A great and informative stack Docs! Thank you and may God bless RFK JR so that he can do this invaluable work! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The PR pushback is going to be insane hopefully we can do our part to mitigate it

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MAHAaction.com encouraged my writing to my US Senators - Senators who are doing exemplary service to support health and wellbeing of our children - to emphasize that RFK Jr offers a great opportunity to improve our childrens' health. I also spoke to young and very busy associates about the website and they said they would learn about MAHA action.

Thank you, Dr. Gary B Myers, and thank you to the generative work of Dr. Malone and many many others - working together, we can do our part to have RFK Jr. head the HHS

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“It should be noted that SV40 is so reliably carcinogenic that it’s what labs inject into the rats in order to INDUCE cancer and tumors in laboratory studies of cancer.“

The SV40 caught my attention, Dr. Jessica Rose has sounded the alarm on SV40 in the mRNA numerous times in her research, here’s 2 of many, you can search her substack



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I'm happy RFK is going to do what he's going to do, but what about all these people beforehand who disregarded the evidence and made the money anyway? When are these people going to be held accountable. Enough is enough already. We want to see The Clintons and Bill Gates swing. They are evil and the evil they have perpetrated needs to be addressed.

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100% agree.

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Oh, how I cannot say how intense my "agreement" with your statement actually is. We need a "super liked" button for that one.

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Needless to say (but I'll say it anyways...), if WE did ANYthing CLOSE to what they have done, WE would have been put away a LOOOOOOOOONG time ago.

A little Mexican woman went in front of a judge while I was an observer in court. She had been caught selling a small amount of coke in order to pay her rent. It was the first time she had ever done anything like that - and she got caught. She was looking at 8-18 years. (Of course, she wasn't going to do nearly that much time, but she didn't know that...). Her whole family was there, bawling their eyes out, she was bawling her eyes out, shaking visibly, etc.)

How much cocaine did Bill Clinton fly into Little Rock in the 80s? How many lives has he destroyed? Hilary Clinton is just evil personified... Thank God we don't have a Spawn of Satan himself sired by Bill Clinton to contend with (that we know of.) Chelsea's last name is Hubble... and everybody knows it. BC is a good-looking guy. Chelsea looks like someone hit her with an ugly stick.

How many women and girls has Bill Gates (remind me not to name one of my kid's Bill) maimed in India and Africa, not to mention the World over?

Why does no one stop these evil-doers? Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, but a crime is a crime.

PS Free Reiner Fuelmich

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JB: "Why does no one stop these evil-doers? "

Money, control, depop agenda been brewing for centuries.

I will give the elites (the 6 or so families who own everything), full credit for an amazing job at developing the current useful idiot situation we currently are, and have been, witnessing.

I will also give the big Orange Goon (Trumplovich) full credit for awakening a good portion of the humans, here on earth, to the reality of just how bad everything really is right now.

Huxley warned us.

Orwell warned us.

(list too long to mention)

Heck, even Rod Serling warned us, time and time again, but we just sat around like a bunch of dolts, enjoying our prosperous, relatively unencumbered lives.

I was braindead till I was in my early 20's. I've always been an outcast among the popular, the cool, and the envied, but something happened shortly after I married my current wife back in the early 1990s, that altered my perception of what I thought, and how I perceived all around me. Trumplovich blew that cracked door open after the 2016 election, and subsequent 2.5 years after. Once Covid took over the world, I began to see things with much clearer eyes than before. I've always been a skeptic, but that planned-demic was like someone shoved a bare extension cord up my rectum, then plugged it in. That lit my nuts on fire, and the smoke billowed out my ears.

(how's that for a visual ?)

Many people I've spoken with over the last several years have had "similar" enlightenments, where they were a little bit on the skeptic side, and got nuked in 2020.

Although I do give Trumplovich credit, there are many things I still remain withdrawn about / skeptical about, and unsure of. I'm hoping all that will be clarified in the 2025 upcoming "Golden age", and not actually pan out to be a golden shower.


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Ha ha. Yeah, golden, as in golden shower. That's funny. I also have always been one of the skeptics so much as that I was despised as a student because I kept interrupting the teacher/professor to call out their falsehoods when the other students just wanted to get out of there to go back to their frat house and drink (Purdue). HATED IT!

