Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The very sad thing is that if I forward this to many of my friends and perhaps even my brother, who is an Interventional Cardiologist, they will shrug and giggle. What is it going to take to make the world wake up? I’ve been following this since Beck wrote about Agenda 21 all those years ago and watching this plan progress has been frightening.

What can WE do? How can we the people stop this?

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m afraid it will take an honest media. Not going to happen. So maybe it will take a government killing program that leaks out ? Well, so far, that ain’t working either. :)

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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What can you do?

Disown irrational friends and family.

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While ending relationships is unsettling and causes anxiety, I can attest to the benefits of doing so. After struggling for six years to maintain friendships with a couple friends of nearly 60 years, my decision to do so now feels like a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I consider them sad reminders of the Mass Formation Psychosis that has taken over the Western world.

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For me, a friend is a person with whom I can be myself and not hide my opinions. And a person I respect. Like you, I’ve dropped those who don’t meet these needs.

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It is sad, in these days of doubt and fear (Who can we trust when we read opinions on marking, COVID, deaths from mRNA "vaccines". political prisoners, and politicized law enforcement agencies?), it is important to know people with opinions they can support and explain without losing their heads.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That's exactly what has happened to people who are on this forum. Disowned because of being irrational, etc. Is that really a sustainable option? Fight fire with fire?

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I completely agree with your response, DD. Because of the Agenda 21 and now Agenda 2030 plan I must comment on the word “sustainable” however. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a perfectly appropriate word. It’s just that the UN has ruined it for me and every time I see the word “sustainable” my hair goes on fire! 😬😣🤣

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Gosh...Me, too (Apologize for using the 'Me Too' meme).


cues me like Pavlov's Dogs



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Pardon me for jumping in, but mzlizzi wrote nothing about abandoning Substack friends and associates. I liken talking to my brainwashed ex-friends to arguing with a fence post. Television "news" and politics have become addictions to too many Americans and let's face it: Half of all people are below average. There is no point in continuing a relationship with a person who has decided to abandon independent thought and reason.

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The smart ones exasperate me the most. If they were truly dumb due to brain damage or something like Down Syndrome I would pity them. But to have an IQ of average or above and throw it away because some "expert" or celebrity on popular media outlets tells them to...I call this "folly." Wrong not just intellectually but (to some extent) morally as well.

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I have to admit the "smart ones" are particularly irritating. My "smart ones:" are first and foremost 'Democrats' and Democratic positions are unassailable. No need to think, they're just right. Occasionally they do complain about something. I do take small pleasure in suggesting they look into it and do something about it. Or just resign themselves to the Party's group think. Generally - no response.

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Given as how the experts did not like how IQ scores distributed themselves I seriously doubt those scores mean much today. Was a lab tech 60 yrs ago working with Ph. D.s who ranked very high on the IQ scale but........ Finally gave up and went and got my Ph.D.

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Half are below average, while half of the half above are apathetic, the remaining quarter are part of the bureaucracy. The half below rarely vote, the quarter above vote based on ignorance and personality, the top quarter votes in their self interest. Thinking is too hard for 99.9% and getting instructions continuously 24/7/365 in the palm of your hand has proven the most effective manipulation tool ever invented.

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I would argue that many in control of this zo-fest belong in the bottom half of the curve. They are ego driven sociopaths lacking any hint of empathy butso fixated on their quest for power they appear to be much smarter than they are. Which is why they make such a dog's breakfast of everything they touch

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I highly doubt the people on this forum are irrational.

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You miss my point, have people who respond to these posts been rejected by family and friends for their stand? Yes.

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Not just rejected; HORRIBLY and VICIOUSLY rejected :(

Two of my three dearest friends from over 35 years back went on the attack when the world went woke... no one was safe from their vitriol... I have learned that reason, respect, logic, matter not.... I regret my attempts to assuage with a loving approach as it was met with mocking disdain... The final straw for me was a text I received from one of those friends following the tragedy in Ulvalde that said as a supporter of the 2nd amendment and gun owner, I bore responsibility for the deaths of those poor children!!! That was it; I blocked them all on my phone... Half the world has gone mad and we must now forge new friendships and strategic alliances to get through what is ahead of us... God help us all.

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My guess they always had some type of underlying resentment and couldn’t wait to bust it out.

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Yes. Laughed at. “Corrected”. Poo-pooed. All of it.

