So what are you going to do about it?


Keep Screaming, personally.

I think it's incredibly insightful that when we peek behind the curtain, politics and perception matters more than actual science. We can't tell the truth because it might hurt our relations with China. We can't tell the truth because we want to protect our people. We can't tell the truth because people won't trust us in the future.

Then they get on TV and berate us if we don't go along with political- and perception-based edicts. You're killing grandma if you point out that Fauci funded gain of function research into bat-origin coronavirus in a shoddy lab in Wuhan, China!

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Actually it started in the U.S. at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, under Ralph Baric and the U.S. ban on GOF subsequently led to collaboration with the "batlady" of Wuhan where GOF was well known; the "bat lady" is now living in the U.S.(if still alive) and has revealed a great deal in many interviews ; the list of nefarious actors is quite encyclopedic in scope!

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Yep. And when that research was 'banned', Fauci shopped it out to China.

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And Baric is still getting federal research grants.

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and nobody ever mentions my medical school. UTMB- Level IV lab on the Island.

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As T. Posted…Insanity. Play Stupid Games….Ed

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Bob. What Island?

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UTMB=Galveston island - Lab is actually north of the ship channel, where the old WWII submarine is - as far as I know.

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Thank you for letting me and everyone know.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not trying to be a smarty pants...

You may be confusing the Bat Lady Shi Zhengli with Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virololgist who has been interviewed by Tucker Carlson: https://www.foxnews.com/media/chinese-virologist-government-intentionally-coronavirus

Li-Meng Yan has made explosive accusations that the Chinese deliberately released the Covid-19 virus. She was working in a virus lab in Hong Kong, and fled to the US.

Bat Lady Shi Zhengli has disappeared- hasn't been sighted since shortly after the covid outbreak. It's not known if she's alive or dead.

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Thank you for the correction about my confusion; Dr. Li-Meng Yan is the Chinese defector who maintains that Covid-19 was Chinese weaponization and has given numerous interviews; Bat Woman Shi Zhengli hasn't been heard from lately but did have a great deal to do with Ralph Baric and GOF experiments both in the U.S. and Wuhan; there is much the general public and even the scientific community don't know about Baric such as the startling revelations that can be viewed from a 2018 lab conference; in his presentation Baric openly discusses various ways in which a pandemic can be such a gold mine of opportunity for investors of all kinds to make financial profits, even providing specific examples; surprise! surprise!

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I think Shi Zhengli (bat lady) is still in China, but a scientist who worked on the same viruses from Hong Kong is now in the US.

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that's correct

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Uhhh…I’ll be a part of the firing squad and wouldn’t think a second thing about it. Still at “only” 21 suspected (I document) adverse events. I miss My Sister’s Husband’s brain. He’s a Cool Dude. Ed

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Western civilization achieved its greatness while Truth was recognized as a transcendental. The people running western civilization now believe truth is the opinion of the powerful. And we all pay the price for that disconnect from reality.

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Shorter is always better: Delete "disconnect from reality." Say: "Dishonesty."

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Cry, pray, cry some more, scream, and keep praying.

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indeed. When one is dealing with demons, prayer is the best option.

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There are some things I should not say on the interweb.

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Demons, for sure. No doubt about it.

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i had an exchange with someone just the other day when he said "the pandemic was a pandemic of the unvaccinated" . what do you do when our gene pool produces such idiocy? however on another level yes it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated since the shots were not vaccines but gene therapy.. "it still hasn't gotten weird enough for me" hunter thompson

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Tell him that he's unvaccinated, too, unless he's keeping up with shot 5 or 6 or whatever it is these days.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It appears to me that they are all starting the blame game to save themselves. Anthony Fauci defense might be: "I was following orders to save Americans from a biological viral death launched in China!"

Until our wanna be Republican Presidential candidates have the courage to speak out on the Covid crisis which was preplanned and created in advance, RFK Jr, will be the lone voice which the deep state will try to muffle. I wonder if the mass media will annouce the publication of his second book, based on facts and not disinformation.

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Kennedy's book will have to be discredited if it contains any degree of facts and truth at all; in any case he should be ready to say goodbye to any future regarding his candidacy as both Republicans and Democrats can't handle the truth; China will not only be the distraction but the scapegoat as the Deep State will reveal itself to be much deeper than anyone imagined; as for your last statement about the mass media, surely we already know what to expect....

