Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Euthanize these monsterous zombie institutions before they destroy the liberties of everyone they touch, including the just and healthy liberty of the government itself.

One size does not fit all. It cannot. What becomes malign ultimately becomes malignant. As such, it cannot be managed to the betterment of the mutual interest, only to the betterment of special interests metastasizing in the unmanageable void.

Fear the cancer of taxpayer funded duplicity in service to special interests. Our precious mutual interest and the safety and goodness of our republic hangs in the balance.

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LIKE! Still blocked from likes. We were warned: In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Hey, 'bosun, let's NOT FORGET the MOST MALIGNANT, VIRULENT and DANGEROUS "NGO" that OVERARCHES the "Military Industrial Complex" Eisenhower mentioned - that was ACTIVE LONG before Eisenhower was President - that being the so-called "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" that has both controlled and DOMINATED US DOMESTIC policy too - for WAY over a half century!

"CFR" members embedded WITHIN the US federal government TODAY include "Notable" member - Joe Biden - ( & his 'speech writer' - Daniel Benaim ), Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen, Lisa Monaco (Deputy US Attorney General)Seth Moulton (D) MA, , Susan Collins (R) ME, Amy Klobuchar (D) MN, Jack Reed (D) RI, Mark R. Warner (D) VA, Sheldon Whitehouse (D) RI, Lamar Alexander (R) TN, Dan Sullivan (R) AK, Debbie Wasserman (D) FL, Gerald F. Connolly (D) VA, Keith Ellison (D) MN, Eliot L. Engel (D) NY,...just to name a FEW.

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Like. Add to your list those two early members: Allan & John Foster Dulles, that outfit has a long history. We must not leave out John J. McCloy. The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter

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Right-On, Mate!

Matter of fact, the HEAD of the so-called "Deep-State" in Washington DC - known back in the 1950s as the "shadow-government" and later as the "Establishment" are ALL one-and-the-same - that being the "CFR" which is a TINY 5000 member "NGO" - of primarily UN-ELECTED individuals (appointed) into positions controlling the 'levers of power' in what has become the USSA.

Think of it...5000 members of a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (actually created in 1921), de facto rule over some 340 or so Million Americans.

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like. This fellow lived it: I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

Woodrow Wilson

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Woodrow Wilson - aside from his hatred for our Constitution - was a real bona fide (white) "Democratic" racist - who was installed as US President (by) the (then) "shadow-government", whose "inside man" was self-styled "Colonel" Edward M. House who was de facto Wilson's "handler and confidant" - which it seems Wilson finally realized - about the same time frame when he had his stroke...but AFTER he (Wilson - along with his DEMOCRAT controlled Congress & Senate) had instigated REAL and LASTING damage to the US Constitution in 1913 by instituting the DIRECT election of federal government Senators, The so-called "Federal Reserve*" and the DIRECT INCOME TAX (and) INTERNAL REVENUE "Service" which when passed as a "TAX THE RICH" issue "only" taxed the masses (middle class) at about 1% - which was of course the FLOOR to build on which future Democrats (under FDR) raised to 90% during WWII.

"Colonel" House was banned from White House entry...but the LASTING alterations and damage he DIRECTLY caused to our Constitution are STILL being enforced and foisted upon "We" the people NOW in 2024 AD, by the "Collective Left" aka so-called "Democrats" along with MANY "RINO" so-called "Republicans" who INFEST the US CONGRESS and SENATE.

It WILL take a true "MIRACLE" for the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 to survive the current FULL-COURT-PRESS of the AMERICAN "Collective Left" to make CULTURAL MARXISM, i.e., the "WOKE" INSANITY perpetrated on (formerly) sovereign Americans an INTERNATIONAL LAW cast in COMMUNIST concrete in the name of "social justice".

* The so-called "Federal Reserve" - neither federal nor a (real) "reserve" - IS the "SYSTEM of CREDIT" Wilson was (in hindsight) lamenting. The "Fed" is a "MONOPOLY" - granted by CONGRESS - to a group of "PRIVATE BANKERS" - to "CREATE money" and CONTROL economic growth and provide (supposed ) "stability" - which has CAUSED the two BIGGEST ECONOMIC COLLAPSES in US history - in 1929 and 2008.

