Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can't think of a good reason for any parent, conservative or otherwise, would want to send their offspring to a very expensive indoctrination camp. But then I can't, for the life of me, understand why any parent would allow their young child to attend an openly pornographic drag queen event either.

There is a growing evil in our civilization and it is global. The last several years opened the door for it to reveal itself. You see, I understand the dynamic of psychopathic delusion. Those who believe they are RIGHT! and will do anything, take any means necessary, to force their self-righteousness on everyone in order to prove it.

Dr. Malone, I applaud you for speaking out. You shine light on the dark smarmy corners. I, too, have been speaking out, for years now but I am tired. It seems as though I am mostly just talking to myself. :-(


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Great comment and an excellent blog post. I miss Paul Harvey and I can't help but believe that little girls trained to pole dance are having their little brains twisted and that will lead them into terrible, amoral lives. Even parents who enter their little girls into beauty contests (remember JonBenét Ramsey) are sick and twisted individuals. Western society is following a well-trod path and will soon be remembered along with ancient Rome, Sodom, and Gomorrah.

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Boys as well are groomed to pole dance. And, yes, we are going the way of all civilizations that have risen and fallen because of the abandonment of basic rules of civil behavior - modesty/decency, self-accountability and respectability. I've often said when we reach the era of 'anything goes' we discover that everything does. Makes me so sad.

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Boys are now groomed to pole dance?!

Krushchev was right when he said the West would be "buried" by communism because of its degeneracy and perversion. Not surprisingly, sixty years later, he has been proven right. Back in the sixties, most thought he was talking about a military takeover. Instead, the communists have infiltrated and now run our schools, the media, and our government.

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Ten years ago I edited a book for Robin Eubanks, an attorney who stumbled across a handful of very old books when she was doing research on a case. Long story short, she found compelling evidence that the plan to infiltrate our education system has been in place for a very long time. It took her several years to gather the info and write the book - Credentialed To Destroy - How and Why Education Became a Weapon.

After the book had been out for awhile it drew the attention of Curtis Bowers who had done an excellent documentary titled Agenda - Grinding America Down and he contacted her to interview her for his sequel documentary - Agenda 2 Masters of Deceit. I highly recommend reading the book and going to Bowers website for all of his follow up info.

Imagine how long this has been going on. And, again, I have believed for sometime now that even though the plan has been a slow gradual undermining of our civilization, the narcissists, who are now aging out, have sped it up because they want to SEE it happen for themselves. They want to revel in the glory of their grand plan.

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Thank you.

I am confident there are many old radicals from the sixties who want to see their dreams fulfilled. At the same time, it seems that we are on a slippery slope and gravity is speeding our inevitable fall.

I'll look up Curtis Bower and Robin Eubanks.

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I have believed for a long time the educational system was rigged. Our two kids mostly avoided public high school-- Parochial schools. I had never heard of any documentation. Now, I can finally read about it. Thanks Meemanator, I will read this!



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In A Peter Schweizer interview, Peter discusses the infiltration of institutions by these activists/communists. Highly trained and deceptive.

A Must watch. 1:42 hours


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Thanks for the link. Really interesting and plan to watch later. Just love this Blog and the opportunities for networking with folks like you.

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As I recall he was banging his shoe on the table when he made that comment. Wonder if that is a Russian thing?

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Many cities in Southeast/South Asia along the Opium Trail as familiar with the same well-trod path you're addressing as anywhere in the Middle East and countries of the west. The Global pattern of degeneracy across the scale of sin is well documented.

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It is a tragic prophecy (as I see it) that Paul Harvey, IN 1965, painted the reality we are living today...


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Yes, and amazingly, similar predictions happened 20 years before Paul Harvey's 1965 audio essay: Paul Orwell, "1984". What a shame they both appear to be materializing in our fairy-book world from the 50's.

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Excellent! Shared. Miss Mr. Harvey.

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To what shall we attribute the growing evil? Is it the work of an amorphous, unseen devil? Or might it be the multiple decades of dysfunctional governance that has ripped away the American Dream from so many people; left them dazed, confused, and leading hardscrabble lives; and brought forth dysfunctional behavior as a kind of twisted coping mechanism?

