Tightly argued and compelling. What governments won't tell you (unless they are lying) is that they aren't really interested in vaccine efficacy or safety. They are only interested in advancing the agenda of the globalists and by pointing out the fallacies underlying their plan, including the pandemics fake science and the global warming fake science we are just flies in the ointment to them. They'd thank us to go away and bury our data demonstrating the nonsense they are promulgating because they really have abandoned any interest and nearly any pretense of interest in the public welfare. Our government is the enemy. Not everyone in it. I'm sure there are good people who have no idea how the government has gone off the rails, but the leadership is fully captured and sock-puppeted. The truth is extremely inconvenient to them.

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I believe the only real power "we the people" have left is the power of superior numbers, but only if it can be marshalled in massive numbers. At the moment, it's hard to imagine that happening.

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We're also smarter, collectively. Probably individually. But we lack the principles to act. We collectively are complacent, drugged by our comforts and dependence. We can probably recover, but not before things get much worse. As Franklin said, those who prefer security over liberty deserve neither. The security of our jail lasts only as long as we submit.

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And the dims want to lower voting age to 16

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Boston is trying to lower voting age to 16 now and let’s not forget those cities that already allow NON U.S. citizens to vote 🤬

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I think we will have to see things get much worse before we get to the tipping point, but eventually these scandals will finally grab the average person, and force them to pay attention to what has happened. I believe it will happen. At that point it will fall like a house of cards. It won’t come from government, they are to involved. They the government could have and should have fixed this at the beginning. It now has to be from outside in a huge way. J.Goodrich

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Netanyahu on Levin this weekend said Israel had government agencies searching for oil for 50 years, found nothing. They privatized it and quickly found the largest natural gas reserves anywhere. As Reagan said, government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem. A necessary evil, everywhere and always, required to restrain our baser instincts. But it's our duty to prevent government from becoming the problem we hire them to prevent. Evil is in their nature, just like ours. It's our fault.

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They're protesting the prices of gas and food, i.e., immediate needs. I would also point out that the typical march-and-go-home demonstrations are completely ignored here in the US.

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Thank you Mark. Yes i fear you are right. This took me 12mths of HARD work to the day. As a former corporate venture capital funded founding CEO/co-innovator ("Vaccines for Mutating Viruses") it was obvious COVID-19 vaccines would be used for Genocide (i posted this on 13/12/2020: https://grandsolarminimum.com/2020/12/13/covid-19-vaccination-will-preprogram-genocide/). SARS-CoV-2 is the 4th coronavirus whose spike protein-based vaccines were associated with Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of infection (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), while antigenic imprinting was always going to be a cause of vaccine failure due to mutation (=basic coronavirus and other vaccine science relevant to regulatory-directed R&D). Its gain-of-function origin is UNequivocal. When you piece it all together, one is left asking if China was framed (2014-2017) & blamed (2019). We should look very closely at the EcoHealth Alliance (cover-up failure) and those one-degree removed (i.e., US DoD (incl. Ukraine Biolabs), NIH, Metabiota, the WHO, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and not just blamed the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Hunter Biden and his connections need to be closely scrutinized IMHO.

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Every once in a while, a performance is so exquisite that it feels like the Creator’s hand is visible...like His Light is shining through the person and the work. I felt this when I read your letter. I felt honored to witness your performance for the Giver of Life and the Owner of the Universe. I pray you can feel His pleasure in you for the witness and out speaking you have done in His service. When facing so much wickedness, it’s challenging. But remember, He that is in you, is greater than he who is in the world. Thank you for your hard work and courage. 💜

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Thank you. Funny you should say that! And you are 100% right. Nice for spotting that. I am the author Dr. Carlton Brown and presence is hardwired for me and my center of being is heart awareness here and now. I literally sit in silence as i work 15 hour days for 7 years now on this mammoth project of being a part of a global peaceful REVOLUTION and the universe talks to me beyond words - indelible impressions arising in my heart awareness, while she coordinates and choreographs everything that arises in my life. I call her MAMA and i work for her and she is the ONE in ALL while being comprised of the MANY in the universe. She/He (its language-gender semantics, and i choose the Divine feminine to have my relationship with) has a different purpose for us all beyond that planned by this transnational deep state/UN-WHO member state governments hellbent on culling us. This story will unfold. Mark those words. Thank you. check this link out to my publications: https://independent.academia.edu/grandsolarminimum. You might also find these revealing for what i just said: https://www.amazon.com/Discovering-Ritual-Meditation-Transcendental-Self-Realization-ebook/dp/B00HWIJ8EW, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRndS9pN3VQ, https://ritualmeditation.com/category/blog/.

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Loved the story about MAMA! With HER, there’s bliss. I will mark your words 😊 Y Sabaoth does not loose. Glad for the links esp your work on meditation ritual. If you enjoy Sufi, A Hewa reads her Secrets of Divine Love on Audible — exquisite love and mercy.

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A couple of data points.

ACE 2 receptor for the bio weapon, not as susceptible for one ethnicity, the ashkenazis.