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Yea! The deep state is very creative in eliminating the voice of dissenters!

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All they have to do is collectively say nothing. Then the sheep bleat in unison (if they know what's good for them), "If they haven't told us about [xyz], it cannot possibly exist/be true."

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Are they related to the clintons?

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Who is "they"?

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All the deep state, every bloody one

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I have only directly known two people who have OD/self terminated (+ one unknown status) in 50+ years…The clintons are over my age in associates with “suicides”. Ed

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Churchill, running for office in the 20's, was continually accosted by socialists in very much the manner of Antifa and BLM.

History is a representation of the same behavior, generation after generation.

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I didn't follow every order when I was a nurse. Even a young nurse. I had a doctor tell me to give 50mg of Valium, instead of 50mg of Vistaril. There are no excuses. Guess what, I repeated that order, respectfully, until it got changed to the correct medication. I am older than what I look! LOL, Really, I am laughing! We all make mistakes, and we depend on people to correct us. Do you believe Fauci was asking for correct?

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Fauci believes he is a God IMO!

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I hope FAUCI repents.

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Fauci will NEVER admit his guilt, nor will he repent. He was trained by the Jesuits, the single most corrupt religious organization on the planet. The Jesuits never admit guilt either. How do I know? I was also trained by the Jesuits and I never admit guilt either.

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Surely, you can repent! We all sin.

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Ha! There are zero letters behing my name. My Best Friend is Double Board certified and Fellowship-trained…Shall We say, We Have Had some HEATED Discussions. Ed

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Did not CDC Head Redfield give an interview last year where he obscured roles, especially his and tattled on a few?

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If so, it was a pebble thrown into the ocean...

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That is what I remember

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The mass media hasn't reported his existence, let alone anything else. I'm surprised that they haven't told us that he was killed along with his father in 1968!

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..."I was just following orders"

Didn't the Nazi's use that so many times?

They're all rats abandoning a sinking ship. Will any be prosecuted let alone incarcerated? I doubt it.

MSM meanwhile either ignores or labels as yet another conspiracy theory. Feeding the couch potatoes their nightly gruel.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think the reason Kadlec went to Markson is because she wrote the book "What Really Happened in Wuhan," where she presented compelling evidence that the virus came out of the Wuhan lab. And she published it in September, 2021, which makes her one of the earliest journalists to get the information out. She's also very careful not to make any permanent conclusions and leaves it to her readers to make their own judgments.

Yes, Kadlec is trying to protect his rear, but he still gave some useful information.

If you folks haven't read Markson's book, I strongly recommend it.

Thank you, again, Dr. Malone for keeping us informed about what's going on.

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Thank you, Cindy, for that added context and insight!

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

There may be a few of us old-timers still alive who witnessed and remember to this day the impact of a dramatic play, "Adam King," produced by Joe Horn and Sharon Gans, in 1974 in San Francisco.

Act III: Emergency boardroom meeting of corporate or government felons.

The meeting exploded with everyone blaming each other after The Big Cheese pointed a finger at all of his oily cohorts, sternly announcing,


Sounds familiar today, right, Anthony?

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Sharri Markson pushed the mandates on Sky News in Australia. Another media shill trying to cover her butt.


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I had forgotten about that.

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How technical is the Markson book?

I ask because one of the Deep State's greatest allies is the inability of most scientists (regardless of viewpoints/opinions) to edit their speeches, articles and books so that they are comprehensible to the general public (me). In addition, few of them as book authors have editors who can and will be able to force them to get to the point; who insist on the additional expense of creating and publishing both a glossary and a chronology at the start of the book.

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Markson is a journalist, so she wrote a very clear book. Most of the book is a narrative of what happened when. She also explained the technical issues in language I could understand, and I have no formal medical or scientific training. If you read the book, you'll get a full picture of what happened not only in Wuhan but also in the Western world, especially the U.S. I read it when it first came out, so I don't remember most of the specifics but I was very impressed with her careful research and reliable sources.

