Oct 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have had a discussion with professor Mark Crispin Miller in the comments section of his substack article about the Hamas surprise attack into Israel. We theorized that the attack was allowed to happen to distract from all the civil unrest and turmoil with the citizenry of Israel. Mark has close contacts in Israel who describe all the damage done by the Pfizer experimental shots as "the injection holocaust."

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I've heard this same theory and do not believe it. The failure to pick up on the Hamas attack is no different than that of the Yom Kippur War of 1973, Institutional arrogance and bureaucratic ineptitude are more than sufficient to account for the intelligence failure. BTW, its the same for 9/11, the failure to predict the Berlin wall going up and coming down, and the breakup of the Soviet Union.

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Our so- called security agency allowed middle eastern nationals to receive instructions on how to operate a commercial airliners and kill thousands of Americans. Then president bush screams "weapons of mass destruction" and we invade Iraq beginning a20+year war, killing thousands of our soldiers and millions of innocent civilians.

Trust your senses. None of this was by accident!

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If you still believe the fall of the Twin Towers was the result of 19 Arabs with box cutters, I have some oceanside property in Arizona for sale at a knockdown price for you - cash in advance of course.

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It is beyond my comprehension why so many of my x-friends, family and other useful idiots continue to qualify to buy that property. What really torques me off is that we will have to suffer right along with them. Bet they will expect "us" to save them.

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Mass migration - a standard propulsion needed by the NWO says Klaus Schwab, that and chaos. War brings both.

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Those who didn't come here to kill us came for all the taxpayer funded free-bees. How about some "compassion" FOR AMERICA AND ITS CITIZENS?

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The fact the USAID has been funding this 'migration' to the US border, which is left permanently open by the Democrat Admin, proves that the USG is at war with its citizens. War is War and it brings deaths and chaos as planned.

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Bringing death is part of their prophecy they intend to make come true.


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It was not the same for 9/11. Though we don't seem to know the details, U.S. insiders somehow managed to pull off that ghastly event without being prevented by U.S. intelligence and military. That leads us to believe that those criminal insiders had a lot of influence in the intelligence and military communities.

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If you read the WSJ’s explanation of how the Israeli military was surprised it makes no more sense than that newspaper’s “safe and effective” pro vax propaganda. High tech surveillance is devised to detect everything, but the high tech apparatus failed to detect people cutting through fences or whatever? I saw a video by an Israeli military commander who says the usual surveillance aircraft were not in place as usual at the time of the attack. I am sure everyone will be asking why the attack was not prevented.

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The ole false-flag operation has been around for centuries and was clearly at play here. Given the huge importance of round-figure anniversary dates in Middle-East cultures, who woulda thought that something would happen exactly on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War of 1973????

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And, lest we forget that the Chinese are backed into a corner to get their hands on the Taiwan assets, as their economy verges on the brink of default, so they are strategizing on the US being distracted by the Middle East...carry on...most of the people in the Kibbutz' were ready and protected themselves, as they've been being bombed for years, regardless!

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China is also facing demographic collapse, they are as strong as they will be. Every year that passes they will decline.

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China's Country Garden Defaults On $11 Billion In Offshore Debt - just announced a couple of hours ago...and, I forgot to mention that there were 2 weekends in a row prior to this "Hamas" invasion where hundreds of thousands of Israeli's were demonstrating against Bibi for using them as lab rats with the vax as so many people are injured - was that why he would allow it to happen? SMH that both sides are horrible, and that Biden would blindly go along with sending 12K troops over to the Middle East - actually it's mathematically impossible - statiscally, too, to have so many world leaders, presidents, reps, and people in authority, etc. be so evil and stupid at the same time...must be some sort of agenda behind the scenes...darn those conspiracy theorists!

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

While I have heard that rumor floating around about the attack being allowed to happen, and while I agree that now in the face of catastrophe Israelis are unified, I just don't think it's true. I hate that this rumor is being propagated, as it is damaging to the families who have been affected by this horrific event.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

I know it's unbelievable that Israel wasn't able to ward off the attack or respond sooner, however this was an orchestrated attack that took 2 years to plan. The iron dome isn't perfect, and it was simply overwhelmed by the sheer number of rockets. At the same time there was a cyber-attack which affected the army's phone lines and communication, roads were blockaded. Even an army as powerful as the IDF couldn't have done anything to stop it. Hamas had a lot of help and money from countries like Iran.

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I don't think it's true either. Baby would be dead in a flash if his people found out that he was doing that. He is simply a warmonger.

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I'm just a 57 year old mom and grandma, albeit very interested in politics and psychology, but I smelled that rat right off.

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Looking for that discussion but can’t find the article you mention. If you can post a link I’d appreciate it.

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Great piece, Robert, and in your wheelhouse.