The talking heads for the "Fed" today - CFR members - JANET YELLEN - and -JEROME POWELL - are pushing for mandated DIGITAL money (with DEI and ESG) strings attached which WHEN ENACTED - WILL END ANY and ALL economic freedoms the American people ever had.

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No, don’t “ euthanize” them. Lay them naked in a field with their heads placed in flea filled boxes, their vocal cords severed. And injected with succinylcholine, unable to move a muscle.

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I guess you don't follow M. Gandhi and the success he had with non-violent protest!

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I’m suggesting Fauci and company receive the same treatment the beagle puppies were subjected to, minus the euthanasia. These bastards have committed the greatest crimes against humanity and mass murder in history. They deserve no mercy. None.

This wasn’t Fauci’s First rodeo. Far from it. I spent a day in bed crying after running over an iguana. Iguanas have more compassion and empathy than these demons.

And yes, I agree with Gandhi’s philosophy. Half of my family is Hindu. Gandhi also set himself on fire. I don’t know whether I’d call that success. India also has the fiercest , well trained soldiers in the world. The Gurkhas. And it is nationalist, strong. borders, doesn’t invade other nations or get dragged into war. But they will take out anybody who fucks with them.

For the record, Fauci and Bill Gates did a real number in India without any agreement from the government. Crippling and killing impoverished girls in a remote village with experimental HOV vaccines. They attempted prosecution . As it stands, they are forbidden entry to India and India allowed the use of Ivermectin. The most populous province in the country, Uttar Pradesh, was the first to reach zero cases.

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Fauci, Gates, many others deserve to be called mass murderers. No punishment is too bad for them, in my opinion. No mercy deserved.

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Gail, I know of the details, for the record, and what has transpired in India with regards to cov2. A student set himself on fire in protest. (Rajiv Goswami). What do the Gurkas have to do with Gandhi? They get British awards for bravery? Ugh

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What does one have to do with the other? Peace is what normal people want desperately. But when those who only want war, whether to satisfy a twisted ideology, for personal profit or the sadistic, psychopathic thrill of bloodlust, when one’s people are savagely attacked by an invasive force, lying down and offering them up like lambs to the slaughter isn’t exactly the best defense.

And the entire globe willfully did so with the COVID Plandemic. Imagine if enough people fought back. There would have been a scintilla of the misery and death and the chance of ever allowing this to happen again would be near guaranteed. Our submission was exactly the desired outcome. It paved the way for the “ Great Reset”. The tyranical technocratic Brave New World of a transhuman slavedom of genetically altered, tech enhanced, medicated, totally controlled slavedom. Disposable worthless eaters ruled by a fiefdom of psychopathic megalomaniacs seeking life eternal. We’re nothing more than lab rats.

Huxley warned that for this to happen, it wouldn’t be by violent warfare used against the people. Enough would fight back with equal, if not greater force. It had to be by a people willing to cage themselves.

Covid was the most successful psyop ever perpetuated. A Sanford Experiment amped up x a million. Because there has been no accountability and such timidity from the supposed political “ opposition”, I.e. the corrupt, the obtuse and the cowardly, the psychopaths are so emboldened they aren’t even attempting to hide phase two. By constantly distracting us with provoking and exacerbating more foreign wars, open borders. Hate mob jihadists, racial divide, hyper sexualization that results in lower birthrate-trans, gay, asexual,promoting anything but heterosexual unions- it’s not “ tolerance and diversity” that they’re advocating. It’s depopulation and control.

The best thing that could happen to guide the world back on its axis would be abolishing the UN, WEF,WHO and all outside centralized global institutions… and most of the government “ agencies”The ignominious metastatic bureaucracy -global bureaucracy/technocracy must be neutered, period and none of our “ vaunted” repr

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here’s the crazy thing.

The Republican led house reveals through congressional hearings that the NIAID/NIH is funding gain of function research, yet approves renewed funding of this agency via the recent omnibus spending bill.

Similarly, through multiple whistleblowers, the Republican led house learns that the FBI is actively purging those agents who (1) questioned the C19 Vax mandates, or (2) support President Trump, or (3) had concerns about the persecution of the J6 protestors (i.e., a majority of the Republican party), and yet House Speaker, Republican Mike Johnson supports and passes the Omnibus spending bill which increased FBI spending including 200 million dollars for a new FBI building.

