The only case that went to the Supreme Ct involved using OSHA to enforce the mandate. That lost and the other cases were withdrawn, so, no, we can't use that case.
Ok. So does that mean that this is a 'state's issue' instead of a 'federal' one? I was under the assumption that medical information was private due to HIPAA- which is a federal statute. I read somewhere that this AB 1993 (the one going after all California employees) asks CA employees to show their proof of vaccination to an employer, but that the employer would need the employee's legal consent to retain that private info.
Dr. Malone did a podcast recently (sorry-can't remember where) where the Heads of a Hollywood studio told him they weren't behind the studio's vax mandates, rather it was there union that was making them comply. It sure is a way to control a lot of people/businesses all in one fell swoop. Hope you don't belong to one of those.
I think they had so many complaints they backed off- but it still exists, just won't be voted on at the moment. Check out the Peak Prosperity video on the CA bills made within the last week or so. The info is presented by the org. following the legislation and you can get updates from them.
How can California mandate that it's workers get vaxxed if the Supreme Court shot down Biden's federal mandate?
The only case that went to the Supreme Ct involved using OSHA to enforce the mandate. That lost and the other cases were withdrawn, so, no, we can't use that case.
Ok. So does that mean that this is a 'state's issue' instead of a 'federal' one? I was under the assumption that medical information was private due to HIPAA- which is a federal statute. I read somewhere that this AB 1993 (the one going after all California employees) asks CA employees to show their proof of vaccination to an employer, but that the employer would need the employee's legal consent to retain that private info.
They may not consider that private information and there might not need to be retention of any info. For now, AB1993 is not going forward.
Really?? I'm an independent contractor in CA so I'm concerned about it. Why is it not going forward?
Dr. Malone did a podcast recently (sorry-can't remember where) where the Heads of a Hollywood studio told him they weren't behind the studio's vax mandates, rather it was there union that was making them comply. It sure is a way to control a lot of people/businesses all in one fell swoop. Hope you don't belong to one of those.
I think they had so many complaints they backed off- but it still exists, just won't be voted on at the moment. Check out the Peak Prosperity video on the CA bills made within the last week or so. The info is presented by the org. following the legislation and you can get updates from them.
Now, that's a critical thinking thought right there ^ :)