My Dad, retired military in his late 80's, said at a recent VA visit he was pressured to take the jab. I'm thankful he declined.. but it is clear this thing is going to continue to be pushed regardless of negative outcomes

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Around thirty years ago, I was visiting a friend who was an oncologist. We were in his kitchen and he was loading up one syringe after another. I asked him what that was and he said flu shots. I said I thought Internists, not Oncologists, dispensed flu shots. He said "any doctor can do it. I get one hundred dollars a pop!" This was thirty years ago! I have more recently spoken to physician friends and the profit motive has changed slightly. In large systems like the VA, the doctors may get a bonus if they hit a quota, and they will get docked in pay if they don't hit their quota of shots.

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My god, Kev, if people only knew! Why don't they know...

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The profit motive is being pushed regardless of harm. My friend's mother in high school, was a M.D. anesthesiologist, this was the 70's. She said doctors from China came over to demonstrate acupuncture, she said they were shocked it worked and how well it worked! They were afraid if it were allowed in the U.S. they would be out of a job...the most dangerous part of any surgery is...

Oh forgot, in the 80's I started taking l tryptophan, was distraught when l tryptophan was banned. Called the FDA to ask if I could buy it legally from a Canadain pharmacy. She said no, said she was a supervisor, then went on to tell me that the few cases of disease that the media claimed to be caused by l tryptophan was not true...ummm...this is the same time Prozac came out....she suspected...

When people who stand up for right regardless of the danger, the purest form of altruism, agrue and attack each other it is a dam shame.

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I'm going to ask my VA doctor if they get a bonus for jabs this week. Will be interesting...

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I go to the VA for my Healthcare and my doctor has stopped suggesting that I get jabbed. Maybe she has wised up.

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The solution to all of this (and all corruption in government) is creating Swarms and running both businesses and governments using decentralized, transparent, and trustworthy swarming systems. Have you ever heard of Human Swarm Intelligence? Stay tuned because you are about to. https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Having had Covid-19 very early at the age of 69 it was like a bad flu, without vaccination I have amazingly had one common cold since. This involved probably the longest common cold free period in my lifetime but might be explained by isolation from infected individuals. This one sounds like a common cold, so I will once again pass and take my Zelenko Protocol supplements. I do now have a fear of flying for fear the pilot will succumb to his or her multiple forced injections, but have no fear of Covid itself.

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Just received a new shipment of Dr. Zelenko's Z Stack. I usually get 6 months worth at a time, am well stocked up, expiry date 2025.

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The CFR in COVID is like a flu. However the virus itself can, like the vaccine, cause a large variety of long term harms, and is not a cold or flu, and for the immune comprmised, far worse. IMV the vaccine further weaken the immune system, and produce more spike protein for far longer. ( numerous peer revieed reports suppor ALL of the above including a wide variety of like harms from the virus and the vaccine.

The numbers mean little, as the 180 degree change of COVID policy and narrative from global governments today, compared to 2020 and 2021. In 2020 Covid was amplified with FUD ( Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) and all manner of propaganda. The world was panicked into lock-downs and extreme extension of government power and denial of individual liberty. Testing numbers were extreme, and the cycles used to determine positive rates were absurdly high. Testing was done for employment, to go to work, for any doctor's visit, hospital admission or visit, for a flight, etc… you were tested. The hospitals set up large outdoor drive up COVID testing centers all over the nation. Everybody in a hospital, regardless of the cause, was tested for COVID, and if positive, and they died, they were a COVID death.

Now, in 2023, COVID policy is almost 180 degrees different. If you visit a hospital you are not tested. If you go to a doctor, you are not tested. If you are admitted to the hospital you are usually NOT tested. The tents and drive up centers are gone. Employers test rarely or not at all. The test positive cycles are reduced, and the test positive percentage is not talked about or, AFAICT, published. Thus pneumonia, flu, colds, and MANY other illnesses that could possibly and even likely have been assigned to COVID, are no longer. Nowadays COVID deaths, are much more likely to be COVID deaths, and not deaths with COVID. Numerous US CDC comments now emphasize the mildness of the current COVID mutation. China does this as well, even saying it is like a cold.

