My life is doubling back on itself. I spent years as an environmental advocate fighting to expose hormone-disrupting pollution. We lost. And the very same Big Money forces continue to disempower us all today. I wrote about why we lost and why we continue to lose in a book about all this when I left the non-profit industrial complex, which is part of the problem. Now I find myself fighting the Gender madness, and other madnesses. At first it felt like a diversion from the mega-issues of the day which I couldn't ignore because the harm was too great to ignore. Now I realize, it's not a diversion. It is exactly the right place to be. People who refuse to censor and be censored; who recognize a Cult when you see one; who take principled positions.....who stand up to Big Money in all its forms....we need to talk! Regardless of whatever political labels we've used for ourselves and other differences. We need to talk about the big picture, connecting the dots between insanity on so many fronts. (caroldansereau.substack.com)

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Please see this 2021 publication showing several biological methods that successfully remediate atrazine in soil:


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Congrats on your dedication and hard work!

One small point--when we think about something we add our energy to it. So instead of fighting *against* you believe is wrong, you might be more effective if you work *for* what you believe is right.

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Cindy, that is such an important point! Totally accurate and few understand the potency of these words and energy, imho. Thank you for bringing this up!

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Can't say I agree with you. Of course we fight FOR wonderful things and often say so. And should say so. But one must name what is being done, explicitly describe it, or people don't understand what is happening. One of my experiences in the nonprofit world was forces within our movement fostering endless discussions about replacing negative (i.e. clear) messages regarding issues with positive (i.e vague) messages...organizations were renamed, we produced smiley/justice-drenched brochures, etc. Some pieces of those processes were useful; and I do agree that stating what we fight for is important, but most of it was a diversion which helped to neuter our organizations.

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I agree with you that fuzzy, vague messages are useless. And I also agree that we need to accurately describe what is being done. But then we need to start focusing our attention on how to fix things. People get worn out with all the bad news, especially when it's presented in a way that makes them feel hopeless. Individually, water filters work. But that's not enough--we also need to find a way to deal with the polluters that will stop them. So let's focus on alternatives to the poisons that people can actually use, because right now getting any laws passed or getting the EPA to pay attention just isn't possible, or it would have already happened.

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Silly me was just worried about glyphosate!

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And Kennedy would annihilate Dr. Hotez in a debate. So there's a reason he's so scared of debates.


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And my follow-up piece, which asks, "Where have all the adults in the room gone?"


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I've often thought that endocrine disrupting chemicals could be behind the epidemic of gender dysphoria.

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Civilization is so screwed.

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And a multitude of "vaccines" for babies and kids can't help with the explosion of ADHD and ADD and these seem to be a constant factor for 'trans' kids. Just wondering out loud...

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Not to completely rule that out, but in the case of atrazine, it doesn't seem to fit. The epidemic of gender dysphoria is mostly happening in natal girls, not natal boys.

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This is a little off-topic, but I hope you’ll read it, and help me.

I was permanently suspended from Twitter today for “Violent Speech” for a non-violent reply to you on one of your posts about corruption/biden (I believe).

My words were:

“@RWMaloneMD The puppet has the masters on his side, you know, the ones that put him there and make his mouth move and tossed the stack of EO's on the day-1 desk. I don't think RFK gets in. They'll screw him somehow. Those "masters" need to be tried for treason and, if convicted, hung. IMO”

I have submitted an appeal, saying “there is no violence in my response. Anger, certainly, but no violence. I did not incite, threaten, glorify, or express a desire for harm or violence. I said ’if tried and convicted [of treason] they should be hung, which is the penalty for treason. I don’t desire it, it’s awful, but the crime is also awful.”

Whether my appeal will be accepted remains to be seen. But the HUGE problem is that for users with a small following, there is almost ZERO recourse. Elon won’t see it and say “it was a mistake.” There is no way for the little guy (and I am verified, BTW) to contact anyone to let their plight be known. What is worse is that, as of right now, I can show at least 20 other accounts that have promoted actual violence and have been on the site for a long time. Those accounts are exclusively on the left. The same thing seems to still be happening on Twitter. Conservative accounts are taken out, leftist accounts are not.

