Years back I didn’t believe in ghost or ufo’s. As time has gone on my mind has changed. Here is a video of a ufo above my garage right in my back yard. If you can blow the video up and follow the light, you can see there are colored lights in the object. https://share.icloud.com/photos/07aY7-CkR2uQWLtsa6svJeSBQ

Not to add to your thoughts that James has lost his marbles!!!, our NH house is haunted. My wife has heard music, voices, and smelled smoke. Shades have fallen off windows, doors slam, one time the door slammed so hard the window broke. I was in the garage and had just hung up some hooks and put extension ladders on them, I was 5 feet from them, and someone ran their hand clapping on each rung. Never in my life have I ever experienced so many paranormal activities as we do at our house in NH. I’m not crazy, J.Goodrich

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I've lived in two houses that had paranormal activities, both in Maine. Both old farmhouses that hadn't been occupied in years. In the most lively of haunted farm houses, the old farmer had died when he fell off the back of his hay wagon in the yard and was killed. This happened many years earlier and the house had never been lived in full time after his death. Out of staters bought the property but never came up. Or if they did, they didn't return. Local kids told me the history when I first moved in. Harry Benner, I'm sure this was his name, didn't like me living in his house, and made all sorts of clamorous noises including what sounded like a cannon ball being dropped on the attic floor right above my head, followed by the sound of chains dragging. When I went up there with a flashlight (and this happened more than once) there was nothing to be found. The attic was completely empty of all objects and junk. I finally moved to another bedroom in the front of the house because I was attending college and needed some sleep. This bedroom was at the top of the stairs. Every night without fail, footsteps would come up those stairs, slowly and deliberately. Finally I told him we had to find some way to get along. I loved that old farm of his, and maybe, because of that, we did find a way to coexist. I still have dreams about that sweet old place.

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Senior Moments, after living in this house in NH, I am convinced there a entities around us that we can’t see, 100%. Our house is a small ranch style house on a lake, and we love it there. It’s actually a perfect place for the both of us. My wife is there right now!!! By herself!!!!

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I think there are energies and spirits all around us, too. I know when my parents died, I experienced some really odd phenomena in their old house. I'm convinced they're still very much there. We still have the house, and my niece met me there with her little three year old this past fall. When they were getting ready to leave, her little girl pointed and asked who the woman was by the fireplace, with the long white braid? Well, there was nobody there, but my mother wore her hair in a long white braid and loved sitting by the fireplace. Life is full of magic and mysteries, if we're only open to experiencing them. The very young have uncluttered minds and experience more of that energy than we do.

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I totally agree with you SM

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A retired Airforce pilot 25 years ago shared his UFO story with me. Scrambled out of Dulles because radar detected a UFO over DC. He was flying next to it at 550 knots and he looked at the strange object and it accelerated and disappeared before his eyes. His comment. "It was not from this earth". It had to have substance if it was picked up on radar. Not ball lighting or a dense cloud. Beginning to believe there is a 4th dimension to life that we don't understand.

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Cant wait to go there, myself. Between the moose and ufo sightings, I may just start drinking again.

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There’s something in the house. I’m serious!!! I think it’s the mother, Mrs. Hanson, that bought the house from the lady that built it. She left it to her son and he was forced to sell it because of a girl he went with and he signed over 1/2 the house to her. He bought her a Harley Davidson Softail Custom, she drove away and never came back but to get her check for the house….

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I've got some old books by reputable people about the various ways these "entities" appear. You are most likely accurate about the story. You can encourage Mrs. Hanson to go on her merry way, she is most likely stuck in the inbetween. Your encouragement might make a huge difference in "freeing" her.

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My wife talks to the entity, though she doesn’t think it’s Mrs Hansen, I do. Neither of us are afraid of this spirit. I will have the regular swinging door open for hours on the garage, walk up to go in and it closes on its own, all the time. It’s very odd. I could go on for hours about things that have happened there. We’ve done lots of work on the house which may have stirred things up.

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How does the dog react? They're usually very receptive to this type of spiritual invitations. My wife worked with a Medium who would start talking to her brother, and all the spirits around her. She's pretty good at catching whiffs of people who I knew, and never really discussed much with her. She also sees pets who've passed.

I truly believe that the spirit lives on beyond the physical body, as I can tell you that I personally had a few interactions myself, which were not explainable otherwise.

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The dogs have definitely reacted to noises and doors and windows shutting on their own. Yes one night, only once a window slammed shut. Very odd things go on there even still after almost 20 years.

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You won't need to!

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A few drinks will calm,the nerves down meeting Bullwinkle or Rocky. The UFO thing doesnt worry me in the slightest. Once they found out that Rosie OdOnnell is a host on The View, they will skidattle back to whatever solar system they came from.

