This is a very interesting and comprehensive post. Thank you, Robert! On my end, I am cautiously optimistic but very cautiously as politicians tend to change their mind at least three times a day. I suspect that this election does not change the fact that our best (and possibly only) saviors are us.

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All the time and effort you give to keeping all of us well informed is greatly appreciated. God Bless you and Dr Jill and thank you.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

What a remarkable letter! To see this from another perspective and to see that it is the same thing happening here pushes past all the propaganda we are continually fed until we don't know which way is up. I can see the same things he discusses from a very different culture yet mirrored in the mid-sized midwestern city where I live and the vast country where I live. This letter touched me at a deep level and gave me hope, someone intelligently speaking truth, someone very different from me and those around me.

It is the truth that gives hope. God bless the tellers of truth, and in this moment that is you, Dr. Malone, and Archbishop Vigano.

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Hi Robert

You might want to read what Counter Punch journalist has to say.


I'm going to see if I can find what the investigative journalist, John Pilger, brave person who he is, has to say. I'm sure it will be revealing. I think the US has a problem with rising fascism, as well. We, too, here is Australia. Constitutional Rights and the Nuremberg Code are ignored and we suffer State Capture by Corporates. We had some kind of Welfare State here for a short time - Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam was aiming to 'buy back the farm' from the corporates; he introduced free tertiary education and much more. He was deposed in a coup - led by the British Royals and the Governor General of the time - an old drunk, named John Kerr - supported in the background, of course, by the CIA. Most of the people in the West go about their days unaware of the real politics that controls them. How would they know - unless they dig? I suggest to all the Edward Snowden book, and movie by Oliver Stone, simply called "Snowden". Also, 3 hours long though it is, it's a must in my opinion to watch his move "JFK". People don't understand that the US military industrial complex, backed by the CIA, is running the West and aims to run the globe. First we find enemies - China and Russia. Then, we concoct a whole lot of propaganda. Lies and deceit. Dangerous territory. We are in dangerous times. We can't afford to make mistakes about people who are in power, including in Italy. With respect, Ann.

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Speaking my language, Ann. Read the Counterpunch piece and as much as there is uncertainty concerning anybody seeking position of leadership in the west as all seem tied to the Corporatist/Banker Mafia once began out of Oxford in the UK...It's just as unacceptable and definitely falls within the realm of the EVIL, Anti-God, Anti-Constitutional in the U.S. claiming both sides of our One-Party System they go to such pains to APPEAR as a Two-Party System.

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Since the end of WWII Italy has had 69 governments. Average lifespan about 14 months. Now we will see how long number 70 lasts. But the real question before Italy and the world is this: Have democratic forms of government ceased to exist anywhere on earth? Is what we are witnessing merely dying embers? Or perhaps the cosmic background radiation of freedom, evidence only of something that used to exist. Are we left with 1984 plus Brave New World? The old military adage that no plan ever survived contact with the enemy may now be playing out for the globalists, who have planned for 70+ years but are only now in year 3 of implementation. Years ago a I senior executive at a company I worked for told me that implementation is always much harder than strategy, and very few are good at it. These bastards know how to plan in their secret societies on private islands and at 40,000 feet. Let’s see how they are at taking hits.

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Very well stated!

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We are modern day Roman’s with too many only focused on our comfort and safety while our bureaucrats bleed us into submission and the hoards invade to feast on the remnants of a dying empire.

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A political system works best when the government fears the people more than the people fear the government. Sooner or later, the peoples of the world will need to confront that inconvenient truth. Let Freedom Reign for each of us.

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Another amazing piece I would never have seen without the generosity of Dr Malone. Thank you for all your efforts to help us know we are not alone.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is a treasure and a political insider having served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016.

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Archbishop Vigano is plenty savvy and prescient regarding his comment that the elite Globalist's seeing what has the possibility of being a united repudiation of EVERYTHING transnational 'governance' stands for - such as permanent loss of INDIVIDUAL sovereignty, national sovereignty and absolute subjugation to the whims of the International commissars, nomenklatura and apparatchiks controlling EVERY facet of living on planet earth....the un-elected, un-accountable parasitic MINORITY - the UBER-ELITE - will purge some of their underlings with much fan fare, and as they ALWAYS have before, hunker down for a time and let freedom (seem) to thrive again....only to repeat the insanity of (global) unification of mankind by more power-mad-control-freaks.

Unless the actual 'leaders' of the International socialist and communist 'movement' are exposed by name and get their smug asses kicked up between their shoulderblades and sent via a one-way ticket to the moon, MAYBE there CAN be 'peace on earth'.

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Well, the Archbishop sounds a whole lot like our very own Dr. Malone! That is encouraging, even as the rug is being rapidly pulled out from underneath our feet, creating chaos, confusion, and imbalance - making the solid ground of truth increasingly hard to discern.