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Yes, by irrational people. Hence my point.

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I’ll have to cop to irrational behavior as of late😬

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They will do as they choose. Like addicts. We cannot change them.

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We have been barred from all "indoor" family attendance since this started. Don't know whether we will ever see the family again. I am devastated

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That’s horrific. I’m an RN and sniffed this out almost instantly. My mom, a true dinosaur RN would hear my arguments and internalized them. My brother, the MD MBA, just the other day told me “You don’t understand the science behind the vaxx.”. He is reasonable to admit masks don’t work but “they make people feel better” and even my ex sis in law, a Harvard trained Infectious Disease doc, admitted from the beginning that masks “remind people about the pandemic” alone.

None of them banned me or my family from gatherings, though. That’s so hard.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Well you're part of MY family. I guess of "awakening wonders" as RB might say.

to your point on relationships with the irrational: I heard someone say that true love is standing on a platform at the brink of Niagara Falls and extending a rescuing hand to those being swept over the edge; as contrasted against jumping into the water with them. -for what that thought is worth anyway

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thank you for that. It brought tears to my eyes. It's been so hard. This is part of the psyop; to divide families.

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Disowning is surrender. Surrender is defeat. Surrender is easy. Persistence wins, but requires more strength and courage than most people are comfortable with.

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I've had to drop-kick family, bar one, my "oddball uncle", as a consequence of the Covidian mind-virus engineering. Including my mother, which raised deep anxiety. She gave me an ultimatum: get jabbed (I'll not say "vaccinated, as the mRNA are technically not vaccines) or else. It's saddening, yet also vital, to say no to this madness, even if it costs us our old roots.

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thanks for sharing. The CDC looks like they called it all off or something. I vacillate in and out of hope. I am wanting to attract love of any and all into my universe.

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Doesn't mean sanity is returning. Probably someone in the regime calculated that continued oppression will cost them votes in November, so they ordered their disciples to ease up in order to reduce the damage to their power that is likely to occur. Expect renewed enthusiasm for greater tyranny when they become cornered after the election losses. They'll have a few months to punish us for our ingratitude.

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I'll expect to quash that enthusiasm, big time.

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Not without a fight. Big time. They seem to want the fight, but they seem unprepared for it.

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If CDC *did* call it off, then absolutely run with it.



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Panic is usually temporary. They'll get over it. Dont give up -- they need your help.

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Can’t do much about family.

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They can--and have been-- disowned and disconnected from in war.

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Freedom Cells and Pam Poppler have some ideas. Breaking off is our only hope. Large enough numbers in total in a number of communities or cells may buy us some time till the NWO system collapses. It is unsustainable by its very nature. But it will kill countless individuals first.

A lot of humanity that insists on believing their TV and pop idols will have to be killed or enslaved. Sad, but they don't want the truth.

We need to focus on saving individuals, families, "tribes," and in some cases small communities. Few realize how much danger we are in. Literally. And not from the flu.

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Jude 1:17-23

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Things haven't gotten bad enough yet to break through the lethargy. It will get worse, probably much worse, and the survivors will begin to make corrections.

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It’s hard. It’s hard to help someone remove his/her blinders. It takes, usually, one on one personal communication over time. I have helped —or maybe, more accurately, witnessed— the slow realization of one MD, and one brother-in-law. That’s it. But if each of us has a hand in helping just one or two others, we win.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Before I start reading this article with this challenging title, a short notice: Thank you so much for your attendance at the summit yesterday in Irland! I always enjoy listening to you and Jill!! Sometimes I really became emotional, almost tearing up, what you do for the world, not only for the humans but also for nature!! We are one - humans and nature! Also loved Ryan Cole - he is always at his best! Much love and gratitude from Austria, Bettina

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Malone’s are an incredible gift from God…

…it has been so important for me as a professional to see such an open, honest and joyful couple

The personal stories and “normality” of Dr. Malone’s personal life has helped stabilize my bipolar disability…

…the rest of the world is a challange

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All of it is smoke and mirrors. "Develop more cities," why? to move everyone to, that was displaced by ceasing land and homes. The middle-class and upper middle-class are no different than Stalin's hated Kulaks. There will be no equality. We will all be equally poor, by eliminating middle-class. As you said it is a manifesto. The thing is the WEF Gods are planning to not make the same mistakes by having better enforcement and control, and on a global level.

