Dear Dr Malone -

Please drop the lawsuit. We need your voice. We also need the Breggins. Of course he shouldn't be attacking you or Matthias, but escalating the battle just makes things worse. We have a big challenge fighting Fauci and Gates and Schwab and the whole pharmaceutical cartel. We need all hands on deck.

Every one of us carries a piece of the truth and every one of us makes mistakes.

Please drop the lawsuit and de-escalate the infighting.

- Josh Mitteldorf

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"Please drop the lawsuit. We need your voice. We also need the Breggins. "

It is the Breggins who need to STOP attacking Dr. Malone!

Perhaps you can ask THEM to stop and apologize instead?!

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The Breggins are expressing an opinion: that Malone's true loyalties are still with Big Pharma and the US Government, and that the Mass Formation Psychosis theory is a Trojan Horse defense of the true criminals. They have a right to their opinion, which is protected free speech.

In order to win the lawsuit, Malone is going to have to prove that the Breggins are wrong. That's not going to be easy, considering his long history of Big Pharma contracts and entanglements.

Also, how has Malone had twenty-five million dollars in damages? Malone is not a practicing physician anyhow, so there are no patients or hospitals to desert him.

If Malone is going to look for new contracts with Big Pharma or the government (his traditional customers), wouldn't they prefer to think that the Breggins are correct, and that Malone's "health freedom" position is a fake?

And if Malone is concerned about his ability to sell Substack subscriptions -- he should know that sooner or later, everybody who advocates for so-called "conspiracy theories" gets accused of being "false opposition". It comes with the territory.

Malone's lawyer, Steven Biss, is notorious for filing frivolous SLAPP lawsuits. I can only hope that this goes nowhere. Hopefully, Red Voice Media has enough money to hire a good lawyer, and this lawsuit should go down with a Motion to Dismiss.

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Dr. Malone has lost his work with the DOD and other govt agencies because he has been a courageous voice against the jabs. Free speech is not the same as slander and libel. He asked these people repeatedly to stop and they refused. He has every right to seek redress in a court of law.

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He lost DOD contracts because somebody on the internet accused him of being an establishment shill? That must be a first.

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Uh, no. I guess you've been living in a cave. He came out essentially as a whistleblower against the deadly Covid vaccines. Perhaps you were like in hypersleep or a coma or something and just missed it all.

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Yeah, but the breggins alleged libel was not the cause.. whistleblowing was. I'm glad he did but he brought it on himself.

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He actually still advocates for them for at risk groups and the elderly. And he is promoting the bivalent version. Some mixed messaging going on there.

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Dr. Malone has definitely had a journey of awakening about the jabs. He started out taking the jabs himself because he trusted officials he had worked with for decades who assured him they were "safe and effective". How often have we heard that tired trope? Then HE was v injured himself. Another point of his journey was when he said only the elderly and medically fragile should consider taking it. Now that the data and evidence is overwhelming that this is the most dangerous v in history, and not in any way a traditional vaccine but a deadly bioweapon unleased on the world, he has firmly disavowed it. We all have had our own journey to awakening. Give the man a break, like the Breggins should. Because they are losing credibility by the day -- which is very sad, since Dr. Peter Breggin is a brilliant psychiatrist and needed to stay in the fight. However, he is quite elderly so perhaps that is part of his quizzical fight here.

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I have tried 5 times to like your comment it keeps getting deleted.I wonder why?

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You are clearly not a very worldly person and you clearly haven't read the complaint. The dollar amount is typical of defamation suits considering Dr. Malone's stature. If you read the complaint and the outrageous accusations, you'd realize that these idiots brought this on themselves. They appear to accuse him of grafting off of his grants; they accuse him of being at the center of the entire pandemic (as creator or instigator). They accuse him of being directly responsible for the harm to the people who took the Covid shots... I personally believe they deserve what they get. Read the complaint and get up to speed. Defending those wahoos casts a shadow on your own credibility.

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Incorrect that Malone has to prove them wrong. Only that they deliberately damaged his reputation.

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It's part of the legal proof. 1. They made claims about the Doc that Doc proves false. 2. Those claims damaged his reputation. 3. That damage amounted to X. 4. (I'm not sure about this one, I thought it only applied to public figures, but maybe the Doc is now a public figure) That they made these claim with malice (ie. they knew these claims were false when they made them).

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

I tend to agree with you on this. And while the Breggins' opinions on Mattias Desmet are very unreasonable in my view, the way I handle it is to have both the Breggins' book and Desmet's available and reccommended for people to read and think over.

For me Mattias is speaking to why the people en masse fell for the con, picked it up, and ran with it. The Breggins are speaking of the Perpetrators.

Malone provides deeply valuable insight into the insane world of the military industrial bio-medical complex and security state.

You can learn a lot from all of these individuals, but you should NEVER relinquish your own critical thinking faculties, or forget that anyone you deal with may be wrong or unreasonable or biased. Or working for forces you do not align with.

The entire Covid Coup has been a lesson in discrimination; the ability to sift truth from lies, care from control, health from disease, government's positive or negative influences, and ditto for pharmaceutical companies, media companies , and our own personal settings.

This is just one more "learning opportunity!"

I hope we get it right.

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Exactly... But Breggins new obsession with "Malone, the incarnation of Satan" is tiring... reminds me of Chomsky pushing for lockdowns and forced vaxxination.

Old age takes a toll on people (1) and no one is perfect (2)... perhaps not even ME :P! Nah - who am I kidding :)?

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

"Old age takes a toll on people". Hell yeah. I actually feel "lucky" that my mom died when I was only 36. As I said, that event flipped my iceberg worldview, and made my brain sensitive to being flipped again for new events ... like it did from Blue to Red over 2020 Covidland and 2022 UKR.

Now at at 60 (in 3 months), my "old" brain is nimble, and ever-ready to be disabused of its beliefs. Even though I sill feel "certainty" on my opinions, old me knows that that certainty is just on old, not so useful, habit of mine.

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I hear you. But I just go elsewhere when the language/perception is repetitive and dull.....

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Well said!

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The free speech arguments are compelling here and throughout.

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Wut? The freedom to state an opinion does not extend to making up stuff about someone that does harm to their reputation. I do think it’s difficult to prove.

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Yes, of course freedom of speech extends to telling lies about people if they are public figures. We need this, or else public figures could squelch all criticisms of them by accusing their critics of lying. Freedom of speech extends to Nazis and globalists and every kind of nasty.

In practice, libel lawsuits are only upheld against private citizens. For libel against a public figure, the standards of proof are prohibitive.

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Tell that to Johnny Depp! Seems to have worked out well for him AND his entire lawsuit was based around one single sentence in one article.

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Public figures should be able to defend themselves against lies. It’s only a single SC opinion that prevents this. Yes, free speech makes lying possible. I’m in favor of free speech AND in favor of being able to fight back against damaging lies. In practice, a lot of lies will stand because litigation is difficult and expensive. Malone must feel his reputation is worth fighting over. I tend to trust him, but time alone will tell what he’s really made of.

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As I said in comments elsewhere, the lawsuit should stay limited to very concrete objective facts that are false claims that also caused provable harm. As others here have argued, when you get into a matter of opinion, neither side can win and it muddies the waters. I think we agree!

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Don't worry, the lawyers take care of that part. If you read the complaint, there's plenty to hang their hat on.

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I think you give good advice, Betsy.

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It's malicious free speech, not sure that is compelling.

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I was responding to other's excellent comments here that there is a freedom of speech issue at stake to better understand. Here is a concise statement by Judge Andrew Napolitano explaining the latest reiteration by the Supreme Court of what the constitution says on free speech, which is broad, free and beautiful:


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False ad hominem attacks that are defamatory are not "protected free speech". All these assholes had to do was say something like: "Dr. Malone seems like a nice and smart guy but I wonder if he isn't controlled opposition? I mean ... blah ... blah ... [true facts from the Doc's substack]". That wishy washy opinion would be protected free speech.

But shouting that they KNOW these false things about the Doc (like Alex Jones) is not protected speech.

They're sloppy about what they know and what they don't know (like Alex Jones). And in that sloppiness, they defamed the Doc.

Having said all that, I'd prefer that the Doc sue the social media sites instead of the Breggins. Just like the asshole Alex B did. But not settle like Alex did.

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Alex Jones lost his case because (it was said) he defamed a private citizen who had not chosen to make a public figure of himself. It's very, very difficult to win a libel suit if you are a public figure. I think Dr Malone qualifies.

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It’s a bad SC decision to let public figures be defamed just because they’re famous. That’s what it amounts to.

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Johnny Depp won his and the entire lawsuit was over one sentence in one op-ed ghost written for Amber Heard. Malone just needs a very very good lawyer.

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The Alex Jones case is a very bad precedent, and it happened because Jones never really tried to defend himself against the defamation accusations. His case was decided as a default judgment because he refused to comply with (unreasonable?) discovery demands from the Plaintiffs.

Where is the law that says that opinions must be stated in a wishy washy manner, otherwise they're defamation?

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He was ordered by the Judge to not say anything to defend himself. It was the worst case of Judicial abuse in history.

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It was a made-up show trial. Like, it wasn't even a real trial. Very fitting for AJ, a made-up character.


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Cause that's the difference between defamation and opinion. Let's try it with me and some people on this comment thread:

Version 1: I don't know but he sort of sounds like a sheep for the Breggins.

Version 2: In my opinion, she is a paid servant for the Breggins.

Version 3: He is a paid shill for the Breggins.

Assuming "he" and "she" could be identified, I'd say #3 is defamatory and relatively easy to prove so.

#1 is opposite. Not defamatory at all.

#2 is in the middle. If that was how the Breggins, Peters et al spoke, then that would be poor case to bring.

But they don't speak that way. They speak like #3.

If you didn't the Alex Jones example, then how about Amber Heard? Let's see how the Breggins do on the stand. I think Doc Malone will be a very favorable witness.

(But like I said, I'd rather Doc Malone sue the social media sites that cancelled him)

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This isn't going to get to the stand. The Breggins don't have the resources to fight this, and I'm sure Red Voice et al has better things to do with whatever $$$ they have stashed away. Malone would like them to shut up.

As for the comment re "that asshole Alex B" I believe this is a reference to Alex Berenson, not Alex Jones.

I've only partly read Desmet's book, and I get the impression it's not a condemnation of those of use who fall under the pressure of totalitarianism, but rather a guidebook for avoiding and/ or escaping it. Am I wrong?

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This thread is interesting, because as I recall from other interviews it plays out with care much more like #1 or #2 or framed as a question or suspicion or hypothetical setting up a doubt.

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This is not true. He did more discovery than anyone can imagine. Go to Robert Barnes Local page and you will get the real truth on Alex Jones.

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I agree that Jones complied with a lot of discovery. But, isn't it true that he also refused some discovery requests, which became the pretext for the default judgment?