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"Reading a bad book is like watching a poor fight. Instead of being caught up in it, you try to figure out what is the matter" --- A.J. Liebling

Your help is greatly appreciated! A warning (which has nothing to do with Markson): In my experience, there is no greater hazard for a book reader than a newspaper / magazine journalist who later becomes a book author.

Most of them assume that if they can write a 750-word column, or a 5,000-word article, the requirements are exactly the same for a book author.

Exactly the opposite is true, because the priority of newspaper and magazine editors is to FILL SPACE. This leads to very bad writing habits.

The latest example of this that I had the minor misfortune to encounter was Gerald Nachman (1938-2018) and his "Raised On Radio," 502 pages of which should have been cut to 425-450 pages.

His purported editor, Robert Gottlieb, said, in essence, "Hey, it's all there. Let's publish." This led to tragedy: Much of the book is very well written, but what isn't destroys all of it (I saved it as a reference book-only after giving up on page 172).

Thank you for tolerating this tangent and your guidance on Markson and her book; and good luck!

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I purchased a classic book a month from Franklin Library in the late 80s. I have 37 of them. They look marvelous on my dark wood book case held in place with alabaster horse heads. I read many of them, but The Magic Mountain, 712 pages with close line type is widely considered to be one of the most influential works of twentieth-century German literature. I found it slow but worse was my frustration in pronouncing the characters’ names. It has a book marker between pages 67-68.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Somehow, I have the feeling that H. Biden and Devon Archer have never had this conversation (!).

You can now easily listen to You Tube pronunciations ("Achtung! 'Zeeg-FREED' ") of their names, but what's the use when pp 67-68 marks the full stop R.I.P. of Thomas Mann?

A thousand failures in this library have walked the plank.

One cannot trust reviewers; I'm STILL furious about an English reviewer, Geoffrey Wheatcroft, who in 2004 in the NY Times (yeah, I know, that should have been a red flag) plugged "The Coming of the Coming of the 3rd Reich," by historian Richard Evans. Sludge; not even suitable as a doorstop (goodbye forty bucks).

Another bumbler with an unworthy reputation as a good book writer is Max Hastings, former newspaper editor. History: "Armageddon, The Battle for Germany, 1944-45." 1st out: Made it to page 110. Months later, 2nd effort. Page 60: "STOP!".

Max presciently warned us that Boris Johnson (British PM) would crash and burn. Holding a cranky reader's grudge, I refused to listen.

I liked, and I think you will:

"STET Damnit!" (Florence King, "grouchy wit");

"A Life In Movies" (Michael Powell, sharp as a tack & occasionally hilarious, especially when his affair with Deborah Kerr blows up in his face);

"Genius In Disguise" (Thomas Kunkel, genial/pleasantly informative); and

"Laurie Lee" (biography; Valerie Grove, about as close to writing nirvana as one could wish).

Of course, it helps that their subjects were worth writing about: King, newspaper columnist; Powell, movie director and writer; "Genius" = Harold Ross, New Yorker magazine founder/editor; and "Lee" was England's adored poet whose memoir "Cider With Rosie" took off like Saturn V in 1960, rescuing LL from decades of want.


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Tks for the suggestions!

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Good editors are invaluable.

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And few and far between.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The potential for them to turn on each other in a kind of spontaneous combustion, or circular firing squad just to mix metaphors, is not only a very real possibility but may also be our best hope. It has seemed an impossibility, but is it? They have known since the beginning that their protection was the matrix, that it was “all of them” and the intricate intersectionality that made everything work - the brotherhood of the billionaire oligarchs, the vast of army of the complicit and the guilty that included every institution under the sun, and most especially the intelligence and legal apparatus of the Deep State. It all seemed like an endless Maginot line surrounded by an impenetrable Ardennes Forest. Nothing could seem or did seem more secure. Men and women like Fauci and Walensky could lie and dissemble in front of Congress or Courts and then sleep like babies. The very invincibility of it it must have given them a kind of high, a godlike sensation reserved for captains of the universe.

This is how Hitler and the Nazis felt in 1940 and 1941. Some would say that the end for the Nazis came slowly, then all of a sudden.

Could this be how the end comes for the nameless and faceless perpetrators that control the Faucis and Walenskys of our day? We know so few of them.

