Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From what I can tell, given the overwhelming successes worldwide with both treatment and prophylaxis using ivermectin protocols, the suppression of ivermectin by our "public health" bureaucracies and federal government is possibly the worst governmental crime against the American people in our entire 246-year history.

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Indeed…My husband and I are 76 and have been taking one ivermectin pill a week by our weight..for the last year. We have not contracted Covid.

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I know this makes Dr. Malone shudder (although I would remind him that the FDA that gets so bent out of shape about livestock formulations is the same agency that participates in suppressing human use of ivermectin as an antiviral altogether), but my family and I have been taking 1% livestock ivermectin orally dosed per the protocols put forth by Frontline and Dr. Kory. We've used it since early December of 2020. Ironically, while the FDA howls about "we don't know what's in it," since it is a formulation used in food-producing animals, the FDA itself requires that the inert ingredients be published on the package insert. Both inert ingredients are widely used in human pharmaceuticals and even in some food preparations! My husband and I are both in our 60s, and we have both been exposed numerous times without getting sick.

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A colleague of mine with published papers on ivermectin told me last year that he had the horse paste tested and found it purer than the human tablets. This little lab study should be replicated by someone but that would be an amazing factoid to circulate. You can still get horse paste fairly easily in a variety of outlets. Also ivermectin for birds in a simple solution of propylene glycol, useful to add a drop to the H2O2 gargle solution. It is ridiculous that people died and suffered traumatically because of fear of trying veterinary compounds.

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Although anecdotal, your experience correlates perfectly with what many believe to be a classic response to the prophylactic use of Ivermectin. Parenthetically, my wife and contracted COVID (a second time; pro'ly Omicron) in mid-February. A link to an Ivermectin prescriber (via Frontline Doctor link) allowed us to use Ivermectin therapeutically. My five day course reduced my symptoms dramatically whereas my wife who couldn't tolerate the drug (3mg/20kg) gastrically and had a bumpier ride.

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Yall don't need to take anything. They've got you bamboozled too. Covid is a joke. It's the flu. Suck it up for a few days, you'll be fine.

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The latest mutated versions of the virus are, indeed, resulting in milder cases of COVID; however, the elderly and people with comorbidities may not wish to take your advice. We have plenty of therapeutic regimens that can now be applied, especially the ones that include a zinc ionophore (ivermectin and HCQ, for example--see: FLCCC I-CARE protocol


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I think any concession to the media BS convincing us this is any differentthan a flu is bull. You can't control anything. And I'd take ivermectin if I had symptoms but not all the time. Isn't effectiveness decreased anyway if you take it all the time? I don't care let them take it, I just feel it's necessary. I know 100s of people who got it. Not one went to the hospital one was 93 and the other was in between chemo sessions and is 79. No one even went to the hospital.. it's all fear porn.

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Yep. The truth lies in the fact that SARS-COV-2 is performing like a typical virus. Your anecdotal experience complies perfectly with that typical viral evolution.

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Good for you! So glad that you’ve been able to dodge the bullet or should I say the shot! (Or perhaps both) Stay well.

Best, Joy

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The two of you sound as though you likely contracted SARS-COV-2 (almost everyone will--think "Herpes") and were asymptomatic. Kudos to you two for your prophylactic diligence! As septuagenarians, good call on your part!

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I thought that might be so too. I was hoping that if I could prove I had Covid I wouldn’t have to have the shot. I went and paid for my own blood work to see if had had Covid…. no I have never had Covid and I don’t have the antibodies in my blood. I have not contracted Covid to date. I realize that some people can be asymptomatic however I follow the front line doctors program and my vitamin D level is 83. I think vitamin D and vitamin C are extremely important along with melatonin etc. Thank you for your comments Reggie. Best, Joy