My hope is that you might post tagging Elon to request his review, and also that (should you agree) a system be started on Twitter for any suspended/banned account be seen by Elon or by a group of the offenders peers before silencing someone. I don’t know for sure that this is the answer, but there must be some way for the little guy to have more recourse than just submitting an appeal.

I’d greatly appreciate your consideration, though I certainly don’t expect it. I know your plate is quite full, and it’s a lot for me to ask.

As always, I wish you and your wife all the best, and I thank you for all you’ve done.



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I will try - but just so you know. I have a cyber stalking, who I have complained about weekly for months. Twitter won't even give me the courtesy of a response. I am thinking that I will be taking my 400 pages of documentation and snail mail it to Twitter headquarters in San Fran. I literally can get no help in this.

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Thank you so much Dr. Malone. I didn't even expect a response. That you've responded...well, I'm a "sentimental" kinda guy, and it makes me misty-eyed.

Thank you!

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Dr. Malone and Dr. Jill are the best. I believe he will do what he can. God Bless Drs. Malone!!

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Why are you on Twitter in he first place?

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Well, that's a great, honest question. I signed up (again, after being suspended/deleted for commenting in the early days of "covid") when Elon took over thinking things would be different. Reason being, that I could try to "talk" with people and share information that was (to me) clearly going to come to destroy them eventually.

Too many can't/won't think critically. One by one, I hoped to change that.

Yeah, you can call me Quixote, I deserve it. I've had quite a bit of success in person. Not a lot online. I just know that I care for all my fellow humans, and I'm trying to do anything I can.

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Yep I tried that. Hopeless so I stopped. Can't get through to the normies who think government is their friend

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Well, the response to my appeal from twitter just now:


Your account was suspended due to violations of our Terms of Service. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored.



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I think people's trust or hope in EM is misplaced.

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I hope you're wrong. I am giving the benefit of the doubt, and thinking that he just doesn't know what is happening.

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I don’t think you get this far in the corporate world, with USG contracts w/o kissing some rings. He might be slightly disillusioned with it, but he’s not totally opposed to the prevailing ideologies.

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Attack the DS and that's what we get. How sad it's come to this.

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It is all A.I. now......no humans involved. Time for a brand new, creative use of language to get around the filters! Humanity creates.....that which is artificial, anti-life can not, nor will it ever. It can only mimic and copy.

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I talked a friend of mine. He and another friend used to be hackers brilliantly defending (white hats)…They do not do that anymore; but, I did ask. Very Best to You and Dr. Jill, Ed

My Best Friend said He would ask around. Beyond intelligent in the computer world. I will try to help.

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I didn’t last long on Twitter. You on the other hand need to be on it.

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I've been banned forever. Never said a mean thing. I did ask,in context of conversation, if anyone in that particular thread wondered why our male prison population is majority one race that happens to be 6% of the population. Banned forever. So you can't be honest, most anywhere. And even if you point out a fact,if it may point to a truth the progs don't want to acknowledge, it matters not. You are canceled!

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They probably thought pointing out the obvious and asking why was 'hate speech'. Clowns the lot of them

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I got back on Twitter after a 2 1/2 permanent suspension...I was tweeting for class action attorneys to contact me regarding section 230 violations with 4 separate types of Shadowbans...I had work it to 30,000? followers...I tweeted about hunter’s laptop for months and COVID fallacies until they said calling Brett Baier a “media whore” caused my suspension...

Don’t use it much and somehow I returned with 14,000 followers, but I figure many of them are the Feds...

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I was a member of Twitter for the express purpose of reading and sometimes reacting to one individual. In view of twitter practices I terminated my account. I appreciate Dr Malone;s goals like yours are to enlighten. I'm wishing Dr Malone much success with the reach he has been able to garner. I don't know the extent of the people you've been reaching. I think the woman that Musk (has been forced ? to put in charge is a death knell to open exchanges. There are other online services. I personally use GETTR. Truth and Gab are pretty decent. I find I have gotten followers (I don't generally follow, as I don't have time). I assume that implies they are responsive to my posts. You might even be more effective in a less judgemental social environment. As for others, save valuable materials in case you want to access them when you move. Best luck for a happier landing.