Khazaria Mafia is in Ukraine, in the form of Kiev and Poroshenko puppets. Bolsheviks were also led by khazarians and ashkenazi. The focus being on the nazi part of ashkenazi. The Soviet Union was created as revenge against the Russians (Holodomor) and also a way to cut out the Ukrainian territory, taking with it much of the military industrial output of the Soviet Union (1/3rd of military GDP was in Ukraine, plus spaceship facilities and manufactories).

The Ukraine bio labs are connected to the Covid bio weapon release.

Who would release a bio weapon with a limited protection for their own DNA/ethnicity?

From these data points, we can connect the dots.

From Nato's stand point, look up Victoria Nuland and Vindman's records. Gonzalo Lira did a great piece on Victoria Nuland, video framed.

Bloodlines are one way to determine who the wannabe illuminati are working through.

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No kidding ! The Biden and Ukraine connections made me fall off my chair! And didn't Ecoalliance just get another zillion dollars from NIH ? The world has gone mad. No our "leaders" have gone mad.

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Hi AP. I am the author of that article that Robert & Jill posted for me. "One Biden laptop Ukraine Science-related email stood out as very strange coming from a biotech executive (i.e., Metabiota) to Hunter Biden just after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014; “I’ve prepared the attached memo, which provides an overview of Metabiota, our engagement in Ukraine, and how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society" (now fast forward to 2022 https://bidenlaptopemails.com/biden-emails/email.php?id=20140404-011459_26046). How did Metabiota propose to achieve that colossal strategic feat? Meanwhile, Hunter Biden (2014-2019) and Devon Archer, both RSTP Directors, were paid millions as Burisma directors as confirmed by a US Senate Committee investigation: “Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption” (a must-read) during a time when Hunter Biden’s father was Vice President and the “public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine.” Read this Senate Committee investigation report: https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC_Finance_Report_FINAL.pdf

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They were always servants of darkness and took orders. The orders in your parents and grandparents' days were just not as insane as they are now.

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I’m watching Prince Charles (king) being whipped by a woke race hustler at the moment. He’s weak and afraid. It tells me that he’s another pawn for a deep state. Who is really pulling the strings?

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"The great reset was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch"

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Even though he appears to be ahead of the curve, he’s not the man his mother was


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His mother was even more problematic.

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British are fortunate their royals no longer have any real authority. Any problems they have in UK are not because of Charles or his WEF buddies, but their own poor decisions.

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No - but the deep state puppet master deep state power brokers that control the legal entity that is the UK government still live on...

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Only if we surrender. Roosevelt at Yalta told Churchill and Stalin the pope should be involved. Stalin said, how many divisions does the pope have? The only weapon the power brokers have is money to buy politicians. We need politicians who aren't for sale.

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It’s hard to become an MP unless you are easily controlled at a local level. I’ve watched it in my neighbourhood. The fighters are deselected or told to retire as they are too old, then get replaced by someone even older!!

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Watching doesn't help. Action does. Get involved and you can make a difference.

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Where can we buy some of those?

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You don't want the ones that can be bought. Someone will always outbid you.

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David, he has always lobbied in his own favour. Our politicians are still afraid of him. They have power, and they own a lot of land globally. It sound like you’re referring to Brexit? Am I right?

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Charles is a proven beyond reasonable doubt globalist POS.

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Yes, to thing our own government is our number one enemy! The people who support this corrupt regime also need to be held accountable- they know who they are. God Bless America, may we all stand true, tall & strong! Thank you.

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In my opinion, based on extensive analysis, Government funded elements within USA(nato)-UN operating inside/outside of democratic powers operate as a coordinated (by powerful people) Transnational Deep-State. Not only are they waging war against Russia via the Pentagon Biolab Festooned Ukraine, but also committed an act of GENOCIDE against their own citizens and the world. This is probably linked to the rarely stated key strategic imperative detailed in the Brundtland Report (i.e., "Maintaing a Sustainable Level of Population", or the enshrining principles of Sustainable Development). Some UN/WHO member state governments are the enemy of the people, in my view. The give-away CLUE is high COVID-19 vaccination rate nations &/or those whose statisticians deployed methods that introduced significant numerator and denominator bias into their their unvaccinated calculable COVID-19 infection, death, and hospitalization rates. This act veiled the underlying negative vaccine effectiveness (i.e., antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection and vaccine associated enhanced disease) and vaccine failure (i.e., antigenic imprinting.). Someone or entity sanctioned this act to deceive the public. Read the Evidentiary Document Robert posted to see the data and evidence behind what i say here.

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This aftermath of "vaccine" injury and death is exactly why I do not want Trump back in the WH. Operation Warp Speed was his idea with none other than A Fauci's input. And Trump understood he was telling big pharma to cut corners. But apparently he was oblivious to exactly what that meant with the likes of Pfizer...likely because Fauci played him as the fool while advising him. But bottom line is that this injury/death aftermath never would have happened had Trump not encouraged and permitted corners to be cut, no matter how corrupt Pfizer and FDA are. JMO of course...

