Jan 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is awesome news. Thank you, Drs. Malone! Of course, I will be sharing on Substack!

It’s especially wonderful that the movement is growing and includes many more people than we ever realized, all working together — despite divergent approaches and nuances in opinion — to achieve health and individual freedom and to preserve national and state sovereignty.

Those working behind the scenes need and appreciate this kind of inspiration, especially when we cannot physically attend the conferences and meetings. For all who are working behind the scenes, share this encouraging information like crazy.

Waking people up can only be done by sharing information that no one in the “mainstream” wants them to know. We’re starting to break through, thankfully, but we must share widely in order to multiply the efforts (and money) of those who are the public face of freedom.

Special thanks to people like the Malones and all those pictured on the CPAC flyer who devote so much of their time and treasure to help humanity survive and thrive.

We love and appreciate you all, truly!

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I was about to write a comment, but you truly took the words right out of my mouth!

Dr. Malone, in addition to "ditto" on the above comment, I will say that your excitement is palpable...and contagious! Thank you for lifting us up with this fantastic news. We are incredibly fortunate to have you and your esteemed colleagues speaking on our behalf. Godspeed!

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Jan 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Impressive group of speakers.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I particularly like Dr. David Martin, Dr, Stramezzi, Dr. Kory, Dr. Simone Gold, Mikki Willis, and that fuzzy gray hair'd guy whom we seem to enjoy so much.

Too bad that "other guy" won't be there, but then again, I'm sure he's got things to do that week.

I hope it is televised, and uploaded to Rumble. Should be a lot of good info being thrown around that week.

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Jan 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The list of speakers is impressive, there are a few obvious "famous in their own minds" people not listed. This has got to be a very exciting and powerful gathering; each one has the potential to release an impactful force of knowledge and energy to the "people". Thank you for all the time, energy and money it takes to pull this off!

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stellar event! What an impressive group of participants. You of course.

! Plus one of my favorites - Christine Anderson (working toward her Thatcher status). Will have to look forward to online participation, but will definitely be there. This morning came across Archbishop Vigano's latest message. Wholly compatible with our directions. Another participant in pursuit of our mission. Added toward the MI funding and shared.

Huge Success for it !

Bestest Ever ♡♡♡

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Jan 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can't express how much I appreciate those of you who appreciate just how urgent are these kinds of efforts and projects, Dr. Malone. May God reward you richly for your efforts.

I just hope that any gain in momentum from our side is not matched or exceeded by efforts from the other side. Because they have done so much damage to so many already that it's mind-bogglingly tragic already.

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Jan 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can't be there but praying for a successful summit and looking forward to seeing what I can online. Have donated a (small) amount that works for me; am hoping it will help if combined with lots of other small amounts from lots of others.

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Drs. Robert and Jill, I know that You know all the Cool Kids on The Block. If there was someway of notifying Us that “Someone” will be speaking/presenting that would be really Incredible…In all Your free time.😂 Very Best Wishes and give those Horsess Hug From Me. South of London, Train near by, Ed

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The agenda is still being worked on and there are a few speakers that we are waiting to hear from. We are in a waiting mode. So, once the agenda is completely together - i will post more it. We didn't want to post it without the final agenda being complete.

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If you all decide to provide information/resources to those wishing to explore hybrid/homeschooling, we'd be happy to volunteer. Met w/Sam Sorbo not long ago (based on your suggestion); as you well know, she is on fire for & a fantastic spokesperson w/an established platform in this arena. Education reform must be part of the solution, but folks need practical, easy-to-navigate options until the Gordian Knot is cut.

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Liked x a trillion. Thank and Dr. JM.. Ed

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That's a lot of "likes", there Ed.

You must be super tired out from all that "liking".


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I am merely close, I hope, to the speed of sound. I run with Some that are Speed of Light+. 🔥, Ed

My Lovely Bride included which causes quite a headache.🤣

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What an amazing event! I do hope we can watch some of it, perhaps on Rumble. A big shout out to everyone involved for realizing how important events like this are! Thank you Dr Malone for publicizing this event. And of course for your participation, financial and otherwise. I so wish I could attend!

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Wow, that is an awesome event. I am so grateful for the Drs Malone and so many others for their fight against the tyrants that want to destroy our beautiful world. Thank you!

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"ICS" originally stood for "International Covid Summit," is that correct? Has it now expanded its scope to stand for "International Crisis Summit?"

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Yes, we changed the name last fall - to reflect the larger scope of the summits.

As an aside, after we held the first (and second?) summit - the White House used the same name for their summit on COVID (I kid you not) - bleh.

So google ranks their COVID summit above ours. Even though ours had a huge numbers of views - the first one was live-streamed on a major Brazilian news outlet.

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correct. We are broadening the scope, as what we see is the weaponization of fear to provoke crises is the larger issue.

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What an amazing lineup of luminaries! Can't wait to hear the lectures and pearls of wisdom that will be disseminated. I know many of us would be stumbling about in the dark filled with fear and trepidation at the events that have occurred to date were it not for you and Jill sharing your knowledge and offering guidance to keep us safe, healthy, and hopeful.. We are all so fortunate. You have both earned enough feathers for several pairs of angel wings. May you continue to soar and enjoy the blessings and support of a grateful following.

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You used "diverse/diversity" 3 times which is so very important and I hope will stay the infighting. "They are diverse, don’t all share the same opinions and the grassroots activism is refreshing from the usual pablum the main-stream media throws at us." If we do not allow diversity within the unity of seeking freedom we are no different than the uniparty/unimedia/etc. this diversity of opinions coming together for one goal is what is truly beautiful and educational and humbling. Thank you.

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Hoping for a great turn out for ICS. Just don't go to the Texas border, it's a False Flag event, to get the National Guard and all the patriots to leave their states unattended.

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Sounds like it’s going to be the most amazing one yet. I wish that I could not only come, but volunteer to help. Connecting it to CPAC is a smart political move. We need to elect people who will vote on behalf of the ICS platform and we need to know who these candidates are. I love Trump. He’s strong against globalist agenda but his refusal to acknowledge the vaccine disaster is his greatest weakness, and that makes me think he’ll do nothing to clean up our health agencies let alone support/ encourage investigations. For that reason, I can’t do it. I can’t check that box when I have reasonable faith that someone else will. I guess I understand why it might be unwise for that person to show up. One candidate still has something to prove while the other is already defined by the ICS position.

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Thank you for the heads up!

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Sounds fantastic! It would be wonderful to attend, such an exciting event. However, It's a long way to drive as I don't like to fly. I've driven across the U.S. five times by myself. Will send this to others on the East Coast.

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I get the not flying thing.

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