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There really is a great controversy happening behind the scenes of what we see in our news. The war between God and Satan began in heaven and continues on this planet that Satan has claimed as rightfully his since Adam forfeited what the Creator had given him. What we are witnessing is the final struggle of an angry coercive government led by Satan and his fallen angel followers against God's government of truth, love and freedom with the loyal beings that are holding back the winds of strife just a little longer for all of our sakes. Decisions of the heart are being made all over the world as to which government we choose to live under. It is reflected in the way we treat our brothers and sisters of every race, sex and religion (or not). I choose not to be involved in politics at this time in history as we have 2 parties that are equally corrupt. I look forward to that heavenly kingdom that Jesus said was not of this world. Satan and his ways will be gone forever!

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"Thy kingdom come." Christians have been praying this prayer for two millenia. It is truly the only solution for a world gone off the rails. Also Jesus refused to get involved in politics, as did the early Christians, a major reason for the marterdom of many. Jesus refused to accept efforts to draft him as King. He stated to Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is no part of this world, if it was my followers would have fought that I not be delivered up to you."

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Thanks for the response. I would say there is an additional, perhaps even more basic debate happening behind the scenes. Some say that the Bible (or Torah or ...) is a collection of parables that usefully illustrate truths about values and behaviors beneficial to human society as understood at the time of writing. Others argue that the Bible is the final word on these subjects and that the stories should be taken literally. Personally, I'm not as invested in either of those arguments as I am in using a variety of resources (philosophical, psychological, and religious) to come to my own conclusions about beneficial morality and ethical behavior.

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Well stated!

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Well how many recall the phrase 'dumbing down'? Which, has finally peaked, I guess.

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Dysfunctional government brought on by dysfunctional voters

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I can certainly agree that many, if not most, voters are dysfunctional in that they are subject to undue influence by media propaganda. But I think there's a more troubling problem. It seems likely that the choices of candidates offered on ballots these days -- the ones who have realistic chances to get elected -- are vetted and approved ahead of time by the billionaire oligarchs who are really in power. Someone once said, "I don't care who gets to vote, as long as I get to choose the candidates". I strongly suspect that's what is happening.

That said, it must have been dysfunctional voters who allowed such a situation to develop over time. In a democracy the buck ultimately stops with the voters. "It's a republic", said Franklin, "but only if you can keep it".

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"it must have been dysfunctional voters who allowed such a situation to develop over time."

Russ, I just do not believe it is that simple, nothing in this world is. Consider, for example, the propaganda which you point to so obviously. If we could claim that these dysfunctional voters voted in a vacuum, so to speak, results could be placed at their feet; but not if one considers they / us have been brainwashed(MSM, public school teachers, Dems) for decades to get to this point.

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Yes. I understand what you are saying. Maybe I'm alone in thinking this, but if people go through one or two voting cycles and still cannot recognize and resist propaganda when they see it, then I think they're exhibiting a kind of dysfunctional behavior.

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Don’t forget the Mockingbird Media & Hollywood.

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The answer here is pretty clear -- bury every woke institution with civil lawsuits over their endless stream of Luciferian stupidity. As the damage awards reduce their endowments to rubble, the administrators pushing the nonsense will eventually be thrown out, assuming the institutions survive. We have lived through a time of wretched excess, which has allowed the parasites of the world to feast to such an extent that they have forgotten where the largesse came from and that they are parasites. When the US dollar collapses and the free money tide recedes into history, there's going to be a whole lotta naked people standing on the beach, with nothing useful to offer anyone. Perhaps, at that point, educational institutions that offer actual useful skills, honed by logic & reason, will once again come to the forefront.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a very good Tucker Carlson Today show on mass formation. It’s on Fox Nation and is with professor Matthias Desmet who is an expert in this. I paid for Fox Nation for a month to watch the episode and it was more than worth it.

It’s not enough to just note the absurdity after absurdity. UC Berkeley is clearly an indoctrination institution. It’s not teaching kids to be anything but leaders of the move towards totalitarianism.

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Also an article today in Epoch times. I read most of it and will definitely be tuning into FOX NATION Tucker Carlson Today to watch the interview. Definitely extend your membership I have a year and I watch it all the time. It’s more candid and free speech than cable. I must say I didn’t want to watch the episode about cattle mutilation, it’s too disturbing to see animals abused.

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I’ll check out the Epoch Times article. This show was very good so I will extend most likely. The crux of the professors point was for the small opposition that rejects these crazy ideologies to stand firm and keep speaking out. If we do the masses will wear themselves out and destroy themselves. If we don’t, and the opposition goes quiet, we are doomed and will be targeted for destruction. Don’t expect to wake the masses up, just hold the line until they wear themselves out.

Whatever one thinks of Trump I think this is why they are after him. He speaks out loudly and encourages others to as well.

