May 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

May God reward you richly for your efforts, Dr. Malone. I appreciate you personally more than you know. I'm compelled to infer that you, RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, etc were divinely brought to your respective states of knowledge and statuses for this time. At bare minimum, God, through you etal, is giving people a chance to side with reason and love over fear and darwinian competition due to the valiant fight you warriors have waged over the last 3 years or so.

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What he said!

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What she said he said.

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Excelent, EXCELLENT words Jeff, and I fully concur with every one. I hope the Whole World hears your words.

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After the horrors of the Holocaust, the worldwide Jewish community has never allowed anyone to forget what happened to their community. Dr. Malone, we must also never let anyone forget what happened during the CovidCrisis. Please stay healthy and please keep up the pressure. We may never be made whole again, but we can never let the criminals who orchestrated the CovidCrisis do it again.

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Thank you so much Dr. Malone for your contribution to maintaining freedom from large resources with small intellectual capacity. Any title that starts with "World" deserves extreme scrutiny.

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I'd add "global" to that list and call "united" suspicious.

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Dr Malone thank you for your hard-work and sacrifice. My words are lacking how grateful I am. My family, the five of us with three daughters made it through the world lie and maestro Dr Fauci’s incredible masterpiece of deception escaping the jab. Yes we have our trauma that we are still working through. My ladies are attending college out of the state of Oregon which was not the plan be they ran from the mandates. My twin daughters graduated in 2020 by way of drive in style. My youngest is graduating this year attending most her high school career under the narcissism of Kate Brown mandates. All my daughters are A students and beautiful souls. I fought for them and with them and my wife with my sometimes (most the time) crazy madness behavior of…these mandates are LIES. We must not succumb to these lies I screamed from soul passionately from our Oregon farm! The trauma still lingers in me as I continue to work through next steps. I am a business owner in the construction industry and an Internet doctor who believes in natural medicine created by Creator Divine.

My youngest is going into medicine and attending Montana State University. How do I best guide her? I am so concerned about the medical industry complex brainwashing. Where do I AIM her especially as she rolls her eyes saying, “here goes dad again.” I am a constitutional believer. I love our country (Army Vet) and I want the best for the people and I recognize how blessed we are as we drown in our blessing blindness of consumerism, me included. I do my best to forgive but troubled by what I see. Fight and forgive and fight or forgive, I oscillate between. I want to help and start by making my bed every morning but I feel hopeless at times. If it wasn’t for you and your peers I would loose hope. Thank you thank you thank you. Much love and prayers for you and your family.

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Take heart for your daughter at U of M ... she will see the hypocrisy as she learns and recall your words. I did the same as I went through medical school. Stay close to her as she learns and listen to her, gently pointing out the discrepancies and lies and she will see it for herself. 💕💕

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Thank you Margaret for the link and wisdom. Much gratitude.

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Cara you have a beautiful soul. Thank you for your words salve of encouragement. Blessings on you and peace be with you.

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Jared - If this happens to be something your daughter might ultimately consider, you may want to keep an eye on this.


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May 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

CHD has a link to the whole day. At least I think. I’m only about an hour and a half in of more than 8 hours. You are truly amazing Dr. Malone. Personally I haven’t heard David Martin before, wow, just wow.


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Thank you for that link! So grateful for everyone associated with that conference!

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I watched it in its entirety and was near weeping at the commitment of each presenter. They are the warhorses representing thousands of like-minded professionals with real skin in the game. Am in grateful awe.

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Once again, thank you Dr Malone for your work and your courage. I hope the various presentations from this watershed ICS can be made available to the public. We the people need to have the information that so many dedicated experts worked so hard against so many challenges to bring forward. God bless you all!

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Stellar work; heartening to see international cooperation in the face of huge odds, based on truth and integrity.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

5 stars to you for this great summary. I watched the whole day of the ICS. It couldn't have been a more knowledgeable man to summarize it all.

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I couldn’t even explain to other physicians that Hydroxychloroquine was safe at recommended doses...that it had some scientific ACE-2 binder mechanism, had been used safely for 40+ years and has never had a “Black Box” warning...

...of course I was recommending normal dosing at first onset on symptoms

Now I’m living in the sun and fresh air of Florida, exercising, taking vitamins minerals and the recommended supplements (D,Zinc,Quercetin, and Nattokinase)...I initiate daily Ivermectin now at lower dose at first onset, isolate and observe symptoms a few days (paranoia) and never go out symptomatic...now I’ve added gargling and nasal flushes

Shouldn’t this kinda be recommended for normal behavior and limit stupid and dangerous experimental mandates...Trump passes “Right to try” experimental medication and then they forbid “off-label” use of established treatments/medications, with SEVERE punishments?

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Should ExPresident Trump be elected in 2024, hopefully (whether he admits it or not) he will have learned a valuable lesson. In the meantime, our TERRIFIC Doctors maybe with our help, will have a better system (than HHS, Homeland Security and the Armed Services) in place to deal with pandemics. This Meet had some great suggestions!

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I thought it was insane to vilify established medications during a global pandemic…

…now I realize it was conscious evil

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Thank you Dr.Malone and all the other brave doctors and scientists who've spoken out over the past few years. Your voices have been and continue to be strong and clear as world leaders attempt to sweep this genocide they've created under the rug. We must not let this happen.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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May 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of your many best Dr. Malone!

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A literal carpet bombing of truths! Thank you for all you do!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

keep up the good work Dr. Malone

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Once again, I am amazed at all you have done to fight for this cause. You are a hero to many of us and we thank you for all you have done! Please do not give up. Keep up the good fight!

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Congratulations on a valuable conference. There is strength in numbers with more and more true scientists worldwide coming forward. I heard Dr. David Martin speak and he was most impresssive. WHO and other entities have hijacked the world with their demonic rhetoric and scare tactics. They are the ones who have put out misinformation; harrassing people to force them to comply with their murderous demands. There were valid treatments for CV, which were suppressed. HCQ worked like a charm for me. Yet, so many hospitals used toxic drugs, ventilators and classified many non-covid deaths as CV ... to boost their bottom line. It is disgusting to think that there are so many unethical people in the medical field and in the world, who would destroy other people for money.

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