Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As an adopted kid, I'm living proof of an alternative to abortion. Also, it has become so political that there's a deep disconnect to what abortion actually is. Not women's Healthcare, not reproductive rights.

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I am glad you were adopted and not aborted. I too was adopted and not aborted.

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Do the unborn have a soul? That would be a resounding YES!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jer. 1:5

Psalm 139:13,15,16 – “You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. … My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

Job 10:11 – “You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews”

Matthew 18:14 – “So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”

And finally, what should be our response?

Proverbs 24:11-12 – “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?”

Abortion is murder.

“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” Dr. Seuss

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The verses from Psalms are my favorite. Incredibly beautiful.

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In my Bible, the Dr.Seuss chapter was after the Concordance, before the Book of Maps

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lol! 😆

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I was taught that a person's soul is immortal.

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Amen! Amen!

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Nice verses, but the ancient Hebrew Scriptures that predate the Christian Bible by at least 1,000 years claim that 'Life' begins at the first breath. The 'neshama'. It also says that at the first breath is when the Soul enters the newborn. So according to this, there are no unborn Children/babies. Only Fetuses and Babies. Babies are Babies after they have been born & taken their first breath.

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You are sadly quite mistaken. What verses are you using? You are deceived.

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I turn it back on you Karen. You, and many others, are the ones who are deceived. The Hebrew Scriptures which predate the Bible are clear. A Baby is only a Baby when it is born and taken its first breath, which is also when the Soul enters the body. I guess you're saying that these scriptures are wrong ? And if so... on what authority do you claim that this is so ? I've read a few responses that are posted. Yes... ending life is serious and not without deep sadness. I still think that 'choice' is the most important thing.

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A baby is only a baby when it’s born? Just wow. I don’t even need to respond to this insane comment.

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That's right friend. Embrace your ignorance. Until a Fetus is born, it's a Fetus. After it is born, it's a Baby, or Child... according to ancient Hebrew Scriptures that predate the Bible by more than a Thousand years. And Fetuses are an inseparable part of the mother until being birthed. Also, when a newborn takes its first breath, or 'neshama', that's when a Soul enters its body. Again, according to ancient Hebrew Scriptures.

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Thank you, Doctor, for this.

Words cannot describe the crushing, near-daily, regret I live with, four decades after paying to have the product of conception terminated in the womb of the love of my life.

Later, I was blessed with the Forgiveness hard-bought at Calvary and soon after, an exquisite wife.

Time has softened, but not negated the inhuman deed I sponsored.

Now, I refer to the unborn as the " yet-born ", which I believe is how the Lord sees them ... the Enemy of Life sees them as literally un- as in NOT born, and has used all tools available to ensure this as the outcome.

My parents adopted me from a Catholic orphanage in 1961 ... I robbed them of the chance to be grandparents.

Please --- Pray --- Think ... Men, too, suffer from "Choice"

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I feel your pain. My only child called one morning 15 years ago and said he’d slept with a friend, he thinks it was after a wild Halloween Party and she called, said she was pregnant. I said then marry her and raise your child. He cried and said her folks want her to abort the baby. He said please don’t, I will raise the child, I know mom will help. I asked how far is she? He said probably 10 weeks. I said beg her to have the child, if she doesn’t want the child as a grandmother I will love and raise the child. He said I knew you’d say that. Now, he’s 40, I’m 69 and he’s never married, no grands for me, no children for him and I cry each time I think of the horrible death my grandchild experienced. My eyes are raining just sharing this. We all have sad stories to share.

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Your words bring the heartache pain that finds a way to come and go. But never leaves.

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It never goes away.

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Although i clicked "like", I really mean it touched me deeply

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Today I speak Jesus over you and your son. I pray you will find peace.

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I am so, so sorry

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Thank you.

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Have you heard of Healing Hearts Ministries? They also have a program for the fathers who have been affected by abortion. I would highly recommend that you look into it! Forgiveness is ALWAYS available!! https://www.healinghearts.org/get-help-now/mens-study/restoring-fathers-heart/

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Thank you, VMom --- that is so thoughtful of you --- and what one would expect from friends on the Malone's S.S.

Forgiveness : as His blood made propitiation for our sin, we can stand on the subsequent redemption ... the only thing that feels better than being forgiven is to forgive

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I’m so sorry! The silver lining, I believe, is that every child taken from earth is in Heaven. I can’t pretend to know what you are feeling, but I’m thankful you know Christ and His forgiveness! So Praise God that you will see your child one day!

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Amen, Karen !

My wife married while still a teen ... soon after, they became parents. Two years later, she was the sole survivor of auto accident.