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I read studies that indicate that detecting deep T- and B-cell (memory cells located in bone marrow, generally) neutralizing antibodies is next-to-impossible given our present testing capabilities...but I could have interpreted them wrong given the fact that I am not a trained immunologist (although I have a rather extensive virology background given my years of HIV experience). My primary care physician, on the other hand, has concurred with this testing inability of detecting deep T- and B-cell immunity probability. In other words, I wouldn't trust the tests that only look for free-floating antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a blood sample. As to your other efforts to fight the manifestation of a SARS-CoV-2 infection (aka "COVID"), your preventative regimen sounds more than adequate. Again: super kudos! BTW, even the CDC (as late as last Thursday) as indicated that "90% of Americans" have COVID immunity (granted, that estimate includes the "vaccinated" and immunity from a previous infection of an unvaxxed person so...). Again, I'd use the example of Herpes throughout the population. Just because you don't enter the prodromal stages of a past infection (say, for instance, Herpes Labialis--a "cold sore") doesn't mean you never had a previous Herpes infection. I'll also admit that using such an analogy isn't meant to "win an argument" but I've heard other virologists use the analogy when speaking with laypersons. I'm sure Drs. Kory, Kulldorff, and Malone have a much better way to describe the fact that a Zero COVID world isn't a reality. Will a small percentage of individuals (say <5%) never get an infection? Quite possibly. Will you be able to tell if you are actually in that small percentage? You may never know unless we can test to the levels needed with detecting SARS-CoV-2 memory cell immunity. PS: I welcome critical comments to my less-than-complete scientific understanding of the memory cell immunity that we all hope we'll develop--especially the lucky unvaxxed amongst us! Those of us who are vaxxed won't ever develop the durable natural immunity that the unvaxxed will most likely gain. (Long-winded. Sorry.)

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There's the T-Detect test which detects T cell lifetime immunity. I had it done at LabCorp, cost is $219 not covered by insurance. I was working at a hospital in CA where I had to get tested twice a week for Covid. I tested + on August 30th, 2021. Had been taking everything including IVM and HCQ for over a year. I had to quarantine for 10 days, missed 8 days of work, and got paid the full amount as if I was working! I had absolutely no symptoms and felt normal.

2 months later I got the T-Detect test to see if I had really had Covid and there were no T cells detected. So, I had a false + and got paid to stay home. Crazy.


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Yep. This is consistent with what I've been seeing out there in the real world.

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Excellent return post. Thank you. You are very well informed and I would assume that you have been “studying” this pandemic from its onset. I see your point.

I did get the ok from my GP to get T- Cell lab work done also. He said that my insurance wouldn’t cover it and it would be out of pocket….he is in Fauci’s pocket by the way…So I went to have it done and the cost was $840.00! Needless to say as a retired individual on a limited income I said thanks I will have to think about it and left the lab…chuckle.

Regards, Joy

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See my comment above


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I'll wait for others to make comment on the reliability of T-cell testing for SARS-CoV-2--or any memory cell testing for that matter. The literature is plentiful but, for a layperson, difficult to negotiate. Not surprised that the test was denied coverage by insurance. Sinister? Dunno. The cost/benefit decision you made was a sound one; however, it would be nice to know definitely if you ever were exposed to the virus and developed durable memory cell immunity.

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We are regulars too.

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How/where to buy Ivermectin? Many thanks

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Where ti buy Ivermectin? Many thanks

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Through the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance info. FLCCC. They have a section on the website that lists various ways. I chose Synergy Health out of Skokie, IL.

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Thank you Joy. What is your formula for Ivermectin versus patient weight.? Many thanks in advance.

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Published prophylactic protocols dose ivermectin at 10 mg per 110 lbs body weight, taken weekly--which, BTW, is the FDA approved and recommended dosage as an anti-parasitic as well. (Yes, this IS an FDA approved drug--using it as an anti-viral is merely "off label," which is not uncommon with a LOT of other drugs in common use.) Treatment doses are 2 to 3 times that, taken for five days in a row.

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I weigh 160 lbs so I get 15 mg, my husband weighs 190 and he gets 18 mg…. it’s not my formula It was prescribed by a telemedicine doc.

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Many thanks !!

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Some recommend 4mg, some 6.

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Not only is it safe to take weekly, it is recommended by many, including Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance. They have published protocols on their website. It is one of the safest drugs in the world, has been in use as an anti-parasitic in humans since the early 1970s (and has been used as a regular regimen for that by millions worldwide), is an OTC drug in many countries, and has been in use as an antiviral as well since the late 1970s. Millions are already taking it around the world as a weekly prophylaxis; tested protocols have been in the medical literature since late in 2020.

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The doctor evaluated my health history on line..asked me questions etc. after I had been on the med for a little less than a year I contacted them with this question. “Can I still safely continue”, again they asked a medical history question and said yes it was safe to stay. By the way, each month I am contacted by their personnel to see how I am doing. I feel confident with the care I receive.