With Whoopie and Rosie tag teaming the other hosts, they just cant bare the thought of sticking around and watching.

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Wow! Chipoko in all forms!! We literally asked every Zimbabwean we ran into about chipoko and they all had a story of one kind or another. A similar word would be the "phenomenon" which is what we're using more and more in UFO circles to describe everything from orbs, to apparitions to craft. Check out Chris Bledsoe.

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Why do you stay there?

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Its a beautiful spot on a very quiet lake. It has its own beach, small dock, and for me a big garage. We’ve kind of come to accept Mrs. Hansen. She goes with the house. Now you probably think I’m really crazy!!!!

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No, I don't, but I don't see how anyone would want the interruptions in their daily life.

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James: Beautiful! I see no reason to leave your home and many many reasons to remain.

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We’ve really made the house into what we wanted, though maintenance never ends!!!

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Thank you Leonora, it’s a lot like a cabin

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Very nice.

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Most all what you see was redone or added. The stone and wood stove, we redid the fireplace and I did the built ins around it and the glass room was just open screen and the room was a mess. That glass room also has a wood stove with a stone hearth and stone back.

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It’s not a daily thing, at the most weekly or monthly. Over the years we’ve done so much work on the house to make it what we want it would be hard to sell it. I’ll post a few pictures of the inside. It’s not a big house it’s kind of cabiney…

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Curious footage... I don't think you've lost any marbles. At my parents new home in Arizona, we experienced doors slamming, huge inexplicable bangs from within the house, and a dark shadow that passed by at certain hours. It was only after they first moved in However.

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Funny when you bring up strange things happening in houses, so many people have had experiences. We’ve owned that house for almost 20 years and strange things still happen. It’s become almost a norm there. The weirdest thing for me was the noise of a hand slapping the rungs of the ladder. When I tell people I still get goose bumps.

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Creepy! I also experienced some strange happenings at my childhood friends' old home in Massachusetts, specifically loud bangs on the door to an empty room where a little girl had died. My parents 200 year old home did not have as much activity, despite a farm hand having fallen into a thresher on the front yard in times gone by.

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After my mother passed at the house I grew up in a couple of odd things happened. As soon as they came they went. It’s such a mystery what happens to the soul???

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After my older brother died, my mother experienced an alarm clock going off at the time he died 24 hours later, and a couple times footsteps over head from his room. But that was the only activity for a 200 year old house with a lot of history. We really don't know what happens to the soul, but it is fascinating to contemplate such mysteries. I read recently that scientists are beginning to consider that animals and even insects might have a different kind of intelligence (and hence a possible soul) than we ever imagined. I for one had an experience with a spider in my bathtub, which I would remove during showers. At first when I rescued him from certain peril, he jumped right back in, but then after 3 times, he got smart. Soon another spider came and the same sequence ensued. This went on over a period of a few months. Finally a third spider appeared in the tub, and I had had enough. I gently transferred all three into a jar using toilet paper to grab them. I then took them to the garage and shook out the contents on to the floor. The first spider fell out and ran for his life. The second spider fell out and stayed by my foot. When the third spider fell out, he or she joined the one "waiting" by my foot and they strolled leisurely off together. I figured that the first spider who ran for his life was the newcomer. The other two who knew each other and were also used to me were not frightened and so one waited for the other to join him before they both disappeared into the sanctuary of the garage. Now whose got some loose marbles? Ha!

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I think we both do Andrea!! Great story…

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Circadian-rhythmically-challenged trans-chicken 😂😂

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do you know why chicken coops have 2 doors?? Because, if they had 4 doors, they would be chicken sedans.

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Oh, good grief, Pat ya gotta be an old fart like me - that’s the second time in a week I’ve heard that line. Was still thinking about it last time I was driving my 4Runner and she was much distressed when I shared it with her. "Darlin, ye no sedan - ye gots FIVE doors and five roll down windows. Further, no sedan will er eat yer dust as they’d ne’er ever keep up." Talk about a happy truck - she didn’t even care that her caboose was dirty.

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hahahaha, good one (yes, "defiantly" an old fart)

and your "accent" reminded me of another

How many knees does a Scottish Highlander have?


A left knee, a right knee, and the wee knee.

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Good timing

The jokester in our "Bible study" group might enjoy this

Group meets this AM

Now, to see if my addled brain can keep it in mind, and straight.


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bible group you say, my dads favorite joke, and he had me tell the preacher almost every sunday.

Whats the quickest way to make Holy Water?

Boil the hell out of it.

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Named Duck. Confusing time for a bird.

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Haha right

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Apr 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Never seen a UFO, that I know of, but do believe that other universes exist that are more advance technologically than earth's so we probably do have visitors. Good story well told. thanks for sharing.