I refer you to Stalin's campaign against the Kulaks. "In February 1928, the Pravda newspaper published for the first time materials that claimed to expose the kulaks, and described widespread domination by the rich peasantry in the countryside and invasion by kulaks of communist party cells.[53] Expropriation of grain stocks from kulaks and middle class peasants was called a "temporary emergency measure". Later, temporary emergency measures turned into a policy of "eliminating the kulaks as a class".[53] The party's appeal to the policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class had been formulated by Stalin, who stated: "In order to oust the kulaks as a class, the resistance of this class must be smashed in open battle and it must be deprived of the productive sources of its existence and development (free use of land, instruments of production, land-renting, right to hire labour, etc.)." Wikipedia source.

Suggest reading about Stalin's purge, famine, collectivization, 5 year plan, etc. It all sounds too familiar and relatable to what is happening now.

Non-compliant ESG companies will be "Black Listed."

"The blacklist system was formalized in 1932 by the November 20 decree "The Struggle against Kurkul Influence in Collective Farms"; "A blacklisted collective farm, village, or raion (district) had its monetary loans and grain advances called in, stores closed, grain supplies, livestock, and food confiscated as a penalty, and was cut off from trade. Its Communist Party and collective farm committees were purged and subject to arrest, and their territory was forcibly cordoned off by the OGPU secret police." Black listing targeted collectives not producing enough grain and independent farmers owing taxes.

Why does IRS need more money and employees.... to scrutinize more taxes on middle and upper middle class. IRS is armed to the teeth, why is that? When they come for your home and land what then? They are learning from the CCP in order to succeed, they will need total control of the military, all institutions, crushing religious beliefs, censoring everything their people see or read, and monitoring them 24/7.

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This analysis is excellent

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Thank you. I enjoy your work and publications. They bring sense to the complex and add value to other things I have read.

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Yes. In other words, following an approach "leaders" have enjoyed using over and over again, the stated UN objectives may appear noble but the devil is in the details. It's a giant game of bait-and-switch.

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And then we are back in the middle-age... just the digitalisation is new but used for the same aims...

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Because of digital surveillance it will be far, far worse than any old school feudal system.

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I don’t think so. Now we have a chance to battle them. Back in the middle-age your head would have been already off or you would have been poisoned etc. just because of being part of this community.

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They haven't taken over yet. The old school tyrants would only kill you for doing forbidden things if they could find out. They lacked the tools to survey everyone all the time. And they allowed the serfs to breathe and talk to each other. To move freely when not working for the lord.

They want humanity permanently masked, distanced, and locked into pods. While they deliberately force them to take mRNA shots just to get fed. These will cripple, sterilize, and slowly kill them.

Unusually sadistic monarchs. The kind with frequent flyer miles on the Lolita Express to Epstein Island.

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I posted about collectivization before I read your comments, you beat me to it! it's going to be tougher this time around though I think.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Let’s put all of the world’s eggs in one basket.” What could possibly go wrong?

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The tricky thing about these agenda items, indeed the entire WEF Agenda 2030 is that each and every goal appears laudable taken on its own. Reading Klaus Schwab, one has the same experience: it's so virtuous that one has a creepy sense that it can't simply be that easy. Then, as one reads between the lines, one sees where the creepiness derives from -- it is HOW they want to implement these goals that should give us all pause. Somehow individual nations, local governments are unable to realize these goals, but by making every nation submit to the authority of the UN, all these goals somehow become achievable. How can this be possible? It isn't stated. All world governments need to do is to sign on the dotted line, transferring their sovereignty over to the U.N. and W.H.O and all these problems will somehow mysteriously be solvable. Well, so maybe it'll take a little longer... Be patient, and be content to be slaves to authoritarians/communists while we figure out how we're going to make all of this work.

NO WAY!!! First you tell me how you are going to make all this happen. THEN I agree to sign up for it.

The fact is, they don't have a plan for realizing their agenda, or they would have stated what it is. The component of the plan they have worked out in detail is getting governments to relinquish their sovereignty, making the citizens of all the world's countries slaves to centralized governing authorities. We see how well that worked out in Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany and with COVID-19. Yup, sounds like a slam-dunk, but not the one they are contemplating.

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Well said!

