Dr. Peter Whoretez....

I'll be honest with you, that during the planned-demic, I met dozens of people whom I did work for, as everyone on the planet was home at the time. Since I'm in that industry, my sales rose exponentially during the time when most were required to "stay home". Most of these people were masked, and telling me (without my inquiry) about how they took the jab because of the "science". Most of the time, I kept my mouth shut, but on one particular occasion I decided to "explore the possibilities of talking with one of these folks who were so "pro vaccine".

I'm finishing up the job with the customer, and somehow the vaccine came up. She was forthright that she took the jab, and a booster, and so did her husband because of their previous health issues. I listened carefully how she was so pro jab because the science was proven, and it was good for society. Once I had that final payment for the work in my hand, I decided to test the waters.

When it came my turn to speak, it went like this:

"So that's great that you got the vaccine, but I didn't, and I'm not going to ever do so. There's no reason for me to take a vaccine for something that resembles a cold virus, and since I take good care of myself, being a body building proponent for the last 40 plus years, watching my diet, taking the right supplements, I know my immune system very well, and do what is necessary to keep myself healthy. Prope hygiene (washing my hands before eating or touching my face) is critical to ensuring I don't pick up something along the way."

Homeowner: "So you don't believe the government telling us that this vaccine is necessary to keep the health of those around you safe? ".

Me: "Absolutely NOT! I don't believe the government one bit, especially after all that happened under the Trump administration when they released warped speed on a vaccine. Vaccines take 20 years of trials, and testing on animals, volunteers, all in the name of safety. Why would I take something that had 9 months of development before being released under a EUA ?

Homeowner: (EYES BULGED OUT OF HER HEAD) "What do you mean by that ? I HATE TRUMP ! That's why we have our new president Biden in there, and they're all saying it's safe, and effective. You don't know what you're talking about, young man!"

Me: "So, you're telling me that the vaccine is safe and effective? Why was there all the rhetoric by the new administration, specifically by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden that neither one of them would take this new vaccine by the Trump administration because they didn't trust anything done by Trump or his cohorts ? As soon as Trump was out of office, and Kamala became president, along with Vice President Joey (swapped them around on purpose to egg her on), all of a sudden the very same vaccine is "safe and effective", and it's now imperative that we all get it. How hypocritical for them to say that it was BAD when Trump made it, but now he's gone, it's the best thing since sliced bread.".

Homeowner: "Well, the science changed, and now they know it's safe and effective at stopping the transmission of the disease, and making others sick around you."

ME: "Well, I don't trust these people who talk out both sides of their mouths. One day it's bad because it's associated with Trump, next day it's wonderful, because we're in power now. And on that note, it was a pleasure doing business with you, and if you have any issues with the work I've done for you, please feel free to give me a shout out."

I left her house, and never heard from her, or her husband again. Today, I still feel the same way, and nothing, not even Peter Whoretez can make me think anything different.

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Del Bigtree is always preaching that we shouldn't be afraid to talk to our friends and family about the science, etc. I'm like, really? You think it's a matter of fear? REALLY? He needs to get out more. He's been in the upper echelons so long he has no clue what the vast majority of people are like. And I love Del - BUT STILL! Go try it yourself, Del. Then see why you're not guilting people.

Don't get me wrong. I try to bring in some simple arguments at first. Eventually, they always change the subject. I've never changed ONE person's mind in all the attempts I've made. Most people just can't believe that our government and press is no more moral than that of Russia or China.

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Good thought. Age 84 at the time of the plandemics beginning my wife's three kids would not let us visit and discouraged us from even going to the grocery store (we could order online). We did not get vaccinated, but try to reason with them? Forget it. They all experience medical issues they will not consider being related to the vaccine. To this day I interact with them very little.

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No doubt one of the intended benefits was family division. It worked well. Ours was split, thankfully based on head count we mostly made the choice to remain in the control group. Those who took the jab have had repeated bouts with Covid, and are still experiencing seemingly unrelated health issues that just happened to crop up. None submitted to VAERS. Those who didn't all got a mild case once and never again. Including my 91 yr old mother. Getting any of the victims, and they are victims of lies and propaganda, to even consider they made a bad choice is like trying to make a supertanker do a 180. Still waiting.

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Common theme

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It's depressing. Jefferson warned us saying that an ignorant AND free people has never been and never will be. God help us!