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I think that its more likely that Trump was played as a patsy who could be essentially manipulated into taking Fartsi's dictums through the pressure to get a vaccine released. Presidents in a very large part are driven by the propaganda TPTB feed them and being blackmailed by them. Recall that Trump began his presidency wanting to repair relations with Russia until he was forced by the narrative the neocons and dems were pushing. He probably sent the Ukis arms under the same pressure. Not to say that Trump doesn't have some responsibility, he does. The transnational cabal is IMHO intent on carrying out the goals revealed on the Georgia Guidestones, and they are not about to let some interloper like Trump side track them. What we are experiencing (on all fronts) is a diabolical global take-over plan decades in the making implemented by the shadow billion/trillionaires running the global show. As they run for their deep underground bunkers in Paraguay preparing for a nuclear WWIII. Why did the Bushes buy up all that land down there? Those at the top are narcissistic sociopaths that really believe they are destined to be the next step in evolution brought by the amoral transhumanists. It all seems right out of a science fiction dystopia except for the fact that it isn't fiction. I continue to be reminded of the movie by the late Aaron Russo, America: Freedom to Fascism and what Nicholas Rockefeller told him about TPTB's goals. The vast majority will not wake up until it's too late IMHO. :(

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I agree with everything you state. Trump either got rolled like a patsy, or he was complicit in their plan (doubtful). But since he still claims Warp Speed was one of his greatest achievements, I have no comfort with a return. Of course if it comes down to a binary choice between him and a democrat (other than maybe one or two that don't have a snowball's chance in hell to get nominated) I will vote for him a third time and pray Trump 2.0 doesn't get rolled so easily.

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Also the GG time of detonation was exactly 4 am, 3 minutes, 33s.

Not a coincidence. A msg.

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The Georgia Guidestones were blown up by a DEW. There was no video of explosives or sabotage.

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Without Operation Warp Speed, they would have locked down for another 5-10 years, then given people the shots. People's minds would have broken by then.

So in some ways, it is a lot better to make them roll out their wax now in 2020, instead of waiting, because they won't have enough dosages to make the genocide shots effective. They would have to make most of it saline or dilute things, and their DNA genocide "batches" can't be easily distributed due to the lack of time to manufacture them. Give them a few more years, and instead of people getting a placebo shot or a minimal nano lipid mrna solution, they would have gotten all of it at once.

By the time people woke up, it would already be too late. We could have been looking at 3-5 billion fatalities in 2028-2035.

Did Donald know all this and played Fauci? Or did Fauci play Donald? I don't know. Donald doesn't seem like a big awakened conspiracy analyst to me. He is too popular and populist for that.

Donald did throw off the enemy plans. HRC thought she was gonna win. We would be in WW3 with Russia in that timeline. And an American people, fed up with war, will then face Covid and demand "compliance" for safety. What we got was them doing stuff out of order. Their grand strategies fell apart when their tactics were wrong.

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You are absolutely right half the world population to be culled. i am Dr. Carlton Brown, author of this evidentiary document. They created a HUMAN CULLING BIOSYSTEM with this Frankenstein spike protein pathogenicity cluster-f--k, and I'm afraid you are right. They will harvest us into the mid-21st century. It will be death by antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection in the at risk, vaccine associated enhanced disease for those with comorbidities (with or without boosters and the range of pathologies will evolve with time), and antigenic imprinting will render people's immune response to virus as ineffective and younger people and the old will succumb to the virus (vaccine failure). This nightmare is going to unfold and we've not seen the worst of it yet. The virus will revert to virulence because it will go immunologically uncontested, and the culling rate will increase. They did this KNOWINGLY because this is basic and applied coronavirus vaccine immunology. I wrote this blog 2 years ago: "THEY WILL USE COVID-19 VACCINES FOR GENOCIDE" https://grandsolarminimum.com/2020/12/13/covid-19-vaccination-will-preprogram-genocide/

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That is part of their plans, yes, but their plans won't come to fruition.

https://zingdad.com/adamu These transmissions help clarify how that exactly works.


This is an archived thread from 2020 April to 2021 ish right before the mandatory stuff came out.


A lot of us were waiting on more evidence to come out, as we knew it would in time with people you working on it. Even though we were waiting, that didn't mean we lacked knowledge. The 99-100% kill results for animal testing of Corona "waxxines" was known in February 2020. I also intuitively got the download that the whole planned epidemic was to get the real binary poison in, the shots. Everyone would be clamoring for it. Feb 28th, 2020 I received that and it was true as usual.

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I actually don't think he understood what was really going on. I think he was a manipulated minion of the deep state insurrectionists who were waiting to get rid of him with that election theft. I'm the author of this article. to be honest few people really understand coronavirus vaccine immunology science and antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection, vaccine-associated enhanced disease, and antigenic imprinting, and how they applied this science to implement GENOCIDE. i know doctors, vets, immunologists who do not know this stuff. I posted this blog 2 years ago because i saw what they were doing: https://grandsolarminimum.com/2020/12/13/covid-19-vaccination-will-preprogram-genocide/. There is so much misinformation out there on all sides, which is part of their strategy to hold people ignorant of the truth. So unless you have deep domain knowledge of vaccine development/innovation and know vaccines from experience, and are good at assessing vaccine technologies, and then do all this mountain of work on data analysis and read thousands of scientific articles you're not going to see the exquisite deployment of strategy!