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Agree! Who would be doing it, and how would they do it. Perhaps "they" do have a sequenced plan for realizing their agenda, and that's what we all are experiencing now. E.g. Cause wide spread chaos/fear (violence, famine, war, disease, death) so that people will welcome, and be grateful for, any kind of control that restores order/predictability/dependability. Call the control measures "emergency" and "temporary" at first...for the common good = the foot in the door. It is lockstep downhill after that.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the summary. So let me see, 192 nations of all different cultural backgrounds, ideologies, religions, and tribal affiliations are going to all agree to implement this program of equality for all. Hmmmm and who are the big guys in charge? If it’s the same leaders who lead the charge on covid we’re in trouble. If it’s the same people who want to cancel oil and natural gas completely and charge ahead with wind and solar power before figuring our the production efficiency and end, we’re in trouble. If it’s the same group that have the money to build empty sky rises and hoard others land for foreigners, that’s injustice. If it’s the same big gang who think development of material wealth is the end all of happiness, we’re in for disillusion. If it’s the elites (course that’s debatable) who think that all of us in 192 nations canNOT decide separately what’s good for our own nations, help. This universal sovereignty sounds like big government and just looking at America and it’s over staffed gazillion departments, we, the regular people, already know that road doesn’t work. I’ll settle for less government here and abroad, and living peacefully with others. This does not mean not helping others, but looking at the scene rationally.

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Most of those 192 nations are pigs at the trough, signed on only to receive other people's money. Those who pay for it are hoping to win dominance, or are simply mindless virtue signalers. Central government, either international or intranational, guarantees oppression. If you can't go to the seat of your government and confront them, you're doomed to tyranny. The real problem is most people are too weak to be independent.

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deletedAug 9, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022
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It's human nature. Michael Hopf wrote that good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, and hard times make strong men. That's the history of the world in a nutshell. We're not yet in hard times. As things get worse, we'll see more strong men.

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This is where Africa will be a big force against this kind of thing. If I got it right, those were the countries that overwhelmingly voted against the Who's new health "crisis" declaration?

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am reminded, too, of the 60s T.V. show The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

That was about the United Nations Command for Law Enforcement, an Orwellian danger now.

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The UN is another Marxist organization that must be defunded and sent packing. The free citizens of the free republic of the United States, who created the engine that created the wealth that the parasites are plundering, must reclaim their birthright and send an unmistakeable message to the world.

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Trump tried, and they destroyed him.

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Great points, simply put.

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In other words what Wilson wanted with his League of Nations and fdr ultinately gave him

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As always, a terrific article. Thanks for the information and analysis. You're a genuine hero in my book, and I've posted a lot of your material on social media.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Canada is rapidly descending into a dictatorship under the rule of Justin Trudeau


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Largely agree, though I'm not so sure on the flavour of communism you're referring to. We need to be very cognisant of our language here, given the grey areas now occupied by intercontinental corporatism. The less-than-1% now have an emerging, and by the looks of it unprecedented, control over the foundations of our lives. I'd say that corporatism, with all its implications for "shadow power", has hijacked social agendas since the UN's founding.

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Universal living wage For the entire world, and control of agricultural markets Combined this with fascism and there you have it a modified form of a command economy. This is a huge world experiment in government

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Language is less important than actions. Socialists rely on corruption of language to obfuscate their actions. Arguing about semantics is playing their game, by their rules. The 1% who want to oppress you are easily overwhelmed by another 1% committed to liberty. Join the new 1%.

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Practically the main theme in 1984. Literally everything had been renamed and those names were constantly changing to fit the new whatever. Sorta like gender i.d. here today.

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This agenda 2030 ( aka. enslavement doctrine) reminds me of something similar I read once.

American slave owners did not like having slaves. To them it was just a necessary resource at the beginning of an industrial revolution prior to machinery that could do the work faster, cheaper, better. They (slave owners) found it difficult to care for, house, feed, discipline, keep track off and be around slaves. Which made it inevitable that slavery would end.

Eventually, bad, inhumane behavior, unrealistic thoughts and actions go by the wayside. Their plan seems arduous, unrealistic, and impossible to implement on a continent the size of North America. This might work in a tiny little providence but their is no way a tiny few elderly warped minded individuals can rule our great country!

Also I find it contradictory- in one breath they speak of useless eaters, the next breath it’s save the poor, the next breath it’s vaccines to save and protect you, the next breath it’s depopulation agenda. The back and forth of save/kill protect/destroy is categorically a mindset of an insane evil person !