However, before pointing the bone at Syria for potential bioweapon spook, Netanyahu's own words should be heeded when he said, "I'll give preference to Israeli firms " to use the DNA medical database.

BTW to call him BiBi is to soften and familiarize him. Is that really wise to do to a WEF member?

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The NIH has been doing the same thing with regard to collecting DNA from the PCR tests and using it to sequence the genomes of Americans without their consent or knowledge:


“DNA is used because at the most discriminating level, the structure of DNA can tell you what organism is being looked at. In the case of humans, PCR can identify a person using his or her genetic signature. In the case of COVID-19, researchers have published more than 100 genomes collected from patients to identify key features of the virus that causes that disease, SARS-CoV-2.”

The above article links to the NIH website which lists publicly the genetic information of millions of Americans for anyone from any country to consume (it has since been taken offline, so here is the wayback archive:


In addition, Bill Gates was doing the same with the COVID test kits: https://tritorch.com/degradation/gatesMiningDNAfromCOVIDTests.png

Some have argued that the reason they are collecting this information is because your DNA is actually an antenna which harvests your consciousness from the field around you. By knowing your specific DNA frequency, they can hijack this signal, or target you directly with the weaponized 5G grid.

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According to an Ancestry email I received today, they can tell you what traits you received from each parent even if they do not have your parent's DNA. “That’s why AncestryDNA® developed traits inheritance by parent, a new way for you to see how much genetic influence each parent had on your traits.* We can do this without your parents taking a DNA test. It’s all powered by our PRS trait models and SideView™ technology. It goes on and on but the “Ancestry scientists are committed to developing new and exciting trait predictions. Because building the PRS prediction models requires combining information from member surveys and DNA results, the power of our predictions relies on the data we get from our members. You can help us build new PRS traits by taking DNA surveys. https://support.ancestry.com/s/article/Science-of-Traits-Inheritance-by-Parent?language=en_US

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That's why I like the idea of standalone PCR tests like the one from https://www.anavasidx.com/ that has no network connection back to any institution so DNA cannot be gathered centrally.

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I can't believe anyone still uses PCR tests for covid in 2023. Covid is now a coronavirus like any other. And the tests are a political tool with their high cycle thresholds.

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Could still be useful to know in case you want to take some counter measures like https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-long-covid-treatment/

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am An American Jew who lived in Israel during the mid 1970s and do not find this shocking at all. While living there I had an opportunity to visit Arab villages and interact with Israelis who were definitely not in favor of the pro military government which was largely composed of old European men.

I found Israel to be incredibly racist especially against dark skinned Jews.

However I only learned about 10 years ago about operation ringworm--- an experimental radiation program between the US and israel which involved treating young Jewish refuge children with radiation for head lice, and essentially frying their brains.

For sacrificing innocent children Israel got a few million bucks..

Same evil nazi oriented government, just a different greedy criminal in charge and same military industrial complex here that has operated for. over 75 years.

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Ew that is sick about brain radiation

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From 1946 until 1960I,Israel,not alone in this genocidal treatment,treated perhaps 100,000 children

There was an Israeli writer who moved to Canada and did an expose book on the subject over ten years ago. He was permanently silenced.

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FWIW, this is what I found from a blog posting in 2012:

Anonymous said...

According to The Jewish Encylopedia 80-90% of Jewish people today are Ashkenazi Jews. The origins of the Ashkenazi Jews are to be found among the Chazar's

"Charars: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia." - Jewish Encylopedia

Thus according to purely Jewish Sources we can see that 80-90% of Jews today are not Semitic at all. They are descendent from a Turkish Asiatic race that converted to Judaism in the 748 AD. Their nation was called Khazaria. It was spread out over what is now the Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

The majority of Israel, like the rest of the world is Ashkenazi / Khazarian Jews. Thus, according to Jewish sources, Most Israel's and more Jews are NOT SEMITIC.

How can they use the label anti-Semitism against all their critics if they themselves are not semites? How then can they use the term anti- Semitism to stop criticism of their ethnically cleansing a Semitic people such as the Palestinians?

How can they accuse the purely Semitc Palestinians and Arabs of being "Anti- Semitic" when they ( ashkenazi Jews ) are themselves NOT SEMITC?

Operation RingWorm: In 1951 100,000 Sephardic Mizrahi Moroccan (Semitic) Jewish children in Israel were bused into the desert and bombarded with 35000 times the maximum dose of radiation. 6000 of them died immediately and the rest died slowly over time from a host of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers etc..

Even being Jewish is not enough to save people from the rabbid anti-semitism of Jews. "The Ashkenazi children were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus." - David Deri

The courageous American Jew Jack Bernstein's book "The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel" outlines just how racist and anti-semitic Israel society is. Jack was assassinated by the Israeli Mossad for speaking out.