I know that Barnes has produced large volumes of content about the Jones trial(s) and I haven't had time to watch it. All I know is what I saw on Legal Eagle.

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Well, if they prove in the case that Doc Malone is actually "controlled opposition" (e.g. they unearth emails between the Doc and Fauci and Gates and the WEF etc.), then I will be the first to cancel my $5 or $6 per month subscription on this substack.

But I doubt they'll be able to prove that.

So you're right, I don't "know".

How about this: "What they likely don't know".

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You can read Dr. Fauci's emails by typing in FOIA and Fauci.. I read them and I didn't see (much of it was redacted) Dr. Malone's name on anything.

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Attacking allies during a fight is something that TOTALLY makes sense... I see that now!

Besides, it is NOT "expressing an opinion"; it is a long aggression; they have expressed their opinions a while ago - time to move on - right? Well, NO, if you are a Breggins.

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The Breggins' group is way too much like Alex Jones. I have had my doubts about Malone, and many of the Dr.'s that seem to have been financially advantaged by the "pandemic" by attracting willing followers that don't seem to mind sending cash via SubStack. I do not however think he ahs any culpability in bring the scourge upon us.

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Nobody gets rich off of substack. Get real. You think he can pay the electric bill with $60/year subscriptions?

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Matt Taibi and Glenn Greenwald have tens of thousands of subscribers. I am not sure what Malone has, but would bet it would be significant, and for good reason.

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He did say Substack was his only source of income, which is why I subscribed.

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You're commenting, as am I. So we are the willing followers.

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Let the games begin...

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Having been there done that. I don't advise it unless one has a strong stomach and unlimited funds; I think he should get out while his health is still good.. and Jill is Ok. :)

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Which made absolutely no sense. He isn't just your average Joe who's been filling every new Rx his doc prescribes, getting his flu shot every year, and knows nothing of this newfangled mRNA tech.

THAT ALONE has made me suspect of him from the get go.

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The damages are appropriate being consistent with the loss of income and reputation, and legal expenses, if the charges are proven.

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re: Ask the Breggins to stop their attack.

Of course. I have already done so, long ago. I have had personal contact from them in the past, but they have not responded to my email this time.

- Josh

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I'm on the fence about this. I've read some interesting takes that make me wonder where the truth lies: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-malone-sues-the-breggins-for-25

Regardless of what's true, the breggins should have avoided personal attacks, that isn't helpful.

But sueing them also seems unhelpful. Are there any establishment media sources who have defamed him? If so, those would be a more appropriate target.

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Dr. Malone has, for the last two years, almost completely sacrificed his career as a whistleblower against the govt Covid response. If you were in hibernation or were just lazy and didn't watch two years of videos or read the substack, then yeah, you might wonder about the "truth". Those who have watched him speak (via videos) and multiple public rallies and seen him on talk shows -- and who subscribe and read the substack -- have a very clear sense of who he is.

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I have watched many of his interviews and read much of his work, and I do find him to be a compelling voice, very well and carefully spoken, and an honest scientist. But at the same time he did spend many many years in the belly of the beast, apparently not realizing the reality of the organization he was working within.

At this point IMO the entirety of the vaccine industry and the concept itself has proven to be a disaster. The evidence points to nearly every childhood vaccine today being net harmful, and a complete absence of meaningful safety data.

It's possible he would like to preserve the vaccine concept and the in industry, but I'm sorry.. I disagree with that plan.

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Two wrongs have yet to make a right. But humans keep trying it, that's for certain!!

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deletedNov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022
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I concur, an acknowledgement and apology for their comments would most likely end this. Did it ever occur to anyone that Breggins were being paid by Big Pharma to put "some" of Dr. Malone's integrity into question? I have seen good people ask for Breggin to stop with his criticism of Malone's theory/assertion of mass formation psychosis and whether the words fit. IF a large part of the population believe what they then find to be a lie, there you have it, call it whatever you like, misinformation, disinformation. The theory of MFP seems to make sense to the layman that questions the honesty of bureaucrats and drug companies. Pfizer is the most sued Pharma company in history and they at the center of this mRNA project/trial/attack.

Dr. Malone has been very clear in his history with Merck, his patents, his concerns and his reason for the cautions he stated early on the Joe Rogan podcast. His integrity for the largest part, is what he has to back them. He communicates responsibly as possible to the people giving this time/effort to figure out what is true in the matter, so his integrity is everything. I for one, hope he is paid well or compensated somehow for his efforts and dedication he has shown to all that are interested to know what is true in this matter. Integrity is either 100% or any and all will be questioned. The whole conversation about why and how people trusted the FDA, CDC, Fauci, the government etc. and their claims of "safe and effective" is the Booby Prize.

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I think often about what I would do in Dr. Malone's or Dr. McCullough's position and the pressure they are under. Then I feel extra tired and old, with renewed awe and respect for their drive and commitment.

I think the formal lawsuit is the right thing, although tragic. The accused have been given fair warning, requests to desist, outreach to try to resolve differences, and plenty of time to do it. These efforts were rebuffed and the behavior appears to have gotten more aggressive and relentless. In order for these doctors to move on to solutions and a more positive future they need serious relief from the relentless attempts at defamation and infighting. They are already performing near superhuman feats of effort and emotional resilience while doing their work. Moving forward and taking some wins was the subject of the Istanbul meeting that Dr. Malone reported on in real time with Mike Adams on Health Ranger Report in an extended interview.

The last time I saw an interview of Dr. Ruby she expressed a quaint idea that Dr. Malone could just go back to some lab (whose? and with what money? and what support staff?) to fix any problems that the mRNA vaccines have caused. Her tone was dismissive and nasty, not an earnest request or question. It wasn't enough for Dr. Malone to drop everything in his life and warn when he understood the dangers. It is like a child's fantasy in a way, can't someone go back and put everything into reverse or cook up an antidote? It is a shame as she deserves credit for finding and exploring the productive rabbit hole of the embalmers and coroners.

The downside risk of the lawsuit is really on Dr. Ruby and the Red Voice Media, associated with Stew Peters, who are involved in the successful although controversial documentary Died Suddenly. Her footage from the embalmer interviews appears in the Died Suddenly documentary. The large audience this brought is an amazing opportunity to galvanize and attract more public interest, and could be of use to all. But they are the ones putting their moment of success in jeopardy. For example, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene just announced on Twitter that she wants to hear from embalmers, wants a hearing, and wants input on who should be there and where it will be held. This is a triumph. It could be destroyed if they persist in their attacks on Dr. Malone. This is bad timing.

Awhile ago when Dr. Malone first talked about the Breggins I was alarmed and concerned, and wanted to dig around myself. So I asked some questions to help me do that. Another follower attacked me for that, I don't know why. But what I found bothered me a lot. Someone I long admired, Catherine Austin Fitts, who has also contributed much had a podcast with the Breggins, associated with her Solari project which has paid subscribers. I have been an off and on subscriber, and was again this year when I realized she had joined the forces resisting various forms of social control and tyranny that included the mandates, COVID narrative and vaccines. But in that interview and in another interview with Daniel Liszt, a long time colleague of Fitts, known as "Dark Journalist" was talk of distrust, controlled opposition in the form of limited hangout and talk of Dr. Malone. That was where misunderstanding of Dr. Malone's vita got out of hand, including their misunderstanding of the meaning of helping others to procure contracts and grants. (I have done a lot of that too, consulting to help get grants, publish manuscripts). I will try to find that material and share here, as this is my gist memory and want it to be precise. These discoveries were painful because I want all these people to get along and support each other. Fitts is doing innovative work in Tennessee on decentralization working with bank and legislators just as in the same vein as Dr. Malone has been advocating as a solution. Sealed arbitration with a public apology by the defendants would be a good outcome. But this long tangent is meant to explain that I think these personalities have also been a strong influence on the Breggins and add confidence to their actions. So you are fighting something bigger than the listed defendants. The boxing ring is pretty full. Maybe that is helpful to know.

I wish Dr. Malone swift and complete success. He is the one I have come to trust. With his large cohort of colleagues globally he is most ideally positioned and has the best odds of helping change what is changeable, redress what is repairable. But no it just won't be an antidote to the vaccines. Please call on us for help, there are considerable skills among your rather large following and subscriber set.

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I think you might need to dig into Sage Hana's Substack and look at the possibility that there is a connection with Dr. Malone and Remdesivir being chosen as the drug of choice for Covid patients.

I pray not. But his connections in the "defense industry," the force actually running this forced injection show, (Katherine Watts at Balliwick News) are concerning.

I personally see other red flags, although I continue to support him and am very grateful for his efforts speaking out. I personally will not judge the man as I know the foolishness of doing so.

We are all human beings with limited knowledge!

But the Breggins might be on to something and we all need to be very careful here. There is no doubt the "other side" will use every possible trick to destroy us, including what is commonly called "controlled opposition."

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Betsy I mirror your sentiments as near that of my own.

While the group of (Red Voice Media)and all case defendants, did in fact choose to repeatedly sensationalize dis- information on, and against, the rising of Dr. Robert Malone as a Data expert in mRNA technology, their continual attempts to obliterate his contributions, rose well beyond news and video commentary, as to target his integrity.

What those individuals (Defendants)began to assume and fabricate was a disingenuous rant that lit the fires all across the inter/web that spread along with the Tides of fear our nations citizens were subjected to. These Defendants became so embolden by each others hits or views on the daily tally it became irreversible. They reached a new found fever point with a mike and camera. And at that precise moment they forgot Rule #1 in life. The good sense to collectively remain a silent neutral.

The lesson here is clear. The next time someone shoves a camera or a mike in your face,

Be darn well sure that your behaviors and words allow "0" grave financial consequences.

A ruling one way or another will change the lives of all those involved in a Virginia court.

Lord, bring Dignity/Honor/Integrity and Faith, to bare upon them in the name of Justice.

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Very well put Betsy. Thorough and thoughtful.

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So well stated.

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From where I sit I can't see how they could be considered "lovely people." Particularly in view of their actions in this matter. Did go to Breggin's web site where he proclaims what an open, kind, loving therapist he is. This affair certainly belies that.

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deletedNov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022
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Hear, Hear! Rose sounds like a candidate for a great moderator in a meeting of the mind event. A good negotiator maintains neutrality when they have respect and genuinely like all parties and want a win win outcome.

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We have such great people here, almost always sane.

As a corp executive, I had to mediate a few times. I always wanted the parties to present their case, and once that is done, for them to voluntarily create a solution they could both agree to, which had a much chance of succeeding. Barring that, I would impose a solution.

Dr's. Malone, McCullough, Cole, etc have spoken up and stepped into the ring, with courage and purpose. They have paid a very high price for this.

