What a beautifully, perfectly written essay for a Sunday morning. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for expressing what we as Americans feel in our hearts also. Thank you for being a voice for us who believe in the goodness of people and our humanity. Those three words are a guide for living a good life. Thank you Dr. Malone!

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So well said!

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What a wonderful thing to wake up and read this morning. It gives me hope for America and the world. I pray that God will bless all of you brave warriors that are out there trying to save humanity. These last two years have been the most scary and difficult. I never thought in all my years that our government would abuse their citizens like our government has. But I believe all things happen for a reason and maybe this was what we needed to wake us from our slumber and fight for our rights as citizens. Sometimes you don’t know what you have and until you lose it.

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We do need to wake up to better mornings from hereon in.

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The world would be a better place if this was mandated reading instead of a vaccine mandate.

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This is a powerful piece. I'm praying for you and rooting for you from my home in Israel, and I will be glued to any livestreams I can find, all day today.

Time for Team Freedom to make a roaring comeback!


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I don't know where you came from, Dr. Malone, but I hope wherever it is, they send us more leaders like you! These words are words we need to hear, and hopefully there are still enough of us not consumed by Mass Formation that we can take heed and take back our futures together.

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As emotional as we all are to attend the Defeat The Mandates march in D.C. either in person or online with the help of intrepid streamers and social media posters, I am imagining what an emotional and historic day this will be for you, your family, and all your new found friends and colleagues. I hope you can enjoy the beauty of it all. Ring those bells, they will be heard loudly around the world, as all are waiting for the U.S. to speak in this way.

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Beautiful words...thank you...

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Lol, it got cold as the day got on but while the sun was shining it was a beautiful morning. An irresistible, unforgettable and unifying event.

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Dr. Malone, this is a masterpiece.

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Thank you for your courage to speak up and not stop. We need your voice so terribly.

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I wish I had known of you 20+ years ago when we started this Autism journey with our son. For people reading this or watching the Rogan podcast, this is real. I am an #autismdad, I always post with my real name, and I am very grateful for Dr. Malone. #aeternusumbra (watch forever) is the community that we are creating for our son with Autism.

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I have a High Functioning Asperger son now 24. Brilliant, honest, knows right from wrong. Patriot American who has a grasp of the world like no one I have ever know. Genius, articulate and loving. Sensitive and kind. My beautiful son! He has benefited from having 2 wonderfully dedicated parents (sorry but I had to self indulge and give myself a pat on the back) It was a long road and still is.

Danny didn’t learn like his younger brother, who does not have Asp. Danny was 7 when he learned to ride his bike because “I” didn’t reference his world to train him. I thought hold the back of the seat and let go while he was peddling. Oh no no no…. I realized my genius son learned scientifically how bikes work. When we stood next to the bike and pushed it without anyone on it, I explained inertia. He said, oh… and got on and rode his bike. Enter their world and gradually introduce them to our world. Best to you and your wonderful son!

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My son too. Wow. It's all OK but there were some very tough times.

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You probably know Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Larry Palevski by now but just in case you don't....

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My wife knows Dr. Tenpenny, and I am now following Dr. Palevski. Thanks

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Dr. Malone, I published your Profile in Courage yesterday :-)


Thank you for modeling integrity, dignity, and community. How appropriate that you end this beautiful piece with a reference to the very person whose original “Profiles in Courage” inspired my own.

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My daily prayers for almost two years now have concluded with beseeching the Lord to reveal His Truth to our country, our world, and to allow us to spread that Truth, and act on that Truth. I suspect many around the world have been praying similar prayers.

In my humble opinion, you sir, along with many many other courageous doctors globally, are an answer to those prayers.

My fervent hope is that we all learn from this terrible episode in our history, and that those responsible be held accountable.

Thank you, Dr. Malone.

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I could not agree more.

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That's an epic, beautiful piece of writing, Dr. Malone. I read it out loud to my husband this a.m. and it is a wonderful oratory composition. I want to buy a horse from you, too! :) Thank you for your courage, wisdom, and leadership.

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Well said 1st Mohican

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Your words are so inspiring and give hope to all, which at this precarious time in the world it is desperately needed. The gene therapy, that they prefer to call vaccines, is and never was an altruistic method of saving humanity from a virus. The covid shot is a global experimentation on humanity, and the big pharma companies sole motivation is to reap massive profits from it. Thank you not only for your determination to step forward and educate people on the dangers of this shot, but also for your bravery and compassion. You are a 'David who dares to step forward and cast a stone at Goliath. God Speed and safety in your March to Defeat The Mandates today!

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have lifted my spirits and brought some hope to me.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

I wish I could be there today! I'm with you all in spirit and I hope this is the beginning of the reversal of these very scary employer vaccine and booster requirements. It's especially evil that there is no consideration given for natural immunity. I am in that position right now and I'm one of the few that are not conforming. Prayers to you all.

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Unfortunately there is one among those with power that does not have any of those qualities. After reading Robert F.Kennedy Jr. recent book The Real Anthony Fauci I would say that Fauci is the exact opposite of what Dr. Malone just published. Further he is the root cause of all the problems we are having with the vaccine.

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he and his minions and the ones enabling him. He would not have risen to all this power without them.

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Yes, so many minions.

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