I’m with you on the animal one. Eventually my curiosity will get the best of me, but I’m sure it’s going to cause some nausea and nightmares and being upset. 😏

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Exactly! And will be Voting Trump and/or TRUMP POLICIES in 2022/ 2024. Will even write him in if they keep this $h!+ up.

Whatever the FakeBI is concocting is no where near the absolute destruction the JBIDEN Communist Regime has done to our country and lives!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I heard Peter McCullough say in an interview recently that influenza vaccines are 15% effective and pneumonia vaccines are 9% effective. The only year I got a flu vax was 1999 and our whole family welcomed Y2K with the flu. It was the sickest our 4 year old son (now 27) has ever been.

Better to heed Ryan Cole's advice about Vitamin D since "there's no such thing as cold and flu season, only low vitamin D season."

Isn't it telling that our medical industrial complex never gives that advice, but only pushes shots?

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s always encouraging to know that others are reading Dr. Malone at the same time, and fully comprehending the value in education and entertainment he provides...chuckled out loud at “face nappies”

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A tiniest slice of social life has been concentrated here. For 8 years of my immigration I couldn't find people who could see themselves as a part of the whole nation without sticking with political rhetoric.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

'Tribalism, virtue signaling' and the hope of monetary reward from the reset-regime. My hospital admitting privileges and thus my acute care career were summarily terminated without appeal in 2016 by NYU Langone because I declined to submit to their influenza vax mandate. This was at a time when even the CDC acknowledged that Flu jabs did not meaningfully reduce nosocomial flu morbidity or health care staff absenteeism. NYU along with Johns Hopkins were at the vanguard of the virtue signaling. See how it creeps into "higher education" and ultimately every aspect of our lives.

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The whole vaccine thing is going to get worse I think. Pre COvID a health system here in Maine was forcing those employees who chose not to get the flu vaccine to wear a mask at work. Then during COvID they changed the policy to you have a choice to get the flu vaccine or get fired(no religious exemptions in Maine). My only hope is that because they are so understaffed, they will do away with it all. But that is wishful thinking probably. They did do away with the initial booster for COvID being a requirement directly because of staffing issues. I think they will transfer their energies to flu vaccine because the COvID vaccine provided lots of challenges. But the flu let’s them still virtue signal and check a box. That’s the only reason they do these things

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As an agnostic I have a problem with this religious exemption b.s. I strongly suspect everyone reading Dr. Malone's substack is in agreement those jabs are dangerous and to only be allowed to opt out for "religious objections" is blatant discrimination and hypocrisy. And that is my view virtually every time I see that objection raised.

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That is understandable. But that is a whole other debate. I only talk about it because my connection is in New Hampshire where they do allow for freedom of religion, heck we are the most free state up here. I should know. I just moved from commie Vermont right before COvID(thank god). Our hospital in NH is part of Maine health system and it’s always tricky which parts of the system do we have to adhere to. NH legal, at time of them joining put things in legal document so their NH hospital would not become part of a monopoly. My ties to Maine are that I was born and raised here, have family still here and have traveled the country and world to be able to see comparisons. I’ve seen Maine become more like Vermont and it is depressing. I’m thankful to be living in NH, the last place in New England still holding the line. Libertarians are wreaking havoc in government up here. It’s a good thing.

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Sorry for you. I hope you’ve moved on to a better work environment

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More stupidity... Like you, I want to quit saying anything about masks... but it keeps coming. I will say something that I have mentioned elsewhere: I don't know why people keep arguing whether masks "work" or not... surgical versus N-95... the particle size... to me, that should not make much difference. IF they worked, theybwould work in a setting with sick people. It just does not make any sense to use a mask (much less mandate it) in the general community, where people are not sick. It is like opening an umbrella if it is not raining.

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I would just point out that in the general community one cannot know whether people are shedding virus or not. There can be a period of infectiousness prior to symptoms showing up. Chances of transmission depend on many factors, including the basic infectiousness of the pathogen. That said, I agree that masking has been grossly overpromoted.

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Yes one cannot know for sure... but in public health (I have worked in Public Health for >35 years) we do not make decisions - much less mandate bahaviors - based on what we may not know. The probability that someone may be shedding... and then the probability that this person may put someone else at risk, is very small. We need to do away with the idea of "asymptomatic transmission". For decades, we need evidence that someone presents a risk to others in order to require that person to do something to protect others. We do not impose something like wearing a mask "just in case". With covid they changed the principles we have used always to practice medicine and public health.