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Thank you very much! That took courage and confidence. About 3 weeks ago a dear 95 year old friend of mine passed away. I'm sitting beside her 70 something son. (I'm 76 and have always took care of my health because of a mutated gene). A woman across from me (Catholic democrat ha, ha - oxymoron) was talking about how "lucky" she was to have had the shot, because she then got COVID. I couldn't stop myself, and looked at her and said "The shot is why you got COVID". So what do these people do? Get all the boosters! People I thought were a lot smarter than I - including all my genius family members. 7 of us out of 9 still living - I'm the only "stupid" "anti-vaxxer" that wouldn't. My electoral engineer brother has 'sorta' said I was right, but he doesn't really want to talk about it. He worked for the federal government for probably 30 years and knew they were corrupt. One sister an RN with specialist in geriatrics who moved to Costa Rica and a Trump "seriously disliker" and democrat! We were all raised by the same conservative parents, most of us have masters degrees, but the younger 4 are democrats and can't seem to figure out why their older siblings are so conservative! I don't get it. Fear, no faith. At least one of my sons and my daughter refused it. My son in CA won't say, but I did tell him how to eliminate the spike protein (for his friends). Dr. Malone has the best answer for the mass craziness. But I still say it's fear over faith. Either you believe the power of God is greater than the power of evil - or you don't. I thank you again. That was encouraging. Amen!

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Great job of talking "young man"!

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I'm a retired pharmaceutical chemist; Hotez should know better than to claim vaccines are "antigens" and "macromolecules" and not chemicals. Rogen was spot on.

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How to disguise a harsh ingredient with softer gentler spoken marketing tactics with oversimplification. Tell-lie-vision is chalk full of social bending marketing of the "hidden".

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A good friend of mines son is an internist. From what I can tell he's a competent doctor with good intentions. During the pandemic he told me he was working triage at a large hospital. During that shift he had sent home 10 patients with covid symptoms as they were not very sick. Later that day he found out several of the patients he had sent home had been admitted to the hospital despite his orders to send them home. This is how corrupt our medical system has become. There is no way this would have happened if the government had not given huge incentives to the hospitals to fill up their beds with covid patients. And we're supposed to trust these people? Please!

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I wonder how many of those admitted were subsequently treated to become really ill and never made it out.

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I would say almost all that were put on ventilators didn't make it out. And many who got remdesivir.

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Off topic: my paternal grandmother's paternal grandmother's name was Honora Galvin. She arrived in NYC around 1852 and married a Lawrence Hartnett Both from Ireland.. The both died of TB, as did Lawrence's father, after having 5 children who were then raised by Lawrence's sister.

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Galvin is my mother's maiden name, her great grand father came from England to Ireland and began our city newspaper. Perhaps in some distant way we are related.

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Thank you for this history. Very interesting.

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I tried to tell that to my neighbour, she cut me off and said she didn't believe it. I stopped wasting my breath on the issue. At some point though the media will little by little state some facts. If one talk show host starts questioning using humour, others will follow their lead.

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The problem is the media. Bought and paid for by our corrupt government. There are still hospitals and universities that require the shots and masks!!

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I hear the lies on the radio daily, and they are spoken with the confidence of a con man.

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I wonder the same thing about my democrat RN sister. One of my granddaughters just graduated nursing school, and is working on her RN. Her dad (my son) and mother did not get the 'poison shot', but I worry she may have been brainwashed. She has the same mutated gene I do, so she's keeping healthy - but I pray a lot!!

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They most likely won't ever wake up, although if the narrative shifted contrary to what they are saying, they would shift too, and make feeble excuses for their past position.

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Thank you for republishing A Midwestern Doctor’s (AMD) Substack article. So happy you two work together as needed to illuminate your mutual readers. And thank the universe, God, or whatever is behind Substack for making all this possible.

FWIW, my favorite substackers from the CovidEra are:

* https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/ - A Midwestern Doctor

* https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/ - Dr. Robert Malone

* https://flccc.substack.com/ - FLCCC Alliance

* https://pierrekory.substack.com/ - Dr. Pierre Kory

* https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/ - Jeff Childers

* https://takecontrol.substack.com/ - Dr. Joseph Mercola

* https://stevekirsch.substack.com/ - Steve Kirsch

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Yep! Did you hear that Chase Bank (another corrupt gov't entity) canceled Dr. Mercola's account!! It's like they want to be in the CCP's good favor so will cancel an account of a large patron!!

