Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

Dr. Malone, Great work! I am happy I held out and didn't get the Jab. I got the Virus in late December 2021 and recovered in less than a week. Used Ivermectin and other protocols. Was able to finish 3rd in a age group (60-69) national fencing tournament the following week.

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You have your profile wrong. It should read "Pfizer Global Research and Development, Groton, CT 06340, USA.". Are you and Robert mates?

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Don't be coy. I bet you're also a geologist right?

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Sadly all these trusting people are suffering having a higher chance of dying. I don't see the population ever trusting these various health institutions ever again. Matter-of-fact, only revenge remains which is probably the reason for high levels of propaganda and the grab for control to lock down any significant revenge pressure. This particular Supreme Court won't allow any of this anymore and I am looking forward to all the lawsuits leading to criminal prosecutions. Has to happen or else this country sinks to its knees.

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You mean the survival rate is now .000025, up from. 000020? Every negative has a positive. In this instance I recognize possibly two. Organized medicines corruption has come to light, and the attrocities of the education system were recognized by parents, as a result of the school closings. Question is, will we repair these institutions now that we are aware of their apparent downfall?

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None of us has the death numbers, the medical establishment hides them, blames a weird name for disease instead of the injection sort of thing, so you are guessing in that .0000 claim. Its my view enough people are beginning to realize what's actually happening, sensing it, and judging by the information coming out of the forced FDA releases the cause of increased suffering and death is known. We also don't know how long this will persist, both how long these synthetic spikes stay in the body potentially causing death, nor how long the injections will go on. I don't know what will happen but I will predict two possible scenarios, either the lawyers begin to pick all this apart like they are suppose to, including every MD is examined, or its all revenge all the time and this country ceases to exist. Nine meals from chaos sort of thing. Every MD in hiding.

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When I read your comment I thought you were referring to the number of people dying of COVID, not the jab. Either I misunderstood, or your presentation was not clear. So we understand each other, far more people are perishing from the jab than the virus. Do you agree?

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Absolutely yes. The question is by design or stupid profiteering?

I have no credentials, or want to parse the details, so probably I'm not being crystal clear.

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I went to see a movie tonight (it's night here) and towards the end the payout to the sponsors came, a bit where they donated vaccines to a poor central American community. It was jarring. We need to defund Pharma Inc.

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And ours. Which seems to be making the same policy changes about 12 hours after Biden does.

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You are a treasure Dr. Malone! We so appreciate you!!!! Thank you! ❤️

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Thanks for this. I gave my disbelieving doctor the Doshi/Kaplan paper and your analysis. Crickets. I think I'll send her these two papers and your commentary too. LOL.

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Does anyone else here use products that are “Cruelty Free/NotTested on Animals”?

As I reflect on this article and the extensive testing of HCW’s that were triple dosed + boosted. I can’t help but think that the Covid-2019 mRNA vials should all say “Cruelty Free/Not Tested on Animals” however, it has been tested on 200 million Humans in America and WILL Cause Harm.

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I have no background in Inoculums. But I have had a few in 70 yrs. I look at the mRNA vax protein spike units upon deployment beyond the dermis and into the cellular tissues and capillaries as though they are like Aquatic Zebra Muscles that now inhabit most all types of waterways/lakes/rivers/anything with a current or a confluence. They are by far (besides humans) a mostly invasive nonnative disaster.

They have no known natural predators to keep them in check. Once they set up near a moving flow they can quadruple in days. Closing of the largest of inlet and outlet pipes. I think the mRNA spike has the same advantages. This inoculum sets up in similar areas of blood flow. It clouds all your natural DNA messaging immune systems as then there is no record or way to dispose of it swiftly. The spike if unchecked is highly proliferous and stealthy as a thief in the night. Your entire cellular response network now dupped into waiting for your natural immunity to dial up the armies that have always been a first responder to such invasions mounted against communicable mostly season virus.

We were never prepackaged the DNA imprinted strand codes for bio-terror lab micro-invaders.

Neither were the global water sheds so highly important to our existence for survival.

The pHARMA dog is chasing it's tail to stop what comes after omicron. Like every cubic yard of the planets water has the possibility of the Zebra Muscle spawn afloat in it. There is no remedy or cure.

Your body is an ocean of a trillion cells and pipe networks. Do you really want to be a happy jabber?

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That's quite an analogy!

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Zebra mussles (I was not aware that a Zebra's 'muscles' were an issue) were created by God, spike proteins were created by man. I am sure that zebra mussles serve a purpose in their native environment. Unfortunately, due to man's interference, they have been transported to unnatural habitat and become invasive. This is comparable to man's interference with natural immunity and the introduction of Spike protein which is being injected into humans for nefarious reasons.

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Love this. Great analogy.

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Your references to Omicron infection in the sections preceding “B cell immunity after B.1.1.529 (Omicron) infection” are inaccurate as none of the HCWs sampled are labeled as infected.

