Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel like I live in a clown world. We have "open borders", a Chinese company makes our MRNA vaccine with no quality control and allows for 15 percent of anything, but they worry about hooking us up to the net and giving us bionic limbs and eyes?

It is all too embarrassing

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Bull Dog. I'm confused. I don't believe they are worried about us one bit about anything.

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Yea, you got me on that one. My belief is they "need" us for experiments.

Meet me half way, they are worried about our compliance?

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Bull Dog has class. Thanks.

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EC My comment was directed to Bull Dog's comment!

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Im on it. Ill try to get Roguski on it as well

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Just to be clear, what I have repeatedly said to you is that I cannot help you. I am not a surgeon.

I hope you can find some peace now that your devices have been removed.

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Thank you for the helps you have been providing to everyone doctor. Since you are the early developer of the MRNA technology, I believe you are familiar with those lipid nanoparticles used to deliver the MRNA inside the shots and their mechanism? Based on your knowledge, what is the total number of lipid nanoparticles there could be inside each shot of the Pfizer/Moderna MRNA shots that is 0.3ml per vial if I remember correctly? Could there be trillions or only billions? What percentage of cells in the body could have been altered after 2 doses of the jab, could it be more than 50% total cells in the body? Are there really any organs and tissues left in the body that are consider less affected and penetrated by the nanoparticles, which the majority of cells there are still unaltered? According to your understanding, how many lipid nanoparticles can a single somatic cell uptake at once, if the diameter of the LNP is 50~100nm?

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anyone who doesn't think that turning humans into Cyborgs is insane belongs in a mental institution!

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I think anyone who researches this crap—as if they were doing something great—is a lowlife. I have no time for them.

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Right! The problem is that ignoring them won't make them go away. They still want to kill us or enslave us, and rip us off for everything we've got, including our humanity!

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I know what I want. And that matters more.

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But do you know who you are? What we want as opposed to what we need for our soul's evolution back to Spirit is what really matters. We're coming out of a dark age of materialism.. this is the final battle.... wake up.

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The soul doesn't evolve "back to spirit", the soul IS non-physical, IS spirit. You just chose to mostly (not entirely) "forget it" so you could immerse yourself in this experience of being in a physical body.

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Yes, I do.

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Good! We can win this if we get conscious.

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Ahhhhh ... mental institutions!!

Have they changed in recent years ? They used to be those places where the (often misunderstood) physically, sexually or psychologically abused were destined to be incarcerated. Perhaps it was those experts prescribing them, what some understood as being violent "therapies" that were insane. It's a fine line.

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Don’t want to know what happens in such psychiatric institution!!! That’s dangerous IMO.

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Thank you for finally explaining all this .. maybe the removal of the all the cyber devices helped your clearly articulate what was going on. I had no idea if you were male or female.. I just knew you were suffering from mental "something" you claim was a cybertronic attack.. which i did not dismiss out of hand because I have worked with in my life severely mentally ill veterans and other people who claimed "certain things" happened to them. and I actually did my homework (like they were put in chairs in mental institute in restraint cuffs) when I did the actual inquiries to "hospital staff" .. it was the truth. shocking as it was to me.. and others. I will read all your posts. I have known about the biochips for 10 years.. or more because of my friends was hospitalized for digging it out of her arm.. (never found).. but that was when I started looking into it.. She was actually saved in the Hospital because she did do some damage to her arm. (found by social workers who called me. I actually went to. Her apt and cleaned it up personally. One of the reasons I am so tired and retired from medicine .. hardly my first run in with likes of the dark side of medicine. :)

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Psychiatric institutions used to breed violence. I don't know what they're like now, but in the past this is what I experienced while training and subsequently working for a short time thereafter in one. The staff , students, had to become first, numb, and then second, complicit, in order to function (work/learn) in that environment.

