Look around you, David. As Mattias Desmet stated, more people are unhappy, lonely, anxious and disconnected. Technology has improved our lives to a point. It can not replace human social needs. I disagree that suffering is a natural state of man. I believe that none of us will escape pain or suffering in our lives. We are taught that we are born into suffering as a result of European indoctrination and dominance in Western thought regarding religion, philosophy, and psychology permeating our educational systems. As the Toffler's expressed in "War and Anti-War," technological innovations often have dual purposes. Just as technology can improve our lives, it can also be used for nefarious reasons: to invade your privacy and personal space by tracking every aspect of your life; to suspend your access to your property (checking account) when your actions and thoughts do not align with the state; to create weapons of mass destruction using germs and steel, just for starters. Just as it can set you free, it can also imprison you. Interfering with complex biological systems, by altering even a small part, may have harmful ramifications down the road as we are beginning to see with gene altering products. Is this the best way we can direct our energies to improve our lot (which also includes all complex interactions with other biological organisms and elements-air, water, soil) on this planet? Looking out your window, David, you may see less suffering. What about the rest of the world population, do they have the same view?
Silly question. I am right where I am supposed to be now. Spoken like a true extraction capitalist. Slavery and genocide as the means to the ends so that you don't live in a shithole. I guess it has been better for you than it has been for them. Life expectancy and annual income do not reflect quality of life. Just numbers. Ask them how they feel about it instead of telling them how they feel. David, you are the prey, now. You are now entering the world of techno colonialism. Let me know how it works out for you in a couple of years when your shithole has just begun.
Actually, I could ask the same of you, but I won't. Let's just put it this way, my ancestors survived the "Trail of Death" from Indiana to Kansas. Can't say that was an enlightening experience that pulled my people out of the jaws of savagery. We had culture, spiritual practices and our own language that was forcefully replaced by a barbarism unheard of in this part of the world while the invader also took our homelands and resources. So, to make an uninformed comment about how colonialism improved everyone's lives, I am letting you know that our suffering increased during and long after this period in history. Technology in the form of better ships and guns paved the way for centuries of pain and suffering for many peoples across the globe. When a dominant force claims intellectual and moral superiority while they plunder and murder to enrich themselves, all people need to stand up and resist. Currently, WEF is claiming intellectual and moral superiority with the technology and resources to force their agenda on the world. Centuries ago, bio-warfare in the form of intentionally trading blankets infected with small pox to Native tribes succeeded in wiping out up to 50% of the indigenous population of North America by the turn of the 18th century paving the way for the European occupation. Sir Jeffrey Amherst bragged about this effective form of warfare to his contemporaries. The movers and shakers of the WEF have invested heavily in biolabs and pharmaceutical companies. First, you manipulate the bugs (GOF) to create the threat and then create the antidotes that prove to be more toxic than effective in combating the threat. Manipulate food supplies, transportation, communications, currency, housing and fuel and you can force populations to submit. Humanity has been down this road before. The time, players, and technology change. David, I am just giving you another point of view. When I look at the military investing in science and technology, it makes me leary to say the least. The application of this newfound technology often results in destruction. Watch where your tax dollars go and demand transparency.
Look around you, David. As Mattias Desmet stated, more people are unhappy, lonely, anxious and disconnected. Technology has improved our lives to a point. It can not replace human social needs. I disagree that suffering is a natural state of man. I believe that none of us will escape pain or suffering in our lives. We are taught that we are born into suffering as a result of European indoctrination and dominance in Western thought regarding religion, philosophy, and psychology permeating our educational systems. As the Toffler's expressed in "War and Anti-War," technological innovations often have dual purposes. Just as technology can improve our lives, it can also be used for nefarious reasons: to invade your privacy and personal space by tracking every aspect of your life; to suspend your access to your property (checking account) when your actions and thoughts do not align with the state; to create weapons of mass destruction using germs and steel, just for starters. Just as it can set you free, it can also imprison you. Interfering with complex biological systems, by altering even a small part, may have harmful ramifications down the road as we are beginning to see with gene altering products. Is this the best way we can direct our energies to improve our lot (which also includes all complex interactions with other biological organisms and elements-air, water, soil) on this planet? Looking out your window, David, you may see less suffering. What about the rest of the world population, do they have the same view?
Silly question. I am right where I am supposed to be now. Spoken like a true extraction capitalist. Slavery and genocide as the means to the ends so that you don't live in a shithole. I guess it has been better for you than it has been for them. Life expectancy and annual income do not reflect quality of life. Just numbers. Ask them how they feel about it instead of telling them how they feel. David, you are the prey, now. You are now entering the world of techno colonialism. Let me know how it works out for you in a couple of years when your shithole has just begun.
Actually, I could ask the same of you, but I won't. Let's just put it this way, my ancestors survived the "Trail of Death" from Indiana to Kansas. Can't say that was an enlightening experience that pulled my people out of the jaws of savagery. We had culture, spiritual practices and our own language that was forcefully replaced by a barbarism unheard of in this part of the world while the invader also took our homelands and resources. So, to make an uninformed comment about how colonialism improved everyone's lives, I am letting you know that our suffering increased during and long after this period in history. Technology in the form of better ships and guns paved the way for centuries of pain and suffering for many peoples across the globe. When a dominant force claims intellectual and moral superiority while they plunder and murder to enrich themselves, all people need to stand up and resist. Currently, WEF is claiming intellectual and moral superiority with the technology and resources to force their agenda on the world. Centuries ago, bio-warfare in the form of intentionally trading blankets infected with small pox to Native tribes succeeded in wiping out up to 50% of the indigenous population of North America by the turn of the 18th century paving the way for the European occupation. Sir Jeffrey Amherst bragged about this effective form of warfare to his contemporaries. The movers and shakers of the WEF have invested heavily in biolabs and pharmaceutical companies. First, you manipulate the bugs (GOF) to create the threat and then create the antidotes that prove to be more toxic than effective in combating the threat. Manipulate food supplies, transportation, communications, currency, housing and fuel and you can force populations to submit. Humanity has been down this road before. The time, players, and technology change. David, I am just giving you another point of view. When I look at the military investing in science and technology, it makes me leary to say the least. The application of this newfound technology often results in destruction. Watch where your tax dollars go and demand transparency.