IMO, Stew Peter's and Dr. Ruby are opportunists, like Tenpenny and certainly Mikovits. Not trustworthy.

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Apologize for the length. But like others here have expressed, no matter what side they take, this turn of events is distressing. Thanks for reading it.

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They seem a little more like inflammatory than they need to be against Dr. Malone, Alex Berenson did some of that too and I lost respect for him.

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Hardly "lovely" people. Delusional is more like it.

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I'm wondering why we "need the Breggins" when they have proven to be the kind of people who don't attempt to verify facts and clarify differences privately, in a professional manner, but instead rush out to broadcast unfounded (and frankly damning) opinions. Mattias Desmet is also on record saying he has reached out to them for private conversations about mass formation but got no response at all, not even a "no thanks".

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Breggins and company seem to be quite extreme

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That's true. I do agree. But given their history, age, and life's work I still think ignoring their attacks would be the best response of all.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 29, 2022
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Peter Breggin was a regular on the popular Coast to Coast AM radio show that covered all manner of alternative fringe topics. Super ancient human history was my favorite. But Breggin caught my attention in his discussions warning about psychiatric drugs (I know well what these are and what these do as a psychologist) and their many harmful effects. He was also an early voice critical of big pharma and the harms it was causing to the populace. He has described his history in various interviews as also having started as a well placed insider, (like Malone in some ways) in government I believe. He didn't like what he saw and moved on. He did a good job on the show, had reach to the common man, a lot of truckers in fact listening on the road, and if more people had taken note we might have prevented some later catastrophes.

In the legal complaint there is a section that seems to take issue with the idea that Breggin was part of a medical freedom movement. I would delete that from the complaint. It is vague, a matter of opinion as to what that means, and is unnecessarily hurtful and provocative. Breggin gets that credit in my mind the same way a Dr. Joe Mercola or a Dr. Pam Popper would.

But it is still astonishing to see him to turn on someone who should be a fellow warrior in a common fight not an enemy. I expected wiser.

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That is correct, people should be working together. Something is amiss.

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You need to read the complaint. Breggins is quoted throughout. I know nothing of him/her but reading their statements, I have zero respect for them. They brought this on themselves. Seems very much like ego issues perhaps because Malone got very big in the last two year.

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I know desperation can lead to poor choices, don't you? If tbe Breggins, after all their decades of work and wisdom believed Dr. Robert Malone to be a) an intimate or integral piece of the machine that created this global catastrophe, (he was, even by his own admission,) and b) still connected to and working for the advancement of this agenda to imho, "upload and an operating system inside the human being," albeit consciously or unconsciously,

c) that he had been prematurely welcomed with open arms into the Medical Freedom Movement, without enough actual bona fides to warrant this confidence, and d) is perfectly placed to destroy it?!

Wouldn't you sound extreme and crazed if no one was listening?

I am not saying that the Breggins are correct. I have NO idea that they are. But I do understand how they could become virtually frantic if they felt certain they were.

That's all.

And I REALLY wish Dr. Malone would take the high road here and drop this, in my opinion, ill-conceived lawsuit.

It will harm all of us I do believe.

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Here is the Breggins' take on their website, I recommend everyone read. I talked about it elsewhere here, but agree with you Katherine. Breggins have a 4 decade or more history of doing this work with noted successes. There will be no good from asking people to take sides. Watching reactions elsewhere this will be bigger than anyone realized in a bad way if it continues:


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I ve read the complaint, twice. I think the lawsuit, if filed, should be a strict defense of Malone, but not engage in counterattack on Breggin's or Ruby's reputation whether stellar or not, it is not what is at stake. That direction will bog it down, add flames to fire, and decrease the chances of it being settled in a way that minimizes damage to the entire enterprise of fighting for medical, scientific, and journalistic freedom. That would be the high road while still drawing a strong line and saying no more.

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No... attorneys have to give a picture of the defendant. That's routine. They must paint a picture of the source of the defamation and their routine credibility. If they are wahoos at the far reaches of space with outrageous statements (which seems like it from what I can tell) then the jury will need to know.

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What did Breggins say that caused Malone to hang up on him? People usually do that for a reason.

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It was when he put him on speaker phone. No doubt because Malone would have no idea who else was in that room listening.

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It's obvious which camp you're in. Breggins said on his site that he was putting Malone on speaker so Malone hung up. He had no way of knowing who was in that room with the Breggins. It clearly seems to be a protective move. Stop demonizing every single thing a person does and put yourself in their shoes.

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Dee there aren't just two camps here. There are people who see both sides, and there are folks who are in Camp Malone but don't think the damage is worth it or that the blowback will be worse than the original complaint.

This is a high stakes decision and way too complex for taking sides. After reading and thinking about each and every comment here, this morning I am now leaning toward Camp Private Mediation aided by the force of all fans of all parties putting on the pressure to make that happen and settle differences and agree on a path to move on.

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No offense, but you clearly don't know how lawsuits work. And, you've never been defamed. I have. I also had to sue someone and there was routine defamation all during the process. There is nothing better than winning a suit to finalize a dispute. Those Breggins seem to have lost a sense of reality and nothing is going to bring them to back down, obviously.

It's pie in the sky thinking to suggest that FANS "aid" mediation. Crowds cannot govern or negotiate. Only a smaller group at a table do that kind of work. I don't see Breggins people even agreeing to go to a table. They doubled down on the defamation when they received a cease and desist letter. That tells me they're likely delusional at this point.

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So this is personal for you Dee.

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This sounds a VERY reasoned response. I hope the good Dr. will consider it.

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I would bet that if the Breggins would retract and apologize, that would be a great first-step to resolving this with less expense.

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Agree. There is an extreme amount of mental and physical toll taking your time not to mediate. In the end, there still will not be the peace and vigorous energy you devote to

Your much needed work. The lawyers will bottom feed and for what.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

This is just like the amnesty for the “plague”; the Breggins never apologized, continues to attack, but somehow Dr. Malone has to stop defending himself… totally makes sense !

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Hear, hear.

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What evidence do you have to support anything of the sort? That Breggin is over the target? I don't see anything that he's done r said that indicates "controlled opposition" and it seems crazy to me that they keep attacking him without evidence at all.

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Colleagues of the Breggins have used this language, like limited hangout, which makes it complicated if you have respected and appreciated those colleagues work.

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Even good/smart people can get dementia.

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That is just about the dumbest thing I've seen in the last two years except for the govt telling those who already had Covid that they need a vax or booster. Drop the lawsuit? You have to be fucking kidding.

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So why are you here if you don’t believe Dr Malone is on the up and up?

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One does not make snap judgements over matters, or individuals, of great importance.

Dr. Malone is a very interesting person, obviously highly intelligent and with great expertise in this situation we, shockingly, find ourselves in.

His work history provides him with great insight, and his speaking out implies courage, but the flip side of that is that his own biases may cause him to "normalize" that which is anything but- endless war, the bio-security state, and bio-weapon "acceptance."

People who caution that he could even be "controlled opposition " are not totally insane, it is a reasonable question, given the circumstances, imho.

And it is by meeting him, listening to him, reading him, but more importantly, by his actions, that you will discover who and what he really is, over time. Need I say more?

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If you go on a site of a person you strongly disagree with and post antagonizing posts, just because of the heck of it DOES make you a troll...

If you have no trust for Dr. Malone, just don't let the door kick you in the back.

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You obviously know nothing of his activities in the last two years, but whatever. Dealing with trolls is a waste of time.

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

Which target is it that you think Breggin's over?

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Dr. Malone. Please do NOT drop the lawsuit. Hold them accountable for their words and actions.

The poster above seems to think the Breggins are "one of us", and on our side, and we need all the help we can get. I beg to differ. If they're going to sling accusations w/o having done their due diligence, we don't need 'em.

Sue their asses.

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Time to hold people responsible for what they say....the real challenge is exposing the truth.

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Dr. Malone is defending himself and his reputation. What is the sense in asking him to stop defending himself from people that are baselessly attacking him? We all need to pull together, which is what Dr. Malone is asking in his reasoned and reasonable way. It is the Breggins that need to back off. They also need to be punished severely so that others will see that attacking with slander and defamation comes with consequences.

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Defend himself, yes! By all means. Publish the truth to Dr Malone's wide following. We should all be doing the same. But a lawsuit is counterproductive. It will yield only more vituperation. The Breggins will amplify their charges in court. It will be misreported in the press.

Worst of all, this will tie up the money and attention of both Malone and Breggin, whose activism we very much need in the coming months.

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In a more normal world I would agree whole heartedly. He has been slandered. But we are at war right now with evil forces determined to take us all out and enslave us. And that is what we should be focused on. This divides us and our focus. His reputation is intact in the places it needs to be. This sort of activity will drain him and if he loses, it will seriously drain his resources. At a time when we need him and his energies, elsewhere.

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He would have stopped, but the Breginsses wouldn't... so please convey this message to them instead... I have the feeling that somehow, they hate Dr. Malone more than they dislike Fauxi... and this is bananas. I believe this is called "fixation".

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You obviously haven't read the complaint and you haven't read Dr. Malone's substack and heard him speak this last two years. They appear to accuse him of grafting off of his grants, they accuse him of being at the center of the entire pandemic (as creator or instigator). They accuse him of being directly responsible for the harm to the people who took the Covid shots... I personally believe they deserve what they get. You can't say such rubbish and not expect a lawsuit so they must be mentally unwell -- who else but someone who's mentally unwell creates this kind of drama in their lives to conjure up adoration from their followers? They invited this on themselves.

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He (Malone) claims to have taken the shot.

How does a man who knows everything there is to know about mRNA tech, AND who knows everything about repurposing drugs, decide to get these injections? He could obviously treat himself, outpatient, should the need arise. He'll never wind up on remdesivir and a ventilator. Again, why take the shot? It's bizarre to me.

As I replied to another commenter: Malone has been on every major platform and podcast, of his own free will, for 2+ years. Do you not imagine that every lefty news outlet has contradicted and/or ridiculed him during that time? Or insinuated things about his background or motives? Very publicly. Why isn't he suing them like Nicholas Sandmann did?

The lawsuit is ridiculous. Stop the whining, and work it out like an alpha man for God's sake.

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Love that!

And I wish Malone would pick a different target too.

Wikipedia? MSM?

But the Breggins? Please. These are elderly, somewhat crazied, and paranoid individuals, from all I can see.

They spent their lives trying to help, and are not wealthy.

Aim your weapons elsewhere, would be my advise.

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Only an armchair pundit with too much time on their hands would write something like this. If you have to signal to the world in your screen name that you're "smart"... well, it just points to the opposite IMHO. Good luck to you.

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

You obviously don't get the gag. I really like horses. I suggest you run your lame cliches by someone else. 😂

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To me, all those things are representative of what so many people went through, and is such a testament to the truth of it. Neo lived in and accepted the matrix for so long. Malone trusted the system he worked in. When you are digging a ditch, you can't see what's around you. And yes, he should be suing the likes of Wikipedia. But if they only removed info and did not lie in a harmful way, then that is not slander.