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

All of social media is tool for propaganda. It is best to assume that all platforms are monitored and used as a tool at both ends of the playing field. Including this one. I am not suggesting anything about the author.

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I'm banned from truth social. Too much truth for them. And I'm in farcebook jail again because I called a silly c$&t exactly that. He deserved it, you would agree. Sometimes when I get home after a gig, and a few beers, I spout.

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That’s a stupid word & it’s especially disrespectful to women. Sorry you got banned, but you could improve your language skills?

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It's a horrible word. Why it's used very sparingly. Once a year, tops. But if it's deserved, it flies.

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Another possibility is to modify ones strategy. Takes more time and introspection, but carefully organized can bring the opposition to a dead halt.

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The saddest part of this censorship relates to somebodies' judgement rather than facts determined by law. We once could say most anything if not banned by law. Somehow that has changed in arbitrary ways. Should an adversary decide on influence, what better way to ensure there is never any opposition? We have tolerated the censorship from a sense of trying to please some group who have made it quite apparent they have no tolerance. Yet we still somehow refuse to address that intolerance. Are those who censor us affected by the power trip suggested by the Milgam Experiment (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuMt8b4UrcI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOYLCy5PVgM)? Why do they think they can be arbiters of truth? Malone's 5 GW PsyOp at work?

If a poster does post something unlawful, then refer the item to the authorities. The current scheme seems to create law, enforce that law and render judgement. Not exactly the American way of old but perhaps there is a concerted effort to eliminate such arcane notions to end our great experiment. Scares me a lot.

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Also, isn't low testosterone another big issue here? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't anyone with a "food pyramid" diet and sedentary lifestyle almost guaranteed to be low-T?

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Lack of natural selection could be playing a big part in low testosterone levels in modern times. A few generations ago, 1 in 4 people died before breeding age, selecting for higher testosterone. Lower testosterone levels make you more vulnerable to hormone disrupters.

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So if the fact checkers don't want Jordan Peterson to be heard, maybe they need to deal with this:

It should have been obvious what the flying of the LGBTQ+ (Q+) flag at the White House meant. Since the Q+ movement is, at it's core, an effort to replace the moral code of Judeo-Christian origin with something else, the Q+ movement  is in fact a religion, and the endorsement of same is a plain violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment on its face.  Ditto the K-12 Q+ indoctrination taking place in schools in every state, a clear violation of the incorporation doctrine which applies the Bill of Rights to the states. Cease and desist!

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Funny how each side has a Q

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I never knew much about the Q on our side; what's with the dude dressed up like a witch doctor? Their Q allegedly stands for "questioning". But if truth in advertising had been employed, they would have used something instead like GP, "grooming prospect". But the G had already been taken, so "groomable" wasn't available and would have shed too much light on what was really going on. "Questioning," my foot. Even C for "candidate" would have been more forthcoming, but not opaque enough for their ultimate designs.

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Couple that with Bis Phenyl A and you begin to understand how our chemical society is destroying our humanity!

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Hi Dr. Malone, thanks for this… and the caution on how much to believe. Neither ‘organic’ nor ‘certified organic’ means what it used to. The FDA keeps shifting the regulations. The difference between the store bought ‘organic’ eggs, my friend who uses store bought feed for her hens and the eggs I actually purchase from a ‘granola’ friend of my daughter in law is so dramatic!

I think the other issue is ‘seed oils’… they are used in seemingly everything. Trying to avoid them like the plague...

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is concerning when driving by a school that's letting out how many boys show some signs of developing breasts. The heavier they are the more development. Just an observation.

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Hence, the neologism, "soy boys."

