Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I signed the petition; hopefully everyone who reads this Substack will sign too.

It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little.

-Sydney Smith, writer and clergyman (1771-1845)

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Great quote. I signed.

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I love the quote. I am doing what I can and today I signed the petition.

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I signed as well. I first came over from Whatfinger News, my go to news site that posts Dr. Malone's works and vids daily. They were founded by soldiers who said enough already with the media cartel and censorship. I'm sending them a note to post this as well, that site is super-influenctial and does 30 million page views plus a month. Now if we can only get Fox News to do a focus on it, that will get some real attention.

I like your quote. So many of us are in the very least able to post, email and share their ideas on the net. It is still a sad thought on how those in power treat everyone else. It's all about control in this world, and the Left are almost always the culprits.

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Whatfinger News! Thanks. I will go to that site too! I am very appreciative of all the tidbits I learn from not only Dr. Malone, but his readers.

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Be sure to go to Citizens Free Press also.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sad commentary  on the fact that we are living in a controlled security state that determines what can and what cannot be told to the citizens! 

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And most of the rats are blissfully unaware they are trapped in a maze.

The language police are at it again. This is a must-read, if nothing else for the laugh factor.


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What is is no longer is? Sad Reinventing reality?

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s still difficult for me to believe/take in/acknowledge this type of censorship is happening in America. We need more Ms. Ricksons in our college classrooms. I’m signing now.

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Would be interesting to know where she went to uni. Not typical of today's ed degree recipient

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I paused…prayed for this woman. Shared this Malone/Joe Rogan piece to friends, on of which lost her Director of Nursing position at the hospital I work at due to her refusal to get the v@** -then, wa la! Was able to sign this teacher’s position and hopefully those I sent it to will do so as well!!! Happy New Year Dr. Malone and all of you Freedom Fighters!!!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of the decline of modern education.


Harvard University: Average grade awarded, undergraduates, for academic year

1950 2.55

1975 3.05

1990 3.30

1999 3.42

2022 3.80

Are we to believe students are getting smarter and/or more dedicated to their studies with each passing decade?

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Even more disturbing is if what I have heard is true the Ivy leagues hold their minority students in such low regard that they only grade them pass/fail---and they all pass. If so we had that grading system shoehorn one into our White House

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Or simply eliminating grading all together for non-whites. If you're accepted, you will graduate. Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022

I've interviewed a lot of candidates from ivy leagues at Microsoft in the last 25 years, and I have to say, the quality of graduates is rapidly declining. But we are finding amazing talent elsewhere, Brazil, India, Canada, Australia, Ukraine, UK, Argentina, even Mexico. American students are falling way behind. I think it doesn't help that such a large percentage of each graduating class are also foreign students. The Universities make a ton of money that way, but it is not helping America as much as it used to - it is also creating a social divide that is easy for the socialists to exploit. But I'm a huge fan of Dean Kaman and his vision for FIRST robotics. This is reaching millions and is hugely important. This way kids are learning real stuff, they either win the competition or they don't. Can't "inflate" those grades. So, we need more of that kind of project-oriented learning in our schools.

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For too long academic freedom has been a "for me not thee" protection for academic sleeze. Am old enough however to remember it when it actually worked. Just when time to apportion monies to state institutions the Okla. legislature demanded my gov prof at OU be fired for his invited testimony in fed. court.Our president told them to get stuffed. Academic freedom!!! Oh and we signed too

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It's been true for centuries...it is the norm for most of history. The 1900s were an exception. We are regressing to the times where 'only the clergy/elite can read/interpret the bible (science)' and heretics who dare read/interpret it themselves will be burned at the stake. We live in the digital Spanish Inquisition. I hope we break it.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I signed as well. Keeping top notch teachers like this from teaching will only fan the flames of the resistance movement, because, after you cancel enough people with obvious integrity, your own integrity can't help being called into question. Thus their removal of this teacher will only work for the cause of freedom and justice not against it.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Its already 2023 in Australia Dr Malone, and from what I can see thus far, THE GOOD GUYS ARE GOING TO WIN

HAPPY NEW YEAR Dr Malone & Jill & your entire Family, also to all my American "Brothers & Sisters.

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Happy New Year to you and the rest of Australia. I am looking forward to the AO and the greatest of all Novak Nole Djokovic on court. Let them have it, Nole, for what the disgusting politicans, not people did to you last year. Please treat Novak well. Cheers from Canada. God Bless.