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RemovedSep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022
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Ok.. yes.. psychotronic attack.. others have referred to as that.. I mean before your post of today and also.. like you mentioned it is really shocking to anyone who has not worked with mentally ill.. patients.. even if induced .. I hung up .. because my son was calling me. and I wanted to review and read what you wrote today. If I wrote what I have learned working with one AF VET one would even believe it. back to your posts today.. just so I will see what is going on.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When did anyone agree to pay for all this? The public through Congress no longer seems to be able to set its own priorities. They are set for us, with our funds.

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As I understand it, congress acted to disallow gain of function research but Fauci went ahead and did it anyway. There is now a brazen disrespect for the will of the people and the rule of law.

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Is there any mechanism in place in the US to deal with "maverick" officials who flout the will/laws of Congress? Or is it back to the wild, wild West?

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If there were such an active mechanism you would think Fauci would be in jail, or at least on trial by now. Yes, there are mechanisms but they have become dysfunctional. Congress holds hearings, grills the suspected wrongdoers, demands written papers and emails, is roundly ignored, and nothing happens. It's on to the next scandal.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What could go wrong with this??!! 😳

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, when humans play God.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ask Mary Shelley.

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It was rhetorical - lol 😉

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It all goes back to General Buck Turgeson: “I wish we had one of them Doomsday machines!”

This has turned into an out of control competition featuring cutting edge technologies by the world’s superpowers. If they are doing it, we better be doing it. And we better be ahead. That is a formula for untold evil.

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RemovedSep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Because we are doing it.

And if the technology is considered cutting edge, no superpower would not be in that space. Otherwise you’re not a superpower.

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The term "circle jerk" comes to mind.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All the news is bad. Can we ever have a solution to this or some suggestion on how this is stopped or why keep reading all this horrible stuff. It's like watching the news. The only difference is the news is sad lies, this is sad truth.

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I'm not smart enough to understand what you mean or get your humor. Not sure wtf that means.

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LOL. I'm horrible at humor.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In addition to sounding a warning, as you have done, Dr. Malone, we need to celebrate the natural human body and all its capabilities.

Here's how it is sure to come: Who among us, if struck by sudden blindness or hearing loss, would not submit to remedies like these? What parent, if a child is born blind or missing a limb would not submit? What elderly person with cataracts, impaired hearing, or dementia would not submit? Yes, there is surgery for cataracts, but how tempting to make it even better than originally with a little implant. After being experimented on via "vaccines" dare we risk this, though? Another reason for them to obscure what has happened via covid.

Of course, just as with covid, the appeal comes under the guise of helping those who need it. Will parents be shamed for not complying, will their children be taken away? We have already seen this under the guise of the pandemic. "For your own good" is an enhanced form of concern trolling and we still see plenty of it, turning families, friends and neighbors against one another. It was a test case for them, but can serve as a warning to us. Perhaps the next tech intervention will come in the form of getting to carbon zero or insuring equity. We may be genetically modified to digest insects better. But whole systems, natural systems, are thwarted at our peril. Or perhaps climate and polarizing identity wars will serve as distractors. Or both as we saw with covid response.

There is something remarkable about the non-modified human brain and its plasticity. I have seen people, even people over 100, recover from debilitating strokes. Young children, with surgical removal (due to disease) of nearly half their brain, will adapt and function normally. This has been known for a very long time.

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Can we ever trust the medical establishment again? Yes, there were always problems with big pharma, but we may have excused the medical professionals with "They know not what they do". Now we know the major institutions will abandon medical ethics, and a majority of medical professionals will look the other way. The Nuremberg code should be first and foremost amongst the thoughts of the general population, just as it was after WWII.

In addition, might not we start celebrating the human body as it exists in nature? Making people aware of its awesomeness and how physically intervening in complex systems always will have a cost. Can we develop the human capacities via normal means, such as education, nutrition, and physical training? A counteroffensive is one form of resistance.

