Jul 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is brilliant and massively important, not only to the USA but the whole western world because all western governments did the same thing. We are cheering this on from Canada! We will be following closely.

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Wooohoooo!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️🕊️🇺🇸🧨🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇🧨🧨🧨🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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DENIED!!!!! I never knew that I would love that word so very much. 😘

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Meaning of the words depends on the context, eg. WHO...

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It absolutely pisses me off that the Biden Administration is paying for the legal challenges against the free speech ruling with public tax money. There's something wrong about that.

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There’s a lot wrong with it. Taxes are the vehicle through which many immoral and unconstitutional actions are enabled. Down to the manipulation of elections! Taxation is extortion, at this point.

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Great news! But also, isn't it weird how quickly the government moves when it wants something?

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Fantastic News! And crickets from the media....this should be shouted and bannered on all headlines - everywhere!

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Thank God.

Team Biden, the Marxist Left, and the New World Order are working hard to erase our First Amendment Rights. THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED.

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Finally, some real hope . . .

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How telling that the Biden administration would file a motion to continue their suppression of free speech. His hatred for our constitution and the rule of law is like a cancer spreading throughout America. I’m waiting for the motion to return Hunters brick of coke back to the west wing residence only library!! I hope that judge Doughty has good security and a food taster. Remember the CEO of Burisma (Zlochevsky) who said he had recordings of conversations with the Biden’s taking 10 million in brides, which are confirmed in the SARS reports, to get the prosecutor fired that was investigating Burisma and Hunter has disappeared. He had met the fbi and gave them all the info on the bribes and the connection to the releasing of the one billion dollars the US was giving the Ukraine. He has put out recordings he is in hiding in fear for his life. The fbi has pending trumped up charges against him and are on the hunt for him. Disgraceful.

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Orange Man complained about the "Swamp".

No-one ever imagined just how deep that swamp is.

(Well, maybe George Carlin knew)


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While also corrupted, the legal system in the USA, unlike those in the commonwealth countries, still appears to be semi-functioning because you elect your judges rather than politicians appointing them. Your system of a republic appears to be far superior and that's why the election in 2024 is so critically important. The globalists know if they can't maintain control of the USA via the Democratic Party, their one world government plot will fail as the USA will be a beacon of light for all the rest of us. Treasure what you've got! If western Canada ultimately separates, I predict it will be an American-style republic that we establish.

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I should add though, that the Democratic Party might be redeemed and could be salvageable if RFK Jr. were to be elected and given 2 terms to root out the graft. And of course the Republican Party isn't the be-all to end all. There needs to be a massive house-cleaning across the board in every western country!

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He’s got my vote. I will vote across party lines for anyone who is willing to investigate the plandemic.

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An investigation of the plandemic is going to lead to the exposure of all the other dirty laundry. That's why they're trying so hard to prevent it. Doesn't really matter if it's Trump or RFK Jr. who does it. The result would be the same. It's not Republican versus Democrat. It's humanity against the globalist predators.

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Winning post of the day.

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Look up the history of his his family. I do not want another near that office.

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Could you point me to some resources you would recommend for this? RFK, Jr. seems to be acting in defiance of his family, but I definitely don’t want to be duped. So, if you have resources to check him out further, that would be great. We have to dig so deep these days to find truth. Thanks :)

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There are families in which criminal and political overlap to an indistinguishable degree. The bidens are an obvious example. The body count of the clintons rival the mob. And the kennedys. A recurrent rumor is that the US founder was involved in bootlegging. One notorious mobster claimed partnership. Joes over libidoed son was lipsticked by the navy (pt109) so as to be remade by a nyc ad agency and shoehorned in the White House in a election as stolen (Texas,Chicago) as the one in 2020. Ted was a craven coward who left a woman to drown in a car he drove into a chappaquiddick tidal pond and was very possibly the sleeziest person to ever sit in our Senate. Then there was a cousin who appeared so soaked in family hubris as to feel free to, according to police reports, bash in the head of a female classmate. This is a family steeped in the sense of privilege that our Founders thought left behind in decadent europe when they wrote our Declaration of Independence. We need to stop putting these families into leadership positions.