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Leviathan is upon us

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Another excellent receipt for what has been done to us. Thanks to Dr. Brown for writing this and you for sharing.

Danny Huckabee

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At this stage we know that more data and evidence will not convince the perpetrators of this massive crime against humanity to confess or change course. The window of plausible deniability is gone and they know it. They will not hunker down for long, as they did for much of 2022. Recall that Hitler’s Generals and Field Marshals were unable to stop him, even when it was hopeless and they tried to end it themselves. For that it took Zhukov and Patton. The evil we are dealing with here is no better, only potentially more dangerous because it is not isolated.

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And today Patton would have to be wearing a dress.

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But those Nickel plated Pearl Handled Colt issued 45.cal autos would look darling.

(Cigar...not so much)

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My heart dropped when I read the words „irreparable vaccine-induced harm“ in the headline and I struggled to even read this article. But it’s so worth it!! So thankful for all the professional scientists who fight for truth, science and humanity!! As you say, it lifts the spirits to find out that there are many around the world stepping up and speaking out 🙏🙏🙏

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Hi Bettina. I am SORRY for that, and hope you're ok now. This, however, is the reality of what they did to humanity. The powers that be that set the vaccine antigen strategy (and sequence) for the first market entrants, approved them (FDA), and then controlled the global vaccination strategy will have known exactly what they were doing. They applied BASIC coronavirus and general vaccine know-how to manifest this irreparable life-long global scale vaccine-induced harm (i.e., antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection, vaccine associated enhanced disease, antigenic imprinting.). I was aware of this 20 years ago, which explains why I posted this blog on 13/12/2020: https://grandsolarminimum.com/2020/12/13/covid-19-vaccination-will-preprogram-genocide/). This was why they implemented Blitzkrieg speed vaccination campaigns via fear-mongering to beat the emergence of antigenically distinct viral strains before this could all manifest (i.e., Delta, Omicron). The use of dirty little statistical tricks to hide the harm gave them more time through the Omicron wave to maximize the vaccination rate before people realized the CON, and people like me uncovered the dirty little tricks of FIVE EYES government statisticians. Now we must work together as ONE and ensure this tyranny is exposed and removed right back to its NAZI roots.

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Hi Charlton,

Thank you so much for fighting for so long and bringing light into this. Around me people are suffering, some more, some less, but still only few hold the vaccines responsible. I am unvaccinated and I am concerned about the vaccine shedding. I know that this issue is still very hot and that, despite awareness, there are still not enough studies to answer all the relevant questions. I heard Ryan Cole speaking a bit about vaccine shedding, I raised the questions in an online meeting to James Thorp and Pierre Kory, I am aware of the article by Peter McCullough recently published in TheEpochTimes. Do you have any deeper information in this regard? Thank you so much!

All the best from Austria,


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There are 2 sections on spike protein shedding in the evidentiary document with plenty of scientific citations. one relates to the role of exosomes in pathogenesis, the other with regards exosome shedding of prion containing spike proteins. This issue is a potential ticking time bomb, especially within the weeks of booster immunization: EXTRACT-1 (section 1.3.3, Mechanism 2): "Exosomes circulate throughout the body after infection and vaccination. Exosomes are cell-secreted microvesicles that arise for physiological and pathological reasons, including in response to microbial attack and stress conditions. , , , , In general, exosomes are involved in various disease processes, including inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, thrombosis, hemostasis, cardiovascular disease, and cardiac dysfunction. , , , Thus, it is unsurprising that SARS-CoV-2 exosomes have been implicated in inflammation, coagulation, complement pathways, and immunomodulation, with exosome-associated biomarkers correlating with disease severity. Comirnaty vaccination also induced exosomes containing the spike protein S2 sub-unit, which were detectable in plasma 14 days after the first vaccination, were significantly boosted by 14 days after the second dose and were still detectable four months later. Spike protein-loaded exosome kinetics tracked the antibody response indicating a potential role in immunogenicity as well. ," EXTRACT-2 (section 1.3.4): "The exosome shedding potential of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins raises two prion-related issues. Firstly, prion proteins can self-replicate by acting as templates for converting other copies of the same protein. Secondly, the transmission of recombinant prion proteins or infected tissue from prion diseased animals leads to prion disease in transfected animals. , , , , This highlights a seemingly unassessed potential for transmissible prion diseases via spike protein exosome shedding. Exosomes have been confirmed in all bodily fluids such as epithelial secretions, saliva, urine, mucous, respiratory secretions during respiratory disease, blood, breast milk, cerebral spinal fluid, and amniotic fluid. , , , , Pfizer understood the potential shedding risk and harm because it anticipated the possibility of secondary exposure to Comirnaty associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and in the workplace via inhalation or skin contact (Study protocol section 8.3.5). No shedding results were disclosed in the prior cited regulatory review documents supporting Comirnaty’s EUA approval. Thus, exosome shedding of COVID-19 spike proteins around booster times could represent a potential unassessed environmental hazard in the workplace, school, home, and the general environment. , , "

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Thank you so much for pointing this out! I understand. Do you think that natural immune system can fight the vaccine-induced spike proteins which are shedded just like the natural immune system fights the virus itself? Does this mechanism work for/against LNP the same way? Because otherwise I do not think that there is anybody left in the western countries who is free of these spikes

And do you think or is there already any evidence that the body can clear itself from the spikes and/or LNP?