We shared a tearful hug whilst reading your comment ... Thank you, Karen !

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

"The silver lining, I believe, is that every child taken from earth is in Heaven."

If abortion is sending souls to Heaven, it wouldn't make any sense theologically to stop it; we could be preventing someone's salvation (if he or she was born and then damned for an act committed during their life).

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It makes sense to stop it because every person deserves life. Thou shalt not kill. But I get your point. There are some people who don’t believe all go to Heaven. They feel that God knows what their choice would be. There is a verse in the Bible which talks about the age of accountability though.

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Here is a helpful article on this subject: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/family-qa/heaven-and-the-eternal-destiny-of-preborn-infants/

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The article only states that the answer is obvious.

But it's not. It only makes sense if everyone on earth went to Heaven (in contradiction of Scripture) no matter what they did during the course of their lives.

But if some people go to Heaven and some go to Hell, taking someone out of the "Heaven-only" realm and letting them pass into the "Heaven or Hell" realm means that there will be people in Hell who will have wished they had been aborted (in which case we did them no favors by saving them from abortion).

There's something about your point that doesn't line up correctly.

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Gosh, I don't know ... I just don't, T.

Maybe THAT would be the "platinum" lining

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Since I was adopted and have two adopted children, I am pro-life. Also, as Christian I believe that all life is sacred—live begins at conception.

The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668-668d), enacted in 1940…prohibits anyone, from "taking" bald or golden eagles, including their eggs. Why would unborn eagles be federally protected and not unborn humans? Are Eagles worth more than humans?

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If killing Eagles would help the left attain permanent power, these self centered slugs would destroy them also.

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, sir, for taking your time and using your voice to highlight this!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don’t have the stomach to watch the video, at least not right now. I can only think of mankind and how it has not evolved. I can only think of medicine and how it has not evolved. My wife is an OR nurse which I have said before. Advocating for the patient is always number one on the list in the thousands of operations she has helped to perform. I have watched her advocate for family and friends including for myself when having a procedure. Recently with her mother languishing in a hospital, a hospital that was afraid to treat her because of complications, we had a meeting with the doctors and nurses. My wife strongly asked “is this the best we can do”? Well let me ask with the centuries of terminating lives and “state of the art medicine”, is that video the best we can do? Through all of the years of medicine, it seems so basic, to have an alternative to end the pregnancy but save the baby. I’m sure abortion is the fastest way to end a human life. If this is the only and best option, after all these years, I have lost complete faith in modern medicine and humanity. We must be able to do better than this. J.Goodrich

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The video is beautiful, actually. It's not an abortion. I thought that at first, too, and geared myself up to watch it, and when I did, I realized how fascinating it is. Watch it. As I said growing up, "It's neat."

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Thank you Jennifer, I think I’m tough but when it comes to watching medical procedures my knees go week. You have much more courage than I clicking on the video. I will watch it appreciate you telling me!!

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The video is from conception to just before birth. It shows and describes the growing baby. The video is beautiful.

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Lauri I did watch the video and it is beautiful!!

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IMO, it is never the best we can do. We are surrounded by evil, and it interferes with the amazing beauty and wonder of human kind. I personally welcome the second coming, and as far as I am concerned, he cannot get here fast enough

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Indeed, we have yet to explore all the options, and I fear that moralizing the issue will not help us.

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Andrea as a man I cannot judge or moralize any person or couple that make a decision either way. I do think people should have a choice like most all things in life. In my mind if a doctor or scientist could ever come up with a way to end a pregnancy and save the baby, with all the technologies, a Nobel prize should be, but probably wouldn’t be, given to him or her. In todays medical world it would be hard to imagine someone finding a way to save millions of lives, it would be a real miracle.

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My youngest son was in an extreeemly similar theater of life about one year ago.

Some recreational sex became procreational. Still in final college years he leaned towards having the baby. She advocated she, nor he was ready. I challenged what ready "meant" for them. As few are ready to raise the first child. But do what has been done by trillions on the globe. You redefine your new role as Parents ,You learn to make sacrifices. They did not keep it. I supported as well, That yes, you are not ready for such a grand life changing blessing. You made "your personal" decisions together. I will be fine and accept your life choices as you are 29 .

Tis not my regret to carry. And I hope your regrets of it, are utterly few for life.

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Randall your son coming to you is a true reflection of the respect your son has for you. You are a great father!!!

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Thanks James. When you sign on to be a best ever dad. You make sacrifices and allow for others to set certain expectations about the world they will be immersed in. Often such decisions are best as reminders about what about a million other couples are facing with emotion trauma, they never knew would befall them, to face such consequences later.