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are we to assume that the crass and debased insults to Christian beliefs by the 'sisters of perpetual indulgence' honored at the Dodgers game, the disgusting pornographic photos, also horribly insulting to Christian theology, on public display at the EU Parliament Building in Brussels, the grotesque drag queens being invited to show up in children's classrooms to encourage them to express their true selves (whatever these drag queens define as truly oneself buried underneath their gobs of makeup, fake eyelashes, wigs, outlandish attire and theatrical behavior) and the creepy trans Mulvaney being a spokesperson for Bud Lite is all due to Atrazine? Mulvaney is young, the rest are older and many have behaved like this for years. All you had to do was attend the S.F. Gay Parade which my friends, gay friends included, avoided decades ago. .Only now it's spread into mainstream society and institutions and not even children are preserved from these disgusting spectacles. Or any online porn for that matter. I have to ask, is this Atrazine claim an excuse for all this vulgar sexual indiscretion? To say nothing of allowing the mutilation of children's bodies at pediatric transgender clinics and giving pre pubescent children hormones without their parents consent. Is all of this activity due to Atrazine used in weed killer? As many a 4,000 boys were castrated per year in Italy dating back to the 1600s in hopes of their singing voices remaining high. Most of these gruesome procedures failed. This practice was outlawed in 1922. Therefore, it's not like humanity hasn't engaged in similar sexual madness before, particularly against children, and without Atrazine in the food and water supply.

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I think indoctrination and mental illness is more likely.

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Don't look for just "one" thing. Usually there is a symphony of causes.

Like Murder On the Orient Express.

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As in most matters, it rarely boils down to only one cause. Life/people/chemistry/nature et.al. are complex and multifaceted, to say the least...

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Atrazine is widely applied to corn. Plus Atrazine's impacts have been known for a very long time (since 2000 or thereabouts), and the scientist, UC Berkeley’s Tyrone B. Hayes (professor of integrative biology), who first made this discovery was harassed and discredited by the pesticide industry as well as vilified. This 2014 New Yorker article tells Prof Hayes story: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/02/10/a-valuable-reputation

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Much like what we do not know about the mRNA / spike protein toxicity, unknown harmful effects of chemicals discovered after widespread use is prolific. Such known damage is too voluminous to cite, but an example is the weed killer DDT and it's inadvertent killing of bird life; particularly birds of prey. These adverse events are more common that uncommon. I consider our entire patent industry process to be a major cause, if not the cause. We do not allow patents of natural substances, so what materials would you work with, if you desire an extremely profitable patent ?

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I could be wrong again on this one, but wasn't DDT unlinked from these things? I've read quite a bit on this...but who knows if what I read in the past was even legitimate. I read those things many years ago...in those days in which I trusted much more in scientific papers.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure the ddt thin shell correlation was debunked.

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DDT was NOT a "weed killer" - DDT was a MOSQUITO killer par excellence ist used to kill mosquitos that were killing thousands of workers constructing the Panama Canal - and the further use of which al but ENDED death from MALARIA globally ( ONLY transmitted by the FEMALE mosquito ). DDT was also used in Europe during WWII to kill body LICE and TYPHUS. DDT was NOT harmful to humans, DDT SAVED HUMAN LIVES!

DDT itself was 'killed' because of a book by Rachel Carson, called "Silent Spring", where she claimed DDT was causing birds egg shell WALL THICKNESS to diminish - especially on Bald Eagles - according to a study done in ENGLAND. Just so happened that then president Richard Nixon ( a Council on Foreign Relations member), had just hatched the deadly ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency; and the man Nixon appointed to be the 1st Director of the EPA - William Ruckelshaus ( who also just happened to be a CFR member). Ruckelshaus

had just read Rachel Carson's book - and BASED ON THAT, made his VERY FIRST edict as EPA CZAR to OUTLAW the use of DDT in America; which was parroted by globally, with the result of the RESURGENCE of malaria which is particularly devastating to sub Saharan African nations and continues to this day.

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Malaria is a serious problem but DDT is not the right answer. Rachel Carson, like RFK saw the canary in the coal mines. Birds of prey are at the top of the food chain., like us. They accumulated enough ddt to crash viable eggs. Eagles all but disappeared. I lived thru that in Miami. Foggers sprayed that deadly mist all over us every night. Stopping it saw eagles and lots of other wildlife bounce back. We have to be more careful about what “technology” we use or be turned into trans frogs before we know what happened to us.

