Jul 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have lost all trust in the medical establishment.

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This is why we focus on keeping ourselves healthy, in my household. Eating right, exercising every day, proper vitamin intake.

I'm my own advocate, and I'm also one for my wife.

I did, however, sleep at a Holiday Inn Express, last night.

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That's good. In my case I have to visit doctor because of heart problems (maybe due to jab) but I always wonder who is being served....me or the drug companys.

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Don't forget the Corporations the Dr's have been forced to join or stop seeing patients. Our Dr's hands are tied by insurance companies who tell them what they can and can't subscribe. I have not seen a medical Dr. for over 20 years. My mom went from giving birth to age 85. Died at 93. Raised in a Socialized country.

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Ugh. You, and several friends I have.

Two are in complete heart failure, and need full replacements.

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Wow. I had bad heart failure due to afib but made recovery. Was lucky.

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I never had much. Especially after being trained as a nurse after my first career. Iatrogenic errors are one of the top causes of death. But now we have a medical mafia that does hit jobs.

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Same here!

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

THANK YOU for carrying the torch, Dr. Malone! You will be rewarded in Heaven. Thank you and God Bless you.

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Heck, I'd love to reward him now!

Anytime he wants, I'll buy him a beer or two, or maybe even a nice steak ! I will, however, require at least a minute or two to visit Max his Emu, as my wife fell in love with the little bugger first time she set her eyes on him.

Twitter too !

(not to be left out)

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Buy him 3 beers. Find out what kind of Collagen the Dr. and his wife take.

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Ha ha !

Maybe a six pack, and he will lead me to the secret stash of anti-libtard dust, so I can sprinkle my neighborhood with my drone sprayer.

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Yes, is it a tablet or powder, amazon has one that hits most of his criteria - could it be USANUTRA Multi Collagen Complex?? Anyone else find anything??

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Why... it didn’t have to be this way. Why...? Power? Money? Greed? All the above? Simple words to describe why leaders would invoke chains and death on the people, they swore to protect. This is horrible. Grateful the truth is coming out but saddened too. Mixed emotions. Very few people will even see this article. Too busy trying to survive inflation, binge watch Netflix and take the family to Disneyland. Sometimes I loose hope. I must touch a tree and get dirt under my finger nails and smell the tomato plants cooking in the sun and take a deep breath of Creation air to ground myself in hope. Pray for peace.

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Atheist Dawkins, "... blind, pitiless indifference" and WEF/NWO elite guru Harari, "As far as we know humans have no purpose." As clever as these intellectuals are, these and similarly thinking philosophers and scientists consistently lead humanity and most other species into a horrific and heartbreaking state of hell on earth, including eventual total annihilation of species, with their ingenious chemicals and machines (esp. weapons development). Neo Darwinists (largely atheist materialists) justify their mass killings, intentional or accidental, believing that disease, wars, famine and genocides are necessary for evolution. In fact, it's just the opposite. Love is necessary for evolution. It's that simple, so often stated yet consistently ignored. However, to acknowledge and act on that knowledge: to think, feel and thus act lovingly, united as one with one another, other species, nature and God and increasingly so in groups, communities, towns and cities worldwide, then once a critical mass is achieved it would result in a sudden and simultaneous (transcending 3D spacetime material constraints) evolution of humankind.

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As in the Animal world, there are different kinds of humans. Type A have to strive for more,.always be the best, they have to win. History proves this.

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One individual can often be the spark that lights the fire that illuminate the minds.

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It's like somebody died and made them god. I am sure they are gods in their own eyes. And since they don't believe in God, they need to have something to worship, themselves. Agree with Leslie's post below.

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The idea of how absolutely miserable these tyrants make people that are enlightened to their authoritarian policies I believe shows the absolute brilliance of the founding fathers use of the John Locke quote life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Funny how living under tyranny starts to make sense of their brilliance.

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I hear Disneyland is empty

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Why? Imagine the evil we have seen performed the last three years. Now remember that one guy, the orange man, running rough shod over that deep state, finding out those things that they worked so hard to conceal. They had to do something, lest they all end up executed for treason. Kill a few million? So what, long as we get to keep the things we've stolen. Ask. Nanzi, who has mysteriously disappeared.

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Easier to just put down covid. More money and saved time.

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Why? The short answer is - satan has been busy trying to destroy God's creation for millennia. He is the original psychopath - the template - he knows he can't win but he still thinks he can. Regardless he will strive to destroy all he can while he still can.

