Oct 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Look at the three communists (democrats) mentioned in this essay, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and AOC, none of these people truly represent the American Citizen.

Here’s something a little off topic but again shows how we are not represented by these elites.

Not sure if you all are aware that the eastern front of the war in the Ukraine (The Donbas (Donets coal basin) has fallen to the Russians. Morale among the Ukrainian army has collapsed as well. This additional 8 billion dollars that Kamala Harris gave Zelenskyy is a desperate attempt to extend the war until Election Day. Harris Biden have spent 250 billion tax payer dollars, promising victory over and over again in this war. If the killings and the destruction of city after city were to stop with a Russian victory and a decimated Ukrainian defeat the American citizen, who are on the hook for this waisted quarter of a trillion dollars, will again be awoken to another Harris Biden deception of monstrous proportions.

Meanwhile our Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), controlled by the Department of Homeland Security (Mayorkas), is completely unable to assist the millions devastated by Hurricane Helene because FEMA has been delegated to settling the 25 million illegals throughout America leaving crumbs of manpower and money for the American citizen. Mayorkas yesterday all but said DHS is broke and then mumbled “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates”(sorry he reminds me of Forest Gump). I have only heard that there have been No sightings of FEMA anywhere. No federal rescues, no federal food drops, no federal water drops. The people in the southeast United States have been abandoned by the Harris Biden administration, even coming from me I’ve never seen such an incompetent slap in the face response by any administration, they are despicable people, Kamala, offering 750 dollars to people that have lost everything including thousands of loved ones.

In the meantime they spend hundreds (400) of billions of dollars on Illegal aliens and war. This is why Trump is going to crush Kamala in November. If they are able to install Kamala in January and steal this election like they stole it in 2020, I believe it will be a blatantly obvious final blow to this republic, America. J.Goodrich

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I live in Asheville North Carolina, a place surrounded by regions of Human loss, communities destroyed or forever altered, and without a word from our Demonratic Party governor or Biden/Harris or Mayorkas/FEMA. Harris was in Georgia plying to the Black votes, playing politics with a horrible natural disaster. I heard someone was shot on Brevard Boulevard fighting to get in line for gasoline. I've been unable to find gasoline yesterday & today. There is no food or water distribution in South Asheville. Where's our Demonratic government when We the People need them the most?

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Our democratic gov is where they want to be...remember...THEY call themselves the democratic gov...we the people should not be using that phrase. They are outright communists and traitors to the constitution. Those of us not brainwashed all know that. To fight the other side, first know your enemy. and then nothing that follows is surprising but merely confirmation. That's what Helene aftermath is about...confirmation of our leftist gov.

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Yes, I’m reminded that most people in prison profess innocence and liars are the nicest people up until they clobber you over the head and take all your stuff.

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They’re focused on and hitting N. Carolina really hard - look what they did to Palestine, Ohio. Things will get worse as Election Day approaches - God help the red states.

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I read this morning that OBiden admin authorized 1,000 Nat'l Guard but so far the NC Gov has yet to write up their deployment order. Hard to believe after this many days.

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Here in TN, 700 National Guard were deployed Sat morning to the Middle East when we desperately need them in TN and the other states hit hard by Helene! America “Last” again!

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They are double down aren't they. Alex Jones said they would be coming after rural areas and it seems they are.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Read Maryland has a small group of 911+ experts offered to come down to W NC. But state hasn't responded re offer. On the other hand if Musk did get Starlink up, they may not be needed. Reports various and contradictory re Musk success.

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Blaze News' Julio Rosas joined Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) in Swannanoa, North Carolina. Rosas noted that a group of veterans and locals had banded together to provide relief to those in need, making deliveries with civilian helicopters, UTVs, and ATVs.

From Mercury One: In conjunction with Congressman Cory Mills and our partners on the ground, we’ve delivered water, oxygen bottlers, insulin and even Starlink systems so people can finally communicate again. We also helped to medevac an 83-year-old man by helicopter who was showing dangerous signs of hypertension.

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More Blaze positive news re stamping out free speech. Mark Levin just advised Blaze and others have plans A & B. They are working to come up with an alternative source to use. Sounded like promising progress. Power to them!

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Hope it pans out. Even building alternate internet network, hacking can happen.

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When I visited Asheville, it seemed like a VERY blue area. Do you think this will change any votes?

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I don't know if it will change any votes, Kim. My impression of the Demonrats is that of cult members blindly following their masters. It's not quite a Jonestown devotion, but I've never met so many people hellbent on voting for people who hurt them.

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Exactly. Brainwashing is effective especially over a lifetime. Ask Charlie Manson if brainwashing works. A few escape but not enough....but never stop trying to enlighten otherwise it's over forever.