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It is hard for me to judge a person based on their family members. What I do understand are certain dynamics that can attach to a person from a family of immense wealth. Sometimes it is ego to out-perform or a way to capture self-esteem in a large family, or perhaps in RFK Jr.'s case, to fulfill his father's endeavor to lead the nation. The one dynamic I perceived in Ted was a self-righteousness that was misplaced. And even worse, was his entire 'service' in Congress undermining the citizens of the country in every way imaginable. Ted had wealth and stature among his peer group, but always his commitment to the wealthy and it showed in every way. When he ran for president, he had a friend go to Moscow to elicit support from the Kremlin. In my lifetime we have had two presidents that were "the People's Choice". And yes, Nixon actually did win. Even CNN admitted that about 5-6 years ago.

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He will run as a dem. That means he has to keep them happy. We know what dems are and what they want. I do not want that and do not want to see elected someone committed to give them what they want.

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I've been trying to come up with a clear and comprehensive picture of where RFK Jr is representing he currently stands on vital matters. Thanks to the MSM and maybe more they are hard to come by. Maybe, via his web site he should provide a hypertext topic listing, to help us.

I ran across one where he reflected on his past positions on climate change I'd still like some additional clarification, but it was heartening.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

I don't know very much about RFK other than he's discussing things that no one else will.

Orange man (bad) is one of the characters in this mess which had great potential, but is constantly caught up in his own ego, and self praise for things that don't mean squat to most citizens of this country. To this very moment in time the man is simply incapable of admitting that there is anything wrong with this magical jab, he's constantly praising himself for getting out there in warp speed. His own son has proclaimed that these MRNA jabs are killing people all over the world, and he won't.


I guess Orange Man lives under a rock, and doesn't have any conversations with his own son, Don Jr. ? I've recently heard something similar by Biden and Hunter. I don't believe either one of them, sorry. DJT MUST be currently aware of the harm these jabs are causing, and he doesn't have the integrity, the guts, the righteousness to come clean about it.

Dr. Peter McCullough is now come forwards saying (truthfully and objectively) that it's killing millions of people worldwide, yet Orange Man just won't say it, won't admit it, won't address it. He was just on a MSM video with Hammity saying he doesn't want to talk about it, and doesn't know why he can't .

Really ?

It's beyond annoying, and causes non only confusion among the simpletons, but anger and angst from those who are informed enough to realize that that poison isn't saving anyone.

Orange man won't tell the truth.

Sorry, Orange Man rant OVER.

RFK Jr. seems genuine, from what video's I've seen him interviewed on, and articles I've read. He's discussing issues such as

Economic implosion heading our way

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (chemtrails) used in weather control (weather ecosystem destruction)

Vaccine injuries, deaths caused by big pharma

Real causes of climate pollution issues (climate change is a BS term used by propogandists, as all climate is changing constantly)

America's sovereignty: border invasion

Child trafficking

REAL firearm issues

DOJ corruption

DOD, intentionally causing WAR WITH NUCLEAR POWERS,


RFK is the only one willing, or has the guts to put these issues out front, and in the open. This is why I like RFK. He's talking about things I want fixed in the greatest country in the world, I'm lucky enough to reside in. Still doesn't mean I will vote for him, not that my vote really means anything anyway, with all the subversion and cheating during election cycles nationwide.

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You offer some very relevant points to be considered. We still have a good ways to go before 11/2024. There remain a plethora of issues and considerations with formulating and clarifications to be provided. It's interesting in the terms you are describing it, how Trump's reaction to the Covid response mirrors that we are told many Doctors reactions are. They don't want to talk about it (after heavily promoting jabs). That said, I've seen here and there that Trump is setting up sources who can come back to him with helpful insights along these lines. As for RFK Jr, I am closely following the insights he provides as to where he stands currently. Once I have a clearer picture, I want to also focus on how he expects to form an Administration that will help him to realize his goals. For family reasons he avers he is remaining a Democrat. My impression is that most current Democrats, at very best, would still have problems committing to his goals and attendant programs.

In any case I'm hoping our apparent leading candidates will be providing insights that will help all of us in selecting our most promising candidates to vote for and support.

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I found this video helpful re: perspectives on RFK Jr.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7dhg_xJNnM

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True. Just because they're good at running rum doesn't mean they're good at running a country.