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You don't need other universes to find more advanced technologies. There are plenty that exist right here in this one.

While our planet is only a few billion years old, and many scientists will tell us that this entire universe is only a little more than a dozen billion years old, other sources tell a different story - and they might well be more accurate.

In any case, there is plenty of evidence out there that other civilizations exist right here in this universe that have had much more time to develop their technologies than we have here on Earth. Much more time. By other means it has been confirmed that many of these beings have lived in this same universe for much longer than we have lived on this planet, and that their technologies are of this universe. That does not mean that there are not other universes. Every single being has the potential to create and inhabit their own universe. So there are potentially billions of other possible universes. But this idea is not needed to explain what is going on here on Earth right now.

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Apr 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Immediate Extremely Intriguing Storyline. A+

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Apr 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ms. Isernhinke reminds us what a rich and varied world lies outside our routines and comfort zones. It takes a sense of adventure, and sometimes some bravery, to go find it.

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True, but it doesn't take that much bravery to go visit a few websites you've never visited before, or read a few books. The "adventure" is closer than you might think!

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Apr 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A BIG opportunity for both RFK Jr. and/or Jill Stein -- now that Trump guided Mike Johnson into total surrender and adoption of Biden’s cabal anti-American Uni-party policies on both wars and FISA censorship and surveillance. Trump formally joined Biden’s-deep state Uni-party and -- is effectively GONE.

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Something interesting from the Texas AG. Seems he took on a childrens hosp. in Seattle that provides gender treatments to Texas kids sent there. Treatment does not end with the butchering,they have to rx meds forever after and that put them in violation of Texas law. So they have withdrawn from treating our kids. And that raises an interesting point about these NGOs and such that are paying to send kids from states that outlaw gender modifying kids to states where the butchery/drugging is legal. Either the kids have to stay where they are treated or when back home the treatments they will need may well break the laws in the home state.

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I bet Paxton's brain works overtime while he sleeps.

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Apr 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for that wonderful journey down African backroads, with real people and a trans chicken. My aunt was a teacher in Kenya and loved the years she spent there. My parents saw a Chipoko once at a set of sporting camps in the north woods of Maine, back in the early fifties. My mother's parents owned the camps and it was my mother's job to shut off the generator that lit the guest cabins at exactly ten pm. My dad worked as a guide for the camps and was sweet on her, so they'd meet up nightly at the generator shed for a little necking. Anyhow, they came up for air and saw the moon, or what they thought had been the moon, tip suddenly on its side and then vanish at such speed they forgot all about necking. It really humbled them because there was no explaining what they'd seen.

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Apr 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Chipoko - GREAT album title! - keepin' it !!

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Apr 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Embrace the strange and think outside the box. There is so much we do not know.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

When UFOs (and I'm going to resist the narrative control word-herders and stick to this acronym) land at schools, the men in black have a more complex challenge.

See the Westall UFO incident in 1966. UFO sightings by an entire grade school in Australia. Witnesses still alive. See hour+ long program on YouTube. Fascinating, with artistically interesting paper and charcoal animation/depiction of events.

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We really old guys call them space ships. In our day we knew everything so nothing was unidentified.

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Ha. Now you will not only own nothing you will know nothing but what you are told.

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Klaus bless you !

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But, but, we already know everything so…..

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Shelley..just put up a post you might be interested re Texas AG enforcing anti-gender transitioning kids and out of state providers

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Well, Dr. Zachary Smith. You sir, are a threat to Will Robinson, and Robbie, with your chicanery and dubious intent to rule the world !

No wonder young Will was always scared , and confused being credulous at best.

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Right now our entire planet is “lost in space”

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Apr 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just heard MTG trying to stop the 61 billion going to the U S politicians/ Ukraine saying the people can’t pay their taxes but we have 61 billion to give to killing Ukrainian men, America last….. her attempt got shot down in minutes. Don’t mess with the uniparty’s grift!!!! They’ll slice your throat.

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There is significant truth in this statement, ironically so.

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Really really old guys call them sky chariots.

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The theory that uaps are a terrestrial phenomena is supported by a lot of science, think about what CERN is doing, and it goes back to biblical times. Recall that in the book of Daniel, Daniel waited two weeks for God to answer his prayer for help because the Archangel he sent to help was occupied in a fight with the Prince of Persia in the unseen world. Satan is said to be able to present himself as an angel of light, so perhaps we should focus on our bibles for the best understanding of what is going on here.

