A rogues gallery if ever there was one.

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If one does a consumer supply planogram of just those ‘party planners’, and presume just a 1-degree influence adjacent to them, one will understand why the corporate world has been acting in unison on matters that the majority of the global population would consider against their interests, whether that be wokeism, supply-chain choking, social surveillance, cost of living J-curve, and the privatization of nearly everything from former public utilities to widely held public companies.

The privatization of both capitalism and governance into the hands of a few has been facilitated over the past 40 years by a the actions of central banks to print interest 'free' money for this cabal to buy the assets of the world, while using tax-haven jurisdictions including in the USA and UK satellites to elude taxation, thus creating the vortex of vacuuming money toward them, and leaving in its wake citizenry wondering where the standard of living which their ancestors left for them to build upon suddenly went, and while politicians have transitioned from citizen defenders to paid enablers for citizen abuse.

This New Babel needs to be destroyed one disobedience at a time, if the citizens have the insight, nerve and guts to do it.

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Well said.

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Oh Goody - The boys from Delta House are back together. I’d rather be led by Bluto (Belushi).

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My thoughts exactly - our friends...not!

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Yo-yo Ma? Which of these is not like the other?

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can’t wait to attend. Can I fly coach or do I need to charter a private jet?

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately, I have to wash my hair that weekend, so I'll be too busy to attend.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Right. I wonder if Chrystia Freeland will be riding her coveted bicycle to Davos to set example to us serfs back home.

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022Author

Actually, her security will be loading the bike into the Canadian government's private jet, where it and her will be whisked to an executive airport in Switzerland. Then she will helicopter into Davos - cause that is what they do. Her bike will require a separate copter. From there, her security detail will transport said bike via van to the hotel. That way, she can save the environment -by reducing fuel costs...by riding said bike to and from the conference center, about 50 yards from the conference center hotel.

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Wherein those final 50 yards will be the only photography allowed.

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Hopefully they adjusted. or got new bike seats for her, her ass will not fit on the regular bike. More waste.

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Boy, do you ever have the scoop, Dr. Malone! 👏

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Yikes! Don’t give our own velocipedo Buttigieg any ideas!

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

As Tom Luongo says in this interview,


when Trump appointed Jerome Powell as Fed chairman, Powell switched out LIBOR for SOFR 5 years ago to be free from LIBOR which is connected to the European and England banks which is all traced back to old England.

We actually declared our independence from England not in 1776, but when we switched to SOFR which is the breaking of ties with European Banks.

Jerome Powell as well as JP Morgan is not on board with DAVOS (WEF).

Powell is not raising interest rates because of inflation. He is raising interest rates to CRUSH WEF because they don't want that bullshit growing

Jaime Dimon is NOT down with giving his power and control of JP Morgan to Klaus Schwab and those scumbags and neither is Jerome Powell

Banks in Canada don't like Justin Trudeau and JP Morgan Chase and other big banks in USA want Biden out since Biden is with DAVOS

This is why WEF with China released the Covid virus to force USA to print money and keep interest rates low. Because when we raise interest rates since we are mapped to SOFR now, we feel the pain but we don't sink, but European banks mapped to LIBOR will sink. We essentially bail out WEF when we lower interest rates and print money

When LIBOR which is what Europe is on i.e. the WEF and and WHO, they sink when Powell raises interest rates.

There is no way WEF wins there is too much strength and pressure that will eventually pull them apart and that old way will die.

There plans were originally 2050 but when Trump got elected and made the switch from LIBOR to SOFR they moved it forward to 2030 and released Covid

Ukraine war is another thing they are trying to get into. They want war so USA will be forced again to lower interest rates and print money which will bail out WEF

If USA keeps raising interest rates and DOES NOT go to war with side by side Ukraine against Russia causing WW3, then WEF will collapse because they won't be bailed out, their evil will fall and good will prevail

This also means everything associated with it: George Soros manipulation of elections, CCP, everything will die and good will take its place.

This is why we can't go to war and we must continue FED monetary tightening. This will crush DAVOS (WEF) and will destroy their agenda

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Whatever JP Morgan's view of the WEF might be, they seem to be on board with CBDCs, which we're led to believe is one of the WEF's lynchpins towards their Great Reset goals.


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lt is a bit more complex than that Spencer but the idea is solid. I hope it works for all our sakes.

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WOW, so interesting...

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All these people have a very inflated opinion of themselves. Who are they to direct anyone on Planet Earth related to our existence and welfare?

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What's curious and is given little to no exposure is the process by which they are appointed to their lofty positions. How DOES it work?

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Schwab created the WEF in the 70s, to get all the world elites singing from the same hymnal, with Schwab conducting. Corporations pay millions to belong, and that pays for the costs of hosting and training programs. The CEOs think they are just networking. Schwab strokes their egos while cementing control of his Young Global Leaders and bureaucrats into his commie-technocrat cabal. I think they viewed Hunger Games and 1984 not as fiction, but as instructions. Corporate executives are selected by their boards, the politicians are invited based on activities or proclivities. Schwab trained them up young, and now the first ones are prominent; like Gates and Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, Ardern and the rest.

