Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It takes awhile, but these groups — from the bottom up, rather than from the top down — are forming in all sorts of areas. I watch Steve Bannon’s Warroom everyday to keep abreast, and contribute as much as I can. We all have a part to play… and I am so very grateful to you, Dr. Malone, for all that do!!

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Doesn’t it feel good to honor a real hero like Dr. Malone instead of fawning over the mass murderous psychopath, Faustus?

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For those interested, here’s my small contribution to the fight: https://rumble.com/v1859t3-recognizing-the-gaslighting-and-propaganda-finally...episode-98.html

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My patient ill with bilateral COVID-19 for ten days and with bilateral COVID-19 pneumonia recovered within 96 hours of taking the first dose of ivermectin and felt improved within 12 hours. On the return visit, the patient was requesting a return to work note and had no rales, cough, fatigue, or fever. A complete recovery.

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God forbid everybody was privy to curative treatments vs toxic jabs.

I had Covid very early into the Plandemic. Fortunately, an open-minded cousin who happens to be a respected Immunologist/Allergist prescribed HCQ, Zith,methylprednisolone and provided Zinc, Vitamin D and C, which were already depleted in every local pharmacy. The relief was near immediate . I was really sick. He, his family and entire staff had already been using HCQ prophylactically.

Months later, my radiation oncologist daughter, her husband, the Chief Of Radiology at one of Miami’s premier hospitals and husband coerced me to take the vaccine. I so did not want to, but they were concerned about the possibility of transmitting Covid to their severely immunocompromised patients.

That went really well. A week following the second jab, I was hospitalized with a blood clot and a stroke. I’d also suffered a “ cytokine storm” and have felt lousy since. Flare ups of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, eczema and soaring blood pressure. All were formerly under control for years.

And now I have Covid… again.

Meanwhile, my radiation oncologist daughter is currently freaking out. Her menstrual cycle is irregular and scant-something she never before experienced and she’s concerned about fertility.My husband, who is in denial and contrarian is only too happy to flaunt his booster. He also has Covid … and medical issues that didn’t exist prior to his miracle jabs

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Gail, what a story. Most amazing is the continued resistance to seeing the new clothes on the king!

"Oh, how beautiful!" . . . your husband flaunting his latest booster

. . . and it would be interesting to know the Chief of Radiology's reaction to your near immediate Adverse Reaction too!

maybe YOUR daughter may wake up being concerned about fertility. . . mine. . . still in angry denial. I dare not say a thing.

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My son-in-law is a prodigy. Seriously.A child genius.He’s 30 yrs old , the Chief Of Radiation Oncology at the most esteemed hospital in Miami, a transplantation surgeon to boot. Thirty years old, but arrogant. He’s a wonderful person.A phenomenal husband. Kind, respectful, generous, always ready to accommodate, but because he’s so successful at such a young age, the arrogance comes with the package. He’s the first generation American son of Indian immigrants and like his parents, a rigid perfectionist. My Jewish,lily white gorgeous 30 year old daughter, now his partner, is his protege’. And equally arrogant. Well, almost as arrogant.😂

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whoa. You got a handful there. Lots of ego flying around. The toughest thing is not being able to say anything when you SO want to help your kids. . . knowing what you say will be rebuffed. That's life I guess.

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Infuriating. My husband is convinced that I’m an insane, obsessed conspiracy theorist.

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You’re not! Hang in there!❤️🙏🙏

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Gail.... Be not dismayed. You are in the right here.

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Gail, I am in the same spot. the latest person in my sphere to experience a horrific episode is a step nephew who is blind from birth and autistic. On July 2 he had a nearly fatal seizure. His sister had to stick her fingers down his throat. He ended up breaking both his hips and a shoulder. He did not fall, he had been sleeping on a couch. Docs think he has an infection but can't find it. Holding off on surgeries till they get the infection they can't find under control. jabbed late last year. no previous seizures. My husband thinks I am a conspiracy theorist as well.

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Tragic. The real problem on the planet is the plethora of CONSPIRACY DENIERS. Bless their hearts!

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I am so sorry this happened to you. I too took the vaccine somewhat unwillingly for the sake of my wife, who was quite worried I might catch COVID-19 and bring it home. We took the J&J vaccine, which I felt had the advantage of using an attenuated adenovirus to deliver the mRNA to the respiratory tract and not to my heart or other organs. We are so lucky to have limited ourselves to the one single injection and I hope we will stay OK. It is so good of you to share your experience with this vaccine, because the general public needs to be aware of how much more dangerous this COVID-19 vaccine is compared to all the proceeding public health vaccines. Regarding your daughter's experience - an R&D Pfizer VP has given an interview where he stated that the pharmaceutical companies knew from animal studies that the lipid nano particles preferentially concentrated in the ovaries and they had concerns about fertility being affected in female vaccine recipients, before launching this vaccine. A little bit of informed consent might have been good.

