Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Couldn’t eat the popcorn. Was concerned I would throw it up. This interview was a clinic in the banality of evil. Satan masquerading as an Angel of Light, which the Bible tells us is his modus operandi. This is so far beyond the pale there are not words for it.

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My grandmother would have called him a silver tongued Devil.

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Dr. Malone, WHAT do you know about this?? “Basically, we're getting Chinese-made products and putting it in Pfizer vials and slapping a Pfizer [label] on it.”

- Pfizer Whistleblower

Melissa McAtee

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I believe that every drug I’ve taken in the last 15 years was manufactured in China. Even Walmart says on many of its vitamin/mineral product labels – made in China.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

China, supposedly, did not give the Pfizer product to their own people. Is China manufacturing the jab that damages reproductive, heart and vascular systems of primarily NATO nation citizens?

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Interesting question.

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One thing I am sure of, almost nothing we are told is the actual truth.

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I love the format on this interview, with RWM addressing the comments in each segment!

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Robert thank you for giving a blow by blow discussion of the false information that Dr Fauci and his propagandist Joe were spouting. It burns me up that Fauci is seen by some as an authority on this topic yet he’s been clearly wrong time and time again. Joe is his useful idiot.

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Joe doesn't rise to the level of useful idiot.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How people fall for the national media propaganda is beyond me at this point. Perhaps it was persistent childhood abuse/trauma that facilitated my ability to read body language and tonal inflection well enough to know when I’m being lied to pervasively.

It’s why I turned off the TV in June 2020.

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Speaking of falling for - this very morning I saw a masked man out walking his dog ....

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Jean, I told a masked cashier at the food co-op that if he went into a store in N.Y. he would be told to take his mask off! He just shrugged...

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Dr. Malone, WHAT do you know about this?? “Basically, we're getting Chinese-made products and putting it in Pfizer vials and slapping a Pfizer [label] on it.”

- Pfizer Whistleblower

Melissa McAtee

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certainly plausible. That is the case for most pharmaceuticals. Either China or India. And not just the pharmaceuticals, but also the constituents. The easiest path to profit in this industry is to purchase the active bulk drug and then do final formulation (make the pill) here in USA, then you can call it "made in USA". You can thank congress for that. The same is true for most things, including the meat you eat.

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Thanks for the reply, one more thought/question, if you would please. If China is putting together the formulary for the jab, why didn't they give it to their OWN people? It went out HEAVY and hard to NATO countries. As to the meat, I agree... that is why we buy our meat from a local butcher who owns what they sell. I try to buy 'local' as much as possible.

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The issue of 'trust'. Developed or innate, in serves us well.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This lying right in the face of solid data and studies proving the opposite is unbelievable and yet people who don't bother to do their homework will believe it! Caveat Emptor has never been more applicable- BUYER BEWARE. Even for a long term skeptic like me, the fact that politicians and government health agencies actually mean to harm us has been difficult to accept but it's true. It's the only conclusion that can be reached after what we've gone through the past 3 years.

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Bottom line! Fauci and gang colluded with the enemy to do gain of function experimentation, and they have violated federal laws that are designed to put enemies of the states in prison! They know it, and it is the reason they keep claiming it came from nature! Now all we need is a justice department that will do their job!

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This is the question that has always bugged me. What 'country' in their right mind, would deign to cooperatively create a bioweapon with the Chinese Communist military? Given that the CCP is dedicated to the destruction of the free West, particularly the USA, I have concluded that Fauci never worked on behalf of the USA, but on the behalf of the Globalists whose goals are very well aligned with the CCP. At this time, our own government, with precious few exceptions, is run and controlled by those working for the defeat of capitalism (with a small 'c', not the mega Globalist corporations). Population control, the dumbing down and propagandizing of our children, destruction of once revered American values, no matter your religion, destruction of our culture, etc....so how are they doing?

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Considering it is full steam ahead to create and push more mRNA injections for ill health without fear of liability, I believe we are nothing more than guinea pigs.

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The Americans who did this must be prosecuted!

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ThankYou Dr Malone for your continued sharing of this information. Fauci through all of this has shown himself to be an incompetent sociopathic liar. So let me get this right, Fauci not only had us deeply involved in giving the ccp the technology to manufacture sars- Covid 2 but we also paid double for the assistance in the death of almost 7 million people world wide. The incompetence of the former director of the NIAID Anthony Fauci is beyond despicable. When are they putting him in front of the house investigation under oath? J.Goodrich

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Not incompetence; he's just evil.

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And we, the people, are paying to have his sorry ass chauffeured around😐

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I agree evil, but even the mob doesn’t double pay. I guess when it’s tax payer money, paying to create a pandemic, who cares.

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"When are they putting him in front of the house investigation under oath?"

But he's been grilled multiple times in the House and being "under oath" appears to be meaningless to him. This compilation reflects his ease in contradicting himself -


The amazing thing is there seems to be no mechanism in this charade of 'justice' to deal with such obvious disregard of the rules. The system appears to accept it and moves on.....