It’s heartbreaking...

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Wow what a paper. whether the Rt. Hon Jacinda can read or not makes no difference. This is a broadside to every corrupted gov't in the world that has evaded it's duty to safeguard freedom and public health. The crimes documented and implied are enormous. Thanks for ths.

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Thank you MDskeptic. 12 months of hard work, and yes i am author or Revolution: Ice Age Re-Entry (https://www.amazon.com/Revolution-Ice-Re-Entry-Carlton-Brown-ebook/dp/B07JZL4QWM/), and have been fighting on a multi-faceted battle front since 2015. I am Mr. Grand Solar Minimum (https://grandsolarminimum.com). I crafted this Evidentiary Document to expose governments' dirty little tricks of data fraud deployed by these UN member state governments to veil the truth of the vaccine induced harm. In my opinion, based on the evidence put forth in this evidentiary document, they have committed an act of GENOCIDE against us. Firstly, by creating a Frankenstein virus with enhanced human infectivity and pathogenicity potential, knowing mRNA gene-therapies would then force the body to make these toxic-harmful spike proteins that have multiple inbuilt mechanisms for triggering pathologies and exacerbating comorbidities (i.e., ACE2-, CD147-, exosome-mediated, prion diseases, Tcell attack and autoimmunity, reverse transciption-related cancers and immunosuppression), in addition to benefiting from coronavirus related antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection, and lipid nanoparticle related proinflammatory toxicities. My document therefore gives the perspective of a global technology strategist and vaccine innovator who has scrutinized the strategic-molecular rationale of those who defined and implemented this global technology-led strategy. This was implemented by a Transnational Deep State comprising elements of UN/WHO member state nation governments (agencies, people, leadership, assets), particularly the USA. Robert Malone (i.e., one of the most vaccine-knowledgeable-insightful people i know, and one hell of a nice guy) introduced me to DTRA/DARPA/BARDA between 2010-2012 as i whored my way around the world searching for funding for my vaccine company (i.e., "Vaccines for Mutating Viruses", synthetic universal pandemic influenza vaccine). I learned how these psychopathic tyrants think. They develop gain-of-function bio-weapons in tandem with a vaccine, so my company's tech was of interest to these aggressive war-mongers. Anyway, information is the most powerful weapon known to humankind, and exposing their data fraud will bring them down (i.e., COVID-19 case rate hiding bias, PCR cycle threshold >35 bogus case generator, and version differences between the NASA/NOAA/MetOffice global mean surface temperature indices used by the IPCC to fearmonger global warming). At the heart of UN global strategies lays fraudulent data! Exposing that will collapse their NWO and hopefully we can put that war out in Ukraine.

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Our leaders aren't going to do anything to stop what they've set in motion. They acted with such synchronicity, worldwide, all following the same exact script like zombies. They continue to push the vaccines in spite of the mounting evidence of injuries and negative effectiveness. The only rational conclusion is that they have violated the social contract and formed a pact to depopulate the planet and corral and control the survivors.

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I hope you are wrong!!! meant in the nicest of ways! You are right, they acted as one, and we should never forget their brazen abuse of power. However, i think there are differences within this between the primary strategists (gain-of-function and vaccine technology, global-local vaccination strategies, political-NWO/SDGs) and their sycophantic minions PMs/Ministers/Politicians/etc. who are largely ignorant of the real technology detail. I think when the minions discover what has been done they will turn on each other (i.e., many of them and families will have been vaccinated). I am of the view that information is the MOST POWERFUL WEAPON known to humanity, and all we need do is bring down one of these governments and the rest will fall like dominoes. The key to that is exposing their data fraud. By this i mean the (1) COVID-19 case rate biases that hid the negative vaccine effectiveness, (2) the PCR cycle thresholds >35 bogus case rate generators, (3) NASA/NOAA/MetOffice global mean surface temperature indices version differences -see link https://grandsolarminimum.com/2020/09/22/fabricating-anthropogenic-global-warming/. All of these support global strategies at the end of which lays GENOCIDE. So, yes, i agree with your thinking. Anyway, if you would help spread this document that would be greatly appreciated. You can download a MS Word version of it from the landing page and copy/paste and access all references (and please credit me). Thank you.

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Be clear, many of us are with you. I'll go even farther - many of us are waiting for a leader. Without going into details, I cannot be that leader. But I can support any movement that emerges. I think we need a BIG showing of the support for this movement. How about a million person gathering in DC? Or a 50 city event with coordinated protests in each one? What's lacking is 'political organizing', yes? Keep up the fight. You are the man for this time. My free advice is this: Hire a political strategist via one of the orgs getting involved in this fight and come up with a goal and a campaign to get us there. We are too diffused and therefore easily defeated. The truth is all around us now, the data is there - NOW is the time to press our case.

