In the USA, a so-called "NGO" -( Non-Governmental Organization )- has been using the 1: CREATE a problem, i.e., a "crisis"; and 2: already have the ANSWER ready BEFORE the PROBLEM/"crisis" was announced - which is ALWAYS more GOVERNMENT CONTROL.

That "NGO" is none other than the so-called "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - possibly the very 1st "NGO" in the U.S. - instituted in 1921.

The COMPLETE story of the "CFR" from its inception - whose members DOMINATE and CONTROL not only U.S. foreign POLICY, but DOMESTIC policy also - can be found in a single soft cover book 1st published in 2013. Title: THE PRESIDENT MAKERS "How Billionalre's Control U.S. Foreign & Domestic Policy" by Don Fortheringham (available at AMAZON)

It is chock FULL of NAMES, DATES and IMAGES of EXACTLY who (were) and are NOW responsible for the MESS that the USA has become...and quite possibly will be UNABLE to recover from - unless by some miracle the MASSES awaken from their PSYOPS brainwashing and somehow SAVE the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 - from DEATH via absolute equality.

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Another ngo giving Texas problems is the Catholic church. It and organizations affiliated with it are instructing people how to come here illegally, transporting them all over the state and providing them support and sanctuary. At the very least their tax exempt status should be removed until they cease and desist.

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Actually, Michael - with the exceptions of the Muslims' - "religion" within the USA has been over-run, usurped, convoluted and transmogrified into the 'religion' of Marxism.

This fatal "Collective Left" virus NOW infects the BLOOD stream of the American Dream - and COMPLETE transfusion and extirpation of the entirety of Marxist "thought" MUST be done - else "We the people" are done for.

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Not a big leap since I have heard it said that early christianity and communism share many common traits.

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Nothing, but trouble, since Constantine set it up in 325 AD. People really should study history. It is said that "Those who don't know history, are DOOMED to repeat it."

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George Santyanna coined that phrase -

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Thanks! I did not remember, where it came from, but it is so true! I am a history buff...and a bibliophile for 82 years.

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pesky historians ;-}

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Tragically, the Catholic Church, like its current anti pope, are just as evil as they were during the Inquisition, and the rank and file do not want to know just how evil their cult has become.

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Whereas, in these recent glitchy days on Substack, my "likes" would appear on refresh, now they are completely unresponsive within the comment stream. I can still "like" at the article/top level.

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That's odd.... My like, the one on your reply here, showed up right away.

I was having trouble the last day or two also, but it's working for me now.

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Agreed. Epoch Times has a documentary on the plethora of NGOS throughout Mexico, Central America, Panama & South America. Shocking!!!!!! ‘Weapons of Mass Migration’ Live Panel Q&A


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Rahm Emanuel, a typical democrat rodent, said, 'never let a crisis go to waste"

Now these rabid democrat vermin, are not able to wait for a crisis, they have to make them.

It is very easy to see what these pestilent rats are up to,

Tragically, so many lemmings have their heads shoved up their own asses, or shoved up the leftist news ass.

So many, desiring to remain ignorant little [peasants. So many.

And in this day of accessible info, its criminal to choose to be stupid and ignorant.

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Well said, Pat.

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thanks, I used to vote democrat, but when they put that evil leftist rodent, Obama, in the white house, I knew just how evil the dims had become

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SO happy you realized and corrected your world-view of the so-called "Democrats" (and) same disguised as "Republicans".

Bottom line is that the entire "liberal" "progressive" "woke" mindset is par-broiled in MARXISM,

(and) have been (literally) brainwashed and "taught" that capitalism BAD; Socialism/Communism GOOD - since childhood - and FEW will EVER change.

Very similar to "mad" dogs with brain distemper. NO cure.

BTW, Barry Soterio, aka Barrack Hussein Obama, when he was a young boy in Hawaii - living with his white Socialist grandparents - was 'mentored' by a black Communist named Frank Marshall Davis - who just happened to also be a "community organizer" - coincidentally same as Obutthead "grew up" to be also.

V. I. Lenin stated: 'Give Me four Years to Teach the Children and the Seed I Have Planted will Never be Rooted Out". Sez it all. Same scenario with Mao and the Chinese Communists - brainwashed in GRADE SCHOOL - on up!

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preaching to the choir.

I am a little more optimistic about the newest generation (my kid is 21)

They seem to understand that democrats are rabid evil, and repubs are useless ticks on a dogs ass.

I predict a new party, like what happened in 1860, when the sane party got rid of the whigs.

I knew Obummer was a rabid pos when he refused to vote for more penalties for actual gun crimes near a school, and voted to remove gun shops to 5 miles away from a school, when he was a state tick on the ass in Illinois.