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Hotez found out how much $$$ he can make in royalties from pushing Pharma drugs by watching lord Fauci 🤷. We the People still don’t know how Fauci income increased 5 MILLION from COVID, but we can surely make an educated guess‼️ ROYALTIES & PHARMA subsidizing CDC, NIH, et al needs to STOP‼️

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This grifting has been going on for more than 100 years. As someone involved in natural healing I claim it started in the early 20th century when Rockefeller and Carnegie pushed through the medical system their way of doing medicine. Drugs and surgery were their only way of doing medicine and the schools started teaching that and only that. Schools who didn't teach that way saw their money and academic backing disappear. Doctors who used herbs, vitamins, diet were labeled quacks and schools of natural healing were closed and doctors lost their license for being "quacks". So this grifting has been going on a long time. This capture of the NIH, FDA, CDC happened almost as soon as they came into existence, and this whole system needs to die. The only real benefit you get from this system is, if you have a car wreck or break your leg somehow. Otherwise they have no cures and spend billions of dollars treating diseases by covering up the symptoms with drugs. So Hotez is a shill for drugs and vaccines but I have been seeing this all my life of 78 years. What else is new, maybe a few people woke up with covid but the money and political power is still here to continue this grifting for many more years. And it is not just the democrats, it is the GOP too. If we somehow get rid of the vaccine shill game, we still have the even bigger drug surgery shill game going on.

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I totally agree. The one good thing that could come out of the past 3 years is if we see a resurgence in alternative medicine. I have given up on the pathetic government funded healthcare system in Canada and have had a small stable of alternate providers for years and am about to move to a naturopathic doctor.

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So true.

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So much to say. Off the bat, these physicians with 100s of publications on their c.v. are gilding the lily because, as explained, quantity trumps quality. So dr.X has patients he sees in a medical center. And referrals he makes for various treatment regimens or imaging studies and such gurantee his name being included as an author on any paper written where his patients were involved. I seriously doubt these guys have any role in writing those pubs and likely never read them either. Am speaking from experience, writing a research paper is time consuming and even contributing to one takes more time than a busy clinician has available to spend this way.

A big problem in biomed research as I see it is that physicians control the grant strings. Knew a guy who was at the n.c.i. and told me the head of every dept. was a physician. How many of them do you think, like fsuci, never spent a day actually working in a lab and so what qualifies them to direct lab based research? But they do just that. So no surprise that it morphs into friends funding friends and along the way maybe something uxeful will emerge.

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Many MMWR papers with many prestigious author names fail simple statistical concepts. Almost as if a conclusion was reached and data selected to fit then the paper shopped around for names who likely never read the paper. My faith in government competency shaken to the core.

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Wow, what a recipe for failure. I think you hit the nail on the head, scientists should be directing the research not physicians.

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Wait... so the guy who has been granted millions to develop a hookworm vaccine...

...versus the possible One Dose of an established, safe and effective Ivermectin treatment

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Ivermectin for horses treats listed parasites and hookworm is not one of them.

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Just a small study, but I only searched for 20 seconds…


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This uses it in combination therapy…who would have thought there were so many different species hookworms…


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"Two anthelmintics currently available in the United States have been studied for the treatment of hookworm: albendazole and pyrantel pamoate." Neither is ivermectin. They are both also used to treat certain parasites in horses.

But what I found interesting is this statement "Since there is no reporting or surveillance in North America for hookworm, the prevalence is unknown." Then why has this hack been been working on a vac?

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I think this grift has been going on for decades and might be the explanation why, despite billions being dumped into cancer research, we almost zero progress towards a cure. What we do have is an entire "cancer industry" employing a LOT of people that has sprung up around it and loads of drugs and therapies that make billions for Big Pharma. Simply put, there is no incentive to find a cure. I stopped donating to the Cancer Society a long time ago.

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Heard someone once opine Nixon's war on cancer probably did not save a,single life

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There is an old* saying: "There is more money made in LOOKING for a cure for cancer, than in FINDING a cure for cancer." I forget where I first heard this irreverent wisdom, but it's absolutely true, and is an encapsulation of everything in today's article. To be sure the problem extends far wider than cancer research. Although I'm not a Bible thumper by any means, St. Paul very wisely wrote two thousand years ago, and is widely quoted that "...the love of money is the root of all evil." Maybe not all evils, but it's not for nothing that greed is named as one of the seven deadly sins.