What do we want? Global end to all mandates. Halt of all mrna vaxxing. All people who've lost their jobs due to mandates returned to work with backpay. Then, we need a Blue Ribbon panel of scientists and others with significant expertise (RFK, for example) who are willing to investigate and report to the American people, and the people of the world, what exactly we've been up to in our bioresearch programs. I'm horrified by what I've learned about the activities of DoD as well. I realize you have done a lot of govt work, including for the DoD, and I think it gives you the foundation of institutional knowledge to think about the reforms required and what we need to do going forward in terms of regulation and oversight etc.

I want to offer a bit of insight to readers here about the pharma industry, from a different POV. I've done a lot of work with pharma companies selling tech to mostly regulatory information management teams. I got a glimpse into the insane amount of regulation already at work in the industry. I will also add that many good people work in the biz with an intense focus on safety. The caricature some who are critical of the industry make of it just isn't helpful. The real failure here is at the governmental level. What is our role in all this? What outcomes to we seek? I went to the CDC website and NIH and just did a bunch of research on the dozens and dozens of sug-agencies underneath them. The web of oversight and regulation is daunting. So I don't think the solution is more regulation. I think its more about organization and funding and rules of the road that need to be fundamentally fixed.

As a consumer of all this, my horrified take after all this is that I cannot believe how many drugs are being pushed out there that are not that effective and are actually dangerous. This is all a huge wake up call for me personally on this issue. We need someone to lead a serious movement that has a chance of making change happen.

Without the last part, we will face this again. COVID has left me realizing that these arrogant hacks have really overstepped the boundaries of their own knowledge, in favor of careerism and cheap partisanship fused together. I'm deeply concerned about the post-national nature of the global R&D community in many industries, and how eagerly we collaborate with Chinese and others who pose great risks of espionage and other actions against us. Which is again why someone who understands how all this works in our labs and grant making etc is so crucial. While we need to 'study' it, we also need immediate action.

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Thank-you for the word 'ACTION' as there's lots of noise and words flying. There are pockets of protest, blogs, Alternative Media, etc. spreading all kinds of accurate info propagandized 'misinformation, disinformation, mal-information most people know factual. All necessary now is our modern-day George Washington...A Genuine, Kick-Ass General with heart and love for the United States of America WILLING TO 'ACT' and LEAD who would opt to give the Republic back to 'The People' when the world is again safe.

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But why doesn't one emerge? Easy, cuz the institutional Left/Globalists/Deep Staters kill them off when they try and step up. Try to imagine if we'd had Jay Batterjaya (sp?) from Stanford and Robert Malone at the helm during COVID? They both tried to step up, Scott Atlas tried his damnedest from the inside - but nope. Total stiff arm from the public health and research communities.

Change will only come via external force being exerted on the corrupt institutions in our society. They will not 'error correct'. A huge problem on the Right is that too many seem to believe that the Left is just going to 'snap out of it' at some point. Nope. Ain't happening. If that's true, what are you left with? Food for thought...

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The Doctos are the only ones really STANDING, VISIBLE AND FIGHTING. WE NEED MILLIONS IN THE CITIES AND ON THE STREETS PEACEFULLY PROTESTING AS IN BRAZIL. Thousands protested in D.C. last winter with the Doctors at the Reflecting Pool in front of The Lincoln Memorial...Bad time of the year. Really must protest WITH MILLIONS throughout the whole country at the same time until there is change. The Biker Rally with millions in D.C. on Veteran's Day would be a great way to INTRODUCE THE CHANGE and then carry it on. It would require COMMITMENT WITH DEMAND FOR CHANGE and such a protest with the Bikers would also diminish the threat by the Soros' Financed Antifa-BLM Thugs.

Those sleeping will NOT awaken...'Mass Formation' is very similar to 'Stockholm Syndrome' on a Large Scale and both conditions require DIRECT PERSONAL MORTAL THREAT or extreme Mental Health Counselling for at least two years. They've not merely drunk the Kool-Aid; they've 'BIG GULPED' it to define themselves 'Kook-Aids'.

THIS IS ALL THE RESULT OF LACK OF GOD AS THE COUNTRY WAS CONSECRATED TO GOD AT IT'S VERY INCEPTION BY THOSE FOUNDING HER and is the only country in the world besides old, historic Israel so consecrated to God's purpose on Earth. THAT IS THE KEY. As a culture, God's countries have CHOSEN EVIL. God's people must return to God or God will continue to allow the Devil to blind those belonging to him and allow the whole society to flounder, suffer, fail and die in vain.

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At the risk of seeming rude, I'm going to give you some feedback. First, I find this reliance on the "mass formation" hypothesis to be incredibly wrongheaded. It's an ad hominem attack against all who disagree. They aren't just bad people or wrong, no, they are crazy. Nope. Most people aren't good - have you noticed? And that's nothing new. By introducing an abstract theory the attacks all of our enemies as crazy, we end any debate before it starts. Or did you miss that? It's enough that they are wrong and not focused on being good.