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A moment of humor in here--if Dr. Malone really did all these things he would be quite dastardly indeed. If he is controlled opposition he sure is doing a shitty job of it. In any case he proves that he remains the most interesting man in the world!

But seriously, one thing I discovered in digging around to understand the sources of confusion is that outsiders definitely do not know how to read and interpret academic and professional curriculum vitae-- one's vita is everything. So that is sobering feedback to those who write them.

I've worked as a side by side scientist mentor for the last 15 years helping academics and scholars write grants and contracts, manage them in the start up, or to prepare manuscripts for submission to journals and put forward their best foot. Half of that as a faculty member at a university institute and half as a part time independent consultant. (During the last 2 years I worked on COVID related manuscripts for free.) That effort brought in many millions of dollars for the institutions listed on a grant or contract whose Principal Investigator received a reasonable salary from their institution while the rest was used for other staff and project costs. There would be many options for ways to list that on a vita. I was on a modest salary myself, less than my work while in government as a scientist program officer. All Principal and Co-Investigators winning an award would commonly list the title, dates, role and duties, and the dollar amount of the whole grant on their vita, but not their salary. That is an important point.

I've been listed on a 5 year government IDIQ contract format for which I had to compete to be on a list that had a huge dollar amount. That $ figure would typically be listed on a vita as an accomplishment. But if I am never called upon for a quick response proposal under the IDIQ I will never make a dime. Or, I may compete for a fast turn around task order for a small amount of money taking my usual salary rate granted by my institution to conduct the work which would subsequently appear on my vita. I didn't in this case, but being listed on a colleague's IDIQ roster can be of help to the Principal Investigator (PI) making an application. Most people on IDIQs in my area know they may never be called up to participate-- its like being on reserve for quick duty, you have to be qualified and proven ready. If a journalist wants to know the salary of a PI and that person is in a public institution salaries can be looked up on public databases. Private institutions don't publish. Salary and consulting amounts that someone might personally earn does not appear on a vita.

If all this sounds incredibly complex and insider knowledge about grants, contracts, vita construction and conventions, funder mechanisms then I have made my point. I think it would be great to get together with some similarly informed and experienced Substackers here and write a guide to reading and writing a vita so the layperson and journalist can understand them and a guide for non academic readers. While a good resume is short a vita is ridiculously long with many sections. Maybe the Brownstone Institute can publish and support such an effort. Posting sample sections of vitae and explaining how to interpret could be helpful. I deeply suspect that the accused parties and their colleagues do not know how to read Dr. Malone's vita.

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I do admit to not knowing any of this

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Disagree entirely. Its the defendants that MUST desist and Dr Malone MUST defend his good name and reputation

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Free speech means anyone has the right to attack me.

I don't like ad hominems and I won't use them but I support anyone's right to attack me ad hominem.

I don't like lies, and I won't intentionally publish untruths, but I support anyone's right to lie about me because I trust no one to arbitrate what is truth and what is not.

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You believe truth is subjective....your comments make sense now.

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@ Josh. Same here.

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No, you are describing one of the accepted limits of free speech. You can't harm another's reputation.

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What are you talking about? RFK damaged Fauci's reputation. Whitney damaged the Clintons' reputation. We need to be able to be able to say things that hurt others' reputations.

Sure, we ought to stick to the truth. I'm all for that. But I don't trust anyone to decide what is true, so we can't censor based on "misinformation".

The Agora may not be the ideal place to decide what is true, but it's the best we have. Deciding what is true is too much power to be concentrated in the hands of a company or a government agency or even the US Court system.

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Do you truly not understand that you are allowed to say things that are true that damage other people's reputations, but you are not allowed to say things that are not true which damage other people's reputations?

Or are you someone that thinks that all truths are subjective?

Whether you like it or not, it is up to the court to decide what is factual and what is not factual. That is the difference between slander and whistle blowing.

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You are correct regarding the legal standard for libel against a private citizen. But the legal standard for libel against a public figure has a much higher burden of proof. It's not enough to prove that the thing being said was false and that it caused damage. You actually have to prove malicious intent. You have to prove the state of the mind of the person who wrote the statement. You have to prove that the person who libeled you knew what he was writing was false when he wrote it, and that he wrote it deliberately with the purpose of damaging your reputation. In practice, it is almost impossible to win such cases.

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Correct. Slander is wrong. But proving it is almost impossible based on these parameters. And will be very expensive. The Breggins’ egos need to be given a way out. Pushing hard at mediation - by all of us on both sides - would open that door for everyone. Dr Malone does deserve to confront them in person and they owe him that confrontation. But it needs to be done in private and resolved and a public statement made so we can just move on.

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Well that does seem to describe what has taken place here.

And I would have to guess that there is a little more sting and thus a little more motivation to sue, when the arrows are coming from the side that you put everything on the line for, to join their fight. They are turning the people whom he is trying to champion, against him. You expect such crap from Wikipedia et al. Not from fellow vaxx resisters.

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

Yes. It goes along with burning the flag. You have that right. It’s not nice and you shouldn’t but you have the right. Personally I hold the Breggins in a lot of contempt for their behavior. I think the best approach is to invalidate them and their followers by ignoring them. Their response, for awhile, will be to have louder and nastier temper tantrums which is what a child craving attention does. Ignore them. When they wear out help them see the error of their ways if they can. If not just let them fade into the background they so clearly abhore. That would be punishment enough for a narcissist.

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I am reading each and every comment and strange to agree in some way with them all. I am most impressed by the discussions of the meaning of free speech and realizing many have been giving that a lot of thought. Thank you Twitter. A lawsuit if executed should stick to very clear hard objective facts like false claims made about Malone's vita, or that he did or didn't do a certain kind of work or that he made a certain amount of money, that just is factually not true. That's enough.

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Actually I think Malone is probably a public figure in this debate, meaning that the standard is that he needs to show "actual malice", or a "reckless disregard for truth". Minor factual errors would not be likely to rise to this standard.

Look at this interview Malone gave to Children's Health Defense.


Malone says:

“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast.

“I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space. …

“As study section chair or key study section member on many hundred-plus million-dollar contract reviews for typically the NIH [National Institutes of Health] … but also DOD [Department of Defense]. I have historically been deeply embedded in this whole enterprise. I know it upside down.

“I understand this system. So, I think the concerns that I could be controlled opposition are valid. I think that it’s appropriate to acknowledge the basis for those concerns. Now, [those] concerns, I think, are refuted by my behaviors and actions."

It seems to me that since Malone has already admitted all this, he has no basis to complain that the Breggins don't agree whether the concerns are refuted by behaviors and actions.

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Have you folks heard about the concept of time? That things can change over time? That we can be in one place thinking certain things at one time, and be at a different place thinking different things at a later time?

Doc Malone is the Snowden of Covidland. At one time, Snowden served the evil US government as it spied on all of us. But things changed for Snowden and anybody who says he's still serving the US government (from Russia) as "controlled opposition" is stoopid.

Likewise for Doctor Malone.

And if we don't believe that, then WTF are we doing on this substack?

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For whatever it's worth, I don't believe Malone is an evil government spy, or that the "mass formation" hypothesis has anything to do with protecting Big Pharma or other "global predators". So I don't agree with the Breggins' opinions.

And I've also had the experience of being accused of being "controlled opposition" at my little blog. I used to work for a government contractor myself.

What I haven't done, is sue my critics for $25 million dollars, just because they disagree with me.

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Two extra things:

1. My Youtube video I did comparing the Doc to Snowden: https://youtu.be/06ieDpJt3ao

2. Me: I still have my Bernie 2020 beanie and sweatshirt (good quality BTW). But Covidland followed by UKR has completely flipped my politics so that I'm more than ready to write in DeSantis in 2024 if Trump somehow someway beats that juggernaut in the 2023 primaries.

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Yeah please be Desantis ... but then again ...I love to tell this story.

Remember when Trump said "maybe we could inject a er disinfectant in the

bod ... then he trails off like he is known to do.... and then he acted like he was injecting something into his arm? Everyone that ever relayed that story to me always says he said BLEACH, but he never said bleach, he said disinfectant. Iodine is a world class disinfectant and in its purest form, could be injected into parts of the body full of infection to do what iodine does best. Apoptosis is the function of iodine in the cell. There is great information still yet to come about how to live a healthier life, hard to believe that we are all still learning. Partly, maybe mostly due to the lies or lies by omission we have all been told.

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I just viewed your video. The Snowden comparison is apt.

Your state in video that Malone has a ranch in California, but his stories here about building it from the ground up are in Virginia, BTW.


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My bad. Perhaps I confused the Doc with another of the Covidland heroes.

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Welp, I'll have to confess to that. Yeah, I did vote for Obama twice (ugh). Although I did vote for Trump over Hilary, it was mostly about Hilary being awful, and hoping that Trump would cause CA to secede (sure, a long shot).

... but then Covidland and UKR (not so much BLM or stocks) ...

I'd say my politics today are sort of in the middle between Jimmy Dore and Tucker Carlson. I'm someone who actually thinks that the true far left (anti-war, populist) are very close to the far right (nationalist, populist) in these days.

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This is the most "liked" comment I've posted in this growing thread. I'm suspecting that the people who liked this comment have themselves experienced (like I have) one or more events in their life that completely flipped their beliefs and worldview.

And I'm further suspecting that the people who argue in these threads that because Doc Malone spent his career as an insider with our Covidland "enemies", he must still be that, have not experienced this kind of dramatic flip.

One example from my life. I've never been depressed. But I grew up around people who were. From my naive perception, I thought those depressed people were just "lazy". (Yeah, just imagine how unhappy they were to see me my ass coming around.)

But at age 36, my mom died early of ALS (at 69), and the day after we buried her, I spent the next morning in the state of "grief". Now grief is just like depression, except that it usually lifts quicker and diminishes in time.

I remember thinking in my grief that morning: "Hey, this is probably how those friends and family in depression felt like. It's not laziness!"

That was an epiphany for me that allowed me to live lovingly with "normal" people who get depressed or anxious, even if I don't feel those things myself.

Had my mom not died when I was 36, and was still alive today at 92 (like her relatives in old country), I might still be the same dick (at 60) that I was up to 36, and be onto my 4th or 5th marriage, with kids that don't talk to me.

And in that alternative world, I think I would sound like the people on this thread who can't even fathom that "evil" insider Doc Malone took the red pill (when he took the vax and almost died from it), flipped completely, and is now on "our side".

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The trial will air a lot of charges and counter chargers that are bound to hurt Malone and Breggin both. Ultimately, this hurts all of us.

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You keep repeating that point over and over, without saying anything new.

