Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watch this interview and the house hearing with Fauci and I come away feeling like I’m being deceived 100%.

I recently watched a movie called The Zone of Interest. It is based on the real life of Rudolf Hoss an SS officer that for years was the commandant of Auschwitz and actually helped to build it. The Hoss family lived in an elaborate house right next to the Auschwitz death camp. You never see what actually goes on in the camp but at times you hear what goes on or you see Jewish forced laborers (slaves) being verbally brutalized. The movie is made to show “what we choose to pay attention to-and what we’re able to ignore”. “It’s not saying “look at what they did” “It’s saying’ look at what we do”. With the black smoke constantly rising from the Auschwitz smoke stacks in the background this movie puts human normalization to what the Nazi’s did to the Jews and the mindset that what Hoss and the Nazis did was for the good of Germany.

Watching Mr. Fauci at the house hearing, praised by every Democrat that spoke, made it crystal clear that he and the Democrats believe the estimated 17 million deaths from the mRNA shots and the 15 million deaths from the Covid virus, both of which Mr. Fauci helped to produce and force into the arms of billions of people, were for the good of the world, the truth completely ignored. I’m certain this doesn’t interrupt Fauci’s sleep one bit when he goes to “his”elaborate mansion at night. In fact Mr. Fauci made it clear he believes he is the victim of all of his excellent work. I’m sure SS officer Hoss felt the same.

At the end of the movie Hoss is seen vomiting as he goes down a set of stairs into the darkness. This I believe is supposed to represent his decent into hell. Good riddance to you Mr. Fauci. The millions of deaths caused by your actions for many of us that acknowledge reality, will never be ignored. J.Goodrich

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Zone of Interest is an excellent movie, particularly during this evil time. As Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav says, "Never again is now." Have you seen Mrs. Sharav's five part documentary? It can be found here: https://neveragainisnowglobal.com/

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I haven’t Anne but I will watch it thank you!!! I watched Zone of Interest twice just to catch it all. It’s a very different twist showing how people normalize horrendous atrocities like so many do here after what this medical establishment did to us.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6

Excellent analogy. To focus on Fauci is a mistake, however.

Fauci is only the best-known face of a medical-pharmaceutical-military-globalist cabal. The idea began with DARPA, was expanded by Barik and Li, allowed by Obama admin., farmed out via Daszak. The attack on health freedom was the work of FDA, CDC, pharmaceuticals, political tyrants, and mischievous billionnaires like Soros, Gates, Schwab, and numerous others. Let's not makes Fauci a martyr while the remaining villains are free to reframe their tyrannical impulses in a new way.

We need to create policies that allow people and clinicians to arrive at treatments that work, fit, and promote self-control over health objectives. Perhaps the FDA should become advisory only, with the ability to 'approve' but not forbid products (at least domestic ones). Corporate execs should not be on the boards of govt. medical agencies -- conflict of interest. NIH should find ways to give grants that promote research integrity. We have lots of needs, and hanging Fauci won't meet them.

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Hanging Fauci would be a good start. We just shouldn't end there. He is part of a larger complex, but starting with what he did with AIDS, he is responsible for numerous deaths but also the corruption of science. RFK's book the Real Anthony Fauci tells the story of how he continually lied and bullied people to increase his power and fatten his budgets. One of his biggest whoppers? That HIV is the cause of AIDS. Peter Duesberg proved it wasn't. Another big whopper? That AZT was safe and effective against AIDS when it was a chemotherapy drug that damaged tissues and slowly caused death. Another huge lie--that Peter Duesberg deserved to be completely silenced, defunded and defamed, when he was an honest and brilliant scientist who exposed Fauci's swindles. Fauci is a Machiavellian politician of the worst kind. We should not let him get away with what he did.

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I agree wholeheartedly Kathleen 1000%. These crimes cannot go unpunished. What ever happened to never again??

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As many who have seen the movie know it is a great analogy. Hoss ran the death camp for over 4 years. It’s estimated over 4 million people were killed at Auschwitz. There were over 1.25 million members of the SS at its peak. At the Nuremberg trials only 24 were tried for war crimes. I think 9 were hung. There were two other trials held I know one was in England and key people in Japan were tried as well. But only a small fraction of participants paid a price for what they did. We can only hope that in some way todays murdering medical participants pay, though I don’t hold a lot of faith in this world we live in.

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I do agree with you RL Max!!!

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My WW2 veteran father, who had pictures of the concentration camps he and his Army cartographers had taken in the camps, told me they forced local Germans to come to the camps post war, and they claimed they had no idea what the smells and smoke meant. Fauci’s not a Nazi but he is a modern day Democrat. He, Gates and others must be punished.

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Like the SS, the democrats, probably because of all the millions they made, never want to get to the bottom of who’s responsible for the deaths from the virus or the shots. It’s a very sick morbid position to be in. I’m surprised no one at these hearings ever brings up the fact that 32 million people are dead, and doesn't anyone want to find out who’s responsible??