I also have hope (and have been praying for the conversion of sinners) for this new band of misfits. I'm not sure about Trumpie, although I voted for him and do hold hope. His father was a straight-shooter, so I'm hoping some of that rubbed off on him. I have heard he is no longer a Christian and has converted to the Bolshevik side of life. I sincerely hope not, as that philosophy is a huge part of our current predicament. Even our current Bible has been adulterated long ago to incorporate the enemy's ideas and their guidance for us.

We have been too trusting of the 6 families and now it is time to shake loose of their tyranny. God let it be so.

It will take some work, but I believe once the house of cards begins to fall, all will come down with a crash.

I do believe Trump was chosen.

Getting back to the original thought: I want an old-fashioned hanging in the square of these people. Firing is not enough. They are willful degenerates.

P. Diddy was only busted in order to make up for Epstein being arrested. The Black man will take the brunt of the White man's sins, again. All those creeps that went to Epstein island will skate, like Ellen Degeneris (interesting name). Sickening that they can do this to us and no one can stop them.

I'm hoping the cat is out of the bag and people will begin to look askance at authority.

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I hope you're right, and that God, our savior, chose Trump to help get us out of this mess we all have allowed to take place over the last 100 years or so.

Sadly, I am not capable of what I would call "devout cocksureness" regarding the big Orange Goomba, but I do believe that, in this current moment in time, he is the primary emphasis, the singular representative beacon of hope, or light, we all need and have been hoping for. I choose not to envelop myself into blind faith of anything anymore, simply because I've been disappointed way too many times before.

This being said,

Trump currently (to me) is the glistening speck of pixie dust in my own personal human history. I sincerely hope he remains true to his words, his proclaimed idealism, and forethought. Since, I am inherently distrustful of what is now happening, or what can take place, into the next 4 years and 35 days, my fingers and toes will be crossed for some time to come. It certainly will be interesting to see just how the movie with the shitty " Act 2 ", pans out, either way.

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I'm not holding my breath either, but...stranger things have happened o'er time.

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I pray that RFKJr can weather the storm ahead to save our children. Please 🙏 for him and the truth. Anyone who accuses him of being a threat should listen to his original conversation with Joe Rogan. He is doing God's work in my humble opinion.

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Love the attention RFK Jr is brining to vaccines. As I’ve stated before:

1) vaccines cause autism: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autism-no-one-wants

2) these diseases were on the decline before vaccination: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-i-broke-chatgpt-by-asking-about

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There is too much redundancy in government. When 9/11 happened the last thing our Republic needed was another intelligence agency. The ones we had were spending more time spying on each other than on what they should. Same with vaccines or any other thing gov inserts itself in. Streamline not expand.

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I remember Dr. Malone you posting a story about how the deaths caused by the contaminated polio vaccine may have been the reason JFK was assassinated, which was to coverup for lawsuits that would have come from the deaths. There’s so much money at stake I really hope RFk Jr. has some serious security, these people are ruthless have zero value for life and a total lust for profit and money.

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James, here's an interesting lecture/presentation from Jack Kruse regarding the polio vaccine as well as the mRNA Covid shots:


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Thank you for this great and powerful and enlightening speech by

Dr Jack Kruse. WE must support and empower him to rid ourselves of

this poisonous and insidious destroying specie/snake.

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You're welcome. I believe he's talking about a subset of the harms of the mRNA jabs (SV40 contamination so pharma can make more and more money). I'm still going with the hypothesis that the jabs are primarily intended as a depopulation tool. The whole damn thing is just too coordinated worldwide.

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To MURDER - JFK - there were many reasons:

- refusing to let the *vermin* build nuclear bombs

- going back, slowly, to the Constitutional Gold & Silver Standard

- ending the *vermin* instigated war in Vietnam w/o the goal to win

but to bleeding to death America's young men

- smashing the ***cia*** into a thousand pieces (it is in control of the mossad

and the traitors within (dulles bros)

Please, James, this *vermin* wants you, me and all Christians DEAD.

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Didn't something to do with sending the docs to AIPAC to classify them as a foreign body of influence (FARA) on the gubberment, also come to be part of that list ? Shortly after the request by the US, First in November of 62, then in October of 63, JFK met a bullet to the brain, a couple weeks later

Coincidence, I'm sure. Nothing to see here, folks.


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I know this, I just was mentioning that essay Dr. Malone had posted a while back. I remember it was a female author who herself said she was going down many worm holes to get to her point. But I can’t say it wasn’t a possible theory. And my point is for RFK Jr. to be careful, Big Pharma is so big, wealthy and powerful and obviously don’t have much love for anything but profit and money. That’s all I was saying for him to be careful!! I think he could do some good at this point.