Second, and please get this if you get nothing else. The evango/fundo Christian Right turns every issue into something that can be addressed by a "return" to God and religiosity. I'm always amazed the ignorance and arrogance of such a position. In fact, our nation was not founded by Puritans - nope. The vision of the Mass Bay Colony lost out. The vision of Roger Williams became our civic society and civic space. One not dominated by Christian fundamentalist, but rather one that allowed the many non-religious in the colonies to live out their lives as they saw fit. Most colonists were not regular churchgoers and for every fundamentalist Christian there was a rogue escaping their nation to make a new start here. Think about the nature of the settlers and colonists, it ends up as the "cowboy" culture, not an overly religious archetype.

That culture and identity is a much a part of being American as Christian morality.

Sadly, none of my fellow conservatives who evangelical seem to grasp this, nor do they care. Consider that the evango control of the Right wing ground game for decades is part of why we have failed so utterly politically. Please stop blending your faith with your politics, it's a disaster for the Right - and I know you can't see this. Perhaps you should try?

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Salk and Sabin were real researchers, partly because they were not working for the govenment. I've sometimes wondered what the ghosts of Jenner and Salk and Sabin think about the current blasphemous weaponization of their heroic work.

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You make an important point. Scientists are paid by their governments and governments fund paradigms of science, which are driven by UN/their own politics. Journals gate-keep these paradigms via a top-down corruption, so the system is fixed - largely. This means academics largely act out of a conflict-of-interest, especially the pay-for-opinion/expert scientists on Guv. advisory boards. Through COVID i could not help but think how they use science to create a sham-science, used to justify political acts. COVID exposed this to a T. The good news is i am privately funded and work part-time to fund my war efforts (i.e., I am the author of the Open Letter/Evidentiary Document) and motivated to help bring this tyranny down. i spent one year to the day on this specific project after assembling a database over 2 years, and I got no funding from government or anyone but my own hard efforts working part time as a veterinarian. I am also author of Revolution: Ice age Re-Entry and started out reading Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" before beginning this journey toward global revolution in 2015! It all started with the polar ice cores and how the conclusions of my analyses were diametrically opposed to the IPCC/Guv. narrative based on lies and sham-science. When i saw the lies i could not sit idle and watch humanity marched toward a cliff edge with all the risks left unmitigated. I think, once upon a time, in days of old scientists were self-funded. How the hell do we fix that problem...?

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Long read but well worth it. I had to look up some words, so I can’t imagine the politicians will give it much time. I love that people like the author exist, and feel very privileged the Dr Malone is able to put such an awesome piece of writing out here. Thank you Dr M - love to Jill too as always. You’re lucky to have such intellectually compatible soul mates

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Hi Jamie. Thank you for this Jamie. It is an Evidentiary Document meaning it has to be technical and is data driven - for good reason. This is now plastered all over the New Zealand government and targets their healthcare executive, drug regulatory agency, pharmacovigilance, coroners, academic advisors who think they know about vaccines (but in reality only have a narrow scope of knowledge - to be dangerous), and judges/courts/legal system. i sent it to nigh all of New Zealand academia in the fields of COVID, virology, pathology, epidemiology, public health, etc. So it is written in a language pitched at them and it hits them with governments' data biases that hide the harm. I am going to break this down via my substack posts for Robert and me and simplify this somewhat. This is my job now. Please join me and I'll try bring this to the masses in bite size simplified chunks. I appreciate your comment too, it was a nice reminder for what i must do next.

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It feels like a losing battle. I can't stop trying to get these points across to people I used to consider highly intelligent, but they continue to believe that the mainstream narrative is correct. Thankfully, I have peers who know the truth, but we are few in number and are being ostracized in public venues. One of my sisters died from the Pfizer vaccines. I know this but can't convince my other siblings; a doctor and a nurse. The coroner documented her death certificate as having died *from* covid, yet she so proudly showed her updated vaccine passport everywhere she went. VAERS reports should not even be considered semi-reliable. Reading this has validated my common sense approach but I feel that I'm still in the minority.

