Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent speech Dr. Malone! Thank you for not giving up and continuing to spread the truth! God Bless You and all of us 🙏🏻♥️💯

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you. And, as Snowden urges, each nation should develop and protect its own AI boundaries - otherwise unique national culture characteristics, including language, will be erased.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Boris, I can't help thinking of the indigenous people, especially the Native American. Language, religion(1978 religious freedom) and culture almost completely wiped out. Aboriginal people have been demoralized and it goes on and on.

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Same with Hawaii

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great job! Important observations re the destructiveness of centralization and facism.

The work cut out for us to reclaim freedom.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

We must cut the strings the fascists, Marxists and communists would place upon us in order to control every aspect of our lives. I loved the meme Dr. Malone posted on his Friday Funnies- Become Ungovernable.

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I try very hard to stay positive, but there is so much that is so glaringly wrong, that I walk around with a very heavy heart most of the time. I do what I can from my little corner of the world, but it doesn't even create a ripple. Between the tens of thousands in this country that died needlessly from covid due to the suppression of early out-patient treatment (we're talking between 750,000 - 900,000) together with the tens of thousands who have died from the covid "vaccines" ( using an under-reporting factor of 30, we're talking about approximately 550,000 associated deaths) the number is staggering. Then there are all of the J-6 political prisoners who are still sitting in jail, without having been charged or had a trial. They are referred to as insurrectionists, when no one has been charged with insurrection. None of them were armed, killed anyone, stole anything, or damaged anything. Yet they have been treated like the scum of the earth, Meanwhile, we have criminals who are repeat offenders who after being arrested or apprehended, are out on the streets in a couple of hours, only to repeat their heinous crimes. Here is the story of one of those political prisoners, whose name is Brad Smith... https://www.givesendgo.com/G9DY8. Their crime? Being close to or entering "The People's House" after being waved in by the Capitol Police. I don't even know what to think anymore about anything.

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Really great speech…one of your best. The fight here is in the schools. Bad enough that they are not learning the essentials for personal development but subjected to anti-cultural propaganda from day one. And since we no longer have a free press, quit treating them like they were. State AGs could take remedial action vs provable biased reporting…couldn’t they?

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful Dr. Malone. May God give us the wisdom and the courage to pursue this path. I pray for His steady hand upon both you and Jill.

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There you go again Dr. Malone, cluttering up the issues with facts and total truths!! Our enemies have seen what hasn’t worked and what has worked throughout recent history. Psychological warfare is a knockoff of bombing cities only this time it’s done through information and pure evil political power. We are facing an opponent that has invaded our governments linked with business and banking and these players must be amputated from all systems of government. And you are 100% correct that this is going to be a very long term war. I so appreciate you. Pleas stay safe!!!

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His speech uplifted my spirits. This is the most positive speech I’ve heard/read in several weeks. God is so good all the time and I thank Him daily for the Malones and everyone here 🙏🏻♥️

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Yes Teresa, subscribing to Dr. Malones sub stack has been the only positive thing that came out of Covid for me. I love the diverse subjects and information I get from all.

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderful speech! Embrace the struggle. The worthy opponent. MEGA

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Their errant stealth application was to "BURY" us all,

Never realizing they were planting the next Gen of good seeds.

Our thoughts become the things, events, and times in our lives.

Choose the good ones!

As every moment counts.

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clarity, conviction, courage, intellect. All in the recipe for a great speech.

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Dr. Malone is incredible. He's able to speak intelligently on many diverse subjects. But, this speech exceeded even my wildest thought of what Dr. Malone could discuss. I was in Romania before Ceaușescu was overthrown. It was a sad time, and I never saw a person smile. Dr. Malone would not have been allowed to speak.

Times have changed, and now the US has become more like the Romania of old. Our government wants to either control everything we do or allow others including WHO to control us. They use a huge bureaucracy and money they print to moderate social media and control are lives to accomplish their goals. It's sad, but thankfully Dr. Malone is giving us a path forward. I just hope it's not too late.

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The entire premise of the demented (Collective Globalist) Left is that it is "unfair", "unjust" and "uncivilized" for ANY nation to be ANY "better" (greater) than ANY OTHER! THAT is precisely WHY "they" HATE the American "MAGA" movement; and the new "Make Europe Great Again" movement must be making "collectivist" heads EXPLODE in RAGE!

The "Collective Left" also HATE the very notion of -( and want to ERASE )- TRADITION in any form as they FLOOD WESTERN nations with illegals, MANY of whom - such as the Muslims - have NO intention of either INTEGRATING into Western nations OR relinquishing their OWN traditions AND RELIGION!

The so-called "elite"who are instigating this ongoing and INCREASING GLOBAL AGITATION will have NO where to HIDE when their imbecilic plan for "globalization" of the Homo-Sapiens species EXPLODES in their FACES!

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Well said. Healthy competition drives innovation. Healthy innovation takes emotional/mental stability, inspiration, motivation, a functional moral compass, and hard work. I have a sense that the snowflake globalists are both infantilized adults and mentally lazy. Too much drinking their own bathwater.

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Recall that the notion and WORD "competition" is an anathema to the "Collective leftist" mindset - and their one-size-fits-all vision of a Marxist utopia personifies the inveterate intellectual indolence of the "Collective left"

Also, 'hard work' (to them) is terrifying.

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All the BS about Nationalism leading to war is exactly what “Globalism” does: lust for power. There are viable designs for small nuke reactors that could power a house for tens of years and sell electricity back to the grid. But that would be bad for The Controllers.

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Excellent speech and analysis of our current challenge. The psychological manipulation/weapon delivered through our media has facilitated the mass psychosis controlling and paralyzing a significant portion of the Western populous. A more diabolical plan would be unimaginable unless it was headed by a German with an SS background cheerleading for the five eyes spooks.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

WEF Guru Yuval Harari statements: "Now surveillance is going on under the skin. Governments want to know what is going on inside our bodies." "Humans are acquiring divine powers of creativity and destruction upgrading humans into gods - the power to re engineer life." "All these stories of about Jesus rising from the dead is fake news." What an affront to the 2.6 billion Christians worldwide. "There is no God in the clouds above, only the Google and MS cloud." He boasted of being able upload consciousnesses into these clouds. "The whole idea that humans have soul and spirit and free will ... that whatever I choose in the elections, the supermarket, that's over!" Do not ever use Meta's goggles (the optic nerve is a direct conduit to the brain) and now they have a headband that enables you(?) to track your brainwaves. Blatant hypnotic and subliminal tactics are being employed in technology (TV, social media, electronic music). Former Pfizer VP turned whistleblower Dr. Michael Yeadon stated, "They are after your kids and I am very, very sorry." As former president George W. Bush stated years ago, the next world war will be a war against minds.

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