Dr. Malone and please, don't pull any punches. We need to know exactly what to expect and how to deal with it.

Please, help make this music video go viral by sharing it:

"Hands off our Children"


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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, thank you for writing about this. This report has been quietly sitting there for quite a while. There is also a similar one on the Canadian government website.

Two things I would like to add since this is a topic I have been looking into for a few years. One, philosophically, the IoT, and the IoB (the Internet of Bodies), they all connect to the traditional totalitarianism. https://tessa.substack.com/p/totalitarianism

Also just the other day, my Mercola article came out about the mind of a technocrat (the article is not sensationalist, philosophy of Big Tech has been my core area of research way before any COVID happened) https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/01/22/mind-of-a-technocrat.aspx (it's up for another 13 hours, their articles go away after 48 hours). I put a lot of soul and years of thinking into that one.

It actually blows my mind how "philosophy over a glass of wine" from several years ago is now our life. There have been so many warnings about this, so many warnings... but no one thought anybody in their good mind would actually try this in real life in any kind of foreseeable future!

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deletedJan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Talk about "arrogance and hubris" - as we now live through a "super hi-tech" attempt to control a respiratory disease borne of a virus that is a viral cousin of the common cold and ... what a result.

These governments have too much money with too little oversight.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please people... think before you take the jab... and don’t drink the kool-aid.

It could be a threat to your everlasting soul. .... in my opinion... just saying.

Thank you Dr. Malone for another excellent... heads up post.

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I understood that the mark of the beast could only be realized when you recognized it and disregarded the consequences

IOW, it couldn't be communicated by trickery. Possibly I'm wrong but IMO the lord doesn't work that way

I'd appreciate any contrary opinions and my mind isn't definitely made up yet

I understood it would be your own free will that condemned you, and I assume and hope that forgiveness is still possible. But I'm often wrong

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

OHMYGOSH!!! Watching the "Defeat the Mandates" protest at The Lincoln Memorial...CROWDS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Egos out of control- they forgot about God, and the human power of free will choice.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

These are people who do not believe in any higher power than their own hubris-filled beings. I've asked this question recently to several people, and was shocked to find they think they are the pinnacle of all consciousness in the universe and beyond. No words, but big revelation to me. Terrifying.

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Totally agree with the diagnosis of hubris. They think we've reached the height of wisdom? We were smarter 100 and 1000 years ago, although there was no technology. Just compare the important writers/authors. Just like CGI in movies, it's a poor excuse for a plot. No story but plenty of special effects, this "philosophy"will be washed away like tears in the rain (recognizing Harrison Ford in the old classic sci-fi movie)

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That is so frightening.

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Yes, that was a creepy report. I remember reading that last year


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