There are things that are best left as, If I knew then.....What I know now, what a difference.

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James, Indeed! and I hope you did not think I was referring to you as moralizing.

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No i didn’t Andrea, I just wanted to make it clear that I am in no way a person that should judge anyone on this issue and many other issues.

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Judgement seems to be a human refuge. I like the way you put it. "I am in no way a person that should judge anyone..."

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Compelling and measured. Thank you for an unflinching, realistic post.

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We have 2 generations of folks who know of no other reality than Roe v Wade. They have grown up with the notion that this horrific event is nothing more than an exercise of personal freedom. But as you point out, the reality is quite different. The sloganeering has done its damage, and people will criticize you for stating medical facts and for holding an opinion based on those facts. Thank you for taking a stand for those whose voice has formed, but is not yet audible.

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Enjoyed your comment but felt I must respond on a point I note you have made…. namely “and people will criticize you for stating”…..

Personally my own outlook is to not ever worry about criticism, being maligned or criticised… why? why should I feel constrained because of others? Surely, being, or the want to be accepted cannot trump your individuality…. ,is acceptance, whether individually, in or by a society, any society or community, more so such as we have today whereby the people who so critique are struggling with their own humanity, morality and endeavour…. to be so coveted?

I mean just who the heck are those hypocrites to judge you, me, anyone…. and therein lies the rub, if we just got on with our lives, respecting others, instead of trying to impose our will, needs and wants upon others, the world would likely be a much better and happier place.

Nope, the world can and will only change because of those prepared when warranted, when pushed, challenged, or when it is felt entirely appropriate are prepared to speak truth, to state facts, to say what needs spoken, without fear, without worrying about any perceived slight or offence, losing your job, position, of perhaps being ostracised.

Unfortunately and as we know, more often than not, doing so is filled with risk, even in some circumstances at worst, a risk of death or personal injury, loss or damage to property, risk to family, business, sadly, that is how far as a society we have fallen, underscoring whats been lost, the ability to exchange views on a full and frank basis, to exchange ideas, opinions, beliefs without fear of recrimination, however, in todays WOKE, DEI, ESG, Climate Scam, Homo, Trans, Queer, BLM, George Floyd, Antifa, Education Curriculum, Election Compromised, weaponised Government, Multi tiered Justice…. world lived in presently, with mobs being mobs, hunting in packs, underlining the cowards they are.

As for me, I’d rather not cower, never know tow, or go along to get along, preferring to say it as it is, as needs said, after all, to shirk from that merely exacerbates the very same, likely makes worse, the next individual to be exposed to the same dumb, foolish errant behaviour or the incessant, false, ridiculous and unanswered points of dissent, read argument… thus by speaking and then, once having done so, having made your point, said your piece, chucked in your 2c worth, all without screaming it from the rooftops, merely going about your business, simply walking away, the old exit stage … left trick.

However, those who perpetuate and push this nonsense, they know this, it’s why they foment it, to distract and divide us, to have us focussed on the not important vs the truly in need of push back, hence, by staying silent against that which cries out, to be spoken to, remaining silent out of fear or the risk of being criticised, ridiculed, even cancelled, is in my view just plain wrong, almost cowardly, that is not suggestive that anyone embrace the foolhardy, nope, you need know the battles to fight, when to fight.

However, it is possible to respond without losing it, by making your point, saying what needs said, quietly, in the right demeanour, without resorting to screaming, shouting, talking louder than being spoken to in a bid to think it’ll help your being heard more…

Fortunately I learned a long time ago, people listen more intently the more softly spoken you are, vs, they’re tuning out the louder you speak.. thus, you can get your message across… oh the joy doing so in that manner, then walking, leaving them open mouthed, agape as you do so, the point spoken oh so quietly, just registering once out of ear shot, it’s normally then you’ll hear the retort, the expletives yelled at you as you have gotten on your way, certainly it’s satisfying, I love hearing those expletives thrown at my retreating figure, it always brings a chuckle…

Hence, for many of us, thinking thus, outspoken as we were during the recent population control experiment of 2022, the scamdemic, we are not only grateful we held true to our convictions, our beliefs, that we challenged the convention of the time, the propaganda and narrative fomented, that, we can now relax, safe in the vindication that we made the right decision, that the present and each day, evolving science, has proven our stance, our position to be correct.