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It is a crime against the people of all the world...a global crime against all of humanity.

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It certainly affected many more countries than just the US....but several other nations ARE using drugs like ivermectin with good success, which is in large part why their death rates (and case rates!) are so much lower than ours.

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Indeed, but by-and-large those countries are not an impediment to global government in the same way that Western European, and North American nations stand to be. The crime is not just planetary genocide but an assault on liberty and freedom.

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Where to buy Ivermectin?? Many thanks

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Where to buy Ivermectin? Many thanks

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Good post.

It is So hard to try and even bring up the subject with the “sheeple”….the scatter or get defensive or…angry. The divide is wide.

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The cognitive dissonance cripples them. it is sad and infuriating.

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Where to buy Ivermectin? Many thanks

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Many thanks -- will try. Much appreciated !!!

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With apologies, Dr. Malone, the real question is:

"Given our knowledge of history, why on earth would people assume government ISN'T willing to kill them?"

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In the 70’s, the first EPA Director William Ruckelshaus overruled the Administrative Hearing Officer and ruled, contra to the evidence, that DDT was carcinogenic and was banned.

DDT kills the Anopheles mosquito - the prime vector of malaria. In the absence of safe, effective, inexpensive DDT millions of people every year - primarily in Africa - died.

I used to think we had the cleanest hands on the planet. No more.

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Yes and how many people have cancer? Our bodies were saturated. Don't forget Sunscreen! We slathered our kids in baby 1,000 block. We did so because they told us we were going to get skin cancer and die. How about don't be out in the sun working or not during peak hours, islanders know this, lunch is 3 hours long. But, no....How would they powers that be make their billions??

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How about Quinine? ¨Quinine is a medication used to treat malaria and babesiosis. Quinine was first isolated in 1820 from the bark of a cinchona tree, which is native to Peru, and its molecular formula was determined by Strecker in 1854. The class of chemical compounds to which it belongs is thus called the cinchona alkaloids. Bark extracts had been used to treat malaria since at least 1632 and it was introduced to Spain as early as 1636 by Jesuit missionaries returning from the New World. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. Treatment of malaria with quinine marks the first known use of a chemical compound to treat an infectious disease.¨

Read more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinine

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Unknown to most people is the fact that William Ruckelshaus - the 1st "Director"of the EPA, was a member of the (GLOBALIST) "Council on Foreign Relations" - as WAS HIS BOSS- then President Richard M. Nixon... same Nixon that via (his) Executive Order, decapitated the former GOLD STANDARD which de facto took the lock OFF of the so-called Federal Reserve printing presses - resulting in the paper dollar NOT being worth a plug nickel; same Nixon that with his comrade CFR member - Henry Kissinger, made a deal with "Chairman" Mao - and "opened" Communist China. And just LOOK at the MESS America is in NOW BECAUSE of abject INCOMPETENCE by the uber 'elite ' CFR members to THIS DAY!

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Yes. And it WAS NOT thinning eggshells of endangered avians either - that was all fabricated too.

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Who's the government? Government is whoever claims the privilege (private law of the king) to be the default owner of the assets and creates the currency that pays debt and taxes. Politicians are meat puppets, the fall guys (and gals). I wonder if they already know that, if part of the Davos initiation is explaining the role they'll play and how they'll be rewarded for never breaking character.

The bankers, who ARE the government, had a use for people until they ran out of ways to circulate enough currency to keep the game going. Now they own all the money they created in the first place, and they're bored with us. How many strings do you need to pull to make us all dance? It's exhausting!

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The Fed is a private consortium of international banks. The Fed literally creates money for themselves out of thin air while making and enacting financial policies and imposing "corrections" to the economy. Raising interest rates is not necessary to curb the artificially- caused hyperinflation that We The People are bearing the real-life consequences of. The ObuyDem administration is killing the Trump economy while printing fiat money and enacting legislation that does not repair or improve our infrastructure, using our and our grandchildren's taxes to supporting various "Climate Change," "Foreign Aid" and other schemes to fund NGOs and nonprofits enriching political families and cronies.