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I do hear this a lot as well. They believe that orange man is a convicted felon who grabs you know what. They prefer the zombie that is Joe Biden over Trump because of the portrayal by the MSM and celebrity endorsements. I believe that the Puff Daddy story is going to blow a lot of them up.

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Asheville is a blue area, but the surrounding communities devastated as well are red. It could have an impact but right now that’s probably the last thing on these peoples minds. I worry about the changes that will be made that will help the Dems cheat.

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🙏🙏🙏 prayers to you and your community. This is SO wrong at every level. God Bless You

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Your eloquent post set off a series of thoughts for me, after which you and I probably end up in about the same place. I would respectfully differ from you, in that the character of Forrest Gump triumphed in life through decency and simplicity, and these stand in stark contrast to Mayorkas' calculated treachery. I really used to like Tom Hanks, but can no longer see him without being reminded that he cast his lot with the tyrants. And screw Hollywood for lulling us with likable characters and compelling stories that distracted us from an agenda now revealed as vile and anti-constitutional.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Exactly correct. If a person is a truth seeker, they learn and change if needed based on truth. We see follywood for what it is..there is practically no truth. I've lost so much respect for actors, entertainers, etc...they indeed are too many communists. Hanks included...moron man. Obviously, McCarthy was correct in the 1950s. I now see the propaganda by the left to discredit him...interesting.

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I thought it was a very interesting moment in the most recent interview between Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein. They touched on McCarthy and the Red Scare. I would never have expected them to explicitly state that there was more to the story than the media persuaded us to believe.

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My father was very conservative and I was a kid in the 1950s, so I remember him talking about McCarthy. He was absolutely convinced it had merit, as were a lot of people at that time. Even back then, it was very difficult to defend McCarthy.

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I found actors and entertainers either entertaining and talented or not. I’ve never respected them, unless they were involved in something worthwhile. They’re usually not.

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It’s something James that I had the same thoughts as you mention, but thinking that they are both successful one by decent means and the other by treachery as you so nicely put it. I compare them because I can’t help but think something is seriously wrong with Mayorkas upstairs. When I watch him with his blank look and monotone voice continuously lie I can only think that he is in some manner, maybe a gross personality disorder, challenged mentally. But I do agree with you, for some reason when I see him I see let’s say polar opposite evil Forest Gump twin.

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What is so frustrating for me is seeing what is going down, knowing that those who are dug in, like the MSM, will not surrender or admit there is something so very wrong with gifting Ukraine with billions and having nothing for Americans who contributed to the billions with their tax dollars.

It also disturbs me to know that the dims are not even hiding their agenda of flooding the voter numbers with illegals. They smile and use nice fluffy excuses in the name of humanitarianism but they can't really hide it. The irony is, those illegals who are reaping benefits right and left are being bought to vote for a sure fire recreation of the hellhole countries they fled. So much irony you could build a battleship,

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Chris Martenson, PhD, of Peak Prosperity, posted this on X about what is going on in Chimney Rock, NC.....https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1841636020187431216

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wow. This came to mind:

https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/modern-economy-rests-single-road-north-carolina-where-hurricane-collapsed-bridges "The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The road runs to the two mines that are the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers.”

I really hope nothing this nefarious could be happening.

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After what transpired during covid, you can be reasonably sure that ill intent reigns supreme.

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I feel sick.

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wow - spreading this - evil is roaring!!!

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Yes, by all means, spread it far & wide.

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Here is a contact site for President Trump as well as for Melania. I have just left a message for each of them, hoping it gets read. I have just received an acknowledgement from Melania. www.45office.com

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This needs to get to Trump and Vance.

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I just left a message on the contact page for Peak Prosperity, Chris Martenson's web-site. I also left a link for his post on X, as a reference. Hopefully, I will hear back from them or they will somehow be able to get a message to Trump or Vance.

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I will put the link on Truth Social. Of course I have no followers but will place it as reply to Poso, perhaps DJT and others.

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I have to believe Dr. Malone has contacts who can share this with Trump. It needs to be exposed.

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Yes, it does. I wish I knew how to contact one of them, without the post getting buried. It may be easier to contact Vance. I'm not on social media, but perhaps his campaign headquarters would have a contact page.

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Listen to the first minute of this - Glenn Beck is on his way to Asheville to see if there really are dead bodies and in Chimney Rock also. Pay no attention to the what the link says!


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That is great news! I am hoping that things are not as bad as what is being reported. I am hoping that Glenn Beck's team will not be turned away, as have many others who have tried to intervene. That happened in Maui too.

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Glenn called yesterday. Here is his report.


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On his program right now is the man that set up the temp airport. He is mentioning all of the people and groups that are doing the work FEMA would never do. He says long term needs here.

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Debra, it is another Maui. This is what the fed does when an area is need for other purposes.