But history tells us that if and when it all unravels that it could happen very, very fast. What more logical way then for doubt to creep in, for a slinking loss of faith in the matrix to start building, and then for the signature end to appear, something that has been called for a long, long time............. Every Man for Himself.

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Agree- best case scenario is a circular firing squad. Which is a DC inside the beltway specialty when things get uncomfortable and blame needs to be doled out.

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Let’s make sure the pervert gates is in that firing line

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Put them all inside the Pentagon. It isn't round but the angle of the corridors will ensure that the bullets hit something!

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Very well put. My thinking has been that as a few of them abandon ship (Ardern, Sturgeon and rumours the past 48 hours that Trudeau might be about to step down), others will panic and head for non-extradition countries. We will see. Nature abhors a vacuum and if this turns out to be a mass exodus I hope Dr. Malone and colleagues are ready to step up! The swamp is wide and we don't want more of what we have right now.

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Read this morning that Trudeau and wife are divorcing.

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Yes that is old news. Here in Canada we have known of their not living together for at least few years, yesterday it became so-called official. Not surprised, if you followed his father Pierre, the whore, mother as well sleeping around, then Castro sr his biological father was well known for his lust for many women. Justine is a bit different, as he likes the under age girls and there were (are) many, but hushed up for years, girls paid off. I have another opinion along with many others, he likes the boys as well. Trudope/Castro has been fu c k ed up since childhood. Sophie dated was in love with his now deceased brother Michel, that is how Justine knew her and I believe they had an arrangement for the sake of his political ambition. Now I think she has had it with that creep, decided to make it public. I wonder if the kids especially the 15 year old is getting bullied by his peers all due to his evil father. That man/it is despised hated all around our country as well as many others. Cheers. Please Lord may we hear he has stepped down. Similar to Bill and Melinda Gates??

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That is such an important point you are making. I was thinking about the very same thing just today. They are running everything. Do we have the people who are ready, willing and able to step up? I’m sure the answer is yes and no. It’s a very complex issue and problem. It’s the very top that is the key, the oligarchs that are controlling the money flows. Until they are toppled the rest will be very difficult and results hard to predict. It is so very opaque.

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I watched an interview a while ago of the person who thought up "The Baltic Chain of Freedom". During the revolution, he said the most dangerous time was actually after they'd toppled the existing government because if they hadn't been ready and had a plan they could have ended up with worse. Someone always rushes to fill a void in the power structure. Hopefully bright minds have thought about this and some discussions have taken place as it's a similar situation. And it has to be a big team. As we've seen, the swamp can take down a President- no problem.

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Megabanks in Australia are abruptly clamping down on cash, catching many residents off guard, furthering the push to allow Australia to become a cashless society. The total value of cash payments made in Australia comprised a miniscule 6% of all point-of-sale transactions in 2022.


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Your chronological analogy is a direct hit:

A) Germany:

--- Invincible 1940-June 21, 1941;

--- Disintegrating: Stalingrad/Eastern Front collapse 1943-44.

B) Fauci et al:

--- Invincible 2020-21;

--- Disintegrating 2022-23.

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Let's hope he ends the same way...

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He will.

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I couldn't believe that every real scientist did not rise up in rebellion against Fauci's declaration, "I AM the science." The arrogance! The gall of the man! NO ONE PERSON is The Science. I was personally infuriated from that moment on (but also before that, if I'm honest).

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi all! Here’s the link to the source article behind the paywall: https://archive.ph/7SJ2i

You can thank me by subscribing to my substack 😊

Dr. Malone, I agree with your initial response as well. My first thought was, wait, why is Australia writing about this?

Question for everyone else, has anyone heard from Dr. Brix? She was a huge player in the early days.

With all this unraveling of the past couple of years (I imagine since we have an election coming up) I’m going to be reposting some of my articles from Medium – what eventually got me kicked off from there – here on Substack! Here’s one I wrote about the pandemic and how the characters were strangely familiar to the movie V for Vendetta… which also started because of a virus:


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in 2021 Brix joined the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas to help "prepare for future pandemics" ... whatever the hell that means.

