Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was more than fraud. This was a purposeful attack on the health of the global population with full knowledge of the outcome. Peter McCullough has gone for the big money jackpot in being a key part of the current series of liability class actions suits. You have taken a less legally aggressive but more informative tack which I appreciate.

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COVID was just the lab-coat version of the same scam some auto mechanics do: mess up your car without you knowing it so you have to go to them to fix what they did to it. Bottom line is big medicine needs sick patients for their business model. The more they help cause people to get sick, the better their business...and apparently the insurance companies are compensated well enough to not make an issue out of the increased claims load... just my tinfoil hat opinion of course....

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Perhaps that is why Pfizer recently acquired the pharmaceutical company Seagen, a company that performs cancer research & makes products to treat cancer. Albert Bourla recently stated that they will be scaling up production of these kinds of products. With cancers in general & turbo cancers in particular dramatically rising since the roll-out, it makes perfect sense to acquire this company. Though Seagren has only about 2B in revenue, Pfizer nevertheless paid 43B for the acquisition. They must see a huge profit margin over the next several years. Same concept as the corrupt car mechanic.

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The goal is to treat each cancer case as being unique and tailor a cancer treatment unique to that individual. Maximizes profitability. All based on the concept that the cure comes from outside rather than from within, and all those cases were cancer is reversed by boosting the immune system response are discredited. No money to be made that way!

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That is the sociopathic means to wealth and power.

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Problem, reaction solution:

PRS refers to a concept where a problem is intentionally created or amplified to elicit a specific emotional reaction from the public, leading to the presentation of a pre-planned solution that may serve ulterior motives.

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They even told us they would never let a good crisis go to waste!

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

Arrotsevni - Yes - both!

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Multiple players with multiple goals. Humanity is now seen as lab rats!

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Feels like we are getting over the target, Doc.

As with Al Capone and Meyer Lansky, the taking out of their clans' white collar descendants over this injection criminality may be through an indirect indictment.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From my big pharma investing days, and it’s been a long time, I recall an article about pushing legislation to indemnify vaccine producers from harm. Big Pharma was reluctant to produce vaccines because they were not profitable and not always effective, but they were fairly safe. This was to incentivize vaccine production. Now they redefine the term vaccine! The law still stands and will require a legal work around.

Climate change is a hoax because CO2 is at almost historically low levels over geologic time. Yes it is rising a little and plants are a little greener as a result! I was involved in energy much of my career and understand energy, so I have no compunction about investing in energy and energy transportation, but I sleep better knowing I left big Pharma long ago!

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CO2 is a trace atmospheric gas with a low specific heat. Water vapor in the atmosphere and the sun drive climate, but governments can not regulate water.

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But it can use the effects of the Tunga Tunga volcanoe's eruption adding 10% more water vapor to the Earth's atmosphere as the "proof" of man made global warming...

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes they should be withdrawn - and people continue to get them. Beginning in March 2020 I kept a record of daily cases in my county in Texas. Friends asked why and I said I wanted to see if I could spot any trends. When the vaccine rollout began, most of my friends in "the most vulnerable age group" - lined up like tin soldiers as quickly as they could. I noticed that by mid February 2021, the number of cases per day did drop significantly - from appr 3-4000 to 100. This was the case until the end of April. Sure enough... 3 months went by for that group, and they were not protected any longer. This continued with each roll out. The numbers were soaring by July. Friends wanted to come over and play cards like we used to. They said they would wear their masks ....to protect themselves from me!! I said I think it's the other way around. You are most likely carrying the virus and will bring it into my home...no thanks. They were offended...not understanding that they were no longer protected. This Operation Warp Speed was completely warped.

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Operation Warp Speed was more like Operation Warped Fascism. Literally.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Quoting Galadriel in "The Lord of the Rings": "The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. "

This is what happens when the Restrainer (2 Thess. 2:6)_ is removed , the evil one loosed upon the earth, and people are so removed from the knowledge of God and His power and love, they believe the lies, in spite of the death it brings. There continues to be a void of God's Wisdom. Thank you to the FLCCC and the unafraid doctors, like Dr. Malone, who take a stand for love instead of greed.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Revelations. Evil will be buried for 1,000 years and the let loose? I wonder when that 1,000 years is/was over.

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It has not yet begun, even as bad as things seem to be now. When Daniel's 70th week begins (the Tribulation) those non-believers who are alive at that time will not have any doubt what it is. For explanation: https://www.gotquestions.org/seventy-weeks.html

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. It is clear that you understand the great harm that has been done to humanity. I pray that 2024 brings rational thought and responsibility back to our medical community. The corruption runs deep! We have amoral humans chasing the almighty dollar. My view is a follows:

I believe it is well established that there is a "warp speed" effort being pushed to develop RNA/DNA cell alternating injections for maintaining the allopathic medicine model as the disease treatment protocols for the 21st century. Billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor and the two major beneficiaries of this push is BARDA (DOD Biowarfare Institution) that has been prolific over the past 60 years and Big Pharma which has the task of mass producing the injection protocols. Moderna has already been identified as a CIA creation and is the bridge between the two major players. If they want to put the blame on Dr. Malone, then they should start by putting the blame on Dr. Arthur Hayes, Donald Rumsfeld's go to guy for biowarfare in the 1970's who experimented at Fort Detrick with glycinated chemicals to be more efficacious in destroying the enemy. Rumsfeld ran DOD the first time around in the 1970's. He was so good at it; he got a repeat performance. Infiltrating, creating controversy and miss guiding those who are attempting to have the truth known about Covid and the injections is how you create confusion and discredit the efforts of the truth tellers. In the meantime, the massive marketing push to convince the American public that injections are good continues with masterful marketing efforts. Local paper ran the story "Good News" medical stories of 2023" on Christmas Day extolling the injections and RSV and etc. Author was a Patient Advocate well-schooled by Big Pharma. Moderna and Pfizer are doing their share with TV commercials spinning the injections as being good. This effort will intensive in 2024 as the money people start demanding a return on their investment. If the FDA's VAERS reporting system would be managed properly and the true extent of the harm caused was made public, then maybe rational medical research would prevail. Unfortunately, the FDA takes their marching orders from Big Pharma. Happy New Year? I pray! I wish everyone well in 2024. thomasabraunrph@substack.com

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So thankful that I became suspicious of Fauci early on with the repeated flip flops on masking. I knew this man was either a liar or a moron or possibly both. Either way this manipulation was enough to begin questioning everything else and then I had also become aware of WarRoom Pandemic. Needless to say both things made me skeptical and then I refused to wear a mask in public and refused the shots when they were rolled out. Thank God literally for WarRoom and Dr Malone.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Key takeaway:







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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pfizer first pleaded guilty to criminal medical fraud in 2004 and again in 2009. Clearly the company has been operating a continuing criminal enterprise for decades. Why should I believe justice will be done?

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The hypnotic effect of the "safe and effective" mantra, combined with the constant "fear porn" by the media and health officials had a devastating effect on the public's ability to think clearly. It was bad enough that so many took these unsafe jabs, (either voluntarily or under mandate), but what was worse was the delusions of the minds of administrators, legislators and judges, which continues to this day, making it virtually impossible to right the ship.

At first , I thought this was all a case of mass hysteria, like the Salem Witch Trials, but over time I came to understand that for the few behind the pandemic it was all planned!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An inimitable followup to your final challenge in 2023! The one they're hoping the shiny balls, fireworks and fanfare at midnight will give them cover for as they attempt to bury it. A veritable burning torch thrust into their hornets nest!


Thank you for your taking on the Goliath! Would this be successful! We are here too, eyes open, watching. Stay safe. We so appreciate you!

Very Very Bestest +++ ♡♡♡

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All well said and shown!

This globally orchestrated fraud, the MFP construct, striving for CM saturation "crying wolf" on this side and that side may have plateaued for a moment but it will certainly start again when THEY regroup and reevaluate within the think tanks. It's all under the Babylon umbrella. Stay strong and well GOoD peoples!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I will read this again and in the meantime, I conclude that there was a good amount of time (years) to set up and plan this biggest and best deception yet. Practice makes perfect? All the while the non-questioning, uninformed public will be used to make huge sums of money while the beat goes on. Many pieces of this essay can be used in a court of law, and the ability to do so will involve suing and holding accountable the U.S. Gov., FDA etc. No small task.

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I am afraid that all the organizations have been captured and nothing legal will come to pass.....just like always. Life will go on and a lot of people will just go on with their life; however, THIS time a lot of people are also awake.....wide awake.....(not woke) and will never forget and their lives will be altered because of it. Mine has.

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Pfizer has been sued billions of $ and is still allowed to operate. So if they get sued again, there is so much $ it doesn't put a dent into the operation. The best thing to do it seems, is not to use their products. Good luck on that for the average person. Did you look at the list of drugs that have been taken off the market? Some were doing damage for years and years. We the people are complicit in keeping them flush. What a mess, Teri!

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It is a dangerous mess. I always have ignored flu vaccines...didn't think they did any good but make some I knew sick as dogs within a week. As a teacher, I could watch when students came sick. One time it began in the back of the room and ended with me.....3 days of flu and then done with it.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A superb article. Thank you. I hope that it will be picked up and distributed by other outlets, you are getting a broader reach.

Today ZeroHedge picked up your recent substack on Totalitarianism and Dr Desmet. They titled it "The Rise Of Propaganda-Dependent Elites And Lonely Masses." https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/rise-propaganda-dependent-elites-and-lonely-masses

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That was a long read but well worth it, and certainly worth sharing.

Next should come the hunt for critical thinking legal assistance in formulating a one-in-a-million lawsuit that gets the attention of all involved. Perhaps if they see that coming they will defer to the inherent laws of science and the laws that supported the very processes and procedures that exist to create safe and effect treatments and stop with the jabs.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You tell us: "That claim is currently disputed and inconsistent with data from across the world demonstrating negative effectiveness in reducing death and/or disease after some lag period after injection ranging from a few weeks to a few months."

I heard that after a few months, the control group for the clinical testing were all told to go get the real vaccine? So now there is no science, no control group for long term adverse effects?

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The intentionally, independent thinking, unvaxxed are the control group.

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and those capable of doing damage to the control group will continue to do so.

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Yes, you are right. Consider vaccine shedding, described by Dr. Pierre Kory starting here: https://open.substack.com/pub/pierrekory/p/shedding-of-covid-mrna-vaccine-components

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Yes....I read every part of that. Almost no escape from it.

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One of the best articles or perhaps the single best I have ever read along with Karen Kingston's work...and I read 20-30 per day! Please make this article go far and wide. Put 'em all in Jail forever where they belong. They all have lost the right to live honorably among humans.!

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