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Yep, that's the topic of my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. It goes into how Congress was tricked by the Federal Reserve Act and how lowering the interest rate (erratically) kept ballooning up the price of houses to put enough money in circulation to pay back the principal (which the loan creates) and the interest (which it doesn't.) But that gig's up since interest rates can't go lower. By raising them, everyone with a variable rate mortgage will be forced to sell--to the hedge funds aka bankers. You will own nothing and be happy!


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All I think of over and over is the lack of critical thinking by the masses. I can’t believe we have reached this level of incompetence. I had no idea how bad the school systems had dropped. My kids told me, in our amazing school district, that the teachers did not teach them anything. I thought they were exaggerating. I was very wrong.

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Lack of critical thinking by the masses is the ultimate cause of all this mess.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you run for President, you won't get elected, but you will have a real platform to get this information out. I really think you should...

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I wouldn't make the bet that Doctor Malone wouldn't win a presidential bid. Jill would make a great first lady, and they can name the farm Malone-A-Lago, and have big, warm world uniting events there.

The bizarre events of the last few days seem to have set aside Trump's ability to run, no matter what happens at this point with the evidence and the charges that will ensue. That clears the way for many other candidates to give this a go. On either side of the isle, actually.

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I can remember the anxiety my husband and I felt just getting groceries delivered and washing everything and the hand sanitizer, gloves, not touching railings or anything other people touched. The closed parks for kids to play in, takeout because the inside restaurant area was closed, on and on. And then we started to wake up after being scared shitless. What a lesson we have learned! I had never experienced anything like it, and had to learn to investigate the inner workings of everything I had trusted. That is where you and so many other brave souls came in. Like I've said before, I am getting my "higher education". Thank you once again for putting together the myriad pieces of this huge puzzle.

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So important to share stories because I think so many felt alone and fearful. The government Fearmongering was/is overwhelming. Happy you are not living in fear.

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Thank you, I left out so many little details of our insanity. Dr. Malone and Zach Bush M.D. educated me enough to trust my instinct to not get the jab. My husband did however, and has regrets now that he knows...

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Have you taken the opportunity to give props to those of us who saw the truth a lot sooner and were duly vilified for doing so?

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I was labeled as nuts, my family (older) got mad when I said something is very wrong with all of this! It's not rocket science. I believe some people just want things nice and tidy and simple.

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Isn’t it amazing that people were so mad when we just wanted to ask Questions or maybe just have more time to evaluate what was happening?!

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Sometimes they just look at me like I have 2 heads. I finally decided to shut and what I know to be true. I am amazed at the inconsistence medical information given to the public in the past 20 years alone. My brain tells me that there is as an entirely different agenda when a certain product, drug or idea is pushed to the public. The big pharma does not benefit from healthy people. We get tossed from 1 doctor to the next until I forget why the heck I went to see the doc in the first place.

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I think what I feel good about is trying to help people understand how ridiculous all of this was whether it helped or not, I really tried!

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"and had to learn to investigate the inner workings of everything I had trusted"

well said

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They took advantage of the average person with good will who just wanted to the right thing by others. Made us feel like real chumps.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, that concluding line "By the nakedness of our faces we encounter one another as individuals, and in doing so we experience fleeting moments of grace and trust. To hide our faces behind masks is to withdraw this invitation." is so powerful.

Grace And Trust.

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Grace and trust, indeed!

Disconnect people from transcendence seems to be the larger theme of these times.

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Dr. Malone I worry about your safety. You put out truth which challenges Big Tech and the administrative state.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh how powerful fear has proven to be. Find ways to inject courage into the daily lives of children. Resist your fears for their sakes. None of this would have been possible if y’all didn’t give into fear. If the faithful had true faith. If the physically strong had true strength. We here must guide this ship from here for there are no others anywhere to set us free.

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Thinking back on my childhood and I do not think you need to worry about kids being innately fearful. Shudder to remember some stunts we pulled back then. But yes, they must be protected from the fear mongers out there and instilled in good old American exceptionalism to counter the garbage being fed them by the scions of Wilson/Dewey/Zinn

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when are you going to see, or rather allow yourself to see, that there was no way that whatever cure for "covid19" would be accepted before the western entire world would have been injected multiple times with the democidal infertility goo?

it never was about health, it always was about reduction in numbers and enslavement of the population.

all this time we have been fighting shadows.

shadows put up to distract us from the real issues.

almost nothing happened by accident, everything was planned.

the only thing that wasn't controlled was omicron.

it was the glitch in the matrix...