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Yes, I agree with that. I was just responding the the definitive statement that in the general community "people are not sick". Overly nit-picky perhaps. No offense intended.

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No offense taken. 👍

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Good post. I just wish you would publish a video(anywhere but UTube!) showing the CO2 being pegged on the mask up test with an N95!

I have a CO2 meter but it does not have a tube sampler port to be able to do that.

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I will have to check those out.

By debris meter I assume you must mean a $40,000+ particle counter, like what Hach makes! Yep, but not too practical. . . Of course, the entire concept of masks filtering viruses is asinine. It all boils down to TPTB looking for a handle of control of the masses.

Really, if I ever wear one again to "comply" it will be either over my dead body or I will have to really WANT something that is unobtainable via any other way than to don a chin nappie. THEN, if I do, I will cut holes in it in FRONT of the person insisting I wear it before putting it on!

Maybe write on it: "Virus not allowed"

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debris meter by your definition, from what I can tell, exists.

I have used one many times.

I used to work for the main manufacturer of masks in the world and have worn many: Inside clean rooms, while insulating attics, while sanding wood. . . for hours on end. Our technology is far superior to Chinese mfg in regards to masks. Yeah, it is a pain in the butt but the practice is not going to hurt anyone seriously for a number of reasons.

Your allusion / comparison to burning coal is way off. Coal burning is a million times worse, literally.

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I agree with your analysis. But one thing does bother me when the CO2 argument is used in connection with the masks typically used by the public. I can see how some CO2 is trapped in such masks with each exhaled breath. But I can't see how the amount of that trapped CO2 is significant in comparison to the total amount of air taken in during the next breath.

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Thank you for taking the time to explain the process in such detail. I looked at the resources and you're right: they're difficult for me to read. Your "plain English" version was very useful in correcting my mental model of what's going on. Again, I appreciate the effort you put in! Have a great day.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I knew it! This is the sentiment, only posed as a question, over which I was suspended from Twtr, probably over a year ago! I had compared death rates in children from COVID vs. flu, which favors COVID, as we all know, then asked (in a reply to someone else's tweet) whether he'd be surprised if masks weren't going to be required for flu. It feels good to be vindicated.

"UC Berkeley, that bastion of California higher education, is now requiring masks -both indoors and outdoors, if one is not vaccinated against… influenza!"

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A movement against academia is long overdue. I have advocated that our state legislature perform audits of state funded unis. Remove redundant departments and asoc. staff. (Just how many language depts are really needed?). Assess job access to grads in social sci. depts and act accordingly. Have a conduct code whereby uni admin can not discriminate vs conservatives or religious with automatic dismissal as a consequence. If conservative states did something like this maybe they could establish a beachhead in this war of social outcomes.

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The current regime is more concerned with trans ‘women’ being allowed to participate in real women’s sports under Title 9 than they are with real women’s rights or the real rights of our citizenry. This is what happens under socialist/communist regimes.

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Suggestion: Let's all agree to call "trans women", "emasculated men" or "it".

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Very timely! Project Veritas released just yesterday a video in which a high school administrator brags about how he refuses to hire conservatives, Catholics, etc.


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The vast majority of Masks are unapproved medical devices with no proof of safety or efficacy. Actually, with lots of proof of being unsafe and ineffective. I for one get headaches and can't breathe and my skin breaks out for weeks - even I only wear for an hour or two.

My body. My choice. Applies to masks and any medical device and any medical procedure.

More Nuremberg Code violations.

I live in Washington DC. More people are getting mask crazy again. Arghh!!! Any ideas for anti-mask bumper stickers/t-shirts/flyers/posts/memes/catchy phrases? Thanks!

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I write stuff with a sharpie marker on the dust masks I'm given. I've had lots of suggestions from commenters. I won't be wearing any of them though as I'm going to cite the ADA exception for my disability. By law, they can't make me wear one.

Nevertheless, here are some ideas: Got CO2? Dehumanizing. It's not about a virus. Science written in a circle with a line through it. LEAKS - with arrows pointing to all the openings. Petri dish. And a political one: This is as useless as Joe Biden.

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Bacteria Here.

Booger collector,

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:)))))) those are great! Comedy eases the weary sole! Good for you!

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My favorite face mask said, “this is bs”.

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I can't recall last time I wore a mask. . . many months. However, IF asked to wear one I may consider if I had a scissors with me. . . I would cut a nice smile across it and then a little flap cut out for my nose too!