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That sounds about right given the USG foundational structure for managing pandemics started under his admin. Scarf lady can teach courses on how one bluffs the public into compliance over and over again for months on end. Just remembering how she and Mr Science would toss the ball back and forth during all those press conferences. Sometimes Trump would stay, looking solemn as he watched their gamesmanship over the public. I always wondered what he was thinking as he watched them.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many parents used to say, 'I loved you the minute you were in my belly,' or 'the minute I knew you were on the way.' Yes, I know! What the heck does that have to do with this article. In fact in has! I was grabbed by the headline, because Fauci is in the bucket. Yay! He is on the way. Why do I blame him? He is only the start. Mark Webber (spelling?) It could be Mark Weber? as well as many more fell into the web of deceit, which cost many of our lives or future lives. Think Maddie de Garay. She is a real little girl that (so painfully acknowledged) will never marry, have her own children, grow old and become a grandmother (like me). That makes me heartsick! I hope to see you, Sharri Markson, testify with Dr. Robert Malone in Congress. That was a wonderful article. Sometime's I think, 'Why aren't Congress asking these questions?' My most disturbing experience in life was seeing 3rd generation congential Syphilis caused from 'wellness shots.' I can say that now. Can you imagine it, three generations of illness? My backbone is stronger.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reading this post, another of a long list of good ones from you and others to help us out here in the sticks fathom what has happened to us over the past 3 years, and to anticipate what else is coming, your reference to the Nazi figure in "Laugh-In" from the "Olden Days" (as my youngest daughter refers them to), is certainly appropriate, but needs some additional ingredients. I've not worked at your level with highly placed bureaucrats at the federal level, but I have at state and local level. My guess is that when you evaluate all these people involved in this catastrophe, they would fall into a grouping that would be part Inspector Clouseau from the Panther series, Captain Renault from "Casablanca", and Hannibal Lecter from "Silence of the Lambs". Some are truly stupid/incompetent, others deeply cynical and corrupt, and some simply sociopaths/psychopaths. Or, they are some mixture of the three. Because of the depth of the corruption and participation of thousands of our elites, all of whom are going to be working assiduously to cover their own tails, and the fact that this was a giant coup de etat to destroy Trump and his following, I am skeptical that there will be much justice meted out to these assorted criminals and miscreants. The institutions and the individuals who run them that are charged with prosecuting crimes and should be going after them hammer and tong are the same ones who participated in this mass murder and destruction in the first place. They are stiff-necked people and few, if any, are going to admit any error, let alone wrong doing. What is to be done? We have to never, ever give up, like Churchill said, and never forget, like Mark Oshinkie, and others, have pointed out. We have right on our side: they are based in mendacity and crimes.

Danny Huckabee

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Agree. Suspect they realize that with all the info coming out history not likely to treat them nice. So a lot of what is going on now merely attempts at face saving

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I am just as skeptical they will receive the punishment due as I was with the USG reaction to Covid and its super duper cure all vaccine.

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We are to stand with the Full Armor and the Word (sword) ready. We WIN in the end. Your note was perfect. Never back down, never give up, we win. Deep state Demons are destined for a big loss.

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Do not quite understand the reason for this mea culpa. It is as obvious as can be that hell will freeze over long before any of these miscreants spend a day in jail. And fauci will continue to collect his blood money, i.e. 6 figure retirement plus stock dividends. Bet he is really worried.....not!

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Fauci has a new job and is in good standing with the \

F and CCP. I presume his wife is still working. Not to mention I'm seeing psyops heating up. Covid cases are increasing. New and improved Vaccines are in the process of being approved to be available in Sept. Keep your masks handy. They are carrying on as if nothing has happened. Next will likely be a question of need for vaxxes for school participation. Hope enough of the peoples have absorbed the cautions and data, so they and their children wont be swallowing the bait again!

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Fauci's replacement was pushing masks and social distancing and had this to say about a video in which a group of doctors suggested hydroxychloroquine was a “cure” for COVID-19 and that masks were unnecessary. “What I think about that video, to be perfectly honest, as someone who does not usually say very judgmental things, is I think it is very irresponsible and despicable.” “Getting up there and distributing information with the badge of their white coats and their degrees behind them, to me, it’s one of the few things that really, really upsets me,” she said. She continued by saying that the doctors’ violated their oath, which is to “do no harm.” “I am hugely disappointed in those people and I am glad that video is hopefully not being shared very much.”

