Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree. The more they censor, the more suspicious we all get. "Nobody stages a coverup, unless they first committed a crime." And we further assume: the more energy they spend on the coverup, the worse the crime must be.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The more they censor, the more they are obviously hiding something.

The less they censor, the more truth and facts get out there for people to make their own more fully informed decisions.

Either way, “they” lose.

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When I was a kid Neil Young fought the man. He was all about freedom of speech and living natural..

Now hes Big Pharma injection proponent.

That's one strange mofo.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Like Howard stern, looks like a hippy but talks like a fed. Watch out.

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They seem to both be struggling with their age and position in life--irrelevance will push the ego and fear. So sad.

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Either that or they've always been fakes, like Chomsky.

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"I have become my father..."

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I think maybe something snapped the last time tax payers made wealthy people richer, the bailout, too big to fail etc...

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It is probably because he has 3 children with serious illnesses. 2 with cerebral palsy and 1 with epilepsy. Children from different women so it’s not a stretch to surmise he’s got the bad genes. As my mother said: breeding is everything. Take that as you like but it applies to many aspects of being a civilized person.

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Oof. That’s terrible. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

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Nope its unfortunately true. Lots of Pharma add recreational drugs and voila.

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Ooh never considered that. Yikes.

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It's my first thought these days. Applies to Diabetes as well. JB Classen has been a lone voice on it for 30 years or so.

In 2019 I had no idea that vaccines were so injurious. But I wasn't completely sold on them either. Now I want the vaccine centuries to be gone along with Pharma Inc.

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Yes it is very unfortunate.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well I heard Mr. Young sing about her

Well I heard old Neil put her down

Well I hope Neil Young will remember

A southern man don't need him around anyhow

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Neil is very talented but he's always been annoying hasn't he.

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Correction - was very talented !

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He has been relevant in the music scene for a quite awhile, just like Stern. This is from someone who has seen him 3 times.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They are the dangerous liars. You are a hero.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In one of this country’s most exclusive towns Greenwich CT, I was verbally berated by another patient waiting in Greenwich Hospitals waiting room for discussing RFK, Jrs book with the nurses at the front desk. This women accused me of spreading misinformation. She told me to keep my opinions to myself. To which I replied: like wise. Net, net- the ladies at the front desk agreed with me!

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The ladies at the front desk were eagerly writing down the name of the book, and Sen.Johnson’s information on his hearing, etc. On my way out, I will supply them with Dr. Malones name and direct them here.

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Do you see how many uninformed people there are. And these are health care people, even if only receptionists.

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Funny you should mention that. I was trying to figure out why they wouldn’t take the initiative themselves. I wasn’t able to come up with a rational reason. For me, I was keeping abreast of all things Covid so I could best arm myself and push back against the company I work for should they instate a mandate. My digging for more information and answers led me to stumble upon Dr. Malone. ❤️

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People are uninformed either because they are lazy or because they don’t want to know the truth, if they know the truth they will be faced with having to deal with it. Ignorance used to be bliss…..now it could lead to your death or misery.

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022

That’s it! You are right! Well any little bit I can do to awaken people, I will. I’m thinking of the most effective way in my area to inform people. Any ideas? Disseminating the information in a localized grassroots effort.

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Letterbox drop with a little info card (or if applicable a mask exemption card) with qcodes on back of it to direct to more info. If you make the card useful it will probably get more use.

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Given the level of fear instilled in the general public over a prolonged period, there's a great deal of distrust even of family/friends members info, so maybe best to discreetly try to raise doubt. That's all. If you want to make a point, do it by raising a question that may trigger doubt in the narrative. It may cause them to begin their own research. Only provide links or documented evidence if they ask for it. We all need to try and inform one person at a time, nothing pushy, the truth will not be easy for others to accept.

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You did good!

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Fascinating but also scary how people are weaponized to take irrational positions that lead to their demise and the demise of nations. They become like "Stalin's Willing Executioners" in the former USSR where some 66 million people perished in the Gulags or were just taken out back and shot. (source: The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)

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It would be nice to just dismiss the MSM as the partisan propaganda garbage producers that they are and ignore them - but unfortunately there is a fairly large segment of society that are ignorant enough to believe that the MSM is the only reliable source of information. This is the same group that leaves the magicians theater after the show in awe, despite that everyone else saw the bunny run across the stage after it 'disappeared'.

I can't tell you how many times when trying to present the real data to people without even looking at it they outright dismiss it because it doesn't come from one of their 'trusted' sources. They are oblivious to the fact they are being lied to - and seem not to notice that the lies change daily!

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Amen .

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It becomes a game of driving the narrative so the liars need to keep back peddling and ceding ground to the truth. After months of "pandemic of the unvaccinated" mantra the Guardian has a feature with the truth that jabbed are more cases.