Something to try folks!

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Thank you, Birdingmom! Great suggestions!:)

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The last one is the best.

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A dozen phrases regarding masking come to mind immediately; but I wouldn't dare use them or post them on a bumper sticker if I lived in Washington, DC.

I live in conservative Sevier County, Tennessee and my car was vandalized last month because I had (I've since removed it) a TRUMP 2024 bumper sticker. The WOKE are dangerous and violent.

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Wow. Sorry about your car. The blind/raging intolerance of those who are fans of diversity/equity/inclusion can only be Mass Psychosis. Thanks for your support:)

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Trump derangement syndrome. The abortion types demonstrating and threatening the Supreme Court Justices. Small groups of fanatics. May all be characterized by objecting to being respectful, responsible and engaging in civil dialog to better deal with conflicting views.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are there no people of power who are educated about these basic bits of data, who then win a debate on these absurdities? This university has become a cesspool of dogma and control. Unfortunately, others will follow.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, so now UC Berkeley has to wear masks for flu if you are not vaccinated .

It is all about power and control. Are you going to be compliant? If so we will see how far we can push you to total compliance .

I stopped taking flu shots years ago. When I would take the flu shot I would come down with the flu 2 weeks later. So I stopped taking them and I haven’t gotten the flu since. I just added vitamins instead. My mom use to call vitamin D the sunshine vitamin. I rarely got sick.

The world has gone totally crazy. My little Welsh grandma would call people dwp. The Welsh word for stupid. I think that is a great word for people wearing masks outside, in their car alone etc.

Wake up people!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert, over the years I've witnessed the absolute insanity on college campuses. I wonder why anyone is still attending them.

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As I posted previously our "culture" had imposed the demand for a uni degree to perform jobs that traditionally were performed by high school grads or not even that if the applicant possessed the necessary skills. Wonder why?

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Very good point! I remember the days of "on the job training" .....

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So do I o.j.t. was really big when in the Air Force in the '60s. Saw a criticism where it pointed out that folks long on the job may have developed bad habits they then pass onto newbies. Still think that system surpasses what woke unis have to offer these dsys.

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I avoid mainstream media and idiots in general, so I confess I live in a bit of a bubble, safely away from my “betters,” but I must say, when I see a masked face, the last thing I imagine about the person is that he or she is virtuous. The perpetually masked have essentially disappeared for me. If I still can’t see their faces after 2+ years, they no longer exist. They’re invisible - kinda the opposite, in a way, of virtuous.

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I stopped watching television three weeks ago and I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I've stopped trying to speak with the WOKE and my friends are primarily those met here on Substack.com and a few people I met on Quora.com (before I quit participating in that loony bin). It is sad, but that is the world we live in.

I'm sure there was a giant twist in society when people began staring at televisions instead of talking to one another. I think we've taken another step towards isolation (and hopefully, introspection).

Your observation about those who wear masks is insightful.

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I no longer spend time among the "woke," either, because it just leads to disagreements and hard feelings. There's no way to avoid discussing the state of the world, and it feels artificial to me to try to talk all around it. Heck, we can't even discuss the weather anymore because "climate change."

I don't know if you're familiar with Dr. Naomi Wolf's work around COVID and the jabs, masks, shutdowns, and other "mitigation" measures, but I'm reading her book, The Bodies of Others (one of several in my COVID nightmare library, lol), and she eloquently expresses many of my instincts and feelings about the emotional and cultural impact of the last 2+ years. I just finished a chapter about the effect on school children, and it brought me to tears at one point. I highly recommend the book.

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Thanks for the tip. I have heard of Dr. Wolf and will consider buying her book. Honestly, it is wearisome to be aware, these days. Several friends have recommended THE WAR ON THE WEST, yet, after reading a Sample on my Kindle, it just made me sad.

I'm currently in the middle of a biography of Napoleon & my next book will be THE TRUE ADVENTURES OF THE ROLLING STONES. Sometimes I feel it's best to just remember when life was funner.

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It’s not healthy to wallow in all this Truth. I find myself very depressed & isolated.

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I haven’t turned my TV on in 3 months. It’s an expensive black rectangle that takes up space that would be better used for beautiful art. I don’t miss it at all, but it’s VERY quiet in my house unless I am watching a video or Zoom discussion.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those policies have a good match with the idea that educational system is mostly designed to be a social lift for the most compliant persons. Thus we can get more controllable science to benefit companies invested in universities and government. I don't see any discrepancies with the "Party Line".

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