Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great update as usual...Lara Logan is the real deal....RMalone sure is in a lot of places...maybe a future cabinet position IF the USA can get the right constitutional leadership! But sometimes a person is more effective being a citizen and arming those in leadership positions.

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Yaaaa, good on the Doc for using his platform to spread Lara Logan's testimony around. I have seen it, and will rewatch because it's that good.

So vital to know that our tax dollars plus 501C type status is fueling all this censorship activity which is totally illegal / unconstitutional because of the funding.

DeGoogle your life!

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"DeGoogle your life!"

Indeed! You can't get started at this too soon!

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Cut the balls off 501C and the people who created and passed it.

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The worst thing is tax money laundering that supplies the censorship forces.

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Yes that too

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Dr. Malone is a leader of one of those "Little Platoons" that Burke referred to and Nisbet made popular...He is a national treasure that perhaps is best in the trenches leading us Hobbits to be our better selves...

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I agree!

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Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Steve Bannon also picked up on her comments and had her on to discuss the invasion. One sharp lady and she laid it all out. She is like a keg if dynamite releasing the truth from the shadows. Lara Logan On NGOs Role In America's Downfall: "They Operate As A Shadow Government"


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She is such a fighter for closing the border.

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Open borders allow more violence and disruption of civil order to be created. In turn, it will become the excuse to increase totalitarian control of Americans. All preplanned.

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exactly, the democrat vermin have long bragged about how they never waste a crisis,

today, these rabid vermin are not content to wait for a crisis, they insist on creating all their own

the only good news, when all the rabid commie chinese, and the rabid muslims, the democrats keep inviting in over our southern border,

will be shooting and killing democrats, ala OCT 7, on democrat plantations, where the sheep allowed the democrat to disarm them

I can no longer fee sorry for insane idiots that keep voting for more death and destruction

If you have seen SNL. remember

NEED MORE CESSPOOL (with a wink to Blue Oyster Cult)

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This morning Steve has a look at MI election not seen in the MSM. Not just Trump's massive win, but the disorder in the dems, about to lose MI, with the very low dem turnout, and the large "uncommited" vote.

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Zero hedge finally picking this up--100K plus uncommitted dems spell Trouble in River City, er MI.


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Someone pointed out today that many who voted in the primary as uncommitted did so to "send a message". This person speculated that many (probably not all) of these people may still vote for Biden in the General. It will still be anybody but Trump.

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Send a message yes. You bet. They can't stand Crooked Joe. And so the MI party is in disarray, for they will likely sit it out if Joe is the nominee in November. Which I doubt Joe will be. And according to today's poll released by Bloomberg, Trump climbs 6 points in the last month in MI, there's a real chance Trump will take MI, with electoral votes to cement the election.

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More on the border

Laura Loomer reports from behind a huge sign from a Jewish NGO instructing invaders north. Speaks on Chinese deep in the jungles of Panama, using Starlink to get $ from probably the CCP to buy bus tickets and continue their journey north. Not hardly oppressed peoples yearning to be free. Catch her comments on Myorkas.


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This gets unreal! Check Bannon's warroom right now for whats going on-


Now State Dept loans, interest free, no collection penalties, pre-approved and flown in to US cities, from Latin America. any loan collection by UN, it just keeps getting worse---get Todd Bensman

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Hi Shelley, what has happened to our friend Dr. Nash?? I haven’t heard from my friend. I hope he’s on vacation somewhere nice being waited on, he’s such a good man…

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Shelley where has Dr. Nash been? Hope he’s ok!!

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Micheal may be devoting more time to other things. That's been my hope anyway James. I know that I sometimes do not have the time to jump on every SS.

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Sorry to bother you with that, I didn’t see that my first post had gone through. Hope he’s ok…. I miss his comments…

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I think I can safely say there are many of us who look forward to his comments. I notice when many people haven't posted for a time and am always relieved when they finally do. It's like not hearing from family for a while . . .

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This entire hearing should be viewed by every American, Canadian and European . Then watched again and listened to carefully. Lara Logan has fortitude beyond comprehension and all gathered give us inspiration to get motivated and do something to support the quest to maintain and restore our God given freedoms. Thank you to all participants and especially Senator Johnson!!!

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Make no mistake, these are extremely brave people to publicly expose this corruption. I have followed Lara Logan for years and watched as they have tried to disgrace her and tear her apart. If there are any, and I mean ANY, "not bought" senators or congressmen left, this should shake them to their core.

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Just in case you had any doubts - just google her name and see how all of the media try to portray her - This is just one headline to an article on Yahoo "What happened to Lara Logan? How the journalist went from respected war correspondent to right-wing radical"

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All to say that being called a right winger, far right, hard right might well be thought of as a badge of honor as it is aimed at us by hard leftists

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I remember watching her on 60 minutes years ago. I loved and respected her then. When Covid hit I heard her and tried to get others to listen. It breaks my heart hearing of her suffering. Thanks you Lara Logan for your persistence and courage. I love you!