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The movie Dallas Buyers Club pretty much told us how this could never get approved.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I follow Crawfords writings, and agree he is very incisive, totally worth reading. But Crawford mentions in passing in the fourth listed title provided in the list aove, that "Covid 19" has ten times more lethality than a typical flu. I honestly don't think this is correct, it grossly overestimates the case fatality rate of SARS2 . "Alert #2", a product of the National Vital Statistics Survey ( an arm of the CDC), on March 24, 2020 was issued ; it was regurgitated by every state's public health dept, and sent to all of us as registered physicians , and illegally enjoined physicians to mark death certificates much differently( 180 degrees different) than had been the prescribed method for the 17 prior years. No public comment period was given for this insane change, and the rule was changed March 24, not as the statute said must be done, with advisory councils and a public comment period, but rather as a dictum of the CDC with no reasons given : If the responsible physician even remotely thought the patient had died in response to a covid infection, even with no confirmatory evidence, even with no specific test (i.e., pcr assay), then 'Covid 19 ' was to be written on the first line of the certificate. Anyone having an incidental positive specific test for SARS 2 within 28 days of death, was to also be considered "Death from Covid 19". This is why mortality for SARS 2 is "ten times higher than an avg flu" - precisely because it was overdiagnosed to the max, for political purposes - "Fear mongering". This is why the USA has massively more "covid 19 " mortality than just about everywhere on the planet, including places like Haiti, not known for its cutting edge medical care.

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Jesus Doc. Your 2nd dissertation? 😉 Why are they trying to kill us? According to the WEF, about 6 billion of us have to go. “In a nice way of course”. 🇺🇸

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The point about “evidence based medicine” circumscribing the discretion of doctors is a good one. Has anyone else noticed that the majority of doctors pushing back against the C-19 narrative seem to be over 50? Those of us in this age cohort were still trained to think for ourselves and make patient care decisions based on the individual. Or maybe it’s just that our school loans are already paid off and we have less to lose.

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Agree completely. I’m 75 yo, a retired neurologist who still keeps up my CME and medical credentials and read between the lines (lies) of Fauci having experienced his incompetence during the AIDS crisis while I ran a ward at a major academic center. He eschewed treatments and instead sought AIDS vaccines—see the pattern of his behavior?—we treat AIDS yet there is still no AIDS vaccine.

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I was mullinģ over the age connection. I am like that gray area, I don't seem to fit with anywhere. I always did think for myself. This lead to more reprimands and isolation from family. I would hear what's wrong with you. Or you should have done what I said or you think too much. what were you thinking??? No wonder I am so confused ⚠️✔️

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It’s never wrong to ask questions. I myself had to overcome some medical training indoctrination about “brain dead” people. They are not biologically or spiritually dead, their hearts are beating, their spirits are still in their bodies, and they are being murdered by organ harvesting every day. (See my website respectforhumanlife.com)

“Evidence based medicine” indoctrination started up after I left training, thankfully. This is a algorithm or cook book type of approach that stifles thinking outside of the box.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Throughput the past two years we have been inundated with fear, information, disinformation, misinformation and propaganda. In the beginning there were a lot of unknowns so we all sided with caution. As time went on the people willing to do their own research started to see the cracks in what was being fed to us. It simply didn’t add up or make logical sense. Then emerging out of the smoke and mirrors came Doctors Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Paul.Marik, Peter McCullough and others. Also noteworthy is Robert F. Kennedy Jr and his must-read book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. This SubStack piece is a gold nugget laying in a stream of river rock. Thank you for all of your efforts and writng this exceptional piece.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is mental health included in public health?

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Sie, mental health is top of the list in public and corporate America. I am about to lose a 33 year career over 2 choices, mental health and mental health with substance abuse. No choice any way they serve the platter up. Either be labeled as an addict or a certifiable addict or just goodbye. No addictions and I barely say a word. I have been told to quit trying to figure things out. Someone messed up at just the exact right time and that was a bad choice on their part.

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Thank you for what you do, Doctor.

I feel good will triumph.

Courage is needed though

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone You have made me proud to be a Physician again. Yourself and a relative handful of other Physicians advocating early treatment of Covid-19 versus virtually every Medical Center in the US is and was such a contrast to the FAUCI stupidity. Keep up the good work we need you. G Best M.D.


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