This merely reinforces the distrust verging on contempt I have held for every profession beginning with psycho- since the age of 8 or so.

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On a personal level, during my professional career, I trusted the sources of health information as being altruistic and being for the benefit of humanity. I was naive. No longer. I have woken from a long sleep about 20 years ago and with the advent of the covid con it has become over whelming with the lies and manipulation that we are experiencing. The fact they have validated EAU for 5 more years is criminal! Most of our congressman are asleep because they are in the pocket of Big Pharma and other medical entities. Dick Durbin is their Pied Piper and says RFK Jr. is not qualified.

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Right! RFK Jr. is not qualified to continue the status quo. Even the Pied Piper would not dick Durbin

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Are there any sane psychiatrists out there? Nutty as a fruitcake comes to mind.

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IMO psychology and psychiatry are based on many 'theories.' Appropriate conclusions and related actions depend on the theory they spring from. That is to say it's difficult to conclude any given answer is definitive.

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Re: My comment below, I forgot that Dr. Malone is a doctor. So I'll have to modify my statement that "......I have an aversion to interacting with MOST, in the medical field."

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no offense taken.

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That's why I've developed an aversion to interacting with anyone in the medical field. They have lost their credibility with me. The phony "bedside manner" they act out, as if they have the definitive answers is repugnant. They are in effect liars, even if they don't mean to lie!

I used to guide doctors in the mountains and rest assured, they knew better than me as to tactics, methods, and judgement. (sarcasm).

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I believe the majority of physicians want to be healers. Unfortunately they are feed false narratives from big Pharma that obstructs their ability to heal!

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And most are debt slaves.

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Yep! The Universities have figured out how to maximize income and self esteem at the expense of the student!

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Are you talking about 'bedside manner'? I have only experienced doctors with PC manners. They don't look at you anymore, all they do is stare at their computer screen to see what big pharma orders them to do.

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Yes, the best part is the hospital stays...when my mother was in for an extended stay, I noticed 90% of the nurses were spending 90% of the time staring at the screen and typing fast on the keyboard....like I am now!!!

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Agree...however in the last few years we have also seen some doctors wake up! Just like many professions, life and career is a journey, and sometimes we wake up to the real world around us. I have experienced this myself and now witness others waking up, so I do see some doctors waking up and finding the truth.

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Understood. One Dr has opined Dr's should admit what they are unsure about. Had one, when I asked if a Vax worked said he didn't know. Admit to mistakes - causing peanut allergies. And in general be more humble. Now he will apparently be in a catbird spot, one hopes he will deliver those messages again, multiple times.

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I have several ideas about that. One is that they are required to undergo deep analysis and that is something that only a very strong mind can endure. Sadly, that does not describe all that many of them.

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They have opened doors that should have remained closed. Just because we can't see it doesn't mean it isn't real.

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The man running the COVID psy-op in Canada is a psychiatrist and SENATOR. I followed him as he checked in with hid team of disinformers, many of whom were doctors. He was quite sure mainstream media was so corrupt & stupid that he was going easily coast to the goals set by the WEF.

If he was prescribing psych meds all of his career he likely killed a lot of people so I saw him as burying a lot of the evidence & leaving this mortal coil with his reputation intact. My response was to attack him mercilessly for four years on twitter (untill i was banned). When Elon bought it, I doubled down.

His name is Stan Kutcher.

I believe he is a eugenics fan. For me that means he's mentally ill.

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Mercilessness can be well deserved. Thank you for your tireless efforts to expose this WEF puppet. My guess is that there are very few people of faith within the psychiatry world, let alone those that would even open the pages of Scripture without a preconceived bias against it; those who, “have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof.”

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Good for you...sunlight will expose the truth.

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I worked with one, Great guy. He came off the couch to stop a rabid little teen thug form attacking a nurse.

And man, he stopped that young democrat.

The guy that replaced him was a pedopathic narcissist. At another hospital, he had his girlfriends kid locked up in the psych ward so they could vacay in Europe.

