A while back there were 3 doctors from the armed services that were blowing the whistle on the adverse reactions to soldiers. I know they have their own reporting system and the increases in injuries were off the charts. But again it gets swept away and forgotten. I’m sure these physicians paid a heavy price for telling the truth. As in every aspect of this administration, it’s not the data or the actual facts that are brought out, it’s that there can be no dissension that may interrupt their skim. The dissension is the crime. This government has become a mob. J.Goodrich

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A mob, and a totalitarian crime mob of godless, conscienceless, communists

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Amen Gloria, to me the saddest part of our country, that has been hijacked, is the families that have sacrificed with blood, treasure, time and dedication to help American citizens (etc.). They have had to watch these criminals devalue what so many have sacrificed to make a better place for their children. My father was shot in the back in WW2, my oldest brother who has passed away was an airborne ranger, my other brother, sister and myself have paid millions of dollars in taxes. I honestly consider my family an average American family. So many have given so much more. This government is a disgusting group of thieves and has disgraced the memory of my dead parents and my oldest brother. I pray that god resolves these crimes against the great American people. Sometimes, I think, it’s the only way it will get fixed.

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Why would they? They created the Covid con. It was a biowarfare exercise!

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The best answer to this was furnished by Townhall columnist, author, and attorney Kurt Schlichter. He said the first step in saving our military was a woke purge. He went on to write that "President DeSantis can take advantage of the fact that the military is a hierarchy by establishing early and decisively that warfighting prowess is the sole measure of success. He can do that by, 10 minutes after he concludes his inaugural speech and fires Chris Wray, relieving every member of the joint chiefs and every head of each service academy and war college. Then he can direct that every single diversity, equity, and other similar sham sinecure in the DoD is eliminated – gone, kaput, adios. And then he can have the new joint chiefs come brief him on their compliance with his order. And when they fail to comply, he can relieve them too. The message will get out.

But he must devote time to this job. A president’s most precious resource is his time. And to fix the military, he must spend time on it to the exclusion of other, lesser priorities. But it can be done. We did it before a generation ago. And we can do it again."

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I am sure you have been told by far better people than me Dr Malone just how much respect and admiration We The People of The World have for you and Mrs Malone. I have been "talking" with others whom you know well, and my contention is a little different to advising the general public to (my words) get off their collective arseholes and DO SOMETHING. I believe that may well lead to more "squashing" of truth and free speech. These people who have committed these atrocities have the "courage" and the "authority" (self proclaimed though it is) to STOMP on the ordinary citizen or (s) and I believe THAT is what has been happening, and THAT is one of the reasons we are still where we are. For example, there are still adverts on Australian Television extolling the needs to and the safety of "go out and get your latest booster". Speaking to a senior partner DR in a Medical Clinic informed me that they have two nurses employed to give covid shots and they are sitting around doing nothing.

My passion is for a group of high profile people to UNITE in a common story (you already have 17,000+ behind you). You (they) have drawn up the Ten Point Declaration ( which is Bloody fantastic) "IT SHOULD BE OUT THERE". You would be one of the only people on the Planet that could tell (for example) "someone" in the Australian TGA, and they would not (and SHOULD NOT) have the authority or the Gaul to disagree with you. My contention is, that starts the pendulam swinging back in the other direction. It gives all those individuals some REAL MEAT they can stand and deliver.

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Hey Doc, no worries about the time constraints...we get it. Please, do not feel obligated, we know you could use some time...please take some, rest a while, we will still be here. Also, just a note for your information, I could not get the video to play...an odd magnifying glass icon would not let me get the play button to operate, it just increased or decreased the size of the screen...??? (censorship?) I'm not an expert with computers by any stretch of the imagination...but this one is new to me. Enjoy your trip, we want the best for you. And by the way, thank you.

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I had the same problem with the video, David.

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BREAKING: Pentagon Paid For Vaccine Bioweapons and Helped Create the Covid P(l)andemic - https://tinyurl.com/3h5rke76

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What is going on behind the scenes in this administration is being orchestrated by those who are out to destroy our country. The Clntons were anti-military Obama was anti-military and now those pulling Biden's strings are doing everything in their power tot destroy our military. Those who would push experimental vaccines on our military were out to destroy it. Everything going on in our governmment now is entirely illegal...and it is not being stopped. When will this insanity end?

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Please look at what I believe is very critically important data analysis and check my logic re vaccine stats.

The above presentation is vital perspective on stats that is largely completely ignored. It becomes a source of great misperception and marketing misinformation.

As an example a diabetic reduces their absolute risk of stroke by about 1% over a 4 year period by taking a statin.

We are basically considered guilty of malpractice if every diabetic is not on a statin. Because of focus on relative risk reduction of 46%.