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It's beyond evil. These are our fellow citizens & they are in dire straits. I wish I could physically help, but am no longer a spring chicken & have breathing issues. The best I can do is to contribute financially & to help spread information. Whatever President Trump or those who are helping him need to assist these poor people, I will step-up in whatever capacity I am able.

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I am in the same position, actually exactly Debra.

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I am a retired nurse & know how to take care of sick & injured people. I would happily travel there, if only I were able. It saddens me to know they are so desperate for help. I have always had a hard time watching anyone struggle. My first impulse is to offer help. Just watching some people physically struggle to cross a street, breaks my heart.

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I'm not on X. Could you get Chris' message to Glenn Beck. on X? His Mercury One has both trucks and Helicopters.

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I'm not on x either. However, my brother & sister-in-law are. They may be willing to send a message to Glenn Beck. I will ask them.

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Thank you. One of my younger brothers is so I sent him a text. He is out of town at a convention which hasn't stopped for the day yet. Surprised he opened by text!

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Excellent post James! What’s happening in the hurricane areas needs to be shared nationwide if not worldwide. Our current communist government is a disgrace and they are all traitors. We are definitely on our own. We need to all stop paying taxes IMO!

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Spot-On, James!

What with "DEI", "ESG" and the radical elements of the "LHBQT+ (whatever) 'movement' "collectively" attacking everything that Made America Great - using the power of the U.S. federal government enacting LAWS to "protect" them, the fat lady IS singing now - and the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 is very close to literal death.

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True Dat JG.

The nation cries in vain for leadership that may never arrive.

If these bastards snatch this election by hook and crook......

"A Whole lotta Shakin" will be goin on! And we ain't fakin!

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Well stated...nothing further to add.

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So well said. And all true.

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Horrible all of them

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You will have (not own) one TV - with one channel

You will have (not own) one radio - with one channel

You will have access to one search engine - with approved results

You will be free and you will love it

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Kerry’s MINIFESTO wreaks of defeat. He admits they’ve been up to no good for 40-50 years and questions whether his side in the battle that is being waged will be able to “break the fever [of truth] in the United States?” Kerry sees the writing on the wall, literally - these places like Substack where we meet to write our thoughts and dreams about a Republic restored are like a giant wall of graffiti - they can try to paint over our graffiti and silence the words, but while they’re sleeping, people like Malone have been busy filling the walls with words and hope and truth - in the morning, we peanuts in the gallery get to add our two-cents worth. The First Amendment appears before the Fourth Amendment for a reason. We the People must exhaust our First Amendment rights before considering our other options. At this very moment, we are involved in an uprising of truth. I think this is what Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, et. al., had in mind.

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Whenever I see climate change warrior John Kerry I think of the exchange in front of congress where he stated under oath that he didn't own a private jet. And then later had to admit his wife was the one that owned the family jet.

If not for double standards, these people would have no standards at all.

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Kerry is more of a bully than a warrior.

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I use warrior facetiously when referring to someone like Kerry

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"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," but only as it pertains to Christianity. If it's the religion of climate change, it's okay, and freedom of speech must qualify (by our ever-changing standards) to be protected.

As Rush used to say, "these people must be defeated."

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Gia worship (worshiping the created rather than the Creator), Baal worship (child sacrifice), self-worship (sexual perversion and placing man upon God’s throne)…

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The arguments against free speech have been going on since John Adams signed the Sedition Act in 1798 and started locking up his political opponents. Of course, those in power don’t want free speech used against them and defining the LIMITS of free speech is an unAmerican idea. And there are lots of US supreme court cases about free speech, but the solution is more speech, ALWAYS, not banned speech.

Justice Louis D. Brandeis in his classic concurring opinion in Whitney v. California (1927), wrote: “If there be time to expose through discussion, the falsehoods and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”

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People choose the news sources they trust fie information. Some just follows whomever tickles their ears some vet the sources to ferret out the truth. The difference is a Spiritual one and goes to the core of the battle we are now facing to save our Republic. That the perversity and scope of the Propaganda organ has affected so many points to the enormity of the agenda they are trying to Gaslight us into believing again a Soiritual problem

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The plan seems to be to silence all dissent, muzzle those who would become dissenters, and imprison those who break the silence. In this way they seemingly believe that people will trust government more, become more compliant, and stop having ideas that diverge from those of the government. Instead, they will find that people will more readily recognize the crimes being perpetrated on them, chafe more against the restrictions and oppose the government as a matter of policy because of its abusive actions. Only a sociopath would be so delusional as to think that by tightening their controls over people even further, they will snuff out resistance. It will be just the opposite.

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Besides voting for President Trump, what else can We the People do?

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We can speak up when we have an opportunity. And we can do it without a confrontational attitude. I admitted J. D. Vance at the debate who showed intellect and restraint. We spend so much time shouting at each other that it was refreshing. Even though some criticized him for not being an attack dog, I was thankful for the reprieve.