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Lara Logan is a brave, strong, well spoken woman. I am in awe.

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What a courageous woman!

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Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was so impressed with the entire hearing. Her speech was exceptional.

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Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lara Logan is without a doubt one of the best. She has paid an unimaginable price in the course of doing her work. Somehow, we must convince Congress to eliminate the funding of NGOs.

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Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excerpts have been on the radio this AM;

Damning, just damning.

Ya’know, we use to say that the media was the 4th estate - a supposed impartial "overseer" of all things government. Seems we need to rethink some of that: perhaps in todays climate, we should think of the establishment/Main Street/dominant media as the 5th branch of government following the bureaucracy as the 4th branch (government here is pronounced "democrat party").

Mind’ya, I say establishment a little tongue in cheek: where I live/prefer to live, there is nothing Main Street about most of the established media outlets. I hear Mark Levin on the radio, see NewsMax on the telly and plenty of folk are pulling up subversive reporting like this SubStack.

Lara Logan was horrifically raped and near extinguished in Cairo, Egypt; the (can we call them) PsyOps attacks against her and similarly situated reporters and commentators are just as horrific and even more dangerous to the social body. The corruption is real and like the cancer it is needs to be excised.

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Without Senators like Johnson and Paul we would already be cooked. Like Andrew Bridgen the rest are bought and paid for or fools who are representing the destruction of the Republic not our freedom. Our media is the enemy of the people and themselves.

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Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mainstream media. I give the Epoch Times/ TV the highest marks for their efforts on behalf of all of us.

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Yes, I think so too! i still get the paper copy too and save many so there’s still something to be found by a future generation.

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Comment here Duty US

I can't reach you to answer directly

Can't get to Epoch subscription info on my cell phone. They flashed it recently. Something about a 6 mo trial for $1. I'm paying $9 something a month and could pay less for a yearly subscription. They are a nonprofit working to be able to do more by adding subscribers

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She speaks the truth. Now. Will anybody or any entity do anything about it.

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The strength. The courage. The fortitude. I'm in awe.

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Thank you for sharing this Dr. Malone. I pray every day for blessings to all of the good, honest politicians and honest people of power and influence to help us find corruption, expose that corruption, eradicate it and bring the perpetrators to justice. This is an example of our prayers being addressed. Whether you are a republican, Democrat, of another party or independent, you must realize that we all have a common enemy which is corruption. All of our differences are petty within a dishonest gvnt. Without honesty and transparency in our government, we have nothing. What good is a constitution with bill of rights under these circumstances?

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A rhetorical question for sure.

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Lara Logan needs to be in a position of power in this next administration, the Trump administration. There are cycles in life that happen right in front of us and we should all pay them our attention. Traits in families pass from parent to child to their child generation to generation and so on. I had a neighbor where I grew up and the parents drank and they were very liberal about letting their 4 children drink. Two of the children stopped the cycle of drinking, but the other two became alcoholics. A little over a month ago I went to the youngest ones funeral, she died of cirrhosis of the liver. She was 57 years old. The oldest brother showed up late to the AM funeral and I could smell booze on his breath. He is very sickly and doesn't long for this earth. The two middle children broke the cycle and if I were to guess their children don't have a drinking problem. You probably are saying why is James saying this? Our country is being taken over by totalitarian communists. They are traitors to America. This has happened on our watch and therefore we have allowed this poison into our homes. If we don’t break this cycle our children their children and generation after generation will be afflicted by this poison. Our parents left us a free nation, we should honor them by doing whatever it takes to leave our children with the same. J.Goodrich

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Lara won't take it, won't get near it James. She is adamant about staying out of any office, elected or appointed. Won't get near it.

Take a listen:


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Just a general observation. Having been inside the beast. One can most generally be far more influential investigating, reporting and influencing from without. Until the evils of our Government are brought under control, it's all too easy to be silenced when within.

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I figured who better than a person that personally knows all of the infiltration of the media by our government. Also a person with not just an ax to grind but a guillotine to grind??? No

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Right, such a person of knowledge could be invaluable. However, until our Government is reformed they have a thousand ways to silence. We forwarded an internal informal study that needed action to a Senator, who had a staffer who was exceptionally interested and able. The Government promptly hired the staffer. They gave him an assignment and put him in a room to work on it. The issue at hand was never identified again. The staffer was never heard from again. Government - Agency issue resolvd.

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Amen Mr. Jim

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Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just added Lara Logan to my hero list.

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Feb 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Read about her on Wiki to see how she is being cancelled already!

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