With the vaccine he should have calculated absolute risk reduction for DEATH OR SERIOUS DEBILITY from Covid NOT risk of getting covid.

Those numbers are never published.

The initial 95% Pfizer vaccine efficacy reported is relative risk of being infected. It was done during very low incidence. It’s likely hugely overestimated as with rising cases efficacy plummeted as seen with Moderna at 65%. Case numbers were 10X higher than during the Pfizer study but still low. Of course efficacy dropped with each new variant to eventually become negative efficacy.

I’ll have a go at absolute risk of death reduction for best case 65% with a general population probability of death around 1 per thousand (0.001).

65 x 0.001 = 0.065

Absolute risk reduction (ARR) was around 0.065% for the population.

Again, 0.065% reduction in absolute risk of death.

For the elderly, at perhaps 20x (a guess) average risk it would be about 1% risk reduction.

At best. These are the numbers to compare with risk of side effects.

BTW I have not seen ANYONE run these numbers.

Is my math correct? Please check.

How did I estimate general population probability of death?

That number is the infection fatality rate (IFR).

We know seroprevalence is at 98% plus. Might as well say 100%. So number of infections equals the population. Makes it very easy to calculate. Everyone has had it! So much for all the mitigation!

Global covid deaths


Likely overestimated due to reporting deaths WITH covid.

Global population


6.8 M / 8B = 0.00085

Or 0.085% true infection fatality rate. Less than 1 per thousand. Similar to flu.

Again 0.085% IFR.

In fact true IFR is substantially lower since many have had Covid multiple times.

IFR in the media conversation is highly variable, hard to find (they claim it’s impossible to calculate) but in the 2% and up range.

That’s only about a 20 X exaggeration. On top of overcounting deaths.

For perspective the 1918 flu was around 5%. That’s 50 times worse.

I’ve seen factchecks claiming covid is worse than the 1918 flu. I’ve not seen anyone compare the actual numbers. The general public deserves to know.

In particular it should be made known that ARR for the vaccine early on was at best well under 1%.

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Keep in mind that if a vaccine has negative efficacy at any point, it is useless. It is causing more people to get the disease than it is saving, never mind the side effects. Covid vaccines should have been halted a long time ago.

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I agree. The main point is to show how relative risk vs absolute risk stats are used to manipulate people.

I believe far fewer people would have taken it and the mandates could not have been justified if the initial absolute risk reduction of under 1% had been communicated.

The polarization over vaccination would have been greatly diminished.

They did the same thing at the beginning using case fatality stats to make the risk of death look extreme. The right stat to use was infection fatality rate.

Harder to do as we don’t know total cases but it can be estimated based on seroprevalence. I wrote an article early on about this. My estimate was 0.1 % IFR. I was close. Nobody would publish my article.

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Pretty doggone hectic for sure! Hope we will get to see the video. Gratified you are continuing to get vital information out. Will be looking for the next edition!

Spent part of this evening listening to Brownstone fellow Debbie Lerman's description of her research on 'How America's National Security Complex Took over the Pandemic.' They titled the interview EpochTV Jan J "Covid Derangement Syndrome." In short she concludes the Dept of Defense assumed charge of the operation early on. That is why public health plans were not a part of the response. Frankly, it sort of coincides with where we've been going (in my mind) but I'm going to have to listen again - as there seem to be some things that don't wholly jibe. Evidently Jeffrey Tucker asked her to look into the issues.

It is late and I'm need to listen to her again tomorrow and likely read your post as well - to see if I can come up with a more coherent picture.

Safe travels. Looking forward to cheering RFK Jr and all you great Drs on on Weds. Take care!

Very bestest

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Oh yes and there was an article tonight about Marco Rubio and 3 other Senators writing a letter about the VA's failure to follow a protocol they published re assuring whistle blower protections and taking action to improve Veterans services (firing VA employees fount derilict et al So much is spilling out these days.

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Compelling presentation by Dr. Naomi Wolf at Hillsdale College. According to her sources, this jab mandating was part of CCP's plan to degrade US military (and negatively impact reproduction in the US and Western Europe) by paying off the politicians and health "experts" into pushing the jab. China did NOT force this jab on their own people. Something I suspected from the start.


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Excellent post.

A woke purge of the military is an excellent idea. Plus sealing the borders.

These actions could be done without sucking up a lot of Presidential time, I think. A few staffers could be assigned to monitor to ensure compliance.

In addition, Trump had an excellent plan to effectively eliminate Jimmy Carter's "Senior Executive Service" -- which prevents ineffective or obstructive bureaucrats from being fired. As I recalled he planned to implement this, but the stolen 2020 election prevented this action.

Here is a link to an excellent review of Mindless War Two, the most recent book by General Vallely and myself, and the book itself.