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I have no trust in medical establishment.

I have no trust in our government, agencies and elected legislators. They haven’t represented “we the people” for many decades.

I have no trust in our DOJ.

I have no trust in our legal system that were bought with evil intentions. The judges and lawyers who purposely subvert Justice.

I have no trust in our educational system.

Indoctrination, ideologies, systematically exposing our children to sex, which is actually “grooming” for nefarious purposes. This is the most egregious and evil. Our children do not belong to the government!

I have no trust in our news media Fake & propaganda’s , White House press

Secretary. All Lies and propaganda.

I do not trust our voting system. This has been clearly realized. No longer Free and Fare Elections.

Therefore we cannot vote our way out of this evil mess.

I do trust and have faith in Jesus Christ.

He is my lord and savior, my redeemer.

He is the Truth and the way to ever lasting peace. He is the only judge that matters. Yes, we all will be judged for our deeds on earth.


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Couldn’t say it better!

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And we ask ourselves why drug addiction and suicide so rampant amongst our youth.

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Hey now !

Get out of my head with that photo copy machine you got in there.


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Amen and amen!

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AMEN! He knows the ending - so I listen, obey and trust.

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"Due to the CARES act, medicare paid hospitals a 20% "add-on" to the regular payment for COVID-19 patients. Remember that the people who became sick from COVID were generally the elderly and on medicare. Ergo: the incentive to put people on ventilators. There was a financial incentive to put people on ventilators and yet ventilators contributed to many of the COVID-19 deaths." In other words, they killed people with their medical practice to make money. Hospitals KILLED people to get more money. And they lied on death certificates to make more money. Sick world. Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick world.

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When you have governments trying to kill its citizens with poisonous injections & hospitals killing their patients with deadly protocols, that sadly leaves precious few in positions of authority in whom we can trust.

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And the fed gov paid family members of those that died 'from/with' Covid under an NDA to assist with funeral costs. I think the amount was $6k or 8k.

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Yep, May 2020, a coworker’s grandma passed away. She was admitted to a memory care unit with Alzheimer’s in March 2019. She had stopped eating months before, so she had a feeding tube. Her family had a DNR. One day she stopped breathing and passed away. Well, what do you know, they put cause of death was complications from covid, somehow she tested positive right before she died. My coworker was ticked off they were not allowed to visit with her those last weeks and days, not allowed to have more than 10 people attend her funeral. Her family was provided $8000 to bury grandma. My coworker knew all of it was a scam perpetrated by the facility and our government. And they wonder why we don’t trust anything that comes out of DC.

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A plandemic with planned deaths. Good for your co/worker. Most are totally clueless.

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Not so much clueless as helpless. When my bro-in-law died his wife actually asked for an autopsy but was denied. Definitely killed by the jab but this was how "they" they corralled the message.

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That's what they do with sudden death occurrences, even the ones with coroners involved. Too many other things to attribute it to, even with the young. It is all so disheartening they all cover for the fraud thus multiplying the number of involved. Perhaps it is more than 5% of the adult population in the US that is now complicit one way or another.

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One answer and one answer only: Stay out of the standard medical care system and DO NOT use insurance (including Medicare), which records and tracks your every move. Also find independent, preferably non-allopathic care.

Good organizations for medical information and resources. FLCCC is especially amazing:

* AAPS Online: https://aapsonline.org

* Patient Resources & Medical Providers (Direct Primary, Cash Pay, etc): https://aapsonline.org/category/patient_tools/

* The Wedge of Health Freedom – https://jointhewedge.com/find-a-practice/

* DPC Frontier DPC Practice Mapper – http://www.dpcfrontier.com/mapper/

* FLCCC: https://covid19criticalcare.com

* Medical Providers: https://covid19criticalcare.com/providers/

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You can also go to a used book store and find Medical journals from the 1960's when doctors treated the cause, not the symptom. They only had a handful of drugs back then so they took care of people differently. Many times as a child our local small town doctor would just reassure my Mom that she was doing the right thing with hot chicken soup, fluids, and bedrest. No insurance involved.

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For those interested in the forgotten side of medicine, check out A Midwestern Doctor's substack by the same name at https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/

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A funny example. When little had a bleeding problem (outgrown before teens). Got smacked in the nose playing football with neighbor kids. Had to call the doc. His treatment....a piece of raw bacon rolled into a plug stuck into the offending nostril. Worked.