Now sit down and be quiet.

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Nailed it! He admits to how he could be perceived, yet he wants his 16-18months of words and actions to refute his whole career!? Gimme a break. If there were to be a ‘mole’ anywhere, Malone’s name would have to be at the top of that list. Not saying he is a mole, but the suspicion is there and he acknowledges it himself! Now he wants to sue someone for insinuating he might be deep state, without even mentioning his name!? The hypocrisy is astounding.

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Just what would he be accomplishing with this particular "controlled opposition?" It doesn't seem to be working in the advance of Big Pharma or the government that I can see. As a Psyop he's fleshing out all the dissenters? Hmm, I doubt it.

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I think it is the way the Breggins are presenting it as medical and ethical malfeasance. Dr. Malone doesn't strike me as having an evil intent.

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Agreed. I've watched too many interviews of and speeches by Doc Malone to believe anything else. If he turns out to be the opposite painted by the Breggins, it will mean the Doc is the greatest actor in history.

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@ Jerry Thank you for that--makes the arguments even more limited, and tougher to win. These are words easily twisted by suspicious minds and understood by those that have lived any part of that kind of life. A court room a messy place to sort it out.

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Very insightful comment!

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My point would be are the Breggin's plus imaginings of Dr Malone's allegiances and resulting actions provable! Where/what are their facts that would support their assertions. Why are they making massive public charges if they aren't presenting evidences of the truth of their assertions? Their behavior (particularly in the face 0f their posture they are dedicated to overcoming the assault of the globalists, pharma and the government) is no help at all in furthering the cause they espouse!

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I think Dr. Malone may be slightly over sensitive, but it's incomprehensible that people keep attacking him from all sides with no evidence he isn't who he says he is.

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I believe in this specific situation that Dr. Malone deserves a trial by jury in order to get the justice he deserves. The defendants are making a lot of money by defamation of Dr. Malone. And this defamation needs to stop now.

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It does need to stop. I’m actually on Dr Malone’s side. But look at it this way. We are all teetering on a rope bridge. Frayed. Rotten wood. We need to get to the other side or turn around. Either way to safety. Except there are folks on both sides trying to keep us from doing that and hoping we will fall into the chasm below. Is that really the time to cry “foul” to some of the folks on the end of the bridge who are lying about us? I think we need to get to safety, first. Then, when there is time, go back and drag their backends through as ugly a court proceeding as one likes and they deserve. But let’s get to a safe spot, first and see if we can’t push a few of the bad guys over the edge in the process. Still, if he goes through with this, I do wish he and Jill well and hope he wins.

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I disagree. I could be wrong but I think Dr. Malone's purpose in filing the suit is not to seek reparations for the damage he has suffered, which I think is very real, but to keep the medical freedom movement from becoming another mass formation enterprise, filled with paranoia and baseless conspiracy theory promoted by dishonest opportunists seeking fame and fortune, which will simply not be taken seriously by real scientists and discriminating people trying to understand the truth of what's going on. I think he's trying to stimulate more discussion within the community as to what we really know and what we don't. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff, otherwise you end up with a shitty loaf of bread.

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The Breggins have their own integrity. They have been fighting Big Pharma since I was a schoolboy, and their book "Global Predators" has much good information in it. The thrust of their criticism is to say that talk of "mass formation" is a form of blaming the victim.

Yes, they have crossed the line and made ad hominem attacks. That was divisive. It was the Breggins who threw the first stone. But I don't want to throw them under the bus.


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I think he’s been doing a bang up job of getting information out. But responding with devisive behavior will lead to more divisiveness. It won’t pull us together. Trump never understood that and still doesn’t. A trial will turn into an ugly circus and shouting match and the lawyers on both sides will make a jillion dollars. In the end I see both Malone and the Breggins exhausted both emotionally, physically and financially in their respective corners. That is how these things go and it will be another distraction at a time when distractions are disastrous. This will NOT prevent mass formation. I don’t think it will cause it, either. I think it will just become massive chaos on several fronts which our mutual enemies will take advantage of. Some kind of mediation is a grand idea, Betsy. The Breggins did the wrong thing and given their past as warriors in this fight for a long time, that is a shame. But both sides now have an opportunity to stop the fighting and pull their respective integrity forward. And to remember what we are trying to fend off out there.

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"And to remember what we are trying to fend off out there." What?

It starts with "items" related to local governments, through Corporations up to the Shadow Governments which actions are orchestrated by TPTB with All Seeing Eye above and all is under Satan's control...

Ps: G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport

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Hiya, I like the way you tackled this ISSUE. Big Pharma occupies my mind since I was exposed to an avalanche of the sides effects, not reaching the ultimate one, yet.

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@ Jon Schulz: That would be great if that was the outcome. But there are big risks that it ultimately does damage, and so should proceed cautiously. The massive amount of thoughtful commentary taking place here, all variously informed, I am hoping is useful to Dr. Malone and his lawyer and presents a microcosm of what might lie ahead in terms of pushback or collateral damage. Overnight I was trying to think of other names of trusted people who could offer to provide a mediation bridge between the parties and settle the dispute in private. Dr. Chris Martenson came to mind, he was about as early as anyone on all the problematic storylines in COVID.

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Just saw this, wasn't notified of your comment by Substack for some reason, thanks for your response. Again, my feeling is that Dr. Malone knows what he's doing and it is for the best of us all. I don't think it matters all that much for the medical freedom movement how the suit turns out - that will largely depend on whether an honest and wise judge is assigned to the case - what I think is more important is that we see some discussion of Dr. Breggin's "Global Predators" assertions (I haven't read the book), on which Dr. Malone commented (at https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/power-and-strategy-of-false-narratives):

>>>Regarding the Breggins, one of their charges is that Mattias Desmet and I seek to somehow nefariously deflect blame from the “Global Predators” by speaking about “Mass Formation” or “Mass Psychosis”, or “Mass Formation Psychosis”, and in personal communication I have been told that the Breggins assert that I am employed by one of these (unnamed) “Global Predators”. Just to make the point, <bold>if anyone is deflecting blame here, it would be those who seek to blame “Global Predators” for what has occurred over the last three years, thereby deflecting blame from the members of the US Administrative state (such as Tony Fauci, Francis Collins, Peter Daszak, Deborah Birx, Janet Woodcock, Peter Marks, etc, etc, etc).</bold> There is a reasonable chance that these charges against Mattias and I represent psychological projection.<<<

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@Jon Everyone here should take a breath and read a bit about where the Breggins are coming from and considering their side of the story. I found this helpful, as I recall hearing and reading about these accomplishments in real time over the decades. The Breggins' resumes are strong and long standing:


Intense criticism is part and parcel of academic, research, politics, industry, and many other spheres as part of competition and free reign of ideas. The more prestigious the echelon, the hotter the arena. It is a tough exhausting world but is embraced as it is believed to bring about the best ideas and solutions. One rule is to stay clear of attacking a person and just critique the ideas, behaviors and approaches on their merit or lack of it.

I benefit most from Kelly Em's comments in this post: emotional bandwidth is important to preserve in these times. So while this very destructive and wasteful fight plays out between people I have respect and gratitude for all around and who essentially agree on many things and are fighting for common goals, I am going elsewhere for awhile to listen to and participate in discussions among more positive voices and forces working on concrete goals and solutions.

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I agree it's confusing and depressing when people who both seem not only credible but brilliant vehemently disagree and can't or won't find consensus. That's what everyone is having to contend with now, with people like Dr. Michael Osterholm - who sounds both credible and kind to me - arguing in favor of Covid vaccination. But Dr. Osterholm will not respond to or face Dr. Malone and CIDRAP is heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, so I'm putting my faith in Dr. Malone. Dr. Breggin does not sound as credible to me so I'm less confused or depressed about the conflict there, but I would like to see Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough in a discussion, maybe hosted by Del Bigtree or Steve Kirsch, discussing the validity of the assertions made in The Global Predators. I think that would be an interesting and productive conversation. In any case I hope you are able to find more peace with regard to these matters and enjoy your adventures elsewhere. I'm working on a project at MEVoting.com and am looking for 1) feedback and 2) writing assistance, should you feel it's a worthwhile project.

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An accusation without solid evidence is what? Slander.

I have seen no solid evidence to support any of the attacks on Dr Malone.

If you support the Breggins and their accusations PROVIDE EVIDENCE.

Otherwise you are just another slanderer.

At the time this nation was being founded such an attack would be cause for a duel to the death. Honor and integrity were what defined them.

Not that dueling to the death was a good thing but this loss of regard for honor is a manifestation of the general loss of the virtuous character present in the people who built this nation.

Hence we see the nation in its death throes. The foundation has crumbled.

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It is possible that some entity is feeding the Bregginses poisoned information, to break the movement... if so - good job!

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Maybe you should get Breggins to keep his big mouth shut. Good luck with that.

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R. Malone lawsuit IS against Fauci and Gates and Schwab and the whole pharmaceutical cartel

Don't you see it?

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Absolutely total bullshit drivel! You have a professional opinion disagreement, PERIOD!! Your original C&D letter was also a DEMAND for an apology AND reparations---TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE behavior! Drop the friggin’ lawsuit, grow a pair of balls, pick up the effin’ phone, call Dr. Breggin(we know you have their number!), and hash it out in PRIVATE. This is NOT helping you, the health freedom movement or the medical profession. Stop acting like a scorned teenager.

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He tried all that long before the lawsuit. If you read what they have actually said the Breggins took it far, far beyond any "professional opinion disagreement" and attacked personally and extremely viciously. I hope they go bankrupt.

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Ahh a Breggin troll. 🤣

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That has been obvious for some time

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Is this the new definition of a "troll": someone who advocates in the comments section for a position opposing the website owner, regardless of how articulate or well-reasoned his position?

Why is it that comments from the "trolls" are getting the overwhelming majority of "likes" in this thread?

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I don't see it that way, as trolls. Rather a lot of thoughtful passionate arguments on both sides. As a sample of reaction, that can be quite useful to Dr. Malone. I am torn.

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Where are the Breggin's facts, data proving their imaginings have a scintilla of veracity?

Frankly I don't take other people's guesstimates as reality.

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Afraid we have to disagree on this one.

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They have flatly refused to "hash it out in private" with Mattias Desmet. I consider that to be unprofessional behavior.

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Right...that's the big problem I have with Breggins. His take on the Desmet theories foe mass formation are way off from what Desmet has said in numerous interviews without Malone pressent.

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deletedNov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022
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Breggins refused. Mattias documents it in his September 4 substack post. Here's the quote:

"I reached out to Peter Breggin and his wife immediately after their review was published, proposing to have a constructive public or private conversation about their review. It is about two months later now, and it seems that they refuse to accept my invitation. That’s why I will respond here."