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Defense of Fauci is telling. The push to create RNA injections will not disappear. The basic scientific issue is that Fauci believes he has the concept nailed and therefore all other views are excluded! No challenge to the concept. I believe he is still very active in an unofficial consulting capacity to keep the RNA push operating at warp speed. RFK Jr nailed him but it is ignored.

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There is a word that defines "Dr". Fauci's mind set: BIGOT.

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Yep! Has a mentally deranged opinion of himself that he is God like and can do no wrong.

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr Malone, good stuff - but a weak sauce from Dr Redfield.

Any chance you and he could sit down for a more in depth review of the data that is somewhat at odds with “safe and effective?”

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unlikely. He is a very important scientist and physician. I am considered a misinformation spreader and of no consequence.

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Not to us, dear Dr. Malone. You are a hero. He is just a functionary.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6

I beg to differ about "no consequence", I would bet they know who you are and have done a thorough look at your activities. They know you are a force to be reckoned with. (Good news and bad and I do know what you're saying)

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And yet I would trust you and your opinions more than his!

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It was hard to finish that interview although I knew it was important. 8 injections for both he and his wife? Are they just the lucky ones or what? I cannot comprehend that. Damn!

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I don’t think any of these establishment “scientists” would voluntarily sit across a table from you is because they’re frightened to be ripped into pieces and have their BS exposed. This is why the house should have forced this confrontation 3 and 1/2 years ago.

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AGREED! When his hair and beard are growing un-usually longer.....

He looks like a force you may find hungry and formidable to have words with.

JEDI Funny but true.

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Yeah but we know better that you are not.

You are the real deal authentic!

That was day one Persona energy.

Dark horse podcast is a classic.

Revealing oh so much to those seekers like me.

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Reading the account of Dr Scott Atlas ("A Plague Upon Our House"), raises the question: how can someone like Redfield, who shows such contempt for knowledge, ever reach a position such as head of CDC? He is a product of a malfunctioning system who formed an intimate alliance with Birx and Fauci to ignore data and uphold a bankrupt narrative.

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There is much more about Redfield. Major skeletons in closet. two reasons. 1) Bob Gallo. 2) PEPFAR

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This whole cabals concerns seem to be cover your ass. I say this over and over again, why don’t they have people like you Dr. Malone there to dispute their BS, even I catch some of their lies that are left on the table. For instance, wasn’t the Covid virus proven to have been manipulated in a lab?

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Indeed and I recall mention of the Bob Gallo story in RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci. Cannot recall the details now (to Quote Dr Fauci in Congress!). It is unfortunate there is no index and it is difficult to relocate information in such a large and dense text. I appreciate they tried to cut down page numbers.

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Wonderful movie "And the band played on" highlighted what Bob Gallo did.

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Well said.

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Why do I get the feeling we're headed for war with China no matter who wins this "election"??

All that weasel wanted to talk about with Dave Smith was how badly we need a panel so we can blame China.

Fuck Chris Cuomo and everyone like him.

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Truth mixed with lies. Isn’t that what Satan does.

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Very annoying when facts are mixed with fiction. An interesting interview, nonetheless. Where is the proof for these statements by Redfield? Why is it better for a vulnerable person to take an experimental mRNA drug that has several mechanisms of action such as frameshifting (prion disease), cancer promotion, heart damage, immune damage, toxic spike protein manufacture with no knowledge of when it ends, or how to detoxify from it, integration of genetic material into the genome etc.. Rather than using a saline nasal spray, taking ivermectin, and other early treatments that are not experimental? Where is Dr. Redfield getting the information that it lowers mortality. Why did he say harms are rare? Why did he minimize the effectiveness of natural immunity, he said it was relevant, but didn't emphasize the benefit. Do all the SarsCoV 2 variants after Delta cause micro clotting (I don't know)? He is operating from a level of denial, I guess since he was the CDC director at the time. Why was Chris Cuomo saying there was no pushback, my God there was intense pushback from scientists and doctors worldwide and they were censored and had their careers threatened or lost. Was he living in the basement of CNN? He denigrated the use of Ivermectin, so he knew there was pushback. Chris Cuomo is interviewing doctors and scientists from mainstream sources, not the heroes. Dr. Redfield said at least 50% of his patients have long covid and 10% have vaccine injury. Since most of the U.S. took the shots, how does Chris Cuomo and Dr. Redfield discern between vax injury and long covid other than knowing that the patient never took a shot in the first place, and that would be a minority. Dr. Redfield said Fauci was his friend, so there will be an inherent bias in his viewpoint. He criticized him for 'lack of transparency,' hmmm......that verbiage is sugar coating for simple words 'deception and lying.' Do we normally think of spouses who cheat, or people who commit fraud as 'lacking in transparency'? No, we simply see them as cheaters and cons. He said Fauci influenced committees to grant waivers to do GoF by changing the definition. It is no longer Gain of Function to do research on pathogens not pathogenic to humans and making them pathogenic to humans, whereas the pathogens that are pathogenic to humans, making them more so are now defined as GoF. Verbal sophistry, a legal loophole to sidestep obstacles to doing what you want, which is risk the health of everyone on the globe to satisfy your lust for knowledge. As Rand Paul said would it be a good idea to do gain of function on Ebola to aerosolize it? Dr. Redfield gave his personal opinion on why these experiments were being worked on. That was interesting. Also, Chris Cuomo other than Ivermectin, did not address that people were sent home with no treatment early on. He did not address the corrupt financial incentives to hospitals, doctors, pharmacies, universities, schools, the false statistics, the fact non covid deaths were classified as covid deaths, this is a massive oversight. It seems because Cuomo now has symptoms, he realizes he was wrong, and his influence has harmed others, so he is trying to assuage his conscience, or simply not look like a fool. Fauci when questioned about David Morens said in so many words, he was a liar. The truth regarding these two differing versions of facts needs to be brought to light. Just because Fauci said Morens was lying does not mean he was.