I was perplexed to read last year that the FDA was later becoming concerned about reports of blood clotting in young women who took the J&J vaccine, when I could see from the VAERS data that thousands of deaths had already occurred from all of the COVID vaccines. The news was only reporting problems with the J&J vaccine. I wondered why might that be? Taiwan's population for a time had more deaths from the vaccines than it did from COVID-19 and Taiwan did not use the J&J vaccine.

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My theory is that J&J was not completely part of the "plan" (didn't bribe enough people? or the fix was already in for Pfizer and Moderna?). The real goal, IMO, was to get the mRNA platform mandated and cemented into vaxxx schedules so TPTB can continue the gene altering injections forever. Super revenue stream - no liability - and, also, a great slow kill to get that much called-for pop redux!

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Epoch Times has been laser focused on the entire cabal as well. Matter of fact, they’ve published stellar interviews and expose’ videos featuring Dr. Malone.

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With his new sidekick, Naomi Wolf.😂Who’d have thunk it?

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When a new or novel disease appears the logical thing to do is to try all possible solutions (medications or protocols) while providing a communication network to receive feedback in order to learn and then share what proved to be effective. This would be the quickest way of discovering a solution. Instead, government agencies did precisely the opposite, while at the same tme blocking those who challenged them.

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and a key point is that the same behaviors from governments and corporate media have been seen all over the world.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, it was all very well coordinated. Understand that the media is all controlled by the same group of people.

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Yes this is what is so weird - how did they manage to coordinate it so fast ? I remember watching warroom at the very beginning and seeing information being shared by Chinese doctors giving their protocoles of treatment which were hydrochloriquine (spelling sorry this is probably wrong ) which is where Dr Zev got HIS information) and then it just all got suppressed! I remember reading real posts of Chinese doctors and all of that just went away. This is a crime against humanity. I just can’t believe that people can be so evil.

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Logic dictates the coordination occurring BEFORE the event; thus, 'The PLANDEMIC'.

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Ba-da-bing! As evidenced by Event 201. My biggest question is how this happened literally before Trump’s very eyes and he was unaware? It was an “ open secret”. Why the hell did he allow himself to get involved with Bill Gates? Pharma?Appoint Pence to form his “Pandemic Response Team”? Johns-Hopkins BLOOMBERG School Of Medicine Data Tracking Map? Zuckerberg? How was he completely unaware of Fauci’s history? Why the hell did he confide in Bob Woodward? Why did he dismiss his vaccine safety panel? This is part and parcel of my loss of faith in his ability to make wise decisions.He invariably surrounded himself with the enemy or the inept .

How many awful appointments? Sessions,Rosenstein,Wray,Haspel,Kerner, Powell,Price,Barr,Bolton,McMaster,Mattis,Fiona Hill,Chao, Scaramucci,Idiot Jason Sekulow,Milley,Conway,Pence,Lindsey Graham, Meadows,Stephanie Hamill,Esper,the lunatic “ Religious Advisor”, not cleaning house, not standing up for Flynn,McFarland,Ezra Cohen,Hope Hicks,Lynn Patton,Richard Pollock,Rudy,Brandon Straka,Atlas,Zelenko,Assange,,Hatfill,Ionnides,Risch,McCollough,RFK Jr,Levitt,choosing ACB over Barbara Lagoa,endorsing Romney,

What the hell was he thinking? This from a guy who demands loyalty, but doesn’t reciprocate.

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I have come to believe that DJT was and is part of the "plan". By his actions you know this.... I can't think of one elected official or government employee I would trust with ANY duty today. We are in very bad shape as a nation and things are coming to a head now...

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The sin of Pride, so aptly put by Jordan Peterson recently in his takedown of twitter upon their banning him.


Trump is such a narcissist it was easy-peasey for the elite WEF's to bamboozle him. They did not even bother to co-opt this guy.

Hook, Line, and sinker.

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TPTB have been setting this up for a couple of centuries. They finally achieved enough tech control and placed enough of their servants in power globally to make their move.

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It seems everybody was aware but Trump and dummy Pence.

