Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you and go get 'em!

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

You betcha. I'll repeat here what I posted months ago on Alex Berenson's Substack re his Twitter lawsuit (before I un-subbed when he attacked Dr. Malone for no good reason on a friendly interview):

I'm so glad that my $5/mon is part of a sea of $5/mon that hopefully is funding this lawsuit against the evil Wapo. I mean I'm super happy to be participating in lining the pockets of Dr. Malone -- a great American hero. But it also buys us even a teeny part in wounding Wapo? I'm over the moon!

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Berenson sold his sole to be back on TWITTER. Sad!

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Thanks for fighting the MDM crowd for. Us. We all are speaking out behind you and Dr. Jill. Though some in my family took the shots, they did not give them to the children. They believed in natural immunity.

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Berenson was heinous appearing on Fox w/ Dr Malone Mary Ana Alice issued an epic takedown in the form of a letter She is incredibly brilliant. In Huxley’s league.

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Like A true liberal...

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No. He’s a typical illiberal

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Point taken 😉

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Couldn't agree more! And I too unsubscribed from Alex Berenson over his needless attack on Dr. Malone.

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Not only is it a personal attack against Dr. Malone. Ivermectin would have saved hundreds of thousands deaths in USA alone had it not been for mass murderers like Fauci et al, including Berenson. Insisting on RCTs to proof efficacy of Ivermectin, knowing that such trials are extremely expensive and would never been conducted on some medication costing 1 penny a dose, is completely disingenuous. He refuses even to listen to observational trials in Etta Pradesh, Mexico, Peru etc, all of which are using ivermectin on a huge scale with next to zero Covid incidence. Berenson is a fraud, nothing less.

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Can’t stand Berenson. He’s a self aggrandizing nerd and a nasty little prude.

And with all of his pontificating has zero medical expertise.

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I did as well.

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I hate him!

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Woohoo, me too Peter! I revile the Washington Post like the smell of vomit.

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Hey - I unsubbed AB at the same time and for the same reason. And agree fully with your comment about supporting Dr. M.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God Bless You Dr. Malone. These truths you shine are the light for all to see. !!!

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If they insist on sticking their head into the mouth of a lion in order to try to make some goofy point, they really shouldn't be surprised when the lion chomps down on them. Just sayin'....

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You likely have hundreds of thousands of lions around the globe behind you, and ready to roar with you. You may also represent a tipping point for so many others on the fence will follow suit.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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There's a lot of good coming out of these defamation lawsuits, I think. Steve Kirsch has had to delay revealing what the Santa Clara County public health officer admitted under oath, until his attorneys okay it, but for those of us who already read it, it was a bombshell. So getting the facts into court where there needs to be disclosure, cross-examination, and statements with legal consequences for 'untruths' will be valuable.

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Tereza, can you share it?

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Yes, I'm afraid Bianca's link goes to his post where his lawyer told him not to share it, but I have the earlier post still in my inbox. It's part of the multi-million dollar suit filed against Calvary Church for continuing to hold services and not enforcing the County's mask mandate. From his former headline: "Santa Clara County's public health officer, Sara Cody, just admitted under oath... that she doesn't know the size of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and that she relied on the flawed Bangladesh study as the basis for her masking mandate."

The Bangladesh study showed a difference of two cases in a population of 100,000. Purple (cloth) masks are shown to have no effect and it shows a graph with the curves for seropositivity superimposed on each other for the control (no mask) and purple mask. There's some effect for the surgical mask but the red mask does better! Go figure, pretty-red, old guy!

I'll post the links he puts in the article on the Bangladesh study below:





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Respectfully I submit that crawling through the weeds trying to defeat tyrannical mandates is folly.

The position I believe should be taken is that these governmental entities have no constitutional authority to "mandate" mask wearing, shot taking or anything else for that matter.

Similarly, those seeking religious exemptions to avoid the poison prick are by their action accepting the premise that the State has the authority in the first place to dictate administration of a medication. They don't!

Doctors prescribe, individuals decide.

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Go for it! Wrongs need to be redressed. Best to you both.

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How can anyone in their right mind condemn you of these atrocities? The content of your speech was kind, caring and accurate. If there is justice among these courts, please let it show itself now! You and yours are LIONS in this world as well as caring human Beings.

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Bravo! And thanks for going after the actual misinformation spreaders!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for filing this lawsuit. Yes, sometimes you have to do what is right. Hopefully you will have a huge win, and the court will force them to recant and apologize.

You have done far more to save lives during this insanity called covid than anyone else I know of. You deserve to be vindicated.

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Well, Liz, we sure can't take credit away from Dr.s Fareed & Tyson, Dr. Zelenko, and, really, many unsung others. I understand that was not your intent but the minority of Physicians who silently treated people all around the world with early treatment for Covid and advising against the gene therapy should not go unsung. Heros ALL.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

This is what it's going to take. The Washington Post has been irresponsible. They have slandered you. Time to go get 'em.

Just had a thought...DO NOT file this in D. C. We have all seen what the D. C. judges and juries do. No matter how much right is on your side, they will rule against you. Find another venue.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your courage Dr. Malone. I was relieved to learn that you are standing up for yourself. The defamation of your accomplishments and personal integrity as well as all the outright lying has got to meet resistance and be stopped. Thank you for pushing back. You are a light and beacon of hope to us all. May God bless you and give you strength. The truth is a lion . . .

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“The truth is like a Lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."

Fantastic quote.

Let us know if we can contribute to your legal battles. In many ways, this is for all of us.

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You are so over the target and time continues to bear this out. The covidians cannot run from reality forever. It is catching up to them as the bodies of others stack up. You have an army of awake lions behind you with more joining daily. Blessings and Godspeed. 🙏

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God speed!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Someone said "a man who will not stand for something, will fall for anything". You are a man who will not sit idly by and watch his country and science be pushed aside while implementing the most insidious plot to rule mankind. The time to stand and fight is now! You are a man born to lead. We are praying and support all that you do! Dr. B

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