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I think there may be. But like Carl Jung in his day, they are afraid to go against the group for fear of losing their status or jobs.

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Correct...that's part of it....which is why the corrupt leaders go after the truth tellers...throughout history...you need to quiet the truth tellers so the lies can get out there to the masses.

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Well, not a psychiatrist, but Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a practical branch of psychology. I'd be curious as to what a doc here might think about it.?

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I'm not a psych either and probably should keep my mouth shut. But I see CBT as one of the mildest forms of "therapy" or "intervention" available to therapists. As such, it cannot dig deep enough to dig out problems caused be severely suppressed (forgotten) decisions and experiences. However, most patients in the system are only mildly troubled, and CBT seems to do them some good. There are many psychiatrists these days who would prefer to just prescribe pills and skip therapy entirely. Therapy is much more expensive to deliver than medicine. As long as there is a lot of pressure for good financial results in this field, practitioners will be discouraged from delivering services that could actually make someone well.

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absolutely, a few docs and nurses I have worked with earned the label, damn good human being.

Most, just slobs doing their job, most of the time.

A few, rabid pestilent pos and man, I have been fired for speaking out about them.

Best things that ever happened. Twice.

Eventually, speaking truth about rabid vermin pays off, in great karma.

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I spent many years in the mental health field. Our ability to understand and influence human behavior is often quite limited. The field has come to depend more and more on the pharmaceutical industry, which we now know is completely corrupt. When it comes to morality, ethics, spiritual depth and an ability to decipher truth I can’t see that mental health professionals, including M D’s, are any better than ordinary citizens. This is why free speech and thought are essential if we ever hope to get anywhere near the truth. Honest discussion, inquiry and openness to reviewing your own suppositions is required.

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Great comment!!!!

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Great comment...I agree...hmm...experts vs citizens...amazing what we humans can learn from other humans...both good and bad. Truly, we are all unique and have our own journey, as I believe that is what God intended.

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I am a man of strong opinions. A young friend once reminded me , no one is right all of the time.

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You may be on to something. The more numerous the opinions, the greater the likelihood that truth will be included.

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So anyone conned by a grifter is suffering from "information disorder syndrome"? There’s any easy remedy. Learn to vet information. Don't succumb to your own confirmation bias. Stop being mentally lazy.

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Reminds me of the movie ‘Gaslight’. The possibility of being *wrong* doesn’t mean you’re insane. It is pretty sick when we try and insist people use ‘pronouns’ but tell them they’re *crazy* if they deviate from approved narratives. 1st Amendment, now and always.

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My only defense against disinformation, mistruth and flat out lying is vetting my information sources like this one. As example, I now trust CNN to be completely untrustworthy. While I do not watch CNN, their occasional news clips are unavoidable via vetted sources. Often those clips are to point out the CNN absurdity and/or whoring. Another interesting example is the commonly encountered Trump hate syndrome. In the rare opportunity to communicate with a Trump hater they actually have not researched him at all and only know that they just hate him. Astonishing how effective MSM has been in making a courageous, competent business person and family man the epitome of evil with no real substance.

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77 Nobel laureates reportedly signed a letter objecting to RFK Jr's nomination to HHS. I take it they've concluded that he suffers from an information disorder; there's probably some unnamed, lucrative incentive for them lurking in the background somewhere. Perhaps no specific challenges to any of his written assertions, just the vague, broad-brush smear by the academistitutes.

Henceforth, I will probably view such purportedly prestigious awards as favors to be called in by the powers that be. Narcissist that he is, Anthony Fauci will be happy to show everyone the backdrop of awards and tokens of adulation during his next MSM Zoom interview, conducted from his office.

I don't see how this ends well. I'm not even sure that it should end well. One can be the New Man internationalist and NWO advocate, or a patriotic constitutionalist, but not both.

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whenever I see mass numbers of experts I see a put-up narrative such as the 51 intelligence operatives who said the Hunter Biden laptop had "all the signs of Russian disinfo".

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Exactly, one bunch of lefty nut jobs investigating another bunch of lefty nut jobs... What the hell could possibly go wrong?