They added an insipid note attributing higher breakthrough to a larger % of total population. Another lie bites the dust & reveals the true source of misinformation.


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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, keep speaking, keep fighting… there are so many of us behind you in surprising places in America ( Ie: big cities, well educated, dare I say Liberal lands) Thank you for your hard work!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is time now to start the lawsuits. We can't sue Pfizer, but we CAN sue doctors and hospitals for malpractice. It is time for the Mother of All Malpractice Suits. There needs to be a class action suit targeting the large hospitals and their associated clinics and employee doctors as well as the corporate pharmacies that denied early treatment and even refused to dispense prescribed drugs where doctors had tried to get them for sick patients. Billions of dollars can be ripped out of the bulging pockets of these criminal corporations and given to their injured victims or their surviving families. The class of victims is huge, growing and angry. Any law firms interested?

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I am a retired attorney, former county prosecutor, I've done defense work too. We CAN sue the public health districts, the governors, the contracting organizations doing the testing, shots, "education " and the local television stations, because that immunity isn't a shield when there is fraud, gross negligence, willful neglect, reckless endangerment, and so forth. They KNOW what they are doing. That is also why they get caught violating their own rules all the time. The standard of care doesn't get turned upside down because of a stampede, and those hospitals and other organizations that run to CMS to get "Waivers" to violate patient rights do not get to violate our state and federal constitutional rights, especially not the ones God gives us. There is zip Due Process in any of this, and it is outright fraud, bait and switch when we sig an acknowledgement of patient rights and sign the agreement for treatment - which includes the right to consult, be informed, give informed consent and refuse treatment and then they maim and murder people. I am working on a complaint to Joint Commission that does the licensing of facilities - the more complaints they get the better. I am going through my state criminal statutes as well, because it is time to start filing criminal complaints, just like they are doing in Britain now. There are 2 "nonprofit" Big Medicine tentacled hospital organizations in my state, they each have taken over a $100 million just last year, never mind 2020 from taxpayers thanks to the CARES Act and subsequent "Covid Relief" bills. Those hospitals were closed 5 months+ in 2020 and another 5+ in 2021 for NO REASON and I am one of thousands with permanent neurological damage because they were playing games. There never was a "surge" in my state, and for one hospital that got the governor's permission to "ration care" on absolute pretense last fall, it brought the problem on themselves by firing personnel who had natural immunity and refused to get "vaccinated." It was done to get time on the local television channels that are now covid-all-the-time thanks to the $ for propaganda from taxpayers. And lies! They said last summer my state was "79% vaccinated" to encourage more people to get needles. The actual % is half that. There are no excuses for their criminal choices. If I didn't have chronic WNV and the damage, I would have my body at the legislature every day it is in session.

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"do not get to violate our state and federal constitutional rights" - I'd frame this as a constitutional challenge to the PREP Act itself, because it is overbroad, and creates moral hazard - "Moral hazard is a situation in which someone has limited responsibility for the risks they take and the costs they create. As a result, that person or organization may have an incentive to take more risks than they otherwise would because they don’t have to pay for them. If they take a risk and it goes well, they win. And if things go badly—but somebody else pays the price—the consequences of risk-taking are minimal. ... In a situation where moral hazard is present, there is typically a mismatch between the amounts of information each party has about the risks involved." https://www.thebalance.com/moral-hazard-what-it-is-and-how-it-works-315515

It's pretty clear that the sweeping immunity created by the PREP Act has created an unprecedented moral hazard... see https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-vaccine-court-is-hazardous-to-your-health/ - you might want to contact the attorney who wrote this - https://robertmoxleylaw.com/attorney-profile/

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This attorney might be able to help, too, or point you in the right direction - "Even more problematic is that Americans, if injured, cannot sue Pfizer. There is virtually no other product where a consumer is prohibited from suing the company that manufactures, markets, and profits from the product. Decoupling a company’s profit interest from its interest in safety creates a moral hazard and departs from centuries of product liability doctrine. Thus, it is extraordinary that Americans must take this product under penalty of expulsion from work, school, the military and civil life, but they cannot sue Pfizer for any resulting injuries. The federal government created this unprecedented situation. It granted the immunity, licensed the product, and aggressively sought mandates. This situation therefore warrants unprecedented transparency."


