Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am only one person of many, but there are barely words strong enough to express how grateful I am for all that you have done. You offer expertise with grace. In this challenging time, where we are all trying to make choices for our families, your voice is incredibly important to us. Thank you.

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thank you for your kind words, KW.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ditto. I hope everyone will join the Malone Institute (MaloneInstitute.org) or otherwise contribute if able so Dr. Malone will have sufficient funds to carry on the extremely important, imo, work he is doing.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know you know this, but you are not confused one bit Dr. Malone. If there is any word that might describe your feeling it may be consternation or possibly horror. I believe you are having a cognitive dissonance between expecting federal public health "scientists" to talk and act like scientists. If you were to fully accept that these people are only actors for big Pharma who were hired because they could talk "sciencey" talk but who had no interest in science or public health, you would not feel confused, horrified or anything but disgusted at what public health and medical science has degenerated into. I think you probably know this as well, Dr. Malone, as you are a smart man, who is trying as a gentleman scientist and a good person to be fair to your fellow scientists. But they aren't scientists; they are mountebanks and criminals. Let us never forget this, since the appropriate response to them, now that they have been discredited hundreds and hundreds of times over, is chiefly how to hold them accountable, not how to out-argue with them.

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Hi Mark - thanks for your kind words and support. This is being written as a key chapter in the upcoming book "The lies my government told me, and the better times ahead", and I felt the need to try to document and provide some explanation for why Omicron is infecting so many - whether vaccinated or "naturally immune". Not trying to argue with my "peer group", rather trying to help folks like you to access the primary information so that you can draw your own conclusions. Hope that helps. R.

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone- just a real world anecdote to follow on your choice words about vaxxing kids- my 8 week old just had Covid and she kicked its butt in less than two days. It took about the same amount of time for my 7 and 9 year old as well, although they knew if they were sick, they'd get more hot chocolate to make them feel better so they dragged it out another day lol. There is no need to vaccinate these age groups. at all. anyone that does is a monster

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My two-week-old son had a worse time with the seasonal flu back in 1999! I slept in a crib with him in the hospital overnight, because there were no extra beds and I had to breast-feed him every two hours. The hospital was completely full, people sleeping in the hallway etc. No one freaked out, including me. My son is now 6’2” and healthy as one of Dr. Malone’s beloved horses. A pureblood, like me.

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This goes back to how we got here: auto-generated. Auto mraning: self, alone and genes meaning gerated, create, or born. The secret book of John, The Gnostic Gospel.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One thing to add: I can hardly imagine how devastating it must be for you to find the health system and so many colleagues corrupt, sheepish and almost diabolical, inhuman given that you worked for so long within this system with the best intentions and ethics! I think these past years when you could establish your network and collect all your experiences this was the basis for your destiny which you are now fulfilling. Everything comes together, doesn’t it? And we all appreciate so much what you are doing and admire you for being who you are!! It speaks so much for you!!

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I believe too Dr. Malone was chosen/designated to lead & help us in this EVIL tragedy of Biblical proportions!!

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

wow, amazing work! I would love to read every study, however, I will just leave it to you, the expert. I have believed the Great Barrington Scientists from day one. I have been disowned by friends, family and colleagues for this support and I have ZERO regret. Because of them and scientists like you, me and my family are safe and healthy. So many people around me, not healthy. The past month, I have witnessed a change around me in my work, lots of death, nothing like I have ever experienced. People are blind if they cannot see the rise in unexplained death. Thank you Dr. Malone, you are literally saving thousands if not millions of lives with your truth.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I read, I cannot help but see a parallel in what you are trying to accomplish and witnessing for Christ. Armed with the all truth, it will not matter to those who will not accept it. The willfully ignorant will never listen until God opens their eyes. Dr. B

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More reason to somehow be informed of the intention to manufacture vaccines that "shed "to other non-vaccinated. That way there is no problem with those vaccine hesitant. Head for the hills on this one...

Somehow, either or because, with the intervention of the Powers on High, or the continuous examination of the data from people like you, we will see the Light. This is the most serious transgression of power from so many sources that I have ever seen. I feel surrounded by the unending assault of all forms of propaganda thrown at me. Thank you for your unending commitment to shine the light on this complicated arena.

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Maybe I need to be studied. Not jabbed. Never had Covid. Tested my Tcells. Negative. Also no antibodies. Went to a wedding weekend before last and 7 out of 8 at our table got Covid but not me..

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I don't think I've had it, either. I've not tested my T-cells, but I'm thinking my great vitamin D levels have maybe made a difference.

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I totally agree. Me as well..