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See...Bacon works for everything.

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Yes, if your healthy. I did that in my 30s. I'm still healthy.

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Sadly some don't have a choice. My husband has COPD from working construction. He never stops moving. I take care of healthy eating. However once you have something terminal one needs both insurance and Dr.s

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Yes, there are many in that boat Margaret. One of my staff was diagnosed with psoriasis a few years ago. She had a horrible case on her scalp. She has undergone very expensive infusions. Then recently she switched to a different shampoo with no toxic chemicals, and now she is healed from the original condition, but is now being treated for the side effects. She has be be insured from now on.

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Instilling fear and stealing joy from children is one of the Greatest Sins...

...they have made an idol of Earth and told children that their very existence threatens mankind

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Thank you for reiterating these facts and providing documents. The more information available to people the better. Share this far and wide.

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Australia confirms. It's been known in the US since the John Hopkins employee documented in an article on line that showed the average US death rates by age group had not increased the first year of Covid. That post was only up for a day or two before it was pulled and rebuked but a brave soul saved for posterity.

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If fact the death rates remained stable until the jabs and then 20% rise in unexplained deaths in working age

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So very true. Insurance companies reporting this staggering figure of deaths in the healthy.

Here is the death report from Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Hopkins pulled from the wayback machine. Deaths were on par with prior years in 2020.


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After the house hearings over the past week I have to say there are still people with courage. Dr. Malone you can certainly put yourself into that group. We see many subscribers have the courage to speak out against the authoritarians. Courage is contagious and it’s the greatest weapon against these lying pieces of human feces that are intrenched in our government. I went back and listened to Emma-Jo Morris’s opening speech in the house hearing on censorship and the first amendment. Talk about courage to stand up for what’s right. The most uplifting part of her speech was when she laughed in the face of Jim Clapper former DIN, Michael Hadden former CIA, and John Brennon former CIA. Of coarse she brought up Biden’s disgusting lie at the debate with Trump saying the laptop was Russian disinformation, when he knew it was authentic. This government has become tyrannical to anyone who will think, write, read or say anything against the power centers of this country. It must be eliminated root and branch. We cannot leave anyone in place that has participated in these murderous, unAmerican, unconstitutional deceptions. J.Goodrich

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So true. A 2-tiered justice system is TYRANNY

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Great Post Dr. Malone.

With reflection I think people will understand the significance of what you documented here.

Yes we all should know by now that the government lies.

What we have here is the documentation that there is a International Cabal, an International conspiracy to falsify death rates due to COVID. To expand those death rates as much as possible and the instructions to never correct errors in those death rates.

I was following the death rates published by the CDC in 2020 and 2021. Those death rates were not statistically significantly different than the previous 5 years. How could this be if the Statistics we were being "fed" from the CDC and other nations were showing massive deaths from COVID?

What you documented here explains and codifies the actual Truth. That the real death rates did not change. What changed is that they were just incorrectly coding all the other causes of death (like a Motor Vehicle Accident) as a COVID death.

Once the public can accept this fact, then the public will have to answer the questions as to why they did this and subsequently who is responsible. This strikes at the Foundation of the "Tower of Lies" they built up around COVID.

Thanks again.


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We have a longstanding agreement with the Federal Government. They have been reneging on that agreement for decades now. They accepted responsibility for carrying out equal justice for all. It is very obvious they are failing to do so and failing intentionally.

When people can shirk responsibility for their actions, the greedy ones and the evil ones will certainly continue to perform as they wish.

The people know how to stop that, but they continue to believe the stories that it can be stopped at the ballot box. I had hoped it could wait to be fixed until after my own demise.

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Dancing around a very interesting subject. Yes government is a compact between the gov and the governed. And that is why the very word vigilantism curdles their blood because that is the sign that the governed have had enough of being poorly governed. Instead of responding positively they generally write more bad laws to intimidate us. Time for that to stop. We need to simply keep replacing our representatives until they finally realize we are the boss and faithfully uphold the Constitution as they are sworn to.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

The pool in which to choose our representatives is microscopic in size. The main issue is that once the liars in charge obtain their positions, they do anything and everything they can to ensure they perpetuate this process.

Time is of the essence:

We have a senator in NJ (RINO) that does everything humanly possible to push the democrat agenda, including always voting for the inane regulations and laws of this state. He's been consistent in this for what seems forever, decades minimally.