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Here's a a hypothetical example why such immunity granted to what is in effect a monopoly - created by Federal lincensure - should be against good public policy: Let's say that PGE goes to the California Legislature, and tells them that they'll take down all of their power lines in the proximity or running through rural areas, unless the Legislature grants them total immunity from lawsuits resulting from any cause other than harms caused by employees willfully and knowingly committing arson or other criminal activities - and those harms and PGE's responsibility for them must be proven by clear and convincing evidence as to both the act and its intentional nature. The Legislature passes the act, otherwise rural areas would have no electric power. One month later, PGE stops all maintenance on its lines and towers, neglecting to make repairs, a line falls and sparks a fire which consumes thousands of homes. Unlike before, when PGE had to pay out billions to settle claims, its bottom line is untouched, the fires continue, and eventually all of the rural land is sold to PGE investors at "fire sale" prices...

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Exactly what has happened

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I'd argue that in my application for a TRO, and compelling discovery pre-filing, very good

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YES! Now is the time!

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Absolutely 100% on target. Hit them where it hurts. It’s the only language they understand or fear. Does anyone think they’d have injected billions of people with unknown side effects without blanket immunity? It’s a crime against humanity beyond anything imaginable.

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PREP act precludes such suits - including malpractice - https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10443

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It looks like the PREP ACT protects you if you are innocently negligent. These Physicians, Nurses & medical workers have known for a very long time how dangerous these jabs are & they continued to administer them to keep their positions against all morality & the code of ethics to DO NO HARM. In a sane world, no court would absolve them of guilt. Many whistleblowers have come forward, others have refused to continue in good conscience, that’s how we know.

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We learned long ago there is no defense in the words, just following orders.

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"Immunity from liability under the PREP Act is not available for death or serious physical injury caused by willful misconduct. A “serious physical injury” is one that is life-threatening, or results in or requires medical or surgical intervention to preclude permanent impairment of a body function or results in permanent damage to a body structure. Willful misconduct is misconduct that is greater than any form of recklessness or negligence. It is defined in the PREP Act as an act or failure to act that is taken:

1. intentionally to achieve a wrongful purpose;

2. knowingly without legal or factual justification; *and*

3. in disregard of a known or obvious risk that is so great as to make it highly probable that the harm will outweigh the benefit. All three of these conditions must be proven with clear and convincing evidence." https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/prepact/Pages/prepqa.aspx#immune3

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It should be easy to prove these three considering the statements from whistleblowers & others. There are over 20,000 deaths & over a million adverse effects on VAERS, the government website. These numbers are notoriously low.

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I read the document you reference, but I did not see "denial of care" as being excluded from legal action. Did I just miss that?

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Denial of care isn't mentioned, but do doctors and hospitals have a duty to provide care? Except in certain emergency situations, where emergency rooms have a legal duty to stabilize a patient's condition so that the patient is not in immediate peril, I'm pretty sure that hospitals and doctors have no more duty of care than any other citizen would have - see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK542176/, "no duty to treat".

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Thank you for that. Fact are always good to have. It seemed like a good idea this morning. I appreciate you setting me straight. Cheers.

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I read it, and it seems to say that Good Samaritan laws do not apply when payment is rendered for medical services. Which means that employed medical professionals do have a duty of care to the patients in their practice or facility.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn't the Washington Post calling you a "dangerous liar" defamatory? Are your lawyers going to demand a retraction and file suit for libel if WashPost doesn't retract? Time to fight these SOBs with the same ferocity they are attacking others with.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The reason Malone, Rogan, et. al. are so “dangerous” is because people are realizing that the approved narrative doesn’t reflect the reality of their daily lives. They know something doesn’t fit. The only policy that needs to fear criticism or counter-argument is a policy that is failing.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world you fear what he might say” George R.R. Martin

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I am so sorry you are the recipient of continuous disparaging comments and that you remain fiercely engaged in defending your reputation. I can only imagine how emotionally exhausting it is for you. I am thankful you have the love and support of your wife and family. And for what it’s worth I/we are here not only for the science but also to ensure you know our unwavering support and to cheer you on! Thank you and forever grateful!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey, Neil. Once upon a time you saw the needle and the damage done.

Why can’t you see it now?

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, I hope Niel Young will remember, a Southern man don't need him around, anyhow!

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Trust in the US "mainstream" media has plummeted to the 10% level because most people perceive them to be liars. Imagine, in whatever you do for a profession, that you were so bad at it, that 90% of your customers thought you were incompetent! Most of us would be so ashamed we would change professions or hide behind locked doors. With the "mainstream" media, it's even more tragic, as they are supposed to be the gatekeepers who prevent systemic corruption from blighting our constitutional republic. Alas, over decades, real journalists have disappeared and slowly been replaced by soulless, brainless meat puppets who simply parrot whatever the monkeys in the deep state are whispering today. Ultimately, as free citizens, we choose who is credible and not. We've made our choice and the soulless meat puppets don't like it. Our next step should be an organized financial boycott/take-down of the companies who support the deep state's parrot apparatus. And no, this message isn't brought to you by Pfizer.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wish I could let Ms.Lilly know how much I applaud her courage.

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