(Added as a reply due to cutoff of comment due to length)

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I may get spanked for this but "medicine" began a slide into murky ethics with its wholehearted acceptance of Medicare in 1965. A good number of physicians questioned this move as its sinking numbers of AMA membership proved but not enough. A new breed was bred in the med schools more interested in chasing the holy dollar than learning medical ethics and like any slippery slope it led us to the last 2 yrs of widespread malpractice

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The Romans had an answer “caveat emptor” literally let the buyer beware. Learn all you can about the science and find a doctor you personally trust.

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I don't think I ever will, except for the few who have shown integrity during this current crisis. Perhaps those doctors can somehow create an alternate system, although the financial considerations and the possibility of governmental attacks, such as has recently happened with the bill in CA which censors doctors, make it daunting to consider.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonder how resistant they are to solar flares or EMP/electronic weapons.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I literally laughed out loud when I read "Safe Genes Program." That's been going so well across the globe. As to cybernetic brains, didn't we "borrow" those from the small grays who crashed at Roswell? On a related, uncomfortable topic for many, the book DISCLOSURE (Ed. Steven Greer, MD) shares the verbatim testimony of dozens of military personnel--from radar operators to sergeants, colonels, astronauts, even a general from the Russian Air Force--related to confirmed off-planet spaceships and life forms. Highly recommended.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for bringing this to our attention, I for one had no idea this was in the works.

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WORLD GOING CRAZY: Galactic, Solar and Geophysical Influences on Human Behavior - https://justpaste.it/73u45

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EC, looks like you are finally getting some traction on this subject. This subject is so off the charts and unbelievable it is hard to imagine it’s true. Thank you for your efforts , I am awake now and frankly can’t believe how evil our government is.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The Safe Genes program supports force protection and military health and readiness by protecting Service members from accidental or intentional misuse of genome editing technologies." - They have already failed that mission by knowingly injecting active duty troops with experimental, synthetic mRNA gene therapies that WILL lead to force reduction and impairment.

Can this evolution in warfare be curbed or even exposed to the public? I doubt it. I fear that the proverbial horse got out of the corral decades ago. DUMBs and probably off-planet military activities have been in operation for many decades. Where do you think the "unaccounted for" trillions have gone - some, of course, into the pockets of our technofacists, but I expect most has been absorbed by these "beyond top secret" anti-Human programs.

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I believe the same. And also I believe it may be possible that these mind-control techniques are used to influence political and social, economic decision making. Why would Noah Uval Harriri state "freewill is over, voting is over" basically telling the world that there is no longer free will left.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Specifically, these technologies would elucidate the internal expression circuits (e.g., genetic, epigenetic, metabolomic) that shape militarily relevant cognitive, behavioral, and physical traits."

While terrifying, this confirms my innate skepticism and extreme discomfort over immunotherapy, biologics etc because at what point does editing human DNA with mouse genes grow into stronger attempts to augment innate and God given dignity of humanness made in His image. I understand that immune checkpoint inhibitors are helpful in cancer but they also destroy other organs which require more Rx and it seems every single "problem" is now being solved genetically. Hubby is on Durvalumab for lung cancer so I have been researching this and I support his decisions even though I would make very different decisions. And now with the Rockefeller and others going after our wills/ behavioural, it's truly a war on humanity because we humans are made in God's image.


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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hmm, "human enhancement" sounds like a euphemism to me. I remember when those same agencies "enhanced" interrogation.

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There are so many mundane biological processes we can't hack, fix, let alone augment humans very well with technology.

I am still waiting for this bionic replacement foot to become routinely accessible in my lifetime. Better use of resources. I prefer we hack feet first before we work up to brains.

From Dr. Hugh Herr at MIT, probably a distant relation to my husband through Hans Herr Mennonite connection:



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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is so sad. The limitations of men building limited machines. Creation all around us is so complex and interactive and defies our understanding, all the mysteries of life. We mess around with life forms and think that we are special. Short sighted ego driven man made destruction. We destroy our habitat and think that we can machine our way out of it. This hubris may eventually lead to the extinction of our species. Artificial intelligence is superficial, and well, artificial. Indigenous peoples understood the complexity of the universe and limitations of man at a very instinctual level through daily interactions with nature. All this because we can not face our own mortality.