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Exactly...the tactics of liars...I have done a thorough investigation of myself and have concluded I have done nothing wrong. Then I tell that to the masses of sheep and some will believe...but the truth seekers find the lies and are no longer sheep...like us on this substack.

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The Nobel has been political theater for many decades. I offer the Lasker award as an example.

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Early on in this COVID crime, I pointed to the late Nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier's dissent from the then-ongoing narrative. My high opinion of Dr. Montagnier survived; of the Nobel, not so much.

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He was the very opposite bob gallo.

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"99% of scientists agree about climate change" or do they?

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I must point out that Hitler was on the short list for a Nobel Peace Prize at one point

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Sounds like their next step will be re-education camps. But hasn't that already been tried somewhere?

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Oh, my! Was thinking different time zones... Castro's kid has to go!

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Re-education camps and MAIDS

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Pardon me, I suffer from AA, acronym anxiety.

As in it's time for you to go, granny, or, gee whiz, I lost my phone?

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The nominations of RFK Jr. and Jay Bhattacharya cannot be confirmed too soon. They should be able to put a stop to this madness!

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...and freedom of speech & expression is the essential foundational pillar of liberty. It also seems a bit financially self-serving for the professional psychology community as it encourages predatory psychotherapy aimed at infantilized narcissistic adults too mentally lazy to exercise some common sense... an immortal cash cow.

From a Deep State/central govt control perspective this sure sounds like the game plan for Marxist Communist style struggle sessions

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Which, IMHO, is all underwriten by satanic forces. The object is to destroy God's creation. The good news is that the war is won. The bad news is that there will be suffering in the battles.

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You use CCHR as your source! Very daring of you - though wise, I think. I volunteer with them in Sacramento. We have a long way to go to clean up this field.

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My main filter for disinformation is the 72 hour rule: wait 72 hours to see what shakes out before accepting anything for serious consideration, then with my skeptical nature, be ready to reassess at any time. Ie: Drone swarms are . . . ?

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Common sense plays a part in society too

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Unfortunately common sense has been educated out of us.

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And, unfortunately, common sense can, and often does, change due to circumstances. I know, I know - that’s where common sense comes into use: recognizing those changing circumstances; but is the horse pulling or pushing the cart?

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Er, what about saying common sense is the antithesis of uncommon sense and that tells you when you are being subjected to uncommonsensical arguments?

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Uh, yeah?, maybe. I’d say I think so but my left eyeball just started bleeding so 🤷‍♀️

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I have a son who wrote hid PhD thesis on US war propaganda & he doesn't see the propaganda all around him. It could be the three RNA injections but it looks like

dissociation to me. He's currently doing a three study/paper with several colleagues

at his university in England entitled "Countering Malicious Online Security Cultures (CYBER MALCULT)"So, the title tells me they already have a plan & the three year 'study' is just filling in the details.

I was always very proud of him but now he kind of scares me.

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Sad observing how some family members change and seem to be going down a wrong path...the force of evil is powerful and seductive.

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Dr. Malone: The DSM is a publication of the American PSYCHIATRIC Association, not the American Psychological Association. This distinction is important for several reasons, which I hope you will clarify for us ASAP.

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Thank you!!!

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Psychiatrists are MDs and psychologists are not. They don't see eye-to-eye on many issues. I think psychiatrists should only be allowed to deal with clearly neurological disorders. The mind, factually, is not even their field.

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Our government, its people, its bureaucracies and all the satellites revolving around it shall be first in line for treatment should this “disorder” make it into the DSM.

I believe Musk said something like “The cure for misinformation is better information.” It’s up to each individual to decide what to believe and to do his/her own research.

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I feel it is important that the individuals who are pushing these satanic controls be unable to hide nameless behind the organizations they infect. When statements like that shown by the APA are issued, the authors' names need to be featured, and the public they wish to shackle should rightfully investigate these creeps' connections and motivations. The APA is clearly an evil clown show. Let that be known through a transparent and severe discovery process.

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Thank you for this excellent essay! God Bless us all 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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