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Right, but that won't happen because it appears that this so-called lawsuit probably involves more than Malone alone; there are "puppetmasters" controlling this who will tolerate no dissenting views and are running out of ways to retaliate, hence the use of frivolous lawsuits; they are trying to make an example of the Breggins, Peters and Rubys and will certainly go after others to shut them up; the claims made in the lawsuit are contrived garbage and designed to appeal to today's politically correct courts which means the Breggins will have enormous fight on their hands.

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Exactly! Nicely said!

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Good! The crap they say is defamatory. Let them defend it in front a jury.

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Your facts, your data or your fertile imagination?

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Dr. Malone is adamant kids don't get vaxxed, that's enough for me because we all know what kind of criminal convictions Big pHARMa has been found guilty of - profiteering and malfeasance..

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Uh... you clearly don't read or watch his content - at least not closely. Good riddance.

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Dr. Malone is adamant kids don't get vaxxed, that's enough for me because we all know what kind of criminal convictions Big pHARMa has been found guilty of - profiteering and malfeasance..

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In my opinion, your original comment here is an incendiary one, containing as it does gratuitous insults like "total bullshit drivel", "grow a pair of balls", and "acting like a scorned teenager". Disappointing, in my view.

The response from others has been a firestorm of mud slinging, insults, put-downs, name calling, and other such nonsense typical of common, low brow internet discussions. Even more disappointing. I was hoping we could remain above all that.

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Ad Hominem never succeeds in the end does it.

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Get over yourself. Seriously. They ignored his prior contacts for cease and desist. In fact they doubled down apparently. How about YOU give up your practice and become a public target for the whole world before you start talking about 'growing balls.' How pathetic that you sit in your comfy armchair and tell someone else to grow balls when he's done more risky/scary things in the last 18 months than most will ever do in their entire lives. -- I wouldn't want you as a doctor any day of the week with an attitude like yours.

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Dee you seem to know a lot about people here you have never met.

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Why didn't Dr. Breggin voice his concerns in private? And ask for information. How is his behavior acceptable. Seems like you are blasting one direction. And without much reason.

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Surely someone in this sphere knows Breggin and Dr. Ruby well enough to call and make the case for resolving differences.

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The Breggins and Ruby have no intention of trying to reconcile or admitting they were wrong. When it's all about numbers and money they don't care (kind of like the Left...). Dr. Malone has already made clear in essays available to all that show his desire to stop the division and to clear the air, the essays also clearly prove their lies. If anyone bothered to read them and investigate the truth that is. Who cares about truth though? I mean, look at the attention they are getting from this....

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Once in awhile minds can be changed. I have been deep in thought about how that could be achieved. Call it a waste of time, I can't help myself.

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I hope you are right, I really do. We don't need the division - but we don't need the money grubbers either. 😔

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That would be a profoundly difficult way to make money. The Breggins describe their careers in a recent article on their website, with the only real income coming from being a practicing doctor with patients. Just as does Dr. Malone describe his financial past. These have been hard roads for all parties.

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We have seen marriage fights to the death. People are suck in their positions and won't give them up.

Both sides can be arguing from "the truth"

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I understand it very well and have watched this whole thing unfold over these past few months. I have also been well-briefed on the behind the scenes shenanigans. In the end, just like I said, Dr Malone needs to stop acting like a petulant teenage kid and handle it in PRIVATE!

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Haha! You don’t what I ‘purport’ or not. Dr Malone is acting like a petulant child. He has been part of the health freedom network for all of ~18months, the Breggins for 40+ years! Dr Malone invented this bioweapon, took it himself, and is now the messiah!? Gimme a break.

Again, in the end, this is a professional opinion disagreement. So! They disagree over ‘mass formation’---who TF cares!? Seriously!? We are being slowly killed by a cabal of maleficent tyrannical human pieces of garbage and Dr Malone thinks anyone cares about HOW it’s actually being done, what psyop mechanism is being used!? Grow TF up. We have to fight these ppl united and all be on the same team. This does no one any good---except the tyrants and the lawyers!

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It is one thing to insinuate that due to Dr. Malone's background and previous work history he might be controlled opposition. It is an entirely different thing to claim that Dr. Malone is like Hitler, is in league with the global predators, and knowingly though clandestinely responsible for the deaths of millions. Such claims are indeed defamatory and should not go unaddressed. The Breggins have gone much, much too far and need to apologize for their reckless claims.

As for the 18 months versus 40 years, I'd like to invite you, Dr. Moore, to recall the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard or the testimony of the Good Thief at the Crucifixion. Those stories make clear that even the Johnny-come-lately, who has had a change of heart, is warmly received--fully redeemed--through his willingness to work (in the vineyard) or his verbal testimony--"Remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom."

I think the evidence of Dr. Malone having been completely red-pilled is more than evident. He is "one of us" now, and it is a misguided offence against the power of grace to attack him as an evil-doer.

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Not attacking him as an evil-doer, seems to me he’s the one attacking here. Again, to me it’s the big picture thing: we have a much bigger fight on our hands than worried about someone questioning your motivations or professional opinions. This isn’t helping.

Also, I haven’t seen or heard of the Breggins speaking of Malone in that manner...data? Link?

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Just wait til someone mounts a long drawn out campaign to assassinate YOUR character, then tell me that Malone should drop his lawsuit. He did a very adult thing and sent a cease and desist letter MONTHS ago. Then those fools doubled down on their defamation when they received it. They deserve everything they get and Malone will be vindicated. If you believe he's a petulant child, why are you even here reading his substack? Do you really subscribe to people you believe to be children?

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I agree Dr. Malone has every right to sue them; I'm just not sure it will be worth it for him or the cause. Free speech is an issue, but these people did seem malicious with no evidence. Still, Dr. Malone is pretty thin skinned at times. It's hard to ignore people like this, but sometimes it can be best.

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What you term "think skinned" is actually cherished in a doctor, it's called being sensitive/empathetic. I'd rather be that way than a callous bastard like Fauci.

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Again - blasting one direction about not being united. Dude - Pot calling kettle black? Petulant? Who?

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Well there's a point of view that this lawsuit doesn't help anything and can make it worse, though it baffles me that they are attacking him.

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022

Help "anything"? It helps him. Have some empathy for someone who's sacrificed a lot in the last 18 months for chrissakes. Seems like it's a foreign concept to you considering your posts about needing to have thick skin. Fuck thick skin-- that's for the likes of the moron Walenksy and others.

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I HAVE empathy. I'm just more logical than you are. This most likely will cause him more pain.

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"Q. Did you also blame the Wright brothers for 9/11 ?"


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Dr. Malone is adamant kids don't get vaxxed, that's enough for me because we all know what kind of criminal convictions Big pHARMa has been found guilty of - profiteering and malfeasance..

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He is NOW! He wasn’t there even in June ‘21! Begging have been fighting Big Pharma et al for decades. I’ll take them any day over a recent ‘convert’, although I do appreciate him ‘switching’ sides, but not making enemies is part of the game, as well. Leave your ego at the door and realize this is SOOOO much bigger than a disagreement over what psyop is being used to quell the masses

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

I can't blame anyone for what they thought, or believed, or recommended in the first few months of the Covid outbreak. The medical and government authorities made it sound like a repeat of the Black Death, killing a third to a half of the population. And I believed it along with many others.

I have been following Dr. Malone for over a year now. I have found that he is always cautious and measured in what he says. I have never seen him shoot from the hip. He's the polar opposite of Fauci (I think..., I believe..., my opinion is...), always basing what he says on data from the various studies. And yes, his thinking has evolved, as more information surfaces. I wouldn't want it any other way.

It's great that you had it all figured out from day one, Kirk Moore MD. Few of us have your special gifts.

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Last line made me laugh!! I feel the same way you do about Dr. Malone. He's a Good Good (Hu)Man. Reminds me of Josh Ritter Song called "Good Man" that I love. Maybe you might like too.


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Those who don’t welcome converts are fools or worse

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Fools? You mean like making assumptions about what I said or not reading what I actually did say!?

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Yes, he WAS right from the beginning saying children did NOT need this vaccine. He was very early on Fox News.

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Who are you to tell him what to do?! And you are being very sarcastic with your comments. Hope you are not a MD...Medical Doctor!! Sounds like you're the one who really needs to grow up. Go to your room!!

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Lol! I am in my room, thank you very much.

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Paranoid much!? Write/delete? You are capable of reading my mind!? Amazingly talented individual, maybe audition for America’s Got Talent! And, as I said, I’m already in my room, grounded! Feel better!?

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I am gong to delete my comment, I see you didn't change what you said afterall. I would apologize to you but it would be insincere. Hope we never communicate again. I will bet the farm you are not an MD!! Nice Try on That!!

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Have you said the same to the breggins?

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If I could, I would love to do that!

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I can't say, particularly in this affair, I find the Breggin's likeable or credible.

Beyond that, well said!

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You clearly haven't read the legal complaint (lawsuit). Why are people so darn lazy? I read it and the lengths of their defamation seem to know no bounds. It's insane the level of the accusations...

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Careful Dee….allegations in a lawsuit do not have the mark of “truth” until proven and accepted as “the truth” by the fact finder, which will be either a judge or jury.

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I did read the full description of the law suit. I absolutely agree with your take on the Breggins actions as relates to Drs Malone. I am reflecting that there have been many commendations of the Breggins actions in earlier unrelated matters. I'm taking others perceptions of them, as offered here, in mind.

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The Mass Formation thesis does not counter the Global Predator thesis. In my view the Global Predators created the situation that enabled the Mass Formation. I cannot comprehend why Breggin and Ruby would therefore come out against Malone and Desmet.

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Absolutely true! My belief is that the Breggins' read Desmet's book (if indeed they read it at all) with a "filter of self-interest" firmly in place, either consciously or unconsciously. I think it's pretty clear they don't really understand Mass Formation.

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They do have a right to their opinions. Even if they are wrong. Counter suppression of ideas will get us nowhere and is immoral.

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Agree on opinions. And ideas as to what is happening and why everything is a mess. But NOT defamation. For example: AMD gave a critique on the Died Suddenly movie that was appropriate. AMD did NOT defame the movie makers. Instead, AMD stated what was good and what was not, in AMD's opinion. It was clearly stated and not defamatory. THAT should be an example for ALL to follow. We really do NOT need infighting. SO counter-productive and distracting.

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Agreed. But it’s a fine line between the two. And their defamation makes the bad guys do happy dances. Which, one could argue - in public - makes THEM look like the controlled opposition. Backfire. Maintaining the high, moral ground always looks better to all concerned. This is hard to endure but not impossible. He is surrounded by a lot of loyal folks but I think that will break apart over time based on these comments. We don’t need the bitterness and bad feelings on top of what we are trying to fight. Regardless of the truth of the matter, it looks, from the outside, like two adolescents hurling insults at each other. Especially to the blue-pilled watching all of this. And this sort of thing, just like the protests in China, have been expected and hoped for as it does break us apart and obscures our focus from where it ought to be. Battles are lost this way.