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What's particularly maddening to me is that the truly destructive uses of technology are being driven by a relatively small group of (mostly) sociopaths who have mastered the art of deception. And we the people have passively allowed it.

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Look around you, David. As Mattias Desmet stated, more people are unhappy, lonely, anxious and disconnected. Technology has improved our lives to a point. It can not replace human social needs. I disagree that suffering is a natural state of man. I believe that none of us will escape pain or suffering in our lives. We are taught that we are born into suffering as a result of European indoctrination and dominance in Western thought regarding religion, philosophy, and psychology permeating our educational systems. As the Toffler's expressed in "War and Anti-War," technological innovations often have dual purposes. Just as technology can improve our lives, it can also be used for nefarious reasons: to invade your privacy and personal space by tracking every aspect of your life; to suspend your access to your property (checking account) when your actions and thoughts do not align with the state; to create weapons of mass destruction using germs and steel, just for starters. Just as it can set you free, it can also imprison you. Interfering with complex biological systems, by altering even a small part, may have harmful ramifications down the road as we are beginning to see with gene altering products. Is this the best way we can direct our energies to improve our lot (which also includes all complex interactions with other biological organisms and elements-air, water, soil) on this planet? Looking out your window, David, you may see less suffering. What about the rest of the world population, do they have the same view?

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Silly question. I am right where I am supposed to be now. Spoken like a true extraction capitalist. Slavery and genocide as the means to the ends so that you don't live in a shithole. I guess it has been better for you than it has been for them. Life expectancy and annual income do not reflect quality of life. Just numbers. Ask them how they feel about it instead of telling them how they feel. David, you are the prey, now. You are now entering the world of techno colonialism. Let me know how it works out for you in a couple of years when your shithole has just begun.

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Actually, I could ask the same of you, but I won't. Let's just put it this way, my ancestors survived the "Trail of Death" from Indiana to Kansas. Can't say that was an enlightening experience that pulled my people out of the jaws of savagery. We had culture, spiritual practices and our own language that was forcefully replaced by a barbarism unheard of in this part of the world while the invader also took our homelands and resources. So, to make an uninformed comment about how colonialism improved everyone's lives, I am letting you know that our suffering increased during and long after this period in history. Technology in the form of better ships and guns paved the way for centuries of pain and suffering for many peoples across the globe. When a dominant force claims intellectual and moral superiority while they plunder and murder to enrich themselves, all people need to stand up and resist. Currently, WEF is claiming intellectual and moral superiority with the technology and resources to force their agenda on the world. Centuries ago, bio-warfare in the form of intentionally trading blankets infected with small pox to Native tribes succeeded in wiping out up to 50% of the indigenous population of North America by the turn of the 18th century paving the way for the European occupation. Sir Jeffrey Amherst bragged about this effective form of warfare to his contemporaries. The movers and shakers of the WEF have invested heavily in biolabs and pharmaceutical companies. First, you manipulate the bugs (GOF) to create the threat and then create the antidotes that prove to be more toxic than effective in combating the threat. Manipulate food supplies, transportation, communications, currency, housing and fuel and you can force populations to submit. Humanity has been down this road before. The time, players, and technology change. David, I am just giving you another point of view. When I look at the military investing in science and technology, it makes me leary to say the least. The application of this newfound technology often results in destruction. Watch where your tax dollars go and demand transparency.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

History has shown that if you’re seeing this kind of tech in movies, you can be guaranteed it’s happening.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These goons manage to see enemies everywhere! But they miss the main one, looking back at them from the bathroom mirror. "Control" over that would be a good place to start.

BTW, a transhumanist speaking here, now 75 yo, with a 34 yo heart, transplanted in Aug. 2005.

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