Here's a PDF of Bernstein's book: https://archive.org/details/jack-bernstein-the-life-of-an-american-jew-in-racist-marxist-israel

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You should check out Clif High --he is on twitter, bitchute and substack and has done a tremendous amt of research on the Kazarian Mafia-- who apparently have been around for thousands of years and use the Jewish people as their beards

They are dangerous incredible powerful and deeply entrenched globally in governments, big pharma, oil & financial hedge funds

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Yes, thanks, I do catch Clif High if and when I have more time. I often don't listen to many videos or podcasts because I have to speed them up tremendously in order to "hear" as fast as I normally read. Always running out of time!

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One of the positives of Clif's substack is the sense of. Community and the ability to communicate with other like minded unvaxxed humans. It can be incredibly isolating to live where there is no immediate emotional or mental support.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I’m reading Jack ‘book’. I guess my take is out in left field. I always held that the Zionist could be traced to the elder of Isaac's twins, renamed Edom and Israel, which divided the Hebrew nation. The Edomites eventually conquered the globe via their banking systems and are now in control. Though the Israelites lost their nation, through David they contributed to the age of Grace. However, the established Church, as foretold, joined with the Edomites with the installation of the Jesuit Bergoglio.

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Shades of Fauci and Gates, and all their experiments on poor populations...or dogs

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That is an amazing quirk of human psychology; that some will assume the "winning valence" in some previous conflict and thus turn against their own kind.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Terrifying scenarios, Doctor. I have no doubt the globalist are conspiring to save the world from its human parasites. They are playing God, forgetting Icarus. Thanks for helping melt their wings with the light of truth.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So Bibi says they gave all the data to Pfizer,” and “to the world”. So where is the data, and what did it show as far as adverse effects etc.?

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Don't forget that the Democrats, during the Roosevelt administration, did the same to black people but with syphilis, which they didn't treat so they could study it's effects over years. There are other examples of governments experimenting with their populaces health to gauge how diseases affect them. The Asian Flu of the late 1950's was released by the CCP on its own military to see how much damage it would do, so that they could use it as a bioweapon in the future. It killed at least 3,000,000, mostly Asians. But I am shocked that Netanyahu is so open about it: the CCP hid it until decades later. Our own government admitted it later, as well, when it didn't matter to the unknowing participants because they were all dead.

Danny Huckabee

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Gotta wonder what DARPA might be doing with the military DNA database.

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Do we all know that Germany arrested Reiner Fuellmich in Mexico? Or am I just the last to know?

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Yes- I was hoping to get more information before I wrote about it. But there doesn't seem to be any new news...

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There are a lot of informations and if you like you can come back to me.

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THE ENTIRE WORLD’s leaders....99.999%....did the exact same thing but were not as open as he is/was....the very reason WE need a total change over in these folks with a Nuremberg type trial....someway...somehow they ALL need to pay and NOT be paid off....They were to protect their citizens and they did the opposite....if Hamas tactics are war crimes which they are then the same must be said about the mass casualties about the lost lives and disabilities due to a bio-weapon and the FORCED vaccine too.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

SCOTUS ruled in 2013, that DNA is not patent eligible and the Feds have DNA laws re: federal offenders but neither address the issue. It is not just a Federal issue in the US. In 2003 the Minnesota Dept of Health was collecting newborn’s genetic blueprint, storing it and using it. Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom went to work getting parents the right to stop this. In 2007 the MN governor was asked to destroy stored newborn DNA. Finally in 2009 parents filed a lawsuit and the MN Supreme Court ruled that the storage and use was in violation of the state genetic privacy law, the state was required to destroy all baby DNA specimens, which had been kept without parental consent since July 1, 1997. In 2014 the MN legislature changed the law, pulling the newborn screening program out of the protective genetic privacy law, and storage began again without parental consent. Michigan parents also filed lawsuits as did others in more states.

Here is the website that keeps track of State Retention periods. https://www.cchfreedom.org/cchf.php/385/

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"We can only assume that in the past eight years, the NDIS database has grown ever larger." Look at all the COVID test swabs collected! Some even went to China! Where did the rest of them end up???

About Netanyahu — it sounds as though he honestly believes getting the Israeli citizens "vaccinated" was a good thing. He is obviously grossly ignorant of Pfizer's horrendous track record of criminality! Why would he blindly trust a corporation like that? What happened to "due diligence"? He is guilty of the most extreme level of incompetence and stupudity. And naiveté.