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As Dr Malone noted she's another Fauci. Within HHS she clearly encouraged to continue the Government line. As she does, the strategy our good Doctors follow - here are our truths, here is our data, studies and papers.. Here is what we see with our microscopes. Lets look at your data, facts and studies. Lets discuss.

Of course the next step is whether they can get away with their silencing all messages that aren't their party line. We have a rough ride ahead. How to keep our populations safe and get them to a safe election.

The messaging from the Gov will be deadly or at a minimum dangerous. Thanks for the heads up!

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Australia news is now reporting that doctors are saying the uptick in sudden cardiac arrests is caused by the seasonal flu and people, especially older, should get their flu vaccines. 1.5 minute video here: https://winepressnews.com/2023/07/31/australian-media-blames-rise-in-sudden-cardiac-arrest-with-the-seasonal-flu-encouraging-vaccination/

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Thats very interesting. New twist. Wonder if they plan to use a flu/covid combo shot? The drums across the World are increasing their tempo. I can't tell you how many "nudges" I'm seeing and I don't do many progressive sources. Time to consider the need for gentle messaging re sources to consider.

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I am especially found of the term "prison". It somehow implies the inmates aren't just drunks or jaywalkers.

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You have discounted the impact of his conscience. We all have one. Even that little rat has one.

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Sociopaths manage to keep tight reins on their conscience. And he may qualify as a psychopath given the number of graves his incompetence and hubris have filled

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I vote for psychopath. I think that the criteria have been met.

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I always thought it revealing that the US would share infectious disease research (bioweaponry) with the CCP. Not just the data but the $$$$ too. They definition don’t treat China like a threat, or even rival, where you make sure you keep your strategic awvantages FAR AWAY from them. Now these so-called “scientists” spin a wild fabrication to avoid - ostensibly- hurting their relationship with China. Really!!!

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I’ll ask the aliens to look into it

Just kidding!

Thanks again Doc! I am working on the RFK Jr campaign, a ‘medical freedom party’ NYC city council campaign and distributing photocopies of the intro to “The Real Anthony Fauci”.

Opening my big mouth at every opportunity as well.

Stay strong Doc. Good to hear from you as always.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Between "breathless title" and verry interesting I started reading this with some humor to offset the humor. What a web we weave, indeed. This satisfies my need for a little gossip, thanks!

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THANK YOU! Citation link added.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those two are scorpions in a jar 👍😎

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That's almost 3 1/2 years old! Pay dirt for sure.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Whitney Webb seeing through the fog of war back in May 2020, very impressive.

RFK wrote about the very well connected el-Hibri in his Fauci book.

el-Hibri died in April 2022 from pancreatic cancer.

His stock EBS has been steadily falling ever since.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Having read through all the comments, Dr M's Obama reveal on GETTR and listened to Del Bigtree's interview - I have to conclude what transpires will depend on whether the Democrats (OBiden or O whomever) win the Presidency. If it is lost we will be moved on all the more rapidly toward the 2030 Great Reset. The richest Globalists will command their legion to move on. Where necessary - more pandemics, more dangerous vaccinations, wars will be employed as needed. If a strong conservative is elected, we need to do all we can to see they are headed in the needed directions with committed and capable support. We need to keep in mind whether we are looking at 4 or 8 years. If only 4, that there is an attractively capable candidate being developed in the wings. Someone who will get elected and effectively carry on. Any additional suggestions are super welcome!

What to do? Listen to our wise men (and wise women) and voraciously read all they offer us. Learn about those people we would vote for. Good looks and articulate drivel can't cut it. Force them to spell out their positions. Let them know we're watching and we care! Work for an honest election.

Use every means we have to inform others. Copy insightful essays to receptive persons who could benefit from additional insights. Gift enlightening books. Be diplomatic and confident.

We're together in this. I'll do my best.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Never let them silence the conversation. Maybe nothing will happen in my lifetime, but hopefully at least the criminals will be held to account, heads will roll, agencies will be eviscerated, and medical freedom and general liberty will once again be restored.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can't put in print what I would do if I could.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have Friends whose minds function at the speed of Light, My Lovely Bride included. I would like to think/hope that I’m close to the speed of sound. Very Best!!! 😁🔥🏴‍☠️, Ed

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