Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No there is no emergency. And this gravy train will never end until the American people totally turn off the news. It’s up to us and the few brave warriors like yourself Dr. Malone. Our politicians except for a few like Rand Paul are worthless and spineless. In the meantime, the carnage from the vaccines is piling up around us. I don’t know one person who has died from Covid, but I now know about 3 people who have died from the vaccines and 4 who are injured.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't forget Sen Ron Johnson on short list of Congressional defenders of Covid - jab truth!

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Indeed! ANY Medical Professional or Government Employee that promotes the testing, jabbing or other nonsensical non-scientific Jabs (even Dr. Malone IF he still says Covid is real) are conspiring with the WHO and their Depopulation Agenda!

Dr. Malone and ALL and I mean ALL medical professionals are "Indoctrinated" NOT educated for any Virus at all. "Virus" does NOT exist and never has. I can PROVE that with several Doctors who have the "Empirical Data" that Refutes EVERY claim of such and only the Human Pride and Ego keeps them from admitting that they have been conned, and therefore they have Conned ALL of Us - except those of us who are Driven to find the Facts and do NOT Deviate from Anything but the facts and the Empirical Data - REPEATABLE RESULTS are science - not the Tony Fauci 40 year FRAUD that he has perpetrated upon Humanity beginning with killing people with AIDS (Does NOT exist but IDS "Does Exist" and the so called "Vaccines" and treatments for AIDS were Also BIO-WEAPONS!

We Veterans of Military Intelligence have been compiling Data for nearly 40 years on these Facts! Wake Up my friends - PLEASE Wake Up - YOU are living in a MATRIX - a Manufactured Reality and are the walking sleeping Giants within your OWN True Selves!

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Well said and totally true. No medical emergency and never was. The wuhan flu, part of the "plan-demic", has proven it was designed to kill people with weak immune systems. These folks are referred to as collateral damage by the dems/marxist. A means to an end to destroy America. I thank God everyday I did not take the so-called "vaccine".

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clearly there is no medical emergency. This is about continuing EUA legal protection for the pharmaceutical companies and allowing ongoing medical diktats by agency fiat. The doubling down in the US is driven by an emergent coverup that gained steam this year, spearheaded by the FDA, the CDC and the drug companies. They know that what they have done is an unmitigated disaster but they are so far in that all they can do is press on in the same direction. This cannot end well for them and surely they know it. The data are incontrovertible. It’s past time for Nuremberg 2.0.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They simply don't care. They believe they are invulnerable, the fix is in and we ain't seen nuttin yet. In many ways they are right. They look at the vast majority going along with their plan, getting shots, taking paxlovid, wearing masks and think they are winning. They do not see the opposition. I wonder how they will respond if populations rise up, which they surely will if their food and oil initiatives continue. Maybe that is the purpose of the Shanghai and Hong Kong lockdowns, training grounds for the rest of the world. Trudeau surely took note.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes I believe the feeling of invulnerability was certainly predominant last year, but it may be starting to crumble. Evil seems to be eventually be fraught with paranoia, history would indicate. At some point they just start hearing footsteps. It is a function of all the lies and mistrust. And the more the pressure from the outside, the more cracks develop on the inside. This is starting to happen I believe.

I travel around the country a fair amount and I have noticed that at airports and on airplanes about 15% of the public is wearing masks. This percentage is fairly constant throughout the country, with the NY and Southern California corridors perhaps a bit higher, maybe 20%. That tells me that 80 to 85% of the country have abandoned the Covid narrative or never went along with it to begin with. This is occurring at a time when US case rates are relatively high. This is encouraging. Non-compliance is critically important to working our way out of this despotism.

But this isn’t over and they’re not done.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely correct!

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AMEN!!!! 🤬🤬🤬

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is no emergency except for getting FLCCC information about prevention, early treatment and treatment protocols for Covid disseminated ASAP via same channels and outlets used by Big Pharma, CDC, FDA etc. https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Quora.com is not allowing participants to share the information that 94% of the people in Great Britain who contracted COVID in Great Britain between April of 2021 and April of 2022 had been vaccinated and, in most cases, repeatedly vaccinated.

Substack.com (and Dr. Malone in particular) seems to be the only honest source of information regarding the political emergency.

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Quora is captured, like so many other entities. This should be a signal.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

This article details the Endless Emergency


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There is actually one other honest reporter in the world: Pamela Geller. The facts about the percentage of people in Great Britain who caught COVID after being multiply vaccinated first appeared in the 7/15/2022 GELLER REPORT. Every daily newsletter she publishes is more frightening and disgusting than the last. It is a miracle she is allowed to continue in her excellent work.

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022

Yes I ran into the same problem on both quora and Twitter. Rock solid government data sources that the msm would normally cite, and got a locked account and blocked posts.

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When I was last booted from Quora, it was after posting a very innocuous comment that happened to have a word that was identified by their algorithms as being dangerous. I tried to challenge the decision, even told moderation exactly what I had written: No dice. I had broken an unwritten rule. I'm happy to be away from Quora, Twitter, Facebook, and even Gettr.com. They are all a terrible waste of time and potentially places the Gestapo can use against participants. It feels good to blow off steam and express yourself; but not at the cost of being identified as an enemy of the State.

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An getting HQ and Ivermectin legalized across out nation. There isn't a whisper of any options other than Paxlovid and Remdisiver being legal options in many states, including mine.

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The Free State of Tennessee recently made Ivermectin OTC. So if you want some, just get one of your friends in Tennessee to go to the drugstore and get some and send it to you.