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If it isn’t 'military/IC’, it’s demonic… I hold the distinction lightly.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very interesting article. I was especially intrigued by the encounter and subsequent reaction to the event at the Zimbabwe school. How delightfully refreshing!. In the late 90s, my father traveled (in the rough) from Egypt to South Africa with a small group of adventurers. They were caught up in some political unrest, but managed to survive. My mother joined him on a second trip for a Safari in Zimbabwe, and they also spent time in South Africa. Some of the black folks they encountered missed the Dutch farmers, whom they said had been kinder to them than their black employers. My parents received letters and post cards for years after, and sent back gifts to some of these friends. Reading about the chicken named “Dutch” and his pecking habit, I was reminded of a certain goat (white with red horns) by the name of “Mr Whiskers”; whom I met on vacation with my parents at Shapanack Farm in upper state New York. I was only seven at the time, and he took full advantage of that, butting me in the behind every chance he got. I was forced to grab him by the horns, and we had several such standoffs, until I was rescued by the farm hands. As a child, I used to see UFOs shoot up vertically (from a stationary position ) into the night sky over the New England country side. I never doubted what I saw, and it became quite a preoccupation of mine.

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Apr 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The search for magical phenomena in a politically broken land like Zimbabwe is sure to go off the rails a bit, as distracting events can become so numerous.

We experience a similar phenomenon here in the U.S., as well as globally.

Adding to this shortfall of focus is the inclination of intellectuals, especially disbelievers, to ruminate on the subject rather than actually STUDY it. Though online resources make an honest study of UFOs/UAPs difficult, it is not too difficult to conclude that these are not only a real phenomenon - as has now been admitted by various military people - but also a real concern.

The attraction of UFOs is, I suppose, their tangibility. If a UFO uncloaks and flies overhead, it can be seen and photographed. Nowadays, even cloaked UFOs can be detected optically with the right equipment. And of course if one crashes, or can be shot down, then it can be retrieved and studied, along with its crew and passengers. The fact that this study will not result in many new understandings does not make it less desirable, because UFOs and ET bodies are real physical things.

Many new understandings, however, lie in the realm of the intangible. This is why John Mack (a psychiatrist, not a psychologist) got involved in the Ariel School case. This is why Hubbard did his work, with others doing similar work within their own spheres of interest. By investigating the intangible (human memory), Hubbard confirmed the reality of reincarnation, Stevenson found proof of it, and many others looked into past life experiences to solve mental-emotional problems in their patients. This work also resulted in a new appreciation for our history on Earth as well as elsewhere in this universe.

Courtney Brown's remote viewers have now done so many sessions involving ETs and UFOs that it's not even funny. And it was Brown who developed a technique for detecting fast moving cloaked ships in our skies, and has recorded many of them himself.

Most "educated" people continue to act like there is nothing they can do to learn more about the "unknowable." Of course there is! You can start by actually studying these subjects instead of making up theories and stories about them based on just a few experiences that you are aware of. The range of possible "magic" phenomena is immense. They need to be seriously studied, not made fun of. They are for the most part quite real, and if you do not get better-informed, they may one day catch up with you.

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wish I could post my pics here,

While I was working a cardiac step down unit, I took 2 pics of some bizarre images that appeared over night in a patients window. Patient had been there 3 days, had the same 2 nurses for 3 days, and was discharged "home" to rehab. On 6/15/2007.

He had no visitors.

The morning of his DC, the day nurse asked him where all the images came from, in his window.

These images had appeared over night.

On a 24 hour cardiac stepdown unit. His room was about 30 feet from the nurses station.

Patient said, "his young nephew had been in his room last night, putting powder on his face, and pushing his face into the window", and at first glance, that is kind of what it looked like. His nurse never even mentioned it, until asked about it later.

After his DC, when the housekeeper went to clean the room, she came out yelling "there's faces in the window"

We all went running in, and son of a gun, there are faces all over this huge window. Lots of different faces, with incredible detail, all over.

I rubbed a finger thru one, it "seemed" like the mist you see when you breath on glass, I told Annie, go ahead and clean this up, but let me take a pic,

3 weeks later, we got around to downloading, and looking at the pics on a pc screen.

Holy SHIT.

You could see iris's, lashes, nose details, ear details, one guy who looks like Frank Zappa, with aviator sunglasses on. one guy lying on his back, with what might be a respirator mask,

The hair was rising on the back of my neck (still does) while looking at these pics.

If it is possible to send these here, to anyone that wants them, let me know.

I have a buddy that builds special effects, he said he could duplicate this, it would take 8 to 12 hours, using noisy machinery.

On a nursing unit.

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So, what you saw on the inside surface of the patient's glass windows were images of various faces, which could be removed by rubbing. Correct? And the nephew had been applying something powdery to those windows the night before. Right? That doesn't sound mysterious to me.

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the guy was demented, he had zero visitors, especially around midnight

and there were dozens of "different" faces,

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I don't think there was really a human "nephew" there. That is the irony.

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correct, he had zero visitors,

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Apr 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great story! Cannot wait for more ♥️♥️

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