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Thank you for so timely sharing this with us. The various perspectives on what went down are useful as we try to develop perspectives that will help us to come closer to "the Truth of the matters asserted."

I personally can't see NIH responsibilities were fulfilled by the race for vaccines, leaving the infected hanging in wait for blue lips and the CDC hospital treatment protocol.

Mr Goodrich's point re the impacts of the various points of view by the people involved, is well taken. It does benefit our understanding.

Dr Redfield seemed to flip-flop on several important issues. Merits of repurposed drug treatments as relates to the course of dealing with the pandemic. Support for continuing to vaccinate now. His beliefs about the development of the pathogens seemed to me to be unique. His support of Fauci is interesting.

In the end it seems to me the goal is a better system of dealing with threats of and a potential pandemic including steps to prevent a pandemic (merits/contradictions for gain of function experiments).

Again thank you for bringing us along on the valuable effort.

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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Please someone tell us why they hate normal, common Americans so much. All of us. Red, yellow, black, and white?

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My own interpretation of how and why everything happened:


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Redfield is on a CYA tour. He is a big part of the evil. No respect for him, then or now.

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Thanks for the nuanced information from Dr Redfield. It’s great to hear a clinician describe treating patients. I’m uncertain about his long COVID diagnosis however. Others, like Dr Kory, indicate that it’s long Vax and not long COVID. The spike protein has a longer half life in the human body from repeated pseudouridine in the vaccine doses than from a bout of Covid. What do you think?

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It's a start Randall. Gotta start somewhere.

Define the problems. Work for solutions.

Trust has been horribly lost in Medicine. And rightly so.

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I’m glad that he is talking about vaccine injury but he didn’t begin to cover all of the vaccine injuries or even address them adding it to the childhood schedule for school or being advised for babies as young as six months old. Maybe we could get Redfield and Dr. McCullough together to talk about it since he has treated so many patients in the last four years, or even Pierre Kory.. I also didn’t like that he did not acknowledge the VAERS system properly and said it was not a good indication and that side effects were still very rare. Everyone knows the under reporting factor in VAERS but I’m happy that he’s helping long Covid patients and that it’s finally coming out. I wonder if he is even aware of the hot lots and the fact that what came to market was not the same as what they did the studies with but there were still significant adverse events even in the studies that’s why they didn’t study them any longer than they did because they didn’t want to have more injuries or deaths. I also wish that he would’ve addressed why the media, Fauci and the government mouthpieces went after hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin because it was a threat to the EUA for the vaccines and they were bound to get those in every arm to make as much money as they could. I also agreed that they’re definitely needs to be a real commission not a blustery Senate panel that’s never gonna do anything. In the end, I’m glad that the conversation is starting but it needs to go a whole lot further.

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What an interesting interview! I too caught a few flip flops from Redfield and Cuomo was so excited about his own long COVID experience and making sure we all understood that he had been repeating on air what “everyone “ had been repeating. That is not taking responsibility, Cuomo. You f&”+ed up and just parroted your liberal news outlets. Thank you for posting this interview, Dr M. Well worth watching.

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The "Spillover" at the 11:30 Mark coincides well with the opening remark REDFIELD makes about "Teaching" the SARS coronavirus to have an affinity to the ACE-2 receptor cell. Key word - Teach.

That is where it began; adrenachrome dining in Wuhan, under the 5G rollout. The next generation - 6G cell phone tech will be configuring even smaller self-replicating nanotechnology.


The Gain of Function happened after that.



I cannot say which one or both were released from the Wuhan virology lab. Or if it was intentional.

I kept hearing that Long COVID is not from COVID; it is from the Vaccines. I call that SPI Spike Protein Injury.

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Dr. Redfield said that Covid is a disease of the blood, not respiratory and produces blood clots and other problems. That kind of threw me because it's an airborne virus right? and that seems to me that it has to go through the lungs and into the blood system. If this is the case, what the hell kind of bio-creation have they come up with? Or did I hear wrong. Definitely not a fan of Coumo.

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It’s an airborne virus but the spike protein is toxic to the body in many ways. One of those ways is that is a spike tumbles through the blood stream it Nick the inside of the walls and creates those micro clots that are wreaking havoc on the body in many areas. He’s right but he didn’t really explain it the way he probably should have…

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