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so Lisa, would you be willing to be studied?!. . . I can't help but wonder the extent you are taking other nutritional supplements vs those others, or in absolute terms. Vit C, D, zinc, quercetin, HCQ, IVM, etc etc. Don't share if this is obtrusive. . .

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Happy to report I listened to the real experts and I do it all. Have from the start. Daily D3, Quercetin, Magnesium, Zinc, Ascorbic C, K2. I doubt the others do. I know my husband doesn’t and he got a bad case of it and I didn’t. Over the first year of pandemic I got my D level up to 70 and my BMI down to 20. I truly believe combined with all the other protocols made the difference. Povidone nasal spray and or Xyletol and betadine and or Crest Intense gargle twice daily and after too close a contact. (keep it in my purse). The IVM intermittently..mostly sporadically, prior to travel or known exposure to Covid positive persons. No HCQ.

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Lisa, that's exactly my regimen! And my medicine cabinet! Dr. Zelenko got us started in early 2020, FLCCC picked it up and went a little further. Have IVM if I need it, haven't so far.

Agree, these are the real experts. Got my D3 up to 62 so far, goal is in the 70's. No C yet. I'm 70 and happy to be in the "Control Group."

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Not only the real experts but the ones not so motivated on the $$$ as the health! I sort of sort of blended the FLCCC, Zelenko & Mccullough myself.. And a few others on the supplement side. Here's to being in the "Control Group"!

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Lisa, great to know! I have taken D3 with K2 in sea iodine, super C, and NAC since March 2020. I recently had what I would call a summer cold with a one day temp of 100.1. Still have a bit of cough but nothing to complain about. I’m 69 and also take meds for BP and cholesterol. Never jabbed.

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Awesome! I have read Zinc also assists D3 fyi.

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Haven't been sick in three years. Same story as Lisa. I use D3, Olive leaf extract Quercetin zinc and a couple other minor supplements. We stopped the providone iodine after delta passed and went back to just saline as it will damage one's microbiome over time.

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No billions to be made on D etc so we have to spread the word ourselves.. Good to know on Povidone! Many thanks!

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for continuing to be the voice of reason in a sea of madness. To your question, "see a pattern", indeed I have and from a very early point in all this. I began to see folks getting sick around me following their jabs, sometimes immediately, sometimes within 3 weeks. I sent you emails about this. I sent Steve Deace emails anot this. I've been screaming from the rooftops about this. No I'm not a doctor. I'm a 60 y/o retired/ disabled veteran. I was an NBC (nuclear, chemical, biological) warfar eexpert. The most important thing that taught me was to look for patterns. Patterns like blocking helpful treatments, censorship of information, and so on and on I could go but you already know that. NBC 101 if you are on patrol and begin to see dead birds everywhere that's a bad pattern. STOP! STOP BREATHING! MASK! WARN OTHERS! BACK OUT OF THE AREA! All of that is what I felt when this started and it's exactly what I did. Six plus months ago I started looking at obituaries and noticed another pattern. "Died suddenly" "Died unexpectedly", young people, people under 70 and often in their 50's and younger frequently had this modifier in their obituaries. And what do you know, low and behold right on cue we gave a new mysterious syndrome, SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Everybody is baffled! I'm not baffled! I'm shocked but I'm not baffled. The level of assault on humanity is almost behind my comprehension but I see it happening right in front of my eyes.


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well done. This is our best hope - an activated and educated citizenry who is thinking for themselves.

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And speaking of the newborns, the data concerning immune imprinting demonstrate that vaccinating very young children with a genetic vaccine which expresses a Spike antigen from a virus that has not been circulating for a very long time (with the consequent immune imprinting) is either malevolent or madness or both.

I vote both.

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How does ANYONE know that J.T. , Fauci , G.N. & other politicos , famous or elite persons got 'innoculated / boosted , etc... with this stuff ?

I did a quick search months ago " What CEO's , higher-ups in the Pharma Co.s really took their own medicine ? "..... I got almost nothing except the CEO of Phiizer explaining (pathetically) why he was absolved from taking it ..... whilst talking 'out of the both sides of his mouth' ..... REALLY ! (see if it's still UP ?)

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Richard, I will reply if by J.T. you meant Justine sparkle socks Trudope. That evil scumbag lies the minute he opens his mouth. NO he did not receive the jabs. The reason I say this, is, there are so many so-called investigations into FJT lies and evil doings.

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Yeh , WTF Knows , Dady's pretty baby-boy gots sum kinda power now or minions riding on paper coat tails ...... the whole thing is pathetic , like rabid drunks for power ..... maybe we got more than 2 species of bipeds swimming around ?