Not for us the poison and junk of questionable intent and origin, put into our bodies, nope, not for us, the unvaccinated, the present and sad nightmare for so many, of having that ticking time bomb in our systems, lurking, waiting to go off..wondering…

This mindset doesn’t only apply that incident or event but to all of that to which an individual believes anathema to their moral and belief structure…. It is exactly that, the ability to be independent of thought, to think critically and importantly to exercise the freedom such endows that truly sets apart the individual from the mob, from the collective, the sheep…

The trick is knowing when to deploy, how to do so, what to say, but in short, don’t ever, ever be afraid of speaking up, doing what you know needs done, saying what is needed said, correcting what needs corrected, forego that and we have, in doing so, virtually just given up.

For many of us, caving or giving up is not an option, that’s how/why I know the world has a good future, exactly because of just that… the inherent hunger within to just do, say the right thing.. Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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please teach a course in how to speak softly without raising your voice and still hit your marks! I have never quite gotten there. dang.

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Peter, the phrase to which you refer was actually intended to be an endorsement of stating a controversial opinion based on fact in the face of a contrary view, while acknowledging that those who have emotional ties to the issue from the other side will in no way be willing to change their minds. Yet these folks are human beings and therefore worthy of respect as such, regardless of our fundamental disagreement on when life begins and whose rights have the most value. I think they are wrong and that abortion is the murder of an unborn child, for which there is no good argument to the contrary (with the possible exception of the life of the mother) since life begins at conception. Underlying this debate is a fundamental disagreement on the nature of freedom and how it is distinct from its excesses. The Supreme Court hath sewn the wind in 1973 and we are reaping the whirlwind today, the Dobbs decision notwithstanding.

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My mom, back in 1965, lost my brother to a natural abortion at 3 months, called a miscarriage. She took that pain with her to her grave in 2013.

My estranged neice has had at least 6 abortions for "birth control purposes". She had no regrets that I am aware of.

What is the difference between these two women?

Educational / societial systems / lack of religious belief influence.

This attitude towards abortion is not inherited in humans. This is a learned, and cultivated behavior, and is part of the great plan to reduce populations for the evil disbursed on this earth.

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone. Discussion and comment is needed as well as reflection. Can we offer more help and support and less judgement and criticism to women who decide to give up their baby up for adoption rather than have an abortion?

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for taking on this sensitive subject. It’s a conversation that needs to be had.

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone - I really enjoy your work and your willingness to discuss divisive subjects and enjoyed the video!

Many people feel a fetus is just a growth of something in a woman's womb. However, the DNA of a fetus is the same as the DNA of the adult that grows from the fetus. The fetus is clearly a separate and distinctive life from the person carrying the fetus. I guess the question is - does the government have the right to protect this life? Clearly, the government protects bald eagle eggs and even snail darters - but should it also protect human life?

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Glad to see you weigh in on this, Doc.

The sonograms have had positive impact on people's understanding that it's a human in there, and there's an fight against the baby Olivia film because it will likewise serve to unsell abortions. This has driven the abortion industry towards the chemical abortions, and finally a push to bring those drugs to availability at CVS and Walgreens. Like the morning after pills, which are not dosed for the average size American female, the abortion pills are also not individually dosed, and the misoprostol does the heavy lifting. Pharmacist dispensing and lack of patient monitoring will lead to increased business at the hospital emergency rooms.

Respect and careful regard for the life-causing faculties would solve this social problem. Humans have such trouble with understanding and transmitting this idea.

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for putting this up.

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Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the conversation of this horrific time in human existence.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert for bringing this up and for providing a video. Such a difficult topic. My views have always been abortion was not anything I’d choose but I used to be pro-choice thinking abortion wasn’t allowed past a few weeks but that soon changed and one could clearly tell from ultrasounds that life presents itself very quickly and I’ve been Pro-life now for decades. I also think a lot of young people especially confuse abortion bans as bans on contraception which it is not. I feel that should be available to all that seek it. I would imagine it’s a rare instance a women would need an abortion (I don’t have stats but am assuming so forgive me here if I’m wrong) and some there may be other options. My mom’s close friends Daughter was brutally raped. She could have aborted or put him up for adoption but she kept him and was a single Mom for years. I always admired her bravery and resilience especially as she was not much older than me. She’s since passed but she was a good Mom. I don’t think I need to say how I feel about late term abortions. This is definitely an uncomfortable topic. My Daughter even threatened to disown me a few years ago because I wasn’t Pro Choice and didn’t talk to me for months. Things haven’t been the same since and we don’t talk about it, but I can say my chest actually hurts just thinking about it. However, I’m glad you were brave enough Robert to bring it up. The whole artificial womb thing which I know has been going on,well, I think that’s going too far and messing with Mother Nature never ends well.

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