What’s the point of these House investigations when the Republicans who control the House keep funding the same organizations that are anathema to their conservative base? Most of the elected Republicans are RINOs. They actually belong to the Uniparty.

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Watch what they do, not what they say. That’s the key. Most of these DC swamp creatures are practiced liars. The system is not a meritocracy. It does not filter for capability. It filters for Machiavellian skills, ie, sociopathy.

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Many of them also have an innate lack of empathy and thus generally lack emotional states like anxiety, guilt, or joy in connection with their lying (which might otherwise give them away through leakage of subtle vocal and facial clues), which makes them more dangerous than sociopaths. They are psychopaths.

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"Most of the elected Republicans are RINOs. They actually belong to the Uniparty." --- DING DING DING, 100% spot ON!

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LIKE. However, from my perspective those you refer to as RINOs, I believe to be the true republicans. The others are Populists that have infiltrated the republicans. The Populists are, opposed to the uniparty.

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LIKE. There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party...and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt - until recently... and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.

Gore Vidal

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When ever I see the name Gore Vidal I think of the Vidal/William Buckley debate I watch on TV in 1968.

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And Horses? They make the BEST friends! Time spent with them is never wasted. Vidal, Buckley they have left the usa. Returning to Gore: Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either.

Gore Vidal

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Boatswain - I wish you would place quote marks around the quotations that you quote.

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Totally agree, they operate like a cartel using US taxpayers money. And if you don't play the ball, you don't get funding, so the funding goes only to "approved" research.

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There are consequences to "not playing ball"! I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.

John F. Kennedy

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am both confused and furious about the massive volume of tax dollars handed out by NAIAD and ultimately HHS. By definition our health should be the focus and function of these money gulping entities. The disproportionate sums given to "research" are antithetical to health. We have and know abundant health positive areas to expand; natural treatment in particular. Spending the money of my lifetime's work for the good of the many, is being wasted on a misdirected quest for patentable substances and or bioweapons. It must stop. Private industry is more than adequate to develop patented toxins and bioweapons. Currently you and I are funding the research that ultimately benefits private industry.

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Such a bizarre contradiction to read about the most deranged and power hungry minds doing their dirty deeds and then read and look at final Epoch Times with you and Jill and the animals! I guess that is a key; educate about the nefarious goings on in the gov. and then create some normalcy for survival of healthy everyday life. What a tightrope! (I hereby decree you the "Investigative journalist of the Year!")

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Shut NAID down, Amen.

Fort Detrick began outsourcing long prior to 1969. By 1964, it had resurrected the Rocky Mountain Lab from rapidly declining funding doing basic tick research on biology and vaccines with regard to Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. The new direction was for arthropod borne biological weapons. Prior research was scrubbed, and Dermacentor andersoni along with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever was found in the Northeast. I believe from Plum Island, another Detrick funding recipient.

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And Plum Island work was moved to Galveston TX and that lab collaborated with wuhan

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Difficult to shoot a moving target! Keep shuffling the bio deck of cards!

You shut down Plum Island and they are still one step ahead! It’s called survival.

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Is it my browser, or has the substack changed? Replies to a comment are no longer indented for the thread, but just get stacked on on top of the other all the way thru the entire page. Makes it extremely difficult to follow a group of replies. And the reply bar itself is only one line in height, making it difficult to re-read your comment.

In the north, it's tick season in earnest. Which is NOT to say they are not still a big problem throughout the US. Careful, don't let them feed on you.

And it is aphid season. In the orchard, as elsewhere, aphids are often "farmed" by ants that redistribute the phloem suckers all over the new shoots of the tree. I'm having real good luck this year destroying the large ant hills--large red and black ants over 1/2 inch long whose hill may be several feet in diameter and over over a foot in height. I dig out the hill with a corded weed whacker to a depth of 4-5 inches, flinging ants and eggs helter skelter. Then fill the hole and the remake almost the same size hill with fresh cow manure. You can go figure why it works, I have no idea. But w/o the manure, the hill is re-built and the ants keep farming on the adjacent trees.

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May need to look for browser/device update. Does seem substack changes time to time.

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To use words you've used before, "it's LONG past time ..."

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recalled RFK Jr's "The Wuhan Cover-up," with a chapter 34 titled "Beijing on the Bayou: The Galveston Lab." That's Galveston, TX. Professor Francis Boyle "points out that Galveston is working to aerosolize Ebola just as Fort Detrick worked to aerosolize anthrax..." (p. 196)

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I look forward to seeing your interview on The Highwire.