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Exactly. Maybe drunk on their own increased reach and followers.

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You can view Breggins, Ruby, Peters, et al as the controlled opposition / villains and disrupters if you think about it. We have been told to watch out for ideas and theories that might have some truth, but fall apart upon inspection. Send something like that along to your blue-pilled friends and, when the crazy/false part becomes obvious, they make you look stupid for believing. (Example of the false video of the clot in the heart, which takes away from the fibrous clots in the Died Suddenly movie.)

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Is there really any difference in outcome from "ideology" or "a confluence of interests" on the one hand and "conspiracy" on the other? The charge is that Desmet "blames the victims," which I've never heard him do.

On the other hand, there's plenty of blame to go around. Whether Gates, Fauci and Ghebreyesus conspired is not important if they acted in concert, which they clearly did. On the other hand, those who went along with the crowd without thinking critically must also accept responsibility. Those at the top must be punished as a deterrence, and those at the bottom must accept responsibility and work to stop the ongoing damage like Dr. Aseem Mulhotra. Then, they may be forgiven.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

I think it's pretty clear that graduates of the various WEF programs (Young Global Leaders, etc.) are pretty much aligned on the WEF ideology. These are the foot soldiers; the implementers. So it might be fair to say that they are driven to conspire, and to coordinate activities, based on a common ideology; a common vision of the future. In other words, they are steered in a deep-down fundamental way toward working together by this shared ideology. So I think the truth may be a mish-mash of ideology and conspiratorial collusion.

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We're too fixated on whether or not there was a grand conspiracy. The acts committed by individuals were criminal acts. Eg, it's a felony to perjure oneself. Where there were mini-conspiracies, such as the letter Fauci and a bunch of other "scientists" wrote to quash an investigation into lab-leak, that can be proven because the letter exists, and they knew there was evidence for human creation of SARS-Cov-2. They conspired to cover it up. I don't think anybody is disputing that except the perps.

Personally, I think the entire medical care industry, from Big Pharma to HHS to CMS to hospitals and group practices and licensing boards, is ripe for a RICO prosecution. I don't think that has to involve a grand conspiracy that encompasses everything, just a lot of little conspiracies and corrupt practices.

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Or the hubris of Fauci and these people thinking they can mess with gain of function for the "good" of humanity followed by incompetence followed by Big Pharma money, followed by mass formation. Doesn't have to be a big conspiracy, I agree.

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Except that the "conspiratorial collusion' is based upon and a necessary part of the ideology which is to attain global mastery through any and all possible tyrannical policies imaginable.

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Not just global mastery. The agenda since before WEF has been population reduction. Club of Rome, limits to growth, the population bomb etc. There are moral ways to limit pop growth, and immoral ways. A moral way is to convince people that unlimited growth is simply not possible so that they voluntarily limit family size. But the current crop of globalists apparently think that's too slow.

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Desmet is a psychologist. True to his profession, he has not investigated world events to prove and rely upon a conspiracy to explain those events. Rather, he has analyzed individual and societal behaviors to come to his conclusions, which are no less valid if there was, in fact, a conspiracy to create the conditions for what he calls 'mass formation'. To accuse him of being an 'apologist for the conspirators' is to overlook the essence of what he is trying to communicate. There can be both a conspiracy and the reaction of certain individuals to events in the form of mass formation. He is focused on the latter.

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Right...it's not mutually exclusive which is what Breggin is arguing and then tagging on a motive.

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The statement that he's an apologist is very childish and obviously the person who wrote it is blinded by his ideaology.

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As an academic, he had developed his theories of mass formation in different historical situations long before the pandemic. He is viewing the behaviors he is seeing in reaction to the pandemic through that lens.

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I have heard him say in interviews, many times, that the globalists at the very top are a bit different than the foot soldiers below. The top dogs of the WEF are consumed by, and madly pursuing, a fanatical ideology. He doesn't consider them to be psychopaths. I hesitate to agree with him there, and I do think that the master plan was concocted behind closed doors at that highest level, which constitutes conspiracy.

He freely acknowledges in those interviews that the foot soldiers at the levels of politician, deep state, regulating agency, corporate CEO, and so on, are: 1) psychopathic or sociopathic, and 2) conspiring to coordinate the disastrous pandemic mandates (and also the techniques and technologies implied by technocratic totalitarianism).

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So they are ALL complicit in one way or another and continue to control the narrative at great cost to humanity; this tyrannical ideology was not invented by the crowd who were terrorized into becoming followers.

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Maybe they are merely sociopaths. Bill Gates certainly fits that role.

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So what emerges for me is that Desmet is right on some things and ultimately wrong on others. I can accept that, and move on with what works.

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Regarding "No manipulation". Page 131: "Is there not any steering and manipulation at all then? The answer is a resounding yes, there most certainly is all kinds of manipulation."

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They're not listening,Jim! There was an "ideology" alright and it began decades ago and very specific power structures decided that a global take-over was needed; to be able to implement strategies to that end populations had to be controlled by a steady stream of propaganda based on lies and deception and "uncontrollable pandemics"; people might have been ripe for this take-over and many easily succumbed to both persuasive and forced manipulation but the real control came from the top (conspirators, elitists or whatever they could be called); Malone and Desmet don't want that power structure threatened and we can all make our own educated guesses as to why...

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Hmm, I don't see Malone's actions backing this up. The extent some of you think this "conspiracy" happened scares me. But when you see the WEF, it seems slightly plausible. Still, I believe Dr. Malone is standing up to that. Not part of it.

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They both can be true to some degree. Conspiracies to kill people have not been proven, either. It could be incompetence, accidents -- messing with gain of function -- and then Big Pharma capitalizing on it while mass formation took hold. Nobody knows this for sure.

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His section seems to reflect an issue of whether the afflicted are acting as a crowd. What I believe I've heard him say is the afflicted are not a crowd. They are thinking and reacting to the gaslighting as individual people. While they have the affliction, they aren't a crowd and they are not reacting to a crowd's orthodoxy.

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deletedNov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022
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You know, that could be epic. A public debate, sell tickets to raise funds for a common cause or cause of each participant. But well moderated. I vote for a JFK Jr. type.

There are so many good comments on this thread including ones with a lot of heat.

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Betsy, I love your idea! So much charged energy in the comments. I side with Dr Malone. He’s been fighting for us by explaining/informing the public of the dangers of the shots. That alone I’m grateful for, along with Dr. Jill’s work. There is nothing anyone can say about him which will diminish my gratitude for he and Dr. Jill’s info/work during these recent times of despair, especially when children are being harmed. IMHO, if his information saves one life from these poison shots, then he and his wife have served us well.

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I'm with you Audrey on all that.

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Truly unbelievable. I can't believe that the Breggins et al can spew so many lies and it puts into question everything else they have told us. I don't think you should drop the lawsuit. How would you go forward allowing these people to malign you in this way. If you say nothing people will believe it. You have no choice, although no one wants to get involved in a lawsuit. How unreasonable to think that you are in any way involved with the madmen that took a 30 year old technology and used it for their own gain. You don't own the technology.......how do they reason that you have a stake in any of this. Some days I don't know how many us will be able to carry on with the world coming apart at the seams. But we must!!! I was heartened to hear Mike Adams take up this subject and give an opinion in your favour. I used to think that we should all stick together and not pick at each others slightly different point of views, but this is totally outrageous what these people have said. I hope you know that you have many people behind you. I hope that things will break wide open soon and all will be revealed and then a lot of this discourse will come to an end as we try to pick up the pieces and rebuild a better life for us all.

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Kick ass and take names! Thank you for waking up to the abuse and not rolling over and playing dead. Your fight is a fight for us all, because until this defamatory, defunding, and cancel nonsense is fought against, it will continue. We wish you a significant victory, Dr. Bob!

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You think advanced age an excuse for reprehensible behavior? Then guess what my 81 yr old mind is saying about you trolls right now.

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Anthony Fauci is same age...

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Aw Betsy-- compared me to that?

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I would have to totally agree!

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I'm not sure people like you trust anyone ever. How would you ever decide who was on your side?

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PLEASE calm down. You are well respected and well loved. The Breggins likewise. Don't fight among yourselves. That weakens you both. Actually I am shocked that you both are acting like 9 year olds. Stop fighting each other, save your strength and fight for all of US.

Thank you.

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It doesn't sound like Dr. Malone started any of this and in fact, tried to stop it, to no avail.

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Truth. But right now we need to not fight each other. Defamed or not, I really do not see that Dr Malone has been undone. He puts out good articles. He does seem to be trying to organize resistence. But to be fair, he is also late to the game, too. I don’t like the Breggins - he can’t seem to shut up and LISTEN to anyone. His book was a pontifical morass that I struggled to stay focused on and I don’t have that problem, easily. But he has been working hard for a long time to end the poisonous and torturous nature of conventional medicine and psychiatry. My poor aunt was a victim of that brutal psychiatric world and it impoverished her and eventually killed her. A musical genius at one time and brutalized in her childhood. And then by the medical/psychiatric system as an adult.

Many of us have been ridiculed; defamed; experienced hate calls; etc. All for daring to point out the toxicity of conventional medicine and lack of true efficacy (easing symptoms does not cure disease and putting folks in remission for awhile is arrogant when cure and prevention are both possible.) This lawsuit needs to be dropped in my opinion. The slander I experienced was harsh and made me seem like a snake oil salesman when, in fact, I studied both alternative and conventional medicine and was, for awhile, a biochemist in medical research until I gagged on the corruption and had to quit. He is new to the resistence and also new to the insults. The Breggins are expressing some opinions and some of that is harsh and probably not correct. As opinions can be and also which should be allowed in our free speech world. I also don’t believe they should be expressing such excessive hatred at a time like this. At best, they should simply ignore Drs Malone and Desmet if they don’t agree with them. Or agree to public dabate like good, free scholars should do. But, overall, I have found that if you stick to the truth and maintain integrity the rest dies off after awhile. And the world winds up admiring you in the end. I’ve been trying to say this all along. This would have been better pursued AFTER we win our world back. Quite frankly, I don’t think we will win this anytime soon, and it will all be moot because we will all be living in little cells in some crowded city or dead defending what was ours. At that point, for whomever is still alive or still cares, you can look to see who came out with their property and lives still intact, if any do. While it won’t matter a damn by then, at least you will know who was on whose side or who went down with everyone else when the ship sank. In the meantime, we need to all at least look and act as if we were on the same side of the resistance. Which is why I think this needs to be dropped. Everyone’s pride can be pricked into doing something excessive. It takes true moral strength to pull back and ignore detractors and keep moving on. That would unite us all into a truly solid force. If, at that point, the Breggins still want to pout and stamp their feet and throw insults about, then the high ground will be Malone’s and will never be theirs. And we will all know it. A win in a long, expensive, ugly court case will, at some point, look like a circus and no one will win. No matter the final judgement. With respect.