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Just wait David. Find my post and read it.

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Just copy a link to it here

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is fun! They have to convince the public that the new variant differs enough from the old to justify getting a booster, but at the same time doesn’t differ enough to make the booster irrelevant. Reminds me of fall 2021 when the message was equally conflicted-convince the vaccinated that the vaccines didn’t work so go get a booster while at the same time convince the unvaxxed that the vaccines do work and go get yourself one.

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Has no one thought to check for Unicorn-borne infections? I altered a batch of PCR tests to test for Unicorn exposure and the results were staggering, at almost uniform Unicorn virus loads, in virtually everyone.

The vaccine against Unicorn-goring is now available and 100% effective at preventing Unicorn attacks and death by Unicorns, but only if you act now, and think later.

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You have government career potential. Apply now.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anything like being gored by a rino? Dare we hope for cross immunity?

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Micheal, That was clever!

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Or cross contamination

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We've all been Al gored.

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deletedSep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023
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And, oddly enough, people will again believe whatever they are told, especially if under duress or stress.

Most people seem to want to get along with the crowd and are troubled (even terrified) at the idea of not conforming to a group with a parallel mental state.

The problem is that once you settle into a group, leaving it is near impossible, especially if you've been a complete ass, and then dug your heels on Twaddle or Instagrab.

I may have been that guy a time or two...

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Doug, near impossible, but not impossible. There is a certain point in most peoples' lives where the pain of denial is too powerful to live with. That is a great place to arrive at, make it or break it.

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Sounds a lot like democratic behavior

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I want to know more about vaccine shedding. My 80 year old inlaws live with us now and they are vaxed and boosted to high heaven!!! They won't listen to me and they will most likely do it again if they roll out more!

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as do I. But no funding = no data.

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That is sad, because so many of us unvaccinated are really concerned about shedding! But would the data be suppressed if it showed a truth to shedding? Sigh! Another good column, Dr. Malone!

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Pfizer included information on shedding in their original filing for approval for their vaccine. Something about if a female co-located with a test subject is having issues with her cycle during the course of the trial to please report it. I had several female clients in the first year of vaccine distribution who refused it and absolutely had issues with shedding affecting their menstrual cycles quite drastically! But they've both been doing good cleansing protocols and are doing well now.

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The clinical trial protocol document linked below is evidence that Pfizer *anticipated* that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). And that is *exactly* what happened, with thousands of women around the world (who did NOT take the "vaccine") reporting adverse effects with their menstrual cycles (severe bleeding, clotting, cramps, miscarriages, starting bleeding again after many years of no periods due to menopause, etc.) from coming into contact with those who received the mRNA "vaccine".

Save this to your hard drive, and read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." Got that?!

How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.

Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. How can anyone pushing this dangerous jab claim that the public had "informed consent"? The public were not informed of this reproductive risk.


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No disrespect to you Dr. Malone, I call govna on no funding. How about taking just a bit from Ukraine and funding the people here. No, the evil politicians in Ukraine and their ilk need funding for more homes all around the globe. Damn, all liars need to be tarred and feathered.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Somebody did a video on this in the past month or two but I can't remember who, maybe Brett Weinstein? It seemed like shedding was much higher risk for people exchanging bodily fluids. The main risk is the LNP and those are not floating in the air.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well expressed what the Big Pharma/Barda game plan is and who are the promoters of the false medical narrative. What is ignored is the recognition that we have simple medical protocols to address the chimeric gain of function Covid virus manufactured in the Wuhan lab with American taxpayer dollars! The truth telling medical experts are ignored and marginalized so the money game dominates!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I gotta say, I love your snarky attitude and humor. This is as close to the Fri. and Sun. laughs as it gets. (and the subjects covered are important!)