He is consistently re-elected, with his "pro conservative" rhetoric his campaigns run just before each and every election he's in. He's always re-elected, either through blatant cheating, or stupidity of the voting block. Most likely a combination of both.

By the time this guy is ousted, there won't be anything left here to salvage. Bob Menendez and Frank Pallone will see to that.

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Replacing representatives via the normal election cycle is not working. The public needs some way of recalling anyone in government who is shown to go against the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

However, I've noticed most people are willing to vote along lines of name recognition, race, sex, campaign slogan and if life is going along well enough for them, they'll look no further. In fact, The Constitution is being successfully equated with being radical. People are slowly beginning to look around sensing they are going in the wrong direction, but it's not nearly fast enough.

“Something like World ID will eventually exist, meaning that you will need to verify [you are human] on the internet, whether you like it or not,” WorldCoin CEO Alex Blania said."

It's clear what is being planned for us is something no sane human would want, so force/coercion is coming. Whether we like it or not is so irrelevant. They KNOW we won't like it.

It stuns me to think the military has been so thoroughly infiltrated they're on board with this.

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The worm is turning. The problem has been in messaging. Here in Texas very conservative agendas have been forwarded to the legislature only to be killed by rinos working with dems. The voters obviously want conservative legislation but keep electing rinos. Why? Because they are not being informed of how their reps vote. That may change. Our Ag commissioner has had a belly full and is promising to take names and publicize them. If "conservative" news services cooperate and keep those names in front of voters during the primaries we could see a very different House in 2025.

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If we last that long...

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Glad yr addressing this Dr. Malone!

On the overall question of C-19 mortality. I go to the CDC site:

https:// www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/


There vou find this statement: " For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death." So using their approximately 1,100,000 # of deaths WITH C-19 & their 5% FROM C-19, we get 55,000 TOTAL U.S. deaths FROM C-19. WHY this is pointed out so seldom, is crazy. The CDC data blows the DEADLY PANDEMIC meme out of the water! I ask people—

If you were told that CANCER was a deadly disease, but to die from CANCER you must have at least 4 ADDITIONAL diseases- how deadly would

CANCER seem? And the NY Times is now backing off on it’s death claims, but ignores the CDC data that’s been available all along on their website, showing approximately 55,000 people have died, solely from C-19 in THREE YEARS.

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Either people at the WHO are not capable of understanding what is written in this essay, although millions of non medical people figured it out, or the WHO was intentional in what they did.

I am not a medical professional. My background is clergy and family therapy. In Nov. of 2020 my 92 year old mother contracted COVID. The family practice person sent her home with 4 vitamins. I called back and ask for azithromycin and hydroxychloroquin. They gave me the azithromycin but were afraid to give me the hydroxychloroquin as it was not approved for that application.

My mother was told to go to the ER when she felt worse. In my conversation with the primary care person I was told when she went to the ER they would give he remdesivir.

We used cold compress and Tylenol for fever, the azithromycin for bacterial infection and budesonide for the lungs.

She came through with flying colors and is going strong today. Later that same month I believe, l learned about ivermectin through an article in the WSJ.

It is a little hard to believe that medically trained people could not get this figured out. No...they intentionally murdered people. If not for our intervention my mother would have been among the murdered.

These people are sick. I understand that medical doctors and other medical professionals were under pressure and even in danger of losing jobs. But murder!

We have changed our primary person to someone who is capable of thinking for themselves.

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As if more evidence was needed to resist the proposed WHO treaty.

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There are no words to describe the level of hypocrisy entailed in the words of these people when they ALSO claim to be, for all practical purposes, "THE SCIENCE." And then I hear that over 80 House Republicans voted against a bill that would have allowed pilots fired for refusing the jab to be able to get their jobs back, even with a shortage of pilots. Both parties are on-board with the draconian reset, it seems. Praying for us all!

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Once again I will be sending this article to people who always say "but what about all the people who died from covid?" I say with not from, it usually goes right over their head. Brother, what will it take????

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I'm afraid it will take more than an article.

It doesn't go over their heads, they hear/read it as a deliberate, vicious lie. Much as I read the BBC or MSNBC. And they have a monstrously bigger bullhorn. I'm afraid reasoning is over.

I say show me anywhere in the pre 2015 literature where CO2 and temp move together in geologic time. They reply that's a lie, look at the Mann hockey stick for real evidence, Right, talk about falsified dat.

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