Now *that* is a superstar lineup! GO GET ’EM!!!

Dr. Malone, do you know what the deadline for public comments is for these measures? I want to write a letter about it but am drowning in deadlines so have to prioritize.

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I watched thehighwire.com's latest episode yesterday with my wife and realized how many organizations that were mentioned are ones we support financially. We took the stance that putting our money into organizations in the US where there seems to be greater momentum and a higher chance of success (despite having many awesome grassroots organizations here in Canada which we also support, but fewer) is the better choice.

One thing came to mind though while watching that episode of the HW. What if the ability to send money is closed off at some point by my government via the current system, or if a future eCurrency system is put in place as is currently underway? What if I cannot freely give to whom I choose? That realization--especially after the trucker incident here with GiveSendGo--is a frightening prospect.

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this is what they want. they are already doing it in other countries. this is the purpose of government digital currency- they are actively trying to get rid of the dollar. China already does this. Anyone with the wrong "think speak" is at risk of having their bank accounts frozen or seized so they can't feed their families. As well, credit cards like Mastercard are already working with governments to create "carbon cap" purchasing. if they feel you're purchasing an item that creates too much carbon, they won't allow the purchase to continue. Or if you've purchased enough to hit your own personal cap, they'll stop you from using your card. The cap is determined by the government too. It's absolutely terrifying.

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I’m going to use ALL cash this weekend.


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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What’s this obsession with Covid by these stupid governments and media? Give it up already!

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They want us all on a digital passport

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I, along with a lot of others, will not comply.

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N O W you're talkin!


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They want to depopulate and control!

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So let’s stay alive and mess them up.

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Apr 6, 2022·edited Apr 6, 2022

Last Nov, Jordan Peterson, on Dave Rubin's show, said he'd been told Canadian policies were driven by poll results. My guess is this is also true here in California.


I was in Target tonight in Alhambra, Masks no longer required, but I was surprised at the number of masked people I saw. "These stupid governments" are simply responding to their perception of political sentiment, and it appears a hell of a lot of people still think COVID is gonna get 'em unless government "does something".

Politicians may not be good at leading (there are exceptions), but they are awesome at reading political tea leaves.

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$ $ $ $ $ $ $

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Donation made. I will be there in spirit praying for all.

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Great! SPEAK a powerful, LOUD, "NO." My faith teaches me to pray for those who persecute you, I think it also completely proper to pray for the utter FAILURE of their demonic plans, and for justice to be served.

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Awesome to see this. While legacy media has shifted to Ukraine the covert assault on rights rolls on. Here in NYC as a longtime photography volunteer at one of the parks I was just notified they need proof of vaccination. Clearly scientifically determined the password to the park's Flickr account puts others at risk and natural immunity is meaningless. **sigh**

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Now we’re talking

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

California Über Alles!


Zen fascists will control you

One-hundred percent natural

You will jog for the master race

And always wear the happy face

Close your eyes, can't happen here

Big Bro on white horse is near

The hippies won't come back, you say

Mellow out, or you will pay

Mellow out, or you will pay

Now it is 1984

Knock-knock at your front door

It's the suede denim secret police

They have come for your uncool niece

Come quietly to the camp

You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp

Don't you worry, it's only a shower

For your clothes, here's a pretty flower

Die on organic poison gas

Serpent's egg's already hatched

You will croak, you little clown


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I am so grateful for you and the others who are joining you to fight back for freedom in California.

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How can California mandate that it's workers get vaxxed if the Supreme Court shot down Biden's federal mandate?

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The only case that went to the Supreme Ct involved using OSHA to enforce the mandate. That lost and the other cases were withdrawn, so, no, we can't use that case.

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022

Ok. So does that mean that this is a 'state's issue' instead of a 'federal' one? I was under the assumption that medical information was private due to HIPAA- which is a federal statute. I read somewhere that this AB 1993 (the one going after all California employees) asks CA employees to show their proof of vaccination to an employer, but that the employer would need the employee's legal consent to retain that private info.

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They may not consider that private information and there might not need to be retention of any info. For now, AB1993 is not going forward.

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Really?? I'm an independent contractor in CA so I'm concerned about it. Why is it not going forward?

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Dr. Malone did a podcast recently (sorry-can't remember where) where the Heads of a Hollywood studio told him they weren't behind the studio's vax mandates, rather it was there union that was making them comply. It sure is a way to control a lot of people/businesses all in one fell swoop. Hope you don't belong to one of those.

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I think they had so many complaints they backed off- but it still exists, just won't be voted on at the moment. Check out the Peak Prosperity video on the CA bills made within the last week or so. The info is presented by the org. following the legislation and you can get updates from them.

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Now, that's a critical thinking thought right there ^ :)

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Rally in Cali this week yes, but the equivalent historic timeline is that we are early 1942 using the WWII comparison. This is just starting.

The burden of educating the general public must be shared more then it is because although a few well respected doctors and scientists is great, there is too much work to expect just a few can educate the general public and make them realize everything is NOT OK. People have a crapload of normal life activities that they are just tickled to be back doing but meanwhile, the Massvaxists plan and scheme. It’s up to people like us, (i.e. readers of posts like this) to get in the grills of those around you. Family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, strangers... everyone!!!... and make them realize their lives, their families lives and everyone’s standard of living is being negatively effected on purpose. Apathy is lethal! The “too cool for school” attitude some have whereby this fight is beneath their importance and that someone else will lead the charge is both pathetic and cowardly. It’s just like those who don’t vote but complain about politicians.

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Thanks for stepping up for the rest of us.

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can’t get out there, but if you come to Boston, I’m there!

Cheering you all on from New England!

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“We’ve arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our feces.” —Carl Sagan

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SF may have dropped vax pass (for now), but it’s alive and thriving in Oakland.

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There's something fundamentally wrong with this continual, defensive, "Defeat this, defeat that". It's time to insist legislation is brought forward to eliminate the threat these draconian bills pose. It's obvious the tactic is to merely "pause" if it looks like there's too much opposition but we need to drive a stake through these awful bills so they can never rise again.

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