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anne, thanks for the heads up. I did not get Highwire's email until 2:26 my time. What a great interview and so wide-ranging.

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing your analyses and recommendations with us. You certainly document just cause for concern and action! Recognizing it may impact other entities within NIH and be a more arguable issue, the continued promotion of shots for covid and expanded use of the modified mRNA (without investigation and documented cures of its contaminations plus) further underscore causes for concern and action. One hopes the existing legislators will rapidly rally in support! This surely is our "Good News" for today and going forward!

Then the rest of the story of these times. First, I consider the Epoch Times and Epoch TV my/our very best source for information I care about out there. I am aware of the extremely unfortunate circumstances they are experiencing. I hope they will be able to survive and end up with much more than a full recovery. Would be glad to be a part of contributions to that cause should such an opportunity materialize.

I'm much saddened to hear this Friday will be the final Fallout! I'm thankfull we still have you exceptional beings via Substack, your new book and interviews. But as you infer, the time is late and new challenges and needs are pressing. Hopefully, we can continue to join in support of all your new directions!

Looking forward, in the near term, to 2:00 and FALLOUT tomorrow! Much caring!

Bestest PLUS ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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This will be the season finale; - let us just hope and most likely, it will be back!

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Highwire - Terrific Interview! Thank you!

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It was superb!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

You Betcha!!! Super High on my Hope List!

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Jun 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just finished watching you on the High wire eps 376 with Del. The MonkeyPox GOF is alarming.

And the show smartly "One of your best." The puzzle chunks are being placed into the pictures.

I have always thought that our own .GOV and crews have always been the stealth planners.

My take on it as just a layman is this. "They have to fear create or craft, a boogieman bad guy scenario months in advance. In order to kick the living hell out of one. Then act so proudly as the saviors of the world in the greatest nation on the planet. Thus PRIDE AND DENIAL ARE AN EXACT!

I wish you a relaxing and productive summer on the Homestead in Virginia. A rich history state.

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Jun 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your Fallout Teaser - Wonderful! Just do farm stories from now on - or at least 1/2 the time. The focus material possibilities are endless. They warm my heart and make me chuckle = which is the very best medicine! You and Jay are a great team, plus there is the excellent camera work. In the Teaser, Goose speaking to Jay, and the last frame of Emu looking into the camera are both priceless. More please!

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Jun 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gain-of-function research should never have been started. This group of Fausts don't believe they can ever make a mistake. I'd like to see them daily out on the streets of major cities carrying signs confessing their terrible deeds. Jail is much too comfortable.


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Jun 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, just watched you on The Highwire with Del Bigtree. You were excellent, as always! Love those details, I appreciate the whole sordid story! Which makes the other whole beautiful story (like your homesteading, like all the courageous people standing with Truth,) even more valuable.

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Just watched your presentation on the Highwire. Thank you for your courage to speak up to protect us.

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Given as how we are overwhelmed with USG agencies why not instead create 2 sections within NIH to perform the research you suggest? Sections have much less beaucratic structure and thus would have a harder time dodging surveillance. I have been arguing for years for reducing the number of all these agencies and am hard pressed to see any reason to increase them.

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We don’t need research! We need to address the root causes which is being generated by Big Agra, Big Chemo, Big Food!

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While your point that we need to address food adulterations and contaminationsis well taken, it' goes a bit beyond that. If the powers want to substitute bug powders, fake meats and who knows what for milk and milk products. Just spotted an article I need to find again and keep - Asserting meat protein is better for our brains and overall, than substitututes.

Problem is to achieve change, as everyman, we need proofs we are right. We need to redirect and get cracking before the UN, WHO WEF and Gates eradication options.


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They are all initiatives to produce new forms of profit. My view.

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Unfortunately, to justify/convince folks to get back to where we started is best, it's going to take proof. Otherwise the UN/WEF goals 2030 and 2050 will prevail. And it will likely cost.

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I pray we haave a miracle to reverse that endpoint!

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That's both of us and likely many more!.

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Agree. If they quit injecting babies and young children with vaccines I suspect within a generation we would see autoimmune diseases greatly reduced so much that much of that research would be unneeded.

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