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I'm no big Trump supporter, but it's unbelievable to me that he may be arrested next week, while our treasonous illegitimate president and his son seemingly can't be held to account. Those in power do not seem to fear that they may face repercussions, but, after all, they are in control of the justice system.

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If Trump is arrested, that should be the straw that breaks all hell loose. There will be NO justice unless We the People take control and mete it out. If the psychopathic criminals get away with arresting Trump, it will be full speed ahead for them as they realize we just don’t have the will to be Free anymore.

And, I’m no Trump supporter.

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Look, I'll agree that his ability to withstand the onslaught he's faced is heroic. I can't think of anyone else that wouldn't just sink back out of the limelight with just one tenth of what he's been subjected to. He absolutely has my admiration for that.

But, he's got the emotionally maturity of a teenage boy and he STILL continues to support the jabs. He folded not once but twice on his threat to shutter the government when he didn't get funding for the wall. I haven't heard much but lip service regarding the politely J6 prisoners.

I admire his personal fortitude, but can't support many of his actions / inactions.

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The ever placid “Dr.” Fauci did get testy with Rand Paul and after all of his lying he walked away unscathed. “Dr.” Hotez left his Joe Rogan interview a winner, even after failing to answers Joe’s questions. This has been the situation for a long time. Still hoping the house of cards comes crashing down before it’s too late.

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It is their house. They built it so it stands by their rules.

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They have to bring him in and have a panel of super knowledgeable doctors like hmmmmmm I wonder who, and run circles around his misinformation (lies) campaign.

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A verbals lynching. I'd love to watch that. Bring in "dr." Hotez too!

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Dead right. He's even incompetent at lying. A stereotype of the "scientists" who go from med school to USG labs. Reminds me strongly of Bob Gallo.

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Yes, those two are joined at the hip. The special virus cancer research program booklet escaped complete destruction and was actually published by two separate sources Horowitz and Scott.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can’t bring myself to listen to or read “The Science’s” comments as they are always disgustingly duplicitous, outright wrong and/or self-serving.

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Not to clutter the comment section, but I see the WSJ has a cover story (review section) “What Worked Against Covid,” with the subtitle, “millions of lives were saved by masks, closures, and vaccines, but millions more were needlessly lost. And the world is far from ready for the next pandemic.” I guess once you start lying and disseminating (paid) propaganda you can never stop. Obviously, bribes from federal agencies have replaced advertising revenue since, as we all know, the historic financial underpinning of newspapers is gone.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You touch on a troubling subject. The Covid 19 vaccine debacle has scared people off of getting vaccinated so if another plandemic is released, many may not get vaccinated by a genuine vaccine because we no longer trust the government or the pharmaceutical companies. That would be a worse disaster. A "the boy who cried wolf" scenario.

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I don't foresee a genuine vaccine ever being available. The whole medical and pharmaceutical system is corrupt. I will take my chances with whatever toxin they release. The worst that can happen to me is that I would go to be with my Savior and Lord! "To live is Christ and to die is gain!"

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I must disagree. I am reading TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN. I have a friend who is a physician with 2 young kids. She had given them zero vaccines, because she herself was vaccine-injured by Gardasil. Her kids are healthy as horses. AS for the "next pandemic," this is a propaganda, softening-up tactic in my view to convince people to be afraid and to normalize "pandemics." I think it was Mike Yeadon who pointed out that, normally, pandemics are extremely rare occasions. I guess given the financial and social-engineering success of the lockdowns (for the perpetrators), and the reordering of society, etc. the perps are clearly planning yet another coup. As Yeadon recently pointed out, the entire pandemic narrative was a lie from start to finish. So, yeah, go and get injected, have a ball!

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Jerry, your physician friend learned from her experience. A young lady who attends my church (don't get me started on the silence there) had a very bad reaction to the Gardasil shot. It appeared for awhile that she would be unable to pursue her dream: nursing. Just as she was about to begin her training, covid came along and she was required to get the covid jab. It was unbelievable to me that she complied; maybe more unbelievable that her parents did not try to dissuade her.

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The pressure was real to be vaccinated. Most people do not have the guts to stand up against that. They will role the dice. I have a friend who is recovering from Epstein barre. Pretty tragic situation. He was a captain of a ship for chevron and out at sea. He went completely paralyzed. They had to evac him off the ship to India where he stayed for a couple months until he was well enough to be transferred. This was a couple years before COvID. He admitted he would roll the dice as he didn’t want to deal with the limitations and pressure. He was still receiving care medically via physical therapy. Pretty bad when you will do it again just to you won’t be banned from trying to live.

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They already tried it with monkeypox and fell flat on their face

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Perhaps you missed my point. Some pandemics may be extremely deadly and WILL require a medical intervention. It would be a shame if people like myself refused a vaccine that in the end proved to be effective and beneficial because I don't trust government or big pharma.

I agree that at this time the need for childhood vaccines is very limited and I know two unvaxxed families with very healthy children, healthier than my own grandkids.

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A thought to consider....the practice of clinical medicine is individual. Epidemiological data provides trends and can assist in triaging possible diagnoses and treatments. Ultimately, clinically applying epidemiological data without allowing for modification of therapy indicated by individual historical medical information has the potential for extreme harm. This error happened during the COVID pandemic and continues to occur.