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Not sure if is OTC yet in TN as “the State Pharmacy Board” has to

meet and not sure they have tied the mark yet - suspect that all but Publix are still chasing the holy grail of “the jab” and following the incessant ads for vaxx and “all Pfizer ad items on radio”

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All Day Chemist you can order both up including antibiotics no steroids' though.

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I did get budesonide as well as nitazoxanide, spironolactone, dutasteride, tadalafil, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, colchicine and azithromycin from alldaychemist. A few of those have dropped of the flccc lists so I guess I would need a doctor too if there were bad symptoms. I have all of the supplements listed anywhere. Anything to stay out of the hospital. Ivermectin was prescribed in So Florida hospitals in 2020. I don't know if they continued with that or not.

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Thanks for the tip!

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Dr. put my mother in law (awesome lady) on Paxlovid. It did nothing.

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From what they are saying it is a clear and present danger for enabling new Covid varients to form and escape. Its fortunate that your MIL didn't experience a blow-back like Fauci had. To that extent we can be thankful.

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Having studied and followed FLCCC from the beginning, and having a supply of IVM, I could not get the family to listen, or for that matter even discuss using it. I sent everyone all the information I could on plaxlovid side effects, to no avail. Sad times.

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You did your best. I've had similar problems. I try to gently provide information/evidence and they spit back horse worm medicine at me. I assure them I will be grateful to have Ivermectin if I need it (on wrong anticoagulant so I will need some advice). None the less, its very sad that they continue to believe and continue to support Fauci's farce. May we find a way to get through to more of them.

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Churchill said that Americans will always to the right thing, after they try everything else. Suboptimal I would say.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There’s an emergency alright...

...a criminal emergency and a Leadership emergency

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These Leaders are despised, hated. I know Castro's ba...d son was on his way to an event at a Brewery near my city in Ontario. About 30 minutes in from Ottawa he got the news that a Yuge crowd awaits his arrival, not to welcome him that is for sure. So what does chicken shit do, cancelled it, went back. He is heckled everywhere he goes, hated. Gee I wonder how long before the turd get flushed. He even got a new hair cut, buz off dumb and dumber.

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If pharma is so worried about all their unused jabs why not con the gov into letting them jab all those invaders pouring over our southern border?

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our emergency is an epidemic of greed & stupidity with viral media fear porn.

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Indeed. That fear porn is insane. I had to make a call my air conditioner went out today, so I called our company we have a protection plan with. The gentleman/lady on the line barely spoke English but a technician will come in the morning. Before I said good bye he asked if any one in our household had covid, I said excuse me what, he repeated, I said don't know what that is/means, but we have a protection plan we pay for. Click. Hope the technician shows.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They still keep the propaganda and fearporn high. Everywhere! There is still no emergency! However, following Geert Vanden Bossche and his prediction that mass vaccination in a pandemic is causing immune pressure and is making the virus not only more infectious but also more virulent, they inevitably are trying to move us towards an emergency with their propaganda and jabismus (newly created word). BUT Thanks to you, Dr. Malone, your colleagues and friends, Sen. Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Ron Desantis and all others who are real warriors and keep up the fight, less and less people believe the propaganda and decline to take boosters and, what is also extremely import, take care of their health and body. You know, for me, for us, you are our hero!! You have taught us so much!!! Not only in medicine and science, but as a great human! Thank you so much!! Take care! We love and adore you and support you!! Bettina

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"People infected in the first COVID-19 waves “really don’t have a lot of good protection” against the latest subvariant, Fauci also said at a White House briefing several days ago."

Wouldn't that also include people "infected" with the "vaccine"? Is anyone in the Legacy News Media asking that question? If no, then I'd say the fix is still in.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a FINANCIAL medical emergency. They haven't sold enough drugs...

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There are some executives that are at serious risk of having their bonuses not increase.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You could see this coming. Not because there is an emergency but because they recently authorized the eua vax for the youngest. Pfizer, etal are controlling this and they need this extension to keep those shots going. No emergency = no eua = no $$.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely!! Pfizer will keep on pushing forward and their cronies in the Administrative State will keep rubber stamping their orders. The Administrative State are fast food order takers. It’s time to rip off their paper aprons and little white caps and expose them for the spineless money grumbly weasels that they are.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Time to eject Fauci and Walensky!

Only perpetuating fear over good medicine that is being practiced by

Many courageous physicians!

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Eject Fauci , Walensky et al . …. Right into prison and throw the key away.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone I thank God for truth seekers and truth tellers like YOU! Thank you to you and Jill for being such tireless warriors! True treasures!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Dr. Malone. There is no 'emergency' other than trying to cover for the destruction of people's immune systems, which will, seemingly, make illnesses people are used to blowing through quickly, a much bigger issue. Sustained stressors (like fear), I have been told by my functional medicine doctor, damages your immune response. You need QUALITY food, sunshine and supplements to build back your strength after illnesses... and then some sort of exercise maintain your health. There are a whole lot of people (agency heads and international NGOs) that want to keep Americans fearful and always in a defensive posture. Personally, I'm done with it.

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Keep your intelligent doc!

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Dr. Malone for providing the data. It's nice to be treated as intelligent adults capable of understanding and evaluating the information without mind games and spin. While I value your opinion as an expert and as a rational human being, sometimes there is no substitute for collated or even unfiltered data. Your respect for your readers is clear.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When are these people going to start eating each other?

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and the wheels of the bus go bump, bump, bump....

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Squish! Can't Wait!

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Grandson likes Monkeys jumping on the bed. Yup these idiots bumped their head.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely outstanding information once again!

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