*The saying is decades old. I (think I) first heard it in the 1980s, so that'd be 40 years, at least.

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This train wreck has been in the making for so long, I doubt it will be able to do anything without a complete breakdown. We are so close to that now the thing to do is what has been suggested, take really good care of our health, use our dollars wisely and watch the pile-up. Not that I am giving up, with people like Dr. Malone and The M.W. Dr. at the helm I know there is a way.

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It is tough reading this as I work my aging body to the bone trying to scrape an honest living out of this world.

Mark Twain encapsulates my feelings in his short work, The Reason for the Recent Carnival of Crimes in Connecticut.

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So sad. And the continued ignorance is going to be the worse for most of us because of what it empowers the government to do.

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Likely impossible for Hotez to rise to the psychopath honor roll achieved by Fauci, but he is on the path for high ranking. The benefit early offered by vaccines has been corrupted and bastardized to human detriment. I believe it can be positively changed by simply repealing the Baye-Dole Act that granted legal immunity for "vaccine" production. Absent that, fools like Hotez will be more than willing well paid elixir salesmen for pharma.

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Hotez needs to be first in line to be investigated for fraud / crimes against humanity. Why you ask?

He will squeal, can't afford endless legal bills and his sponsors will drop him or off him should Hotez be subjected to sufficient investigative pressure.

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Hotez is quite wealthy. I have heard between 20 and 25M$ in assets. And if he gets in legal trouble, there will be lots of donations from a variety of sources including Pharma cut outs.

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Iron clad umbrellas and the Golden Parachute club warranty. How swank ......

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All to the good. Track that cash as well. Pres. Trump had to give up his tax returns, so why not Hotez?

Guess, vacc research / follow the science shill, pays pretty well. Thanks for your insight Doc M.

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Agree but only in part. Of course it's true that the old boy network looks out for their own, that is far from a blanket "get out of jail free" card. Indeed I would take it as a general principle that if you're no longer of value, they will at best kick you to the curb, at worst actively sacrifice you. History is littered with such examples.

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Haha, I think it's got nothing to do with money. I think he's just a sniveling little coward bitch that will spill beans if the right screws are ever twisted on him. The reason he's so adamant about his falsi opinions, is because he's surrounded by those telling him that he's never going to be culpable for his misdeeds.

Problem I see is him never being truly prosecuted for any of this, unless the regime change is real.

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His vacillation from criticism of Covid vax to hubris recommending show a man who knows the truth but can’t resist the money. Deep down he most likely is miserable. Evil is well in this whole commentary with Covid

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Thank you very much for this focused and enlightening read. It's caused me to reflect on my lifetimes experiences with medical care. Most have been helpful. Some life threatening. As a confessed terrible patient (questioning to not following recommendations), I do reflect on why I support physicians. I conclude it's because of the fine physicians who personify the knowledgeable, compassionate support when we need it.Like you and your fellows are demonstrating here.

The medical profession is currently IMO suffering severe damages at every level, from selections for medical school, medical training, selections for practicing, practice influences and rewards. As noted here - the unfortunate influencers on research and publishing.

This article does an exemplary job setting out the blocks to effective expenditures of research monies. Funding clearly needs to be addressed. Who evaluates and the criteria used is in question. And. Not to be set aside, the relative promise of merit among the applicants. Not to be ignored the outcomes of research (truthful results may not be gratifying, but nonetheless valuable.) The 'disappointment' might not be warrented to use against future opportunities for the reseacher.

Next - how to structure assessments and direction for a better system, timely ready when opportunity arises.

Thank you for this read.

You n Dr Jill have a great day! Bestest Always!

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Nothing inhibits innovation like money-enforced groupthink. People are punished for trying something new, especially if it will end up costing some big institution a lot of money in lost revenue. Its like we've been in prison for the last 40 years. My question: is this just emergent, or was it deliberately designed to be this way?

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I would say it's deliberate. At age 76, I Kinda fell into it being born 1946. But we were post-war babies --- we didn't realize we were born into a different type of "war", and neither did our parents - they were just glad Hitler was gone. One evil leaves, another comes in!

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