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Undeniably true. I can think of very few problems for which MD's have been able to help me over the years, because they don't understand individual health, nutrition or many other things. Generally, they are good at caner screening, I'll give them that, although the entire medical establishment has made pharma-alternative treatments for almost anything taboo. And now, with the bill that became law in California any doctor who uses his or her own judgement can be legally barred from practicing medicine.

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Keep in mind that doctor's licensing boards, insurers and doctors in general prescribe pharmaceutical products because it transfers liability from the doctor to the pharmaceutical company who has deeper pockets.

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I agree and have made this point in substack comments in the past. The CDC, FDA and drug companies failed to learn from the clinical trials and VAERS reports to develop screening tools for who would react badly to the vaccines. Many unnecessary deaths and injuries resulted from this negligence. This makes me consider that the CDC and FDA had no interest in providing a safe vaccine. So what was their agenda?

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You are entitled to your opinion, of course. I believe in free speech unlike the vaccine peddlers and their allies. A "pandemic" is by definition deadly, so your assertion that "some pandemics may be extremely deadly" proves my point about the propaganda influencing our view of what a "pandemic" is. The question is, have any vaccines truly proven "effective and beneficial" and I really don't know the answer to that question, but I will continue to study it as time allows. The flu vaccine, as Steve Kirsch recently pointed out, is actually a dangerous pharmaceutical product, and we've been told for years it is essential for our health. Ben Cowling's study (and Ben is very pro vaccine and has worked for GAVI) shows that flu vacinated children are more likely to contract non-flu ARI's than unvaccinated kids.

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That’s the object, to some degree, I think.

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This is the tragic problem with the government medical establishment forcing faulty shots on people, to line their own pockets, and now no one will ever trust them. It’s like trusting Dr. Mengele after injecting you with petroleum.

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Why should anyone trust them?

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nice comment Freedom, with the need to post your smear ten + times, you'll be next to disappear from here.

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Bribes? Probably implied threats.

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The millions of dollars that HHS has given to media companies to promote the "vaccines" was documented by The Blaze, I believe it was.

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Maybe even more like you don't get in the club if you don't join the team. It's the same with lawyers.

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Not really bribes. The Patriot Act put funds in place to pay for the Trusted News Initiative. It was voted on and duly passed by people WE elected.

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They tried another one late last year within Sec 230. It was crafty cause even Bannon was talked into being on board.....

Having tax payer money, gifts from corps and lobbyist, unions, etc. and lawyers out the yang-yang, Congress developed a scheme of laws to circle its wagons and every decade they add outriders, scouts, and a signaling system that never fails. Even when a rock or arrow gets through to the inner circle it's disavowed - never happened. Great system.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

from a legal perspective, the "GOF" research being transferred to a foreign country is likely a crime under the US Department of Commerce "Export of munitions" regime. Treason is another avenue for export of classified military tech.

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We have the damning Hunter Biden Laptop Information.

We have the damning Veritas recordings of Jordan Walker.

We have whistle blowers from CDC and DOD.

Hopefully a few more credible whistle blowers will come forward to sink the Covid 19 vaccine ship.

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Not when we have a justice department that is brain dead!

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Not brain dead. Just following orders.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“A big outstanding question is how is Fauci still is able to be employed by the USG and to get government assigned protection and drivers?”

Plus WHY he has the aforementioned???

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Fauci and his sycophant media friends are existing in a delusional state of mind. It could be denial because the implications of acknowledging intentional error are horrifying.

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Fauci knew exactly what he was doing, from the very beginning. The question is: who was/is his REAL boss?

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Robert and Jill are fearless fighters. RFK Jr. could have been talking about them - Epoch Times interview Part Two. Where do we go from here? "I would not be fighting this fight if I did not think there was a hope for restoring democracy and values in our country. The way that is going to happen is if enough individuals take personal responsibility for making that happen. I don’t make predictions and try not to get invested in the outcomes. For me, the only thing that I actually have control over is this little piece of the USA inside of my own shoes. I get up every day saying reporting for work sir, look in the mirror and go out every day get on the barricades and fight for democracy and human dignity, rights, freedom, and patience and kindness, all of the things my God wants me to… When every victory is temporary and every loss and defeat is permanent a person gets burnt out… I wasn’t going to get invested in result. If you don’t have expectations, you will never get disappointed".

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Isn't it intriguing to think about RFK Jr. possibly running for president? I think he would have a good chance against Biden, if we could have an honest system.

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I have to hope you are wrong. We are now saddled with an administration committed to the UN lies about climate. We do not need another one.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been reading "Tribes," by Seth Godin, and I just found this short paragraph: "So great leaders don't try to please everyone. Great leaders don't water down their message in order to make the tribe a bit bigger. Instead, they realize that a motivated, connected tribe in the midst of a movement is far more powerful than a larger group could ever be." (p. 67)

We're your tribe, Dr. Malone, and we're getting more powerful every day.

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thank you

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