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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

Top Secret documents from the Joint Chiefs are not shared with weekend warriors at the National Guard.

The Pentagon “leak” could have been deliberately orchestrated to force the removal of US President Joe Biden and/or to expand the power of the US government to regulate anything posted on the Internet, Larry Johnson, retired CIA intelligence officer and ex-State Department official, Judge Napolitano.

“There’s current legislation being proposed that would not only ban Tik-Tok, but would expand the power of the US government to regulate anything posted on the Internet,” So this could be an act designed to help create political support for that kind of authoritarian crackdown on information, a complete violation of the First Amendment.”

Twenty-one-year-old Airman 1st Class Jack Teixeira was arrested on Thursday over the much-discussed Pentagon “leaks”. He was charged with unauthorized retention and transmission of national defense information and unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents.

The Arrest of a 21-Year-Old National Guard Member for Leaking Classified Docs Leads to More Questions than Answers - It is a controlled intel operation.

By Larry Johnson


Until I saw the document labeled, CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update, I was inclined to believe that the leaked documents were the work of a frustrated whistleblower. But I have changed my mind. This looks like a controlled, directed leak by individuals who manipulated the 21-year-old National Guard troop member into taking certain documents and posting them on a public server.

The CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update is a document produced by analysts in the Operations Center to be delivered to the regular CIA analysts. When I worked in the Ops Center I was responsible for monitoring traffic from Latin American posts and flagging items that the analysts in the Latin American Division need to know. I would write up summary paragraphs just like the ones in the documents leaked online.

This was an internal CIA document. It was not broadcast to the other intelligence agencies. In my 23 years working with U.S. military commands around the world, I never saw a copy of this type of report circulating among those with the highest clearances. Never. How did a 21-year-old kid get his hands on at least two of these?

The classified documents now in the public domain are focused primarily on Russia and Ukraine. The CIA Ops Center docs now floating around the Internet are only partial copies. For example, there are three pages, all classified Top Secret, from an eight-page document. If you’re a goofy 21-year-old gamer simply intent on impressing your young proteges, why not take all eight pages? My guess is that the other five pages contained no intelligence information on Ukraine or Russia.

The 102nd ISS provides intelligence systems maintenance, integration, and operations for the AN/GSQ-272 SENTINEL weapon system, as part of the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF-DCGS) Enterprise, enabling near real-time Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (CPED) of [remainer left off of website].

The Sixteenth Air Force (Air Forces Cyber), headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, focuses on information warfare in the modern age. Information Warfare requires integrating: Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance; Cyber Warfare; Electromagnetic Warfare; Weather; Public Affairs; and Information Operations capabilities. 16th Air Force ensures that our Air Force and Nation are fast, resilient, and fully integrated in competition, crisis, and conflict by incorporating Information Warfare at operational and tactical levels, capitalizing on the value of information by leading the charge for uniquely-21st century challenges in the highly dynamic, seamless, and global information domain..

I do not believe it is a coincidence that he served in an information warfare unit. Remember, he was a low-ranked enlisted guy. He had a chain of command. He did not show up to work and decide what duties he had to perform while on the job. He reported to and worked at the direction of Non-Commissioned Officers and Commissioned Officers. He did not just waltz into a SCIF and print documents at his leisure. A guy at his level would attract attention if he was printing off a document like the CIA Ops Center report.

I believe that the alleged leaker did have access to Top Secret intelligence by virtue of his job. I don’t know if there was a polygraph requirement for him and his cohorts.

Regardless, all of the intelligence that has been leaked was on a Top Secret computer net and could only be accessed inside a SCIF. How could a 21-year-old obtain these documents?


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I believe it was given to him. He’s a patsy for as you say a much bigger plan which probably is to pass another massive piece of legislation to restrict our 1st amendment again. I don’t know if you saw Jesse Waters questioning Lindsey Graham about his support for that bill. He said he was voting for it but didn’t even know what was in it, as usual.

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Thanks for the update. You are correct.

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Larry C Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right. You can also follow me on telegram (t.me/sonar_21 (https://t.me/sonar_21), Patreon and Substack (https://larrycjohnson.substack.com).

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Found the video very refreshing and encouraging.

Thank you.

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China has hyper-sonic missiles which we cannot defend against. Covid came from their lab. They also own a goodly number of our politicians -- both parties -- from the Biden family to Mitch McConnell....

Alternately, we have a bi-sexual admiral, and even had an transgender official responsible for our nuclear weapons running around stealing women's underwear.

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Bottom line; majority of federal Gov is outside Constitution in its original function of national security & defense and all others are just control machines that need cut.

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Thank you for sharing the panel. Lived experiences shared are absolutely heartbreaking.

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