I am going to stay faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ. As the saying goes — man plans and God laughs!

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I think the major difference today is TECHNOLOGY will allow control that wasn’t ever possible before in the history of the world! The bad guys have figured out how to terrorize people into giving up their HUMAN rights in exchange for the LIE they will be safe & protected!! Safe? we see how many have been injured or died from the jabs (not including the future illnesses to come). Protected? from a lab created virus utilized to orchestrate the Plandemic, or the Great Reset (of terror & loss of GOD GIVEN human rights). I can’t imagine things going more wonderfully after a start like this? I agree, if GOD says NO, it won’t happen!!

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The question I would ask is whether or not any aftereffects of slavery can still be seen. It may well be that inhumane behavior and dysfunctional thoughts eventually go by the wayside, but it may take a long time for "eventually" to show up.

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Its more slavery of the mind and choices to live freely rather than be dictated by others. A complete opposite of what our Constitution tried to avoid for the citizenry!

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China under Mao’s control Created a central plan to control the food production and supply that was disastrous! This is an updated version created by the globalist at WEF having a perverted vision for the world that will be disastrous! Famine and depopulation control will be the result!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

GRAND SLAM HOME RUN, Dr. Malone!!!!!!!

But FYI, PREVIOUS to the UN's "Agenda-2030" was the UN's "EARTH SUMMIT" - "AGENDA-21" and "Sustainable Development" which the U.N. 1st rolled out in 1987 at the World Commission on Environment and Development, 'chaired' by the radical Leftist Gro Harlem Brundtland. Initially, AGENDA-21 was signed by 179 nations at the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In 1993, (then) President ( and Council on Foreign Relations member ) Bill Clinton 'signed on' via his Executive Order # 12852 on June 29, 1993.

The 'original' AGENDA-21 was 300 pages and 40 chapters that included EVERY facet and aspect of human life on earth! NOTE that the so-called "United Nations" began perpetrating the ongoing FRAUD of "environmental protection" at the 1st Conference on Environment held in Copenhagen in 1972, when "Global Cooling" was touted as a coming environmental calamity! Global cooling then morphed into "global warming", which then morphed into "climate change", which then morphed into "anthropomorphic" (man-made) climate change. Info (hopefully) can still be available on line at www.freedom21.org (and) www.freedom.org

... In conjunction with the the UN nomenklatura and apparatchiks plan to enslave humanity in the name of saving planet earth - and making everyone ABSOLUTELY "equal" in the process, (their) "academic" and "intellectual" comrades in the US ginned up a BRAND NEW Constitution to replace the "old-outmoded", racist, sexist and (whatever) Constitution the Founders provided - with what they call the "NEW-STATES-CONSTITUTION-2020". It (may) still be read on line. NOTE: There is NO provision for INDIVIDUAL ownership of fire arms - only police and government are armed.

... Also, if not blocked, the "Important Dates in the New World Order Timeline" (38 pages) starting with 1912, is a MUST read for anyone who still has a love of this country. (VERY scary)

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There can be no doubt that climate change is being used to induce fear that can then be leveraged to justify the installation of further draconian controls. But judging by the sum total of their actions, I believe politicians, billionaires, and other high-level "authorities" care much more about the endless accumulation of wealth and power than literally anything else, including what may actually be true about covid or the climate or digital currency or AI or ....

"Self" is where they always put their priorities. Such people will leverage ANY issue to increase their own status, regardless of what they say about the issue, or what they actually believe about the issue, or (most importantly) what the facts really are. In other words, I would caution against using only the political intentions of bad actors to infer the truth of anything.

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Right you are...Money & power = CONTROL, the ultimate aphrodisiac of both the ultra wealthy and the parasitic nomenklatura and apparatchiks who write rules and enforce conformity over the masses... ALWAYS in the name of the "common good".

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hmmm has the UN supplanted China as the biggest threat to the American Way?

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No. As Stalin said about the Pope, how many divisions does he have? The UN is just a front for the real powers.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Totally agree the UN is out of bounds. I even see some code words for CRT in that list. But where on earth in that list is "Stop Wars!", did I miss it? They have completely failed to stop wars, so instead they adopt all this other stuff that is none of their business. What do you normally do with an organization that has failed to meet it's original and most important objectives? Defund it.

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Pretty amazing, isn't it?

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