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Thanks Donna, you are quite right about politicians here, I was MOST VOCAL about our State Premier Daniel Andrews, the very vast bulk of Australia "Love" Novak, we see him & treat him as "a favourite Son". "One of us". You watch Donna (which I am sure you will be) the "Aussie" crowd will go wild when he appears (& I will be one of them). Happy New Year to You and Yours Donna.

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Thank you, Thank you for treating Nole well, he will be over the moon emotional, he is one, and only that is a true sportsman imho, treats everyone with respect and compassion. I will be setting my alarm clock and watching, as I watch all his matches and cheer for him. Oh now I am even more excited for the AO. Thank all the people there, from the Canadian Serbs. God Bless you all.

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Enjoy Donna, what a refreshing exchange between People, instead of all this garbage we had to endure in 2022. Regrettably, it is far from over, but I will get a kick out of knowing you are on the other end (so to speak) enjoying watching "Nole" as you say. Loved the exchange Donna, HAPPY 2023 TO YOU & YOURS FROM AUSTRALIA.

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My pleasure Les, it was such a lovely human like conversation we had, a beautiful change. Yes me too, watching and saying to myself, hi Les, you lucky man yell a littler louder for me as well, no one hear me, except hubby who is sleeping upstairs. Thank the Lord he is a sound sleeper and does not hear me at 5 am or so. Many times I was too excited to sleep at all, designated to call a few friends make sure they are awake to watch. Les Happy Healthy full of Love and good things to you and yours in this 2023 year. Lets kill the nay sayers with love. Maybe while cheering for Novak, say Idemo Nole, it means I know you know. Lets go. A side note Novak had a match a long one at that, not sure exactly where but he was exhausted, a yell from the stands, his son Stefan saying Idemo Tata (dad) and he got it. Nole admitted to that in an interview. Sorry, I went on, but wish you, and yours all the BEST. Love that I now know an Aussie will be watching along with myself and many other. LUCKY!! Sve Naj Bolje, means all the BEST, Les!

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I will practice that "Idemo Nole" & yell a little louder for you.

Sve Bolje


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I remember listening to this interview and my mind exploded. I learned so much. I would even rewind to better understand a concept. Thank you for doing this interview with Joe, who incidentally I had never listened to before. While it changed your life and made you much more of a public figure, it has also changed ours for the good by teaching us the truth.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I also signed the petition!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congratulations on this momentous anniversary! Recall excitement of waiting for the show to begin. Proved worth every second waiting and watching. Recall the slight smile as you delivered the MFP phrase. Was so happy to have found such a source to help inform myself. You've been all I was hoping for and then some. Do my best to earn all the data, facts and opportunities you offer. Am ever grateful. Am hoping we'll/the Community you've formed, will continue on beneficially through 2023 together!

Did sign petition.

Wishing you and yours a satisfying, successful New Year!

Bestest Ever

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for calling attention to Ms. Rickson. It's so seldom that people in the education field stand up that when we find someone of character who will, we should all support them.

Danny Huckabee

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Alrighty - I just signed it too, brother - thanks for the heads up!

... I kicked in a little $$$ for the cause, too

Hopefully Adrianne gets reinstated - I’ll be watching closely

I’m very, VERY stoked you’re back on Twitter, so your visibility and reach is headed back up

You’ve been popping up in my other socials again (where you had almost completely stopped after the T ban), so hopefully the industry-wide shadow banning is loosening up

Thanks for everything you’re doing for humanity, Dr M. 🙏🙏🙏

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Signed. To be silent is to acquiesce. This tyranny all began with the mask. Just think if everyone had refused the mask we might not be in this situation.

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Only a year....but a densely-filled one, it seems so much longer.

I do recall that break-through interview with Joe Rogan...

I was familiar with Matteus Desmet's work and noted that where Desmet spoke of "Mass formation", Malone had added a third term, and "Mass formation psychosis" is what became principally used thereupon, somewhat changing the issue, in my opinion, however, my principal reaction was relief that there had been a public reaction via the Joe Rogan show.

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For me the kick off saga RWM was that cool DarkHorse podcast with Steve/Brett in studio fashion.

The Rogan more like a super bowl half time analysis asking known coaches WTF is with this jab?

The uncertainty of poop storms had ensued. You have well managed Operation Banish Malone!

Congrats on the continued notoriety and well established courage to take on any storm.

So proud to be onboard. Even when it feels like an Ozzie "Crazy Train" Day ! All aboard Ha Ha Ha

I'm on board to right this wrong. A donated $11.00 Eleven is my favorite Whole Number. Always!

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