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I was 16 or so when I got the polio pill or injection. Supposed to be a series of 3, but was postponed after the first. I now have N H Lymphoma. I wonder?

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My brother and I got the early shots in the 1950s, then the sugar cubes in school in the '60s. We did OK, but I had a classmate in the 1950s that came down with Polio after the shot. He lived on crutches al the time I knew him through junior high school.

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I had the maybe Smallpox? shot at school late 50’s which leaves an imprint on your arm, like a scar, then the sugar cube I suppose for Polio. We were lined up like prisoners, no choice. Not sure if our parents even knew.

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I also had the small pox vaccine as a kid. I still have the mark on my left deltoid. It wasn't a hypodermic but a courser piece of sharp metal that made several small punctures with the vaccine poked under the skin.

Growing up, my uncle was our doctor. My brother an I always ran to look in the kitchen when we went to their house for holidays to see if he was sterilizing hypodermic syringes in a pot on the stove to give us shots. That didn't make us want to go to our relatives much. (traumatic stress). I am glad we did not have so many shots on the childhood vaccine schedule back then. I am almost 74 now.

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Sorry about your lymphoma diagnosis, and I would be wondering, too. Just think of all the people throughout the world who took that damn mRNA poison -- unless they remain brainwashed, imagine how all these fellow human beings (billions?) are going to be worried until they die about this potential ticking time bomb in their bodies.

Regarding the issue at hand, I was born in 1955, so probably had the polio vax. No cancers or other chronic issues, so hopefully I'm an escapee.

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Same here and reintroduced to it in the Air Force

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Perhaps you may benefit from checking out "The Truth About Cancer". It surely won't hurt. Stay strong!

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Vaccine Science has always been BS. Read “Turtles All The Way Down” written in of all places Israel by PhD writers who wish to remain anonymous. Now that we know about the Immune System Defense Cascade why would anyone think it is a good idea short-circuiting that? Let’s instead stop destroying the protective microbiomes our bodies contain in mucosal layer.

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No one person or thing is above being questioned.

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It's beginning to look like Moderna, Pfizer, et al just emptied the kitchen shelves into their "vaccine product". "Oh, gee, here's a little SV40 left over from the polio drug, let's use it up."

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Thank you for sharing this. It further supports my understanding of Kennedy's motivations and resulting objectives. Our population, particularly our children, are entitled to definitive answers. Again the authorizations of EUAs is vexing. Everyone involved in vaccine development and deployment needs to have skin in the game, IMO. Shouldering ones share of the action should lead to honest outcomes.

As an aside, looks like I was incredibly lucky to have missed the bullet. My 3rd polio vaccine shot was around 1957 or 58. I don't recall any related effects.

Next week is reportedly Kennedy's four days of meet, greet and get support. Hopefully it goes well for all of us. For Kennedy it can take him one step closer to restoring his and his families laudible reputations.

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…and make a huge difference for our children and grandchildren.

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In what I believe was the early summer of 1955, my father,a physician in Fla, prevailed upin local authorities to have my brother & I receive one of a limited # of available new Salk polio vaccines, within several weeks, we both came down w polio. Both of us had mild cases, w partial LE, & abd weakness. I was hospitalized for 7 weeks, spent the whole time on a stretcher in a hallway because of the large # of cases in the hospital. I recovered enough to return to school by November.

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I am three books in to studying the CIA and I will never rely on the NYT or the Guardian for any significant information. They have no integrity - they just go to the highest bidder.

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Many believe the New York Times is a CIA mouthpiece (Project Mockingbird). I read my local rag (lots of NYT feeds) and the Wall Street Journal for some useful information (gotta be careful), but also to find out the narratives being pushed and what NOT to believe.

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I never knew......

Born in '54, I always considered myself lucky to have come along when so many miraculous achievements impacted my life in a positive manner. Born on a farm in farm country where DDT was used heavily, I knew of only a small handful of polio cases, and none in my age group. The sixties brought the space program that kept us glued to the newfangled television. In the seventies, Maine legalized 18 year old's alcohol consumption, which at the time was considered a big plus. The year that I got a draft card, the draft was abolished.

I honestly can't remember more than three vaccinations in my lifetime, and as I recall, the polio vax was administered to the entire town of about a thousand, all within three days.

It's been a pretty good run so far.

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Love your outlook and thankful for your many blessings.

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