Democrats just like to disarm the victims, and protect the criminals.

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"They" are out and out COMMUNISTS. Period.

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Disheartening to say the least! So..how do we stop it when the mass media will not recognize this manipulation that caused 240 Million Americans to be injected with the deadly RNA! The ramping up of the bird flu fear is on going. If they changed the Concentrated Chicken Farm Factories to a more humane way of raising chickens, the bird flu issue would disappear! I see no resistance from the Federal Government to slow down the push to inject with RNA. Senator Ron Johnson is the only one front and center that is exposing the Covid for what it really was.

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Just read that the NEJM has published an update on the AVian issue. Dr. Baden says there is no conflict of interest. Then he lists who he has worked for and etc. See the following.

Dr. Baden reports grants from Ragon Institute, grants from NIH/NIAID, grants from Gates Foundation, grants from the

Wellcome Trust outside the submitted work; and Dr. Baden is a Deputy Editor at the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr.

Baden is involved in HIV and COVID vaccine clinical trials conducted in collaboration with the NIH, HIV Vaccine Trials

Network (HVTN), COVID Vaccine Prevention Network (CoVPN), International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), Crucell/Janssen,

Moderna, Military HIV Research Program (MHRP), Gates Foundation, and the Ragon Institute. Dr. Baden is Chair of the

AntiMicrobial Drug Advisory Committee (AMDAC), FDA.

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Tell me that Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Wellcome Trust, Tedros, Pfizer and all the other hanger-oners dont know about the tactics that Dr Malone has disclosed? These people are neck deep +++ in profiting from these pys-op schemes. They are the walking embodiment of corruption. They have the power to bankrupt countries if not regions. As Dr Malone pointed out, we need ethical leaders who can withstand these diabolical forces. Bill Gates stands out as the most corrupted, if that's possible. Could the antidote to these henchmen be ridicule?

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One keeps in mind, Pharma is intimately familiar when selling. It doesnt take much to adapt it to further ends.

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In other words, a typical bureaucrat.


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The information must go out worldwide about what has been in these 'vaxes', since they were mass promoted in the 1950s...brain-damaging elements, such as aluminum and mercury (and of course, many more noxious items). People did not question what was in them. Who invented these mind-destroying and body harming injections? Did this go back to the Nazi scientists our government brought over; some who did 'experimentation' in the Concentration Camps? WHO wanted to lower the intelligence of Americans who were among the brightest in the world at that time? Was it the Germans? Who were the evil ones who created these vile injections starting in the 1950s? I believe it started with the "Well Baby Program." Taking babies and children for regular visits to the doctor. This was not done, previously. People were very healthy before this started. These brain-damaging elements lowered the consciousness of most who received them. They affected the glands in the brain: Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus. The Pineal is thought to be the Seat of Consciousness...our connection with our Source. I believe this is the reason that so many turned away from our Creator and the world changed....not for the better.

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The only objection I have to your (well written) comment is, as much as I have despised every step of the scamdemic, I think there have been times in our country's past where medicine and doctors have done great things for humanity as well. My grandfather was born in (the easy to remember year) 1900, 1 of 11 children, and 1 of 3 who lived past two years old. There was rampant diseases such as small pox and its 30% mortality rate and rats running around outhouses and lack of healthcare, with many of the Fauci types of my grandfather's day on goat-back (in Fauci's case the goat rode him for a minute then smoked a cigarette) hawking "Dr. Seymour Q. Peel Barnumesque Baileyton Lightning Bolt Stay Youthful Cork Bottle Medicinal Rejuvenation!" while traveling from town to town, "...And every night all the men would come around, and lay their money down!" (Name the song and there's Fauci's resume w/o the bells and whistles) (I don't like Fauci) (Francis Collins also Peter Hotez were my rocks!!!!) (Psyche)

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How do we stop it: By what we are all doing through the new age of getting our news, straight from in the know patriots like the Malone's...then we pass the information along to those who will also pass information along, which is the only way today we will get the truth out.

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I hope you are right! Anthony Fauci is still a White House advisor and Biden is all for WHO to mange our sovereignty! I don't think the money people care what we think when they have Congress in their pocket!

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We have learned, we can only teach those that still think for themselves and there are a lot that will willingly walk to their own demise if told to do so.

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Unfortunately we are in the minority!

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My impression is that our schools are dumbing down our children. That the name of the game is reverance for Government/Experts guidance. If that is so we need to find ways to deliver education that promotes investigating and thinking for oneself.

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We can't trust the education system or 90% of the medical community.

"Experts" are far too easy to purchase these days.