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DDT will never be used again....but, have you researched how many eagles and (other) bird species getting whacked (literally) torn apart by thousands and thousands of wind turbine blades - WORLD WIDE? Or how WHALES are running into literal forests of submerged wind turbine pylons and killed DAILY? Or how hundreds of square MILES of SOLAR FARMS are DESTROYING previous GROUND habitat for so MANY animal species? Or how birds that only fly on their instinctive headings become INSTANTLY INCINERATED flying across ANY typical solar array? One can FEEL the radiated HEAT just by driving by the periphery of one of those truly UGLY installations - totally DEVOID of ANY visual appeal or attraction.

NONE of these technologies is/are the "right answer".

So called "green" technology is doing WAY more harm to wildlife ON A DAILY BASIS - and in NO-WAY does ANYTHING to help save or protect MANY animal species on planet earth. What planet earth needs to be SAVED from is radical environmentalism run amok.

This is a carbon based planet and we are carbon based animals...who like ALL carbon based animals and mammals, breathe in air and exhale CO-2 aka Carbon Dioxide with EVERY breath we take from BIRTH to death. Without CO-2, there would be NO oxygen generation and no Homo-sapiens species to screw things up.

Insanity rules!

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Bingo! Right on!

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How right you are! The bird population and the bees have been devastated ...thanks to pesticides. There are better ways to farm, but our government is into making sure money-making industries survive. My father told me as a child that a chain was only as strong as its weakest link...when the other species are all gone...the human species will be gone, too. Mankind needs to work on uncovering better solutions than those being used now.

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Thank you for writing this article! I’d read before that soy is an estrogen enhancer, and that over 95% of corn, soy, wheat and cotton in the U.S. is sprayed with Roundup/glyphosate, but didn’t know about the harms of atrazine. I will look into writing a white paper, and educating our local city council.

Our 1/3 acre lot has been chemical-free since the mid ‘80s, and it’s amazing how much more wildlife has come to visit since we stopped spraying our lawn. It seems like a tiny little oasis for them near the downtown of a small city that insists on spraying roundup on the weeds near our bike paths, and I love how the wildlife flock here. They are each intriguing to watch. I don’t care about what name we’ve given to each type of bird. I just like to watch each bird, and they seem to understand that I’m a friendly presence interested in what they are up to.

By the way, I love the mom and 3 teenage foxes that have a den in the small woods across the street. I know they’re predators, and I’m even afraid to be outside when they are in the yard, but one early morning they were frolicking in my front yard, and it looked like they were having the time of their lives, super playfully rolling around on the hillside. After a few minutes, they all suddenly stopped their play (there must have been some type of communication that it was time to go that I didn’t detect), and they all started walking up the sidewalk together, very much like a human family would walk together. It’s also interesting to watch each bunny, squirrel, butterfly, and other wildlife as they move about, or just sit and enjoy the day. I learn a lot from how they each live in the moment. I hope that the foxes will stay safe, and I’m grateful that my neighbors also feel very protective of them.

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You have foxes? Wonderful. We have coyotes very close to a large city, thanks to the naturalized areas along the river that runs through the city. People have learned to keep their cats indoors!

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember years back, I would guess 16 years ago, we had a rain storm that lasted about 8 hours but dropped over a foot of rain. The puddle in my yard had grown quit quickly and I had put a pump in the puddle to pump the water into the street. All at once the water started gushing down my cellar stairs. I tried to stop it but it was like Niagara Falls dumping into my basement. The end result was 4 feet of water in the basement and all utilities were destroyed. I feel as though 2/3’s of my 58 year life have been spent naive thinking that ok I didn’t like the way the government spent money, but I truly thought they appreciated America, our constitution, and the hard working American people. With all of the outrages we have witnessed honestly since Bill Clinton was president, like the unstoppable flood into my basement, my eyes have been opened wide to the fact that this cruel greedy evil government is capable of anything. We know they are very well aware of the effects of atrazine on people, and just like the Covid vaccines, they allow it’s use and actually have their payed off media sensor negative posts of this poison. It’s very sad to watch what was once mostly trust turn to complete distrust. It’s now becoming open in your face authoritarianism. J.Goodrich

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is no way to stop it. It's full throttle now. Energize by the closeness of 2030.

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