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I must have missed something - thought the latest trans(itioned) trans(missible) virus Gender is now B.S.24/7. Hardly something I shall be PCR ing for in a hurry. When will they STOP???

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Jennifer Price , when enough people rise up and say no . 🙏

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel sorry for anyone late to the game. The volumes of important info. from you are staggering. Even tho my knowledge of all things "ologist" is limited, I can now scan and get the meat of the data. So many just don't give a damn, until it smacks them in the face.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I truly appreciate all of the articles published from so many professionals, scientists, on/in this newsletter. All of the scientific data has been extremely informative, & very helpful. I will not get any "alleged vaxxes" & to date (I'm 72), have never had a flu shot. I do not believe all of the hype & propaganda that the CDC & this corrupt regime, have shoved down citizen's throats. There will always be some strain of the "flu", & I don't need a shot that "may/may not" protect me. I have a healthy immune system & practice good hygiene (washing hands, using my arms or elbows to close doors when I'm out in public); but, the wonderful newsletters that have been shared on this substack group, has been extremely helpful, & I thank all of you- the medical professionals, scientists, & all who have contributed to help individuals like myself, stay informed! THANK YOU ALL !

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reported in June, Cleveland Clinic peer-reviewed study shows the more jabs you take, the more likely you are to get the virus.

In a completely unrelated development, it has just been reported that double-vaxed, double-boosted Dr. Jill Biden has just gotten COVID (again).

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I’ve always believed some Americans WERE dying of Covid in the weeks and months before the first CDC “confirmed” Covid deaths in America. My analysis of mortality data from Michigan in the age cohort 75 to 84 supports this hypothesis.

Also, the spike in all-cause deaths beginning in April 2020 is eye-opening. This makes one wonder what changed after mid-March? Did the virus, all of a sudden, become more contagious and lethal or do other factors better explain the massive spike in all-cause deaths?


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I suspect you already know the answer and have followed my friend Ed Dowd and his ongoing analyses of the insurance actuarial data on all cause mortality, and the many essays I have posted on Substack regarding this.

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My great take-away - fairly unique - is that the kryptonite to all the faux or dubious Covid narratives would be "early spread" that was definitively proven or acknowledged. This is THE taboo subject that can't be investigated or confirmed.

If early spread was proven, everyone would understand that lockdowns definitely weren't needed, but the "vaccines" weren't needed either. The main goal of my writing and research is to convince more people to NOT trust the experts. They've been lying from Day 1 of the pandemic. Actually, they were lying before Day 1 because "Day 1" of the pandemic - is off by many/several months.

Making sure everyone had the "birthday" of virus spread wrong was actually the key to the whole rotten operation (IMO).

Thanks for all you are doing ... Ed Dowd too. All your readers too!

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The only thing we can be sure of is that no one was dying of the jabs prior to December 2020 (except perhaps a few in the trials.)

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Am remembering reading some whine from some source years ago about how pharma,makes so little money from jabs as a reason there are so few "willing" to produce the bloody things. After hearing the absurd number of jabs kids are getting today and the oodles paid for these china flu jabs I suspect that was a lot of b.s.

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One question: are CDC tracking the entire proteome of the virus? As in, resequencing the entire genome of each variant? Or are they only tracking changes in the portion of the genome that codes for spike protein?

This is important because, even though vaccines may be driving faster mutation of the spike protein, widespread infection-induced immunity is likely driving evolution of other parts of the virus’s phenotype.

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scientific groups all over the world are tracking the genome and inferring the proteome. Your question indicates substantial sophistication. thanks for that. Always refreshing.

Agree that genome does not always reliably predict proteome.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Riffing on the Dirty Harry quote:

Do ya feel lucky, punk? Did you take six shots or only five? Go ahead, reach for that booster. Make my day.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m so glad that I get to read your substack and get true data if available and