Have you read anything about the ability of psychopaths to instantly recognize this trait in each other, across crowded rooms, having never previously met? I think such non-verbal recognition must be spiritual, however one views that word.

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They look like Leftists for the most part.

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Freeland, that quaking nervous-as-fk daughter of a bitch(and nazi bastard) running Canada into the ground. Hundreds want their money back!

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I am increasingly coming to the conclusion our hope in the USA is to hammer out a states right message. Two yrs ago 100 Texans died because 1/3 of our electric grid was made up of what proved to be unreliable renewables. We just had another polar visitation and ERCOT is patting themselves on the back because they ASKED ALLOWANCE from EPA to exceed pollution standards, i.e., use more coal and natural gas to prevent another weather killing spree. How many agree with me that there is something wrong when a state agency has to go, hat in hand, to the federal gov to ask permission to perform their task in a way to save lives put at risk by those federal dictates?

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Hear, hear. Hear, hear.

Surplus energy is the basis of civilization, electricity the basis of modern civilization.

As Canada and the EU hammer towards even more taxes and duties on energy consumption, the US needs to be even more vigilant.

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there is complete correlation between oil consumption and GDP.

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I hope they all get their bivalent boosters before this superspreader event.

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Great info Dr. Malone...Thank you...gotta keep an eye on these CREEPS!!

Have a Happy New Year & keep up the good work!!

Aloha from Hawi, HI....where one gets the Best ads for the vaccination of the century from our DOH??

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We need to call out attendees by name. They must be relentlessly exposed and criticized, publicly, until they recant.

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The tactics aren't the problem, it's the motives. Allies and axis in WW II used pretty much the same tactics, but for different reasons. We've already explored tactics that don't work. Time for changes.

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The pubic are not a 'totalitarian organization', let the light of truth make the rats scurry.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Malone, off topic, but early this morning I was reading Epoch times regarding the newest Twitter files and censoring and your name came up. A wonderful commenter mentioned you and provided many links including the one from yesterday. You have many that love and respect you. Of course I had to chime in and concur what a wonderful and informative person you and Dr. Jill were. Much love. God Bless you and your family. Now I shall read here, I just had to say that.

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Yo yo ma?? didn't David Martin have something to say about his involvement in all this?

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I thought the same. Yo-Yo Ma? What’s he doing on that list????

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Yo Yo Ma is a member of the NY Chapter of Committee of 100, a 100% CCP outfit

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Oh crap, I just saw a repeat interview with Yo Yo Ma from Firing Line. He was a 'good guy' sounding guy!

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Firing Line. I use to watch Buckley in the 60s when I was a teenager. He made me the only conservative in a large family of Dems. I thought he was so impressive.

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Yo-Yo Ma is a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum.


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I noticed that too, so stopped following him on Spotify.

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Yes. He named him as one of the "perps" in the whole gig.

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Is it just me or do the faces of these individuals look like they were torn out of a page in a history book during a time of evil and tyranny?

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A bit reptilian, if you ask me.

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Spot-on, Evie ! ... what the last 36 months will be known as

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Thanks Dr. Malone! The more we keep an eye on and expose them to maximum sunlight, these people and their agendas can be scrutinized by the larger population. It would be really great if we could totally infiltrate. Maybe Elon Musk? 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am no expert on the WEF, but I've done a fair amount of research on topics related to the WEF. I've learned that they recruit their Young Global Leaders from the student bodies on university campuses. I've learned that many of the people recruited are starry-eyed young people who have kumbaya feelings about the WEF. What I mean is that they get warm, fuzzy feelings when they consume the buzzwords often used by the WEF (e.g., "sustainable," "equitable," "inclusive," and so forth), and they don't understand the evil behind all of it.

So, let's say such a young person gets involved with the WEF. A few years go by. The person is now an adult with children, a mortgage, student-loan debt, other debt. And/or let's say the person's career has been supported and boosted by the WEF, so the person's family has grown accustomed to a lavish lifestyle and elevated social standing. If by now the person has come to understand what the WEF is really all about, and if he or she has some semblance of a moral compass, he or she is trapped. This is especially true if the person has major skeletons in the closet - e.g., an affair, a criminal history - because the WEF can now essentially blackmail the person. So what I'm saying is that perhaps some or many of the WEFers inhabit a world they loath but can't leave.

Musk, though, with all his wealth, can probably afford to thumb his nose at the WEF. I think that might be what is going on here.

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You left out the part about Epstein and Maxwell.

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Or Musk simply used them as one rung up the ladder

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Great insight, and all true about the recruiting and indoctrination.

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