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Try this video of conversation between Aubrey Marcus and Del Bigtree. They offer intelligent and grounded perspectives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7dhg_xJNnM

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The last time I voted for judges it was easy. I copied the democrats !! The difference is that I only voted for conservative Republicans. That was easy.

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Not to be contrary but this judge was appointed by Trump (with approval of the Senate).

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Bravo! He did make some good choices. If he had gotten a second term, he would have really started making headway. Our kids and grandkids will have to understand that citizens will have to be constantly vigilant as it appears any system can be corrupted. We have to insist on integrity and have real consequences for corruption.

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I think that the death penalty for drug smugglers is a great idea . Same thing for child traffickers.

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No, you just want to politicize it. That's not a problem. Now we all know where you are on this.

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State judges are usually elected if not appointed for a vacancy. However, judges are a-political (sure they are) and the voters have no idea what their party affiliation is so most don't even vote for judges because there is no way to do any quick research on them, accept to find out who might be supporting their candidacy.

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I had a wonderful order in the High Court in London today. Must be a great day for justice!

And, IMHO, this is not appealable. He says he has injuncted them from doing something illegal. How can they appeal that?

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Here is what they think: from Brownstone "on one hand, they argue that allegations of censorship are illusory. At the same time, they argue that the government is justified in suppressing speech because of the dangers of “disinformation.”

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Honestly! "No, no, wait! But we LIKE breaking the law as set forth in the Constitution!"

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You are right. The dems have set themselves up as the anti-Constitution party.

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Which should really deeply alarm more people that it seems to.

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Because,sadly most (?) people today have been "educated" to "think" that way.

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I believe the more appropriate word is indoctrinated. ( I noticed the quotes, but would like to add to it. )

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And they agree with hate speech and hate crimes. Lord help us.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

QUOTE: Michael Nash, PH.D.

"....The dems have set themselves up as the anti-Constitution party."

Yes they have, with the complicit RINO's in tow, or in the shadows.

There is a lot of talk in my own inner circles about how the Demon-crats are destroying this country. Although I agree with that premise, my real issue is with the RINO's and spineless dolts who call themselves Republicans, who show no physical signs of actually being one, except for a little "R" next to their names.

IMO, I hold the Republican party responsible for everything we're going through, right now. You can agree, or disagree with this, but the reality is that they've sat on the sidelines for decades, allowing this "progressive creep" to take hold of our society, educational system, political structure, and industry as a whole.

Senate and Congressional whistle blowers since the 1950's, stood up in front of their constituents, and lambasting their fellow troglodytes on how the communists would infiltrate, and subdue the freedoms in America from within. They spurned these outbursts as conjecture, and / or off-center wacko-crazy conspiracy theories. They willfully ignored what was happening right in front of them. For decades they did nothing to stop what is culminating today.

I would bet that the reason they stayed silent was for the backdoor financial gains they received for doing so, but what the hell do I know? I'm just a serf working in the fields for my masters.

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Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 10, 2023

I didn't read every word of Doughty's Memorandum opinion, but I read a lot of it.

As he wrote in his denial of a stay, and also contrary to what numerous State Media outlets have stated, his Memo opinion did indeed include a comprehensive list of exceptions for pursuing legitimate government interests.

IMO, Doughty's ruling, to quote FJB on a different topic, is "a big fucking deal." It's disappointing yet not unexpected how little MSM has reported on it.

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Haha, yeah !

Not like anything is going on in France today, either.

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OH!, Would that the several HUNDRED (other) federal Judges appointed by President Trump be encouraged by the ruling of Judge Doughty to FEARLESSLY stand up - and be counted as righteous DEFENDERS of the Constitution of the United States (and) DEFIANTLY RULING against the willful onslaught of unconstitutional edicts, rulings and unlawful acts by un-elected and un-accountable EMPLOYEES of any and ALL "federal government" agencies, bureau's and departments - INCLUDING the presidentially "appointed" Heads and/or Directors of same - such as the FBI & "justice" Dept.

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That’s a loooooong sentence.

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Yes it is, and DIRECT!

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I must say, this news has made my day like no other news could. Maybe there is a positive future for our pending Grandson. I am almost in tears over here!!

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Thank you for keeping us all informed; this is such great news.

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There is a wealth of news here and in lots of other places. Pick individuals that you trust and admire and hit the follow button.

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#WINNING 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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