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I always liked Dr. Breggins' stance on the damage psychiatric drugs do to developing brains and was surprised by his unfounded and vicious attacks on Dr. Malone. The unrelenting fervor of their attacks do need to stop and I don't see what more Dr. Malone can do other than a lawsuit at this point. Regardless of what the lawsuit says, it really doesn't mean it won't be settled out of court. I believe a lawsuit will hurt the medical freedom movement much less than allowing the slander and libel. to continue.

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Here's what I'm wondering: Could he continue to fight effectively for all of us with one arm tied behind his back? Because in my opinion, unanswered false claims broadcast to hundreds of thousands of people does exactly that.

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Who among us could take this much unremitting intensity and stress? Not me, and I am younger than Dr. Malone. But a lawsuit as lawyers talk about can be like a distress call, Mayday Mayday. So how could everyone involved here and elsewhere be of service? Could we draft a letter to the Breggins and Dr. Ruby? Propose a debate or some other solutions? Just ask them to knock it off?

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I just evaluated whether to keep following Dr. Ruby on Telegram. I realized that I did not have the emotional bandwidth to hear more - regardless of veracity - harangues. We need even, rational and careful argument and well-argued civil conversation. We are in a serious moment now, Betsy, I agree, and Dr. Ruby, who can be excellent, who perhaps has her own and valid reaction to the mass atrocity we are all witnessing, might not the best resources for taking us through this moment. That said, the Respondents have done a fair bit of public good to this point.

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Agree emphatically Kelly. A good wake up call to do some trimming. Emotional bandwidth is a perfect concept to keep in mind and to preserve. Since I keep an intense eye on geopolitics and financial worlds at the same time, I worry that so many people don't understand what has unfolded there and what's coming for them next. We are all traumatized who get the egregious crimes that have been perpetrated, and yet we still have to stay calm, civil, and connected to others who do the same.

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Nass is a practicing clinician and researcher. She is faced with professional license revocation by a state agency for alleged neuopsychiatric impairment and professional medical misconduct. Nass has suffered genuine defamation. Malone is embroiled in a public pissing contest. Big difference. Reclaim the high ground. Drop the suit. Talk it out for the good of all and we will all be winners.

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Your message needs to go to the Breggins. They started it .

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I share that feeling. And love dachshunds too!

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Actually the Breggin assault based on their personal theories without evidence or facts harms all of us. We need to be addressing our Opposition to the Globalists, the financial destruction and subjugation's they are attempting to impose, the continuing medical destruction, the human disabilities caused. The fight is today or we definitely loose tomorrow. Are you satisfied that Biden/O and that new Senator from Pa are plotting our future? That one is old is not excuse. If an oldster steps into the ring they have to assume responsibility.

Drs Malone have been outstanding truth warriors. They bring us information to benefit our funds of knowledge. They invite us to share.

We are in this war together (some less than more) and IMO we desperately need the Malone's contributions and guidance for an effective opposition.

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I tried to get through the Breggins' book and couldn't make it even halfway before giving up completely. I have felt the same way every time I tried to watch Stew Peters or almost anything on Red Voice Media.

We do ourselves NO favors in attempting to bring skeptics to our side when we allow people who are bullies, and who manipulate facts and distort their own records, to have an equal voice at the table with the grown ups who are trying to stay calm and deal in FACTS!

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I gave up on their book long before half way through. Dr. Malone's current book is the exact opposite in value.

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I read Breggin's book. While I agree that there is a globalist cabal that led the scam, I had trouble with the level of blame they tried to pin on China. Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Ghebreyesus, Big Pharma and the support they get from the DoD and captured governments are the West's problem, not China's. I'm disappointed that Russia and China went along with the scam, but they certainly weren't ground zero. RFK Jr's book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," is much better. Extremely well documented, providing a narrative of Fauci that really sticks to you. By contrast, the Breggin book lacks focus.

With the scamdemic ending distraction in Ukraine promising disaster for the Western empire, the Deep State is back to doing what it does best, fomenting chaos in China and Iran, then pointing propaganda fingers. There's always an organic core, but also a giant bellows of money from "NGOs" to fuel the fire.

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I will read thoroughly in a bit. I just want you to know I am eternally grateful to you, your family and the other freedom fighters.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for explaining so thoroughly. It makes a difference. Once again, your integrity shines through!

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They knew what they were doing. And it was minus ANY integrity or decency.

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I have and have read Desmets reply now and earlier, so have lived realtime through every moment of this controversy.

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Did you read Desmets reply today on Paul Alexander’s substack?

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The irony of a defamation suit such as this is that it amplifies, dramatically, the reputational damage done. It would be hard for your detractors to make their points so well.

When former insiders come into a movement with valuable perspectives gleaned from experience inside the establishment, there's a strong tendency to welcome them with open arms, and for some to be skeptical. You've done so much on this level, it is heartbreaking to see it go down this way.

The premise of medical freedom, and medical free speech, is the basis of what has put you into this prominent position. We want you, and other dissidents, to be free to criticize other scientists or anyone else who states a postion. We need this, not only because of your right to free speech, but our right to hear all voices.

This lawsuit is a disaster, ethically and in terms of fundamental principles. How can we demand an unconditional right to criticize Fauci and Gates, to make blunt statements about their roles, if we do not also enjoy the right to criticize Malone? A line has been crossed, and it is so sad that you do not see it.

The contention appears to be that, to people who listen to Stew Peters and the Breggins, that your reputation has suffered. Will this action improve your reputation amongst them? No, those who are inclined to take their part will see this as vindictive, self-serving, and a clear sign that you do not truly stand for free speech.

You've put a $25 million price tag on it.

Regardless of how much the defendants have piled on, most of what they have said is opinion. Look at the statements you'll be defending in court. "I am not controlled opposition".

Have you ever implied that anyone was controlled opposition? Of course you have. You said it about Alex Berenson. Should he sue you? You said it about Jefferey Sachs. Should he sue?

The worst part of this is that those of us who have been defending you from all these slurs have nothing left. All we can do is step away. This is not helping the movement at all, and dragging our dirty laundry into court will not work out well for anyone. The jury, if there ever were one, would likely see this is a battle amongst kooks, and the press will have a field day.

The danger to your reputation is coming from inside the house. Please see about settling this outside of a courtroom.

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Well said, ALU. I think that's what I was trying to say, but you did it succinctly. A lawsuit against 'reputation disinformation' is a contradiction to the principles on which we're making a stand.

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Slam dunk by AirLift !

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The Breggin's have offered no facts, no data only their theories. They continue, just very recently to broadcast their purportedly genuine theories. They won't discuss, they wont stop, they wont apologize. If they dont have proof they at a minimum need to be stopped.

Their crap is hurting our cause and one of our finest warriors/leaders. I want this stopped and it doesn't appear there is any plausible answer other than a lawsuit. That is the choice the Breggin's offer us.l

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You make a compelling and well written argument. I will be tossing this around in my mind for some time to come. I asked about a sealed arbitration as an outcome. Is there some way to get all these people to the table with trusted moderators to work this out? Who would that be? Someone mentioned JFK and the separate road he has taken. That would be amazing.

I am really moved by so many people here commenting that don't want the mudfight to play out, and not in public. What are the alternatives? Some sort of campaign to ask all the defendants to explain themselves, settle differences? I wonder if the formal complaint itself is enough to make them back off?

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This is helpful ALU and echoes other thoughtful comments. After thinking about this for 24 hours and reviewing all comments, and wondering about what I would do at Doc Malone's age with a family, I would consider the following: Dr. Malone said in another Substack he was interested in strategy not tactics, with respect to more commentary on mRNA damage. He has achieved a global status of respect and recognition which allows him to operate at a level of influence that few can achieve. He is like a general among a small handful, 4 or 5 star, others can comment. At this point he could operate effectively under the radar on projects and workgroups, and surface occasionally on Substack and eventually Twitter to report and update or ask for involvement and support as needed. We are at a historic moment of all manner of turning points. Doc Malone could drop the lawsuit, spare himself the stress, time and resources, and use the situation to take a whole new direction, protecting himself and moving on to enjoy his life. He has intimated that forward looking and decentralized solutions were among the subjects of the international workgroup that met in Turkey just days ago. There is a growing junior tier of exceptional minds practiced up and ready to fill in quite a bit of space in the resistance to medical and other tyrannies. Some times when attacked you use the attackers energy against them and just roll with the momentum, get up and move on to other options.

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What they have said is beyond the bounds of a professional disagreement and I agree with you it is defamatory. I only recently became aware of the Bregginses. In the past, I could only listen to Dr. Ruby for a few minutes before concluding that she isn't all she cracks herself up to be, professionally. Stew Peters seemed similarly hyperbolic. One thing I've appreciated about your talks and interviews is that you take pains to be factual and calm and to purposely avoid claiming to know others' motivations. Take heart; those with any knowledge and background see what's happening, and hopefully those qualities of yours (and theirs) I mention above influence even those without them.

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I am not convinced that this necessary reputation correction is going to necessarily denigrate the movement toward freedom. Consider that any dissemination of truth is a good thing, considering the snuffed out world media.

I side with the ever hard-working Dr Malone who did not sign up for any of this nor deserve it. Furthermore, he who fails to keep his good name clear, in the face of such slander, is a fool and would better represent the evil psychopaths typical of the WEF.

Please, everybody, just relax and let justice, in every case, prevail upon this earth. It is justice which our movement strives to see done, isn’t it?

Godspeed Dr Malone. You deserve a day or 3 off. You will feel refreshed and be ready to continue your work on which we in the world of gratitude so heavily depend. Thank you!

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I support you 100 Per Cent Dr. Malone.

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Dr. M... It is so sad to see this escalate into the latest. I know it is beyond frustrating to be maligned by people who should be on the "same side". I have been through a few suits in my time - none of this scale, but nonetheless painful and soul-crushing. You will have to do what you and your family deem in your own best interests, but in my own experiences little good has ever come from such legal entanglements. Inevitably, I fear, they cause even more added stress and inconvenience for the plaintiff. The biggest winners are always the attorneys - and, in this case, the Ruling Elites' media voices.

As to the targets of the suit, I really believe that Universe has already dealt with them and they are in their twilight of "fame".

Stand strong, but don't sacrifice yourself for a principle that a defective and corrupt justice system is unlikely to uphold.

Life is too short....

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No matter the outcome this case cannot be censored and will reach the public's attention. Good on you, Dr. Malone.

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You seem to have a kneecap fetish. Need to have that looked at.

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I am sorry. Hang in there. We need your voice and expertise.

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