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well communicated and referenced. Very helpful!

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Was waiting for this Doc. Thanks.

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wowed with that explanation! There’s little doubt about one mechanism, OAS or ADE that’s leading to the very high infection rate of the vaccinated! The vaccinated are very lucky that the current Covid-19’s variants are not so lethal!! Otherwise we would be facing massive amounts of severe infections and deaths. The vaccines have promoted infection, the antithesis of what most of us would believe to be reasonable expectation of the vaccines!!

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Geert Vanden Bossche has said this is why he thinks the jabs are so dangerous. Because they are non-neutralizing and protect against severe infection, they are actually going to cause the escape of more virulent variants.

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You're exactly correct! You know who else said that was Luc Montagnier, the famous quote early on that they tried to make him retract. "there is no hope, and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement. Nothing more can be said."

He was the French virologist who I believe discovered the virus that caused AIDS.

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That is a possibility but ADE makes one extremely sick and unlikely to go out spreading it. So my take is it must both take advantage of the non sterilizing antibodies and infect the unvaxed that basically have herd immunity. Possible, but let's hope unlikely.

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Why are you saying it will effect the unvaxed? Or is it that the unvaxed maybe infected but won’t be serious for them like the vaxed? From what I recall Dr. Vanden Geert Bossche has said this.

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Well my take is a mutation causing ADE in the vaxed, will likely not be serious in the unvaxed. But that mutation also has to overcome basically omicron herd immunity in the unvaxed. So it has two pretty good size hurdles to jump over. Geert thinks the chances are 85% that it will, my guess is it's much lower say around 10 to 15%. But I'm not a scientist. I've just read mountains of research on the topic of covid and viruses and how our immune system works. I think deadly mutations are occurring and killing vaxed, but they need to get past the herd immunity of the unvaxed.

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Greg, spreading this bad news based on your “unscientific analysis” strikes me as adding fuel to the fire! We have enough of that. Provide your reasoning please?

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this detailed description, Dr. Malone.

To echo another reader: there is a typo here: “Just to be crystal clear on this point, as I said on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on January 23, 2002.” It should be 2022. Though it does feel like about 20 years ago…😉

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Dr. Malone: On these more scholarly posts, putting aside the minor correction, you produce the most typographical error-free work around Substack. If as I suspect you happen to have someone proofreading your work, I think it shows. If not then it's a credit to you. Either way, the proofreader should get a raise!

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Dr. Malone, I highly respect your articles. I can not imagine producing all of these highly detailed and researched articles. Each one is like a research project that would take some time to put together! I would love to have that skill and knowledge to be able to produce like you do. It is a tremendous gift.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for all that you do and your thoroughness. You’ve jumped on the grenade for all of us. Judy Mikovitz has been talking about ADE for two years now. I just wanna know when we can lock up the criminals.

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Thank you so much for this. I must admit, meanwhile, I wait eagerly for your substack article every day. And it’s always stunning and such a precious enrichment. I always learn something new! Now, this article reminds me that I, my Mum and my boyfriend had MERS back in 2013. A client (Finish citizen) coming from UAE to Austria for a meeting infected me and my colleagues (almost 20 colleagues fell ill within 2 days!). We had the typical symptoms, but nobody (doctor etc) cared at all. Now, I am not vaccinated against Covid at all and was not infected with any variant of SARS-Cov-2. At least not to my knowledge. The very same applies to my Mum. My boyfriend is 3 times vaccinated against Covid and did also not catch any of the variants. Maybe the MERS infection caused us such strong antibodies or T-cells or otherwise cross immunity? Is this possible? Much love, Bettina

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yes, there should be some cross reactivity. But MERS is fairly divergent from the SARS 1 and 2.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

How about H1N1? I got something late mid December 2019. It was all the classic covid symptoms but the timing of it would be wrong unless one of the many Chinese nationals I was exposed to at time maybe exposed me. In any case, I took the antibody test in April of 2020 and it was negative, but I haven’t had ad much a sniffle since that infection 2019.

As an aside, every fiber of my being told to me stay away from this gene transfer shot from the start. My wife got the J&J back in May of last year in spite of efforts to convince her otherwise but so far I’ve been able to dissuade her form boosters, however I work with a lot of Canadians and they’re all double jabbed and boosted and all are getting covid, some in succession. A number of local friends of mine are also on their second and third infections. I feel that people are starting to wake up, but there’s still a lot of heads in the sand on this whole thing. Too many.

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lots of things to focus on. Hopefully the book helps by covering many of these.

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