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I watched a segment with Neil Oliver hosting a British higher up in whatever their version of the NIH is titled and the Israeli lead advisor of their version. They were absolutely appalling. Angrily promoted vaccinating young children, blasting Oliver for spreading “ misinformation”, that people like Oliver were the problem. The Pfizer vax is absolutely safe and necessary for young children! Ready? To protect the VACCINATED! The “ only” way to combat Covid is vaccinating every human on the planet.

The Israeli went on to bash America’s healthcare system vs theirs and Britain’s “ superior socialized healthcare”.

Yes, prior to Covid Israel was a stalwart in the fields of research and development of medical breakthroughs. Lifesaving breakthroughs. Their healthcare provisions were among the best globally, but Israel has a very small population , soaring taxes . But Israel was also incredibly ethical. No longer. They have absolutely trounced every tenet of Judaism. Why? Is it desperation for “ inclusion” in the Jew hating globalist EU and UN? Have they not yet realized no matter how hard they try, the hatred is so deep seated that they are only harming themselves? As a Jewish woman, I’ve always been a fervent supporter of Israel. Always reminded that if Nazism so easily infected Europe could allow a Holocaust, it could happen here ( it is) and then where to go? Now, Israel has become so desperate to please they have eased abortion restrictions to stand against the R v W overturn. They already provided abortion. Codified it years ago. The restrictions were sane. Apparently, “ Go forth and multiply and replenish the Earth” only applies to those who want to annihilate them


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How sad. Gail I have always supported the Jews and read a number of books about the formation of Israel and the proud origins of this self-made country. I am in similar cognitive dissonance as to why they would support both abortion and the Plandemic of genocide. Could the mass formation have been so COMPLETE with them using their OWN mass media they walked into the "ovens" voluntarily?!@ What irony here. Again, so sad.

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I don’t know what happened that would cause such a shift in integrity. It’s as though they were overwhelmed by a cloud of toxic fog. This has never before happened in Israeli history, regardless of which party was in power. Israel never. caved when it came to protecting its own people.They have become like the US and EU.Devouring their own.

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It appears to me you are correct about the current Israeli leadership. If my understanding of the scripture is correct, some very powerful person referred to as the man of lawlessness and son of perdition will be manifested, perhaps relatively soon, and rise up to take the reins of a global government and then guarantee Israel’s security for seven years. The price will end up being very steep for Israel and all the inhabitants of the earth. The time to frustrate this development or delay it is now. The US is the target now as the only nation on earth that has had the power to successfully oppose them. I pray Gods’ protection on Dr Malone and all of us who struggle against the corruption here.

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Never in my life would I have imagined it possible. Regardless of their differences, they never turned on their own.

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The pressure on them is terrific and unremitting. They have lived with it for most of their lives. We may soon be discovering much the same thing in the U.S. ( Daniel chapter 12 - Those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever. )

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Yes. The control grid is massive and control room is staffed by overt psychopaths (aka, Davos Man and his/her/its/their disciples).

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Yup. The most insidious is Harari. He’s so evil it rivals biblical proportion

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love your "his/her/its/theirs" text! Ha!

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The VAERS system was likely established to be a part of a functional feedback network. You’ve seen how they ignore the data and savage folks who try to call their attention to it.

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You can't help but wonder that VAERS itself was an insidious plant, so to speak, with its built-in Underreporting ratio unknown / constantly varying making it impossible to pin down reality!

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This much should be abundantly clear: the current so-called health "authorities" have been corrupted to the core, and there is no saving them. As so many of your commenters have already noted, our salvation lies in grass roots, bottoms-up efforts. Having been rebuffed again and again, having your integrity and your reputations slandered again and again, none of us could blame you if you threw up your hands and walked away.

Instead: you and other independent voices like Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marek - and so many others - continue to soar to new levels of rage against the machine by finding new ways to combat them - and don't think your efforts are not bearing fruit. Day after day, I'm finding more and more listeners who are - at the very least - beginning to question. Ask a provoking and unbiased rhetorical question, and I can almost sense the gears turning.

Keep your eyes on the goal line. You're entering the red zone, and about to go in for the score.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very little more inspiring than watching folks find their inner hero and manifest their best selves with acts of courage and compassion. The revolution is underway and marked by moments like the white coats on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and organic alliances around the globe. My favorite reminder we're always on our own & we can and do save ourselves.

Seldom told tale of 9-11 Boatlift greatest rescue op in history.. Tom Hanks narrates 11 min epic tale


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Amazing video ! I had no idea !