And as far as his position on the potential benefits of genetic data, he is also grossly ignorant. The glorious promises of curing diseases by cracking the code of our genome haven't materialized. Turns out things just don't work as they were assumed. The human genome project apparently didn't know about EPIgenetic influences. Our futures are NOT "written in our genes". Not even close, and the last I heard, NO important therapies have come from, or out of, genetic sequencing. It is a BUST! Too many other variables. Just look at the extraordinary power of the human mind to influence our health, including as shown by experiments with the Placebo Effect! Forget the genetics. Environment is much more significant, including diet, nutrition, sleep habits, exercise, social and psychological influences, exposure to toxins, etc.

Is Netanyahu looking at any of those things to improve the lives of his citizens? No. He just wants to play games with Big-Money-Pharma! He is an idiot!!!!!!

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Netanyahu knows exactly what he is doing

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That the leader of the Jewish State violated the Nuremberg Code, and admitted it on camera, is mind-boggling.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

I have spent some time in Israel and was recently there over the summer. I can tell you that the majority of Israelis don't agree with many of his policies and would like to see him get voted out of office. There have been huge weekly protests over the last year about policies that he is making that they don't agree with. Right now, with everything that is happening in Gaza, Israelis are unified and support him 100%, but there are many things the Israeli people disagree with. One of the problems is the structure of government in Israel. They have a coalition government. This was supposed to represent minority groups, but has resulted in a corrupt system of small parties banding together to get voted in to gain a piece of the power. Another problem is there is no cap for how long a prime minister can rule. Netanyahu has been their prime minister for over 16 years, and is not planning on retiring anytime soon.

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He's an animal. Like everyone who runs the govt there. Just like 98% of the govt here. They are satanic evil garbage.

Remember what the media screams about loudest...are lies.

The state of Israel is the scourge of the human race. NOT most of the people of Israel but their leaders. Animals. They essentially do what they say Hitler did. Just not using the same methods.

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This was a hard pill to swallow but I did. I lay awake last night thinking about this world and history(I had watched Matt Ehret he really knows so many truths about all the governments etc.) I had to come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a righteous leader. All who did exist were assassinated or mysteriously died from unknown reasons. England is the biggest offender and we as obedient slaves followed suit. Face it folks we live in a world that Ha Satan rules. Unless you personally know the Messiah you don't have a chance even in the "Holy Land!" May He bless you and your family and all of your efforts to keep us informed!

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This mad man does NOT obey the most basic precepts of the Torah. If he was born Jewish, it is up to Orthodox Jews to excommunicate him. ASAP!

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It's the orthodox jews, not the secular ones who support him.

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On this issue, zero quibble here. Por favor, just GET THE JOB DONE!

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How is that?

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I know that this is a generalization, but just as the Christians in the US tend to lean more towards the right wing, conservative party, so it is with religious people in Israel.

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I misread. I agree. It's a statistical fact for the US.

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This information is beyond disturbing, and yet it is the movement going on right now with very little knowledge about it for the average person. When my daughter-in-law wanted her uncle on her dad's side to do the Ancestry test he said "no way". Their side of the family is ashkenazi jewish. So is my son's dad. We were too trusting and innocent of this use of data. This was a number of years ago, too late now. Anyone doing genealogy research has most likely done one of the tests available. Talk about "sitting ducks" and what that really means!

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I get at least one email a month from Ancestry about doing DNA to find more family data. No one is getting my DNA. I do have remote cousins that have done the tests to get the info. I'm sure they all got their jabs too.

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Great for you, but please tell anyone you know who did DNA with any genealogy group to ensure that the group officially DELETES their DNA from the system. You have to officially request this.

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Obviously an important point. However, people that pay to have their DNA processed are not exactly those that harbor a mistrust or instinctively understand how else their DNA can be used. If I recommend they take the time to do this they will want to know why and then they will see only my tinfoil hat and it will be me that is suspect. I have coward written all over me in this regard. Burnt too many times with the jab stuff.

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Sure but we cannot afford to be concerned about the overreaction of others at this crisis time. You are just pointing them to the articles of others—not your opinions.

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And you think they GAF what you ask them? LOL. Come on .

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Not a matter of asking. They are required to do so and held liable for consequences. The problem is the damage already done by DNA being out there. You certainly cannot take that back...

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Yeah? Heard of the Constitution? They are required to follow that too.

LMFAOx100. OK .

Of course not, the damage is done.

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Wow, Shelley, a sister of mine wanted sons to find their dna roots with Ancestry.

Rarely angry , keeping DNA records is a hoax for their chummy marketing and it made me furious as minors I was not consulted. Today, a no Vaxer herself, the sun shines on the

Evil and lack of privacy as DNA is collected.

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Yes, very disturbing, but action is needed. You should contact those companies and require them to DELETE your DNA data from their system. And check with them on phone to see if you “allowed” third-party research on your DNA. I said No to that when registration on Ancestry but most people don’t pay attention.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Just stop. Tell our officials to follow the constitution too while you're at it. You can't be this naive.

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