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I think we’re at the fool me twice phase. Kind of curious if the same people that have 3-4 or 5 mRNA shots, will keep away from me as their paranoid discriminating panic sets in again.

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Psycho Bio - song, band name, or album title?

Good post - succinct source of current activity into - thanks!

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Album title - definitely.

Here are the tracks:

1) Ridin' high on UBI

2) Take this productive role and shove it

3) What friends we have in pathogens

4) Deep state of euphoria

5) Uniparty pooper

6) Glorious luck with Mitch and Chuck

7) Big Pharma dodges karma

8) I can't quit you MyRNA

9) Calling Dr. Reaper

10) Beaten black, red, white, and blue

Maybe some bonus tracks to follow in a later special edition.

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Qu'est-ce que c'est? ;)

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Fear and greed, fear and greed. In a word, evil. They must not fear the consequences of doing evil.

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So how, or better when will a trial, similar to the post-WWII Nuremberg Tribunals, be instituted to identify, prosecute, convict and punish the individuals and/or institutions that profited by conducting the evil Covid-19 bioterrorism Plandemic and performed medical malpractice using the “unsafe and ineffective” mRNA Death Jabs on a global scale?

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When pigs fly?

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Thank you for always giving us such great information. It's like we're taking a course or class.

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Absolutely amazing well written post.

I like the statement: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.” So glad I refused to be fooled. Wow! This has been going on for years! Again thank you, Dr. Malone, for sharing.

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May 20Edited

Another deep dive. I will read it all later, but just the first few paragraphs drew me right in. The ability you have to list the terms and conditions to be easily understood is greatly appreciated.

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The tactic they used to get people to take the jab was shocking. I don’t watch regular TV so when I turned on the regular channels I was shocked at the commercial. One in particular was a broadway song with singing and dancing. News commentators saying they should kill all unvaxed. There is so much more. They downright scared people. I think there are people waking up! I hope they don’t succumb to the bio-terrorism.

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This is really frightening stuff. Several things lead me to reject the vax so neither myself nor any of those closest to me received the vax. However, coming to the realization that one cannot trust the average M. D. to know the truth or tell the truth if they do know, that your average politician is either ignorant of or supportive of the lie, that all of our institutions are corrupted and lie to us, that there are people (government entities and corporations) willing to profit off of our suffering (suffering created by them) is overwhelming and depressing. Should there be a real threat our distrust might be fatal. This, of course, is why I support people like the Malones. God bless all those seeking to bring the truth to light.

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You are so right about the average M.D. I could share my own doctor’s experiences this last year but it all comes back to ‘the average M.D.’

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Is bioterrorism a 'thing' now because of the 'to the moon' profits from the 'shots' that create an 'illusion of safety' for society? Bioterrorism could have been used a long time ago, why now? If H1N5 is reconfigured to transmit from human to human, then that is a problem. Who are the key perps in this potentiality? Just wondering, I don't know!

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CIA, Five Eyes, Atlantic Council, WEF, or some mix of all of the above. It does seem to have been related to promotion and advancement of "The Great Reset", in my opinion. See prior substack relating to theories of Ernst Wolff from a few years ago.

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Is it possible for a sports team to steal the playbook of the opposing team and still lose the game? I certainly hope not. Because we have the playbook, but many of the players aren't paying attention. Because we are going into the fourth quarter, ninth inning, overtime, or whatever. It's now or never.

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Being told us common peasants can make a difference, then 30 seconds later being SHOWN we are pawns in a deadly game we have absolutely zero control over. As the movie line goes "we're gonna need a bigger boat".

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Great theater. The stage is in living color at 5-6-10 pm on a host of channel media garbage.

The cast of characters chosen and groomed (brain washed) decades ago with the promises of riches, fame, name etched in history. The scripts are repeats but honed to perfections. The roles are chosen but don't think you are infallible. There's another to take your place in a heartbeat should you assume you can veer from your lane and grab more than your greasy fingers can clutch.

Yes indeed the players all want to be adored and welcomed as gods in a Macy's day Parade.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste! As long as it's someone else's problems who cares?

The timing was again perfect for an opportunity for mass manipulation. Fear won again.

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I would so love to honestly gain back my youthful naivety in believing all that I saw and heard in media. Foolish as it was, it was a comfortable place to be. I now know it was a comfort that I cannot afford. It remains a big disappointment that major media sources cannot be trusted. Now we have A.I., making news manipulation easier than ever. I recently asked the A.I. program Copilot, if the COVID vaccines compromise immune systems. It's answer was that there is no scientific evidence that the "vaccines" compromise immune systems. I recommend anyone reading this vet that answer for themselves.

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