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Iran is weeks away from the completion of a nuclear bomb, America is one step from ceding all sovereignty to a New World Order and we’re focused solely on abortion, Ukraine, the next pandemic, pronouns and partisan talking points as the political class is busy with the imbecilic Jan 6 Witch Trial. Trump is not helping in any way. Instead, he’s acting as an incendiary device. If he really cared about America, he’d put aside his ego and get out of the way. DeSantis is far better equipped for the job. He’s proven to be a light at the end of the tunnel. DeSantis is the one who’s taken on the bureaucracy with aplomb vs. inflammatory false bravado. To Trump’s chagrin, DeSantis chose Ladapo, bucked Trump’s vaccine insanity, addressed the WEF and the “ Great Reset”, rid Florida of BLM and Antifa, named the enemy, took on Disney, Fauci, created a tremendous economy and is able to gain support from unlikely Allie’s. DeSantis won over Bill Maher, Joe Rogan, Bret Weinstein, Russell Brand, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Jimmy Dore, Naomi Wolf, India’s media, Neal Oliver, Tulsi Gabbard, Majid Nawaz Bari Weiss and countless other former adversaries. He is spotless and a true outsider. He severed all ties within Florida with corporations promoting BDS, BLM and other hate peddlers, has improved our infrastructure, ecosystem sustainability, education, system, opportunity for the underprivileged and is a real outsider. Very independent. I wish he’d either flip Independent or float a Unity Ticket.

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DeSantis running as an independent would split the conservative votes thereby guaranteeing a win for the democrats. Trump and DeSantis need to join together.

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Wow. Great statement Gail. You and I must be channelling!

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Thanks! Great minds think alike😇Feel free to email me.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need more associations like this. Super interesting information. We need to BREAK the propaganda!

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The bigger question is why so many doctors are NOT in such associations. They should know better, but they're really no different than the rest of us. Not smarter, not better, just attended different indoctrination centers.

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No question - it’s very worrying. We have to find alternatives

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It's not a new thing. Doctors have been killing their patients for a long time. Medical errors are considered to be one of the highest causes of death. Doctors have useful skills, and are worth hiring. But successful patients need to learn to participate in their own health care.

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These are deliberate, though. A complete abrogation of their oath to “ First Do No Harm” en masse.There have always been bad apples, but not the entire orchard. This is a plague of evil. Turning on the most esteemed and revered in their field. Including Nobel Laureates.

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I wonder what the threshold is between accidental or apathetic evil and outright malicious evil. A distinction without a difference, I suppose. Negligence is also a basis for homicide charges, and some of the more egregious cases will eventually be prosecuted. We need them, though, so many of them will be rehabilitated. My recommendation would be to start with the administrators and their institutions. Perhaps open the door for civil litigation, and let the financial judgements serve as punishment. Many crimes were perpetrated by medics who were "just following orders." Not always sufficient, but redemption should be a factor. McCullough estimated 90% supported the fraud. We can't banish them all, or we all lose.

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We need a third party of “ We The People”. All of us . Willing to give each other a voice with an open mind , backed up by facts and seeking unity without collectivism. There has to be enough of us to break the grasp of the corrupt duopolous technocracy of bureaucrats and status quo

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Start with two people and pretty soon you'll have two parties. People are inherently independent. People aren't inherently combative, though. That's a new form of neurosis.

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They have replaced the Hippocratic Oath with the Hypocritical Rope-a-Dope. Such a gut wrenching betrayal of one of few formerly cherished and trusted independent entities. Ditto the ABA ACLU, NAACP, ADL, NFL,NBA,Sixty Minutes, houses of worship, public grade school, travel and tourism industry, theme parks….Formerly apolitical organizations One can’t be extreme enough. Dare fall out of line and you have placed a target on your own back.Lockstep CommunoFascist propaganda peddlers. Authoritarian promotion of hatred, divide, anti-American, anti-democracy, anti-family, anti-individualism leaping toward an enslaved global transhuman depopulation, ruled by a select , centralized psychopathic fiefdom .