The authors are instead bizarrely examining the question of how different doses and infections affect anti-Omicron responses before Omicron exposure. It’s a totally bewildering question for them to pursue and all the results in these sections are useless.

Note also that the authors are serially imprecise or intentionally misleading whenever it comes to describing things as being “reduced,” never specifying “compared to what” on a case by case basis. Your characterization of the “reduction” in antibody response X weeks after dosage (“ but in the case of Omicron, these levels dropped after either two or three doses of vaccine.”) is inaccurate for this reason. The authors are instead (bewilderingly) reporting that Wuhan vaccination doesn’t make a high Omicron response, especially relative to anti-non-Omicron immediately after dosage.

The results in the actual post-Omicron-wave infection sections are flawed as well. No actual confirmed variant type for infections. Unvaxxed left out for no apparent reason (so, inferences like “Post vaccination, rapid loss of any detectable T cell immunity against S1, which is the main antigen in the vaccines.” Are perilous since no comparison is provided to the unvaxxed). No longitudinal tracking to support their conclusions that Wuhan infected + “Omicron wave” infected “showed no increase” in anti-Omicron response.

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In an information war it is the intellectually brave who are the heroes. The intellectual cowards are always the ones calling for censorship.

We could fix everything by fixing governmental corruption and regulatory capture. Here is how:


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Maybe I'm reading this wrong but is this article suggesting that people who had wuhan v1 and the omnicron are immunocompromised even unvaccinated?

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That's what I understood it to say.

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Not good news at all.

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There are other papers suggesting this same thing. That covid harms your immune memory, leaving you worse off to fight future infections. I've even read some people relate it to HIV. Needless to say, since learning this I am working very hard to avoid catching it again until we know more.

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I think that is the point. Immunity to future variants is reduced.

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So ditto this question - this is me and it’s stressing me out... Hoping for more info about this.

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If our existence depended on understanding the immune system the human race would have been wiped out by a corona virus long ago. These covid "vaccines" are fundamentally flawed. The only reason this garbage was rolled out is it was a criminal operation from the beginning.

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Have survived Delta and Omicron without vaxxx here, so will stay on the path of "no needles for moi".

If the admin team of our Ruling Psychopathy will simply keep getting their "boosters", we will soon be rid of them all!

Can you imagine a world without Schwab, Gates, Fauci. Jamie Diamond. Larrry Fink, and Unk Joe? It might not be paradise, but it would come pretty close..

Of course, the ghouls in charge of the asylum are probably being injected with saline... Bummer.

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At a minimum, our government health agencies have known this since September 2021. That was when they mysteriously decided to stop posting breakthrough infections in their data...

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One More Reason - and possibly several - why I refuse to submit to experimental trials.

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Thank you. How many fully vaccinated and infected by Covid actually died?

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Omicron as we all know by now is an anagram for moronic.

Immune imprinting is an outcome of that, in the form of a concept of germ theory.

Comirnaty, does it even exist yet? EUAs have used another poison.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

Yes COMIRNATY DOES EXIST…..I should know I was vax injured by it 🤬🤯 as were many of my friends in UK.It was our booster ( to protect us!)We are all over 65.Many previously healthy…

Boris urged us to get it because of OMICRON,VERY INFECTIOUS! MORE FEAR( they knew it didn’t infect lower lung from South Africa’s hospital data…There were queues round the block….The EU and Australia also got it.

Our Gov’s forgot to tell us we were the Control Experiment rats…The US is very fortunate.😊

Why do you think they are not rolling it out.Just look at the UKYellow Card Adv.Events.( US VAERS). IT FAILED THE TEST😡🙁We are the victims….

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The EUA was given to comirnaty. I'm not sure that it's ever been produced though. The vaccine given to most, maybe all, was not in fact comirnaty. You might have been told that it is, but it's not.



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You can send me as many Twitter feeds as you like, It makes no difference to the first hand info I have been given.(Most of UK had Astra Zeneca for first 2 jabs)

I have my batch number and checked it to see how many injuries on howbadismybatch,They are investigating all the different vaccines world wide for adverse events.They list many Comirnaty batch numbers.

My sister has had 3 Pfizer jabs, only the Booster was called COMIRNATY.

My doctors surgery and the doctor who injected me ( at a local health centre,said it was COMIRNATY.

The EU Documrpentation states that their citizens are being injected by COMIRNATY.

Many posts on Substack are by Aussies who state they have been inj.with COMIRNATY

That is all I know,at the end of the day,they might as well have called it Rat Poison..

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It's really not comirnaty. Part of the legal avoidance strategy of the war criminals associated with this.

But agree that it's rat poison regardless of its name. And that whatever comirnaty is it's also rat poison.

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Thank you for the summaries below each section. I could not have made it through without them.

Geert Vanden Bossche was right. By vaccinating into a pandemic we have created gain of function variants.

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