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I am so sorry to hear your news. And you know the truth, and your heart is right. A terrible wrong has been done, and I am so sorry for your suffering and that of your family. May she rest in piece, and please trust that her spirit is eternal and you will re-join with her in the afterlife and you too are eternal. Find presence, and talk to pure Consciousness. or God, in presence and that will be delivered to her spirit, by you know who! Spirits are never ending!!! Trust that. I fight for you guys and the millions like you. As does Robert and Jill, and so many other brave warriors. Be strong, and take action. Be strategic. Guerilla warfare tactics and exposing their data fraud. that EVIDENTIARY DOCUMENT that Robert posted for me was plastered all over the New Zealand government and targeted their healthcare executive, drug regulatory agency, pharmacovigilance, coroners, academic advisors who think they know about vaccines (but in reality only have a narrow scope of knowledge - to be dangerous), and judges/courts/legal system. i sent it to nigh all of New Zealand academia in the fields of COVID, virology, pathology, epidemiology, public health, etc. Ito got sent to over 1,000 people in NZ. They know i am opening a lid on GENOCIDE - head on. once they see the undeniable evidence of what the ministry of health statisticians did to hide the negative vaccine effectiveness in NZ government are going to come under pressure. My specialty is the analysis of government data to uncover their grime. i use to be an investment banker, as well, so i apply those skills to government data. Given we face a top down corruption in all facets of government and society administration, and the media in all its forms has been corrupted, then strategic theory (mine) says we must dis-intermediate this system and target the minions of government and academia with alternative perspectives driven by data/stats/science. Government rely on these people, but not Joe/Jo public. Academics are waiting for it to come off the academic press, but thats been corrupted, so all they've got is that which serves the paradigm being paid for by government and needed by UN-politics. They're trapped but can't see it while they hold their hands out for research funding. Its time to knock the wall down. Join my substack, and I'm going to help Robert & Jill out (we're ex-business associates).

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Criminal idiots, like Ardern, have no capacity and no AUTHORITY to stop or undo what they did as they are following orders from their globalist bosses at WEF. Wonderful letter, won't make a difference other than as a historical, "I told you so" footnote, sadly.

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Dr. Malone,

It must be God given strength that keeps you in the fight. Post-elections, all the issues this country faces hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought of you and others and how you manage to do it. I keep turning to the Word and only peripherally follow the issues. I’m grateful that you are receiving recognition for your efforts. While God gets the glory, you need a boost! It’s far more difficult to stay in the battle without some human support. Certainly God sustains us, but we weren’t meant to live in isolation. On the other hand, you’ve come to know some phenomenal people whom you may otherwise not have met. They are blessings from God as well. My prayer list seems to grow, but I include you. I think I know you better than some because you’ve been on Warroom. Bannon can light a fire unlike many. Again, another blessing. I battle health issues. How or why I’m still alive is beyond me. A different fight, but it calls on similar resources. May God bless you abundantly. I hear your struggles, and I deeply empathize.

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More & more truth coming out, & when I saw news on OAN several months ago, about the invasion of Ukraine, biolabs, & all the money our current puppet in DC sent, & continues to send to Ukraine, now makes more sense! I'm so disgusted with this current regime- everyone in this Coronavirus circle of criminals, has to be completely investigated & charged to the fullest extent of the Law! Thank you Dr. Malone for keeping us informed, & to all doctors, scientists, & researchers coming forward. God Bless all of you!

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion!! We’re absolutely with you and thanks for everything you share because it’s well referenced and it’s good for red pilling!

Don’t forget what RFK said to Steve Kirsch: he finds the fresh outrage from Kirsch, well, refreshing because he’s known all about our messed up system for decades.

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Thanks for publicizing this. I am very encouraged by all in the resistance. I hope you and your cohorts succeed with your peaceful, patient, illuminated, educated and steadfast resistance.

I would greatly like to avoid activation of another type of cohort that has always specialized in removal of “men on horseback”.

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Dear Dr. Carlton Brown, Welcome to the global team of Dr. Robert and Jill Malone, with our thanks.

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Thank you Randall. I will do my best to help Robert and Jill with COVID19 data-driven evidence of government fraud, crime, malfeasance directed against the people. I was fortunate to obtain the professional services of Robert between 2010&2012 in trying to bring my vaccine company (USP = "Vaccines for Mutating Viruses") to the US and get government funding. Robert opened my eyes to DoD/DTRA/DARPA/BARDA and having a vaccine platform able to target hyper-mutating viruses with a single vaccine held appeal to the military and government. That especially so given that they tend to create a bio-weapon in tandem with a vaccine. Robert is one of the most knowledgeable vaccine experts i have come across and he bridges the medical-R&D-Regulatory-Government spectrum like no other i have met. His judgement is impeccable and i see some very broad shoulders these days!!! And he's one hell of a nice guy to boot! So, i am honored to help. Please join my substack, and together we'll break this document apart and simplify it and make it more consumable! my interest is exposing government data fraud used to support primary inter-government strategies (i.e., statistical bias in COVID19 case rates, PCR cycle threshold >35 bogus case generator, and version differences between the NASA/NOAA/MetOffice global mean surface temperature indices used by the IPCC to fearmonger global warming). At the heart of UN global strategies lays fraudulent data and at the end of them lays GENOCIDE! Exposing that will collapse their NWO and hopefully we can put that war out in Ukraine.

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We applaud your courage/knowledge/dedications! Collectively we must take this very seriously. Great overviews on vast topic pieces of this wretched puzzle they blanket the globe with, seems intimidating and endless. Robert has his special way of lifting the fog to reveal .GOV nuts and bolts that hold this crazy train of "Modern medicine" together.

Dismantling a shadow army of NWO with unlimited funds requires special skills and tact.

We need a renaissance of awareness/ wellness. It takes a village. Albeit a very large one.

Thank you for your reply! Best wishes on our road ahead. R

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