It’s not much better across the aisle. Instead of reaching out and opening the tent to the disenchanted, they have moved so far to the ideological, fundamentalist right the largest portion of our citizenry is rendered politically homeless-voiceless and without any place to turn.Of the hundreds of political texts , emails I receive daily, 75% are either celebrating the overturn of Roe v. Wade and pursuing the complete ban of “baby killing” , which encompasses a fertilized egg. Other blaring headers,” Did you see Crazy Nancy’s bathing suit???”, “ Sicko Transgender Pervert Demands ( whatever grievance)”,” Who is a Better President, Trump Or Sleepy Joe?”, “ They’re Coming For Your Guns!”, “ Stock Up On Ammo!”, “ Crazed Pot Smoking Fiend “ and of course, every candidate bemoaning their fate , harping on ending abortion ( that’s the urgent issue on their platform) and of course, begging for donations. Not a single one allows for a reply without a donation- Never mind they don’t give a rat’s ass about what rates as urgent to the constituent. No mention of the WEF, the puppets in office, the WHO Pandemic Treaty, IC, the actual source of funding for the border invasion( “We The Taxpayer” dollars funneled by the Biden admin through the UN)How is it possible not to know this??? Oh yeah… Ukraine! Ukraine needs our help! Biden isn’t delivering! BTW, Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal were with Zelenskyy and his Nazi compatriots, today, shilling for the camera with the citations they were awarded.pushing for war with Russia and more weapons.

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you nailed it again Gail. The sheeples are distracted and confused by the immense noise swamping the signal.

The only signals that matter:

WEF, colluders & the 4th estate, the "border's", returning to oil independence. Even inflation is noise. People do NOT get it.

Yep, abortion is bad, gains are being made, but the big levers need pulling before even considering it.

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Their priorities are

1. Themselves

2. Their business

3. Their employer

4. The insurance payers

5. Their kids

6. Their spouse

7. Their pets

8. Their colleagues

9. That cute nurse

10. Patients

Similar list for Joe. He now goes by Sleazy Joe, not sleepy. He gets plenty of naps. His sleepy act was just the meds.

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Not Sleazy Joe. His son has renamed him in infamy:



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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mega bravo! Just signed on. Long overdue and the perfect example of ignoring the insane political divide, finding common ground on extremely pertinent issues that will effect us all- equally. We are facing a dire existential threat. As humans. It’s time to rise up.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read this while waiting for my car to be worked on, and nearly cried right there in public. It is so incredible and encouraging! The only thing I would add is that my understanding of humans and their purpose is formed by my faith in Christ and by the Bible, however, we need everyone in this effort, no matter the creed or religion (or lack of). Let's get busy! I started by posting the four questions mentioned in the article and the link, as well.

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Mauro Rango, President of IppocrateOrg, spent many years as a young man in an Italian monastery near Venice.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

IppocrateOrg sounds great. I use a medical cost share plan that allows subscribers to choose healthcare providers without being restricted to insurance doctor networks. I signed up with KnewHealth.com about 4 years ago and although have never had to submit a claim, so cannot speak to that aspect of their business, they actively promote healthy lifestyle and are not in the pockets of Big Pharma.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this article and the work, commitment and hope of IppocrateOrg. Let's reclaim our families (and our friends, our communities) from the clutches of rampant neo-Liberal greed and destructiveness, and keep them connected and safe.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Boris Johnson resigns as British prime minister!! Queen Another One Bites The Dust :) https://youtu.be/cGJ_IyFwieY

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A conservative official was quoted as saying "Johnson was the problem". That's classic disillusionment. Like Trump, Johnson was a SYMPTOM of the underlying neoliberal rot that has descended upon western democracies. Let's be clear. No matter who succeeds Johnson, greedy sociopathic oligarchs will still be in charge.

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Even after bending a knee.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone:

This is excellent news. It is True Free Enterprise in action... but, like many before it, it will likely not endure. The founders and supporters are very well intentioned, but will fail (out of ignorance) to build a system that uses all of the aspects of our human nature to help it grow and sustain itself. It must use the profit motive (in other words, any moral increase in health, happiness, accomplishment, reputation and revenue) to provide the sustaining growth in each kind of capital.

It is another story of true capitalism... using almost all forms of human volitional property as the formative investment. What is missing is the structure to handle (register and account for) all of the forms of profit that are generated by the successful concepts and other intellectual property generated by the many positive contributions.

Thank you for making me aware of their important work.

I am very grateful for your courage and tenacity.



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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Biden’s awarding John McCain a Presidential Medal Of Freedom. The only other embedded politician as corrupt as Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Cheney, Bush, Romney, and the Deep State Soros funded Muslim Brotherhood supporting warmongering bastards.

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From BC Canada

A Real Hypocrite versus the Hipocratic Oath

She makes me want to Gag.

One on One with Bonnie Henry ( June 22 )


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Am I wrong in assuming that intubation is possibly the most harmful and antithetical treatment of Covid? If the lungs are so inflamed and dense, how is forcing a tube between them palliative? It seems tantamount to rubbing salt in a wound. It has to be deliberate. Exactly what Fauci did to 17,000 HIV/AIDS patients who were denied Bactrim and perished in agony from easily treatable pneumocysts pneumonia

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