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Archbishop Viganò is the real pope...

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Dr. Malone, we owe deep gratitude to you and Dr. Jill. You are in unanticipated waters that you never sought or wanted and I thank you for all the time and effort you spend keeping us informed. I loved your horse video, and you are quite an accomplished horseman!

I pray for God to watch over you two , protect you from any harm and bless you.

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Italy elected an outstanding EU “ Exiteers” just after Brexit and Trump were announced. Malvini was fabulous! Just as the newly elected Czech Republic’s Milos Zeman and the newly elected Greek PM.And oddly, all 3 were quickly and quietly removed . The silence was deafening.

Follow the trend globally. From S. And Central America, to Russia, Japan , Israel… Orban puuled through, but will always be stigmatized as a “ Nazi”.

Each nation shared a single commonality. Nationalism vs. open borders, mass migration, central global povernance, retaining identity and sovereignty. All had banned Soros entry.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Thank you. I’m an “ over-thinker”, always searching for patterns. And there is ALWAYS a pattern. Math is an absolute.

What I cannot fathom is how few see the obvious.by so few, I’m referring to our vaunted elected leaders and media sources on both sides of the aisle.

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Tony, this is a somewhat explanatory article. It’s ironic how freely the terms “ fascist”, “ far-right” and other antithetical slurs are thrown about.

The Nazis were not far right. Quite the contrary. The movement was far-left socialism and Hitler was quite inspired by Marx.Communism and Fascism are statist and centralized.Both movements conquer terror i Tories and sovereign nations. As is the practice of Islamism. Global Sharia Caliphate. Search Red/Green Axis. It is the merger of Communism/Islamism/ Fascism.

What comes to mind? The EU, NATO expansion, UN, WEF, US, BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet Kleptocorporate multinational monopolism, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Carlyle, McKinsey, JP Morgan, Bloomberg, Pharma,military industrial complex, corporate media, China, Bilderberg Group, NPR, PP, “ Philanthropaths” Soros, Bill Gates,Rockefeller , Tides, Carnegie, Clinton, Sedona Foundations, Catholic Charities,Media Matters, Brookings Institute, Atlantic Council, CAIR,Aspen, J Street, Quincy Society, NGOs “ Open Society”,” Greeneace, Bend The Arc, Oxfam, Amnesty International, Red Cross,USAID,ACLU, SPLC, ADL ( might as well be a branch of CAIR), BLM, Antifa, La Raza,CIA,FSI,DOJ,NIA,NSA,USPS,TSA,DOD, FDA, HHS, NIH,CDC, Dept of Education, DOT, FEC, Fed, IRS,,Pentagon, EPA,OSHA,FISA, Patriot Act, Five Eyes, WEF “ Young Global Leaders,”… Great Rest aka Build Back Better aka Brave New World.

“You will own nothing, have no privacy and be happy”. Klaus Schwab WEF

“ “ You Will love your slavery”. Aldous Huxley Brave New World

Where the eff are the Republicans? Silent’

The US is funding and training Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Nazis, bio labs. Zelensky’s inspiration is Trudeau

Where are the Republicans? Jumping up and down to amplify the war with Russia

Biden’s cabinet is all of the aforementioned. Where are the Republicans? Silent. Meaning they are either corrupt, complicit, cowardly, lazy, obtuse or all of the above.Whether any of the above or just stupid, they don’t deserve a pass either.

Look at the events around the globe. The world is on fire and all they are focused on are cartels and abortion.Abortion is the single issue that will topple the midterms.They are so obtuse that they don’t even see the idiocy of how they’re destroying their own message.

Screaming about inflation, not being able to put food on the table , find infant formula, afford to send their kids to college, the Pandemic, lockdowns, masks, lousy education… combined with the vaccine mandates, the vaccine deaths, injuries and God only knows where we are heading- the last thing anybody should be pushing for is forcing a woman to bear children that they don’t want, can’t care for or are frightened to bring them into a very precarious prent day and future. The overreach is hypocritical and cruel. If the left wants to abort itself from the gene pool, let them. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. Reduce their carbon footprint, less use of fossil fuels, depopulation…. They can martyr themselves!

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Thank you, for following up on all of this. I am saddened the more I learn of our officious interference over the sovereignty of other nations. I have known about the Middle East and our attempt for 'Empire building' to control natural resources for awhile. I came of age during the Reagan era, and was happily a Reagan Republican... and believed we were that 'shining city on a hill'. I still love my country... the people, the land of my birth and what we were meant to be, but I am disappointed in our failure to live up to these noble ideals. Power corrupts. "The love of money is root of all kinds of evil."

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that archbishop sure has a way with words.

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