Here in conservative Idaho the Democrats have pushed through an initiative on our ballot that will allow ranked choice voting. I finally found a great article that summarizes the horror of that and I have to learn it so that I can explain it to people before they vote.

And I believe in prayer since God is in control. I'm the past several years I have often thought about Sodom and Gomorrah. We are there now and God will not be mocked!

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Humble ourselvesa and pray for Divine Intervention

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Maybe we are the divine intervention?

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Well at least the empty vessels - we are the clay, He is the scuptor.

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If you are a Christian, spread the Gospel of Christ. This life is temporary, along with its government, but death is eternal—eternal life ir eternal death. Choose Life.

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"Choose Life" ... the motto of the anti-abortion groups. It is poignant because it's opposite is precisely what is determined by the "Pro - Choice" groups.

"Choice" is not the counter to "Life" --- Death is. Words matter and no one knows this like the Left

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CQL, don't you enjoy it when non-believers spread the Word unintentionally? ... " OH, look at THAT --- I'll bet THAT'S what Paul meant in Romans 1:26,7 !"

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We can keep saying/writing the truth and fighting to restore the Republic.

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And pray, Sharon, We the People still read! Look at the number of readers we have on Substack! And, it's not just the number of readers. It's also the number of We the People who can critically think through the content we're reading!

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We the People can take the Power Back! We need to amend the Constitution to mirror the intent of the Articles of the Confederation so we can seriously reduce Big Government.


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Invoke the Declaration of Independence.

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"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth below; for the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and its people will die like gnats. But My salvation will last forever, and My righteousness will never fail.” -Isaiah 51:6

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What John Kerry said about “facts.”

“You know there's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have some accountability on FACTS etc.” Emphasis is mine.

Well John, you were inundated by facts when you ran for president. Your fellow Vietnam Veterans that you served with on Swift Boats, exposed the truth about you—they stated facts—and you were Swift Boated out of the race. America appreciates truth by stating facts—facts you want to censor.

He is a true globalist and climate change cultist, not to mention, someone who hates America and its Constitution. I hope he and his ilk will go the way of the dodo bird.


“The entire ‘polarized’ ice cap will disappear in 5 years.”

Al Gore, 2008

We did not censor Al Gore, we just let his lips flap, and waited 5 years to allow “truth” prove what he is—a deceiver, liar, and a person who worships another god.

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John Kerry and climate change are so over.

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They are, so many more people now see their hoax, but it doesn't seem like Kerry knows it yet.

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George W. Bush vs. John Kerry, 2004. Man, were we screwed either way.

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John Kerrry was a TRAITOR in Vietnam. He has NOT improved with age.

Unfortunately, Treason is now socially accepted, apparently by both political parties. This must end if the America we know and love is to recover and survive.

Do check our book Invisible Treason -- The #1 New Book on Amazon when it came out, and still the most popular and best selling on that theme. https:/www.johntrudel.com

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My husband is a Vietnam combat vet. He/we were so disgusted with that fraud Kerry that we donated a lot to the Swift Boat Vets to help keep him out of the presidency. Best contribution we ever made! We continue to be revulsed by every sight of this disgraced POS. And yes, he is a TRAITOR. Kerry managed to get 3 Purple Hearts after just 3 months in Nam. He found out that if you got 3 Purple Hearts you could get out of your 12 month deployment. None of his "wounds" required hospitalization, just a band aid. Most of the soldiers & sailors in his unit that earned a Purple Heart went home in a flag draped coffin. My husband spent a year in the field risking his life every single day. He got a severe hand injury, but turned down a Purple Heart because he felt such a minor injury didn't justify it, especially compared to those who usually got the honor. Kerry is a lying fraud through and through.

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Another note...Invisible Treason is great...I bought it last January. Everyone should read it.

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There has been no discussion of what to do to government employees who lie to the public. I propose immediate and permanent dismissal and forfeit of all retirement benefits.

They might be less likely to promote their lies.

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There is a serious second side to this. Government employees with knowledge of facts of critical import who fail to step up and warn. The result can be devastating as well. Think Covid matters.

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Those who hate "hate speech" hate speech itself. So let's try an experiment. Silence. When asked to answer a poll, say "This is America, I am not allowed to speak" and just keep repeating that. Do the same with media or any authority figure that asks for an answer. Instead of a mask for covid, cover your mouth with masking tape. Label it "This is the new mask to prevent infection", Get creative, have some fun, mock them all. Laugh at them. Put them on 'ignore', show them how irrelevant and unnecessary they are. Remember, the government does not build or create anything, YOU DO.

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John Kerry subscribes to Noam Chomsky's ideas about political debate:

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum—even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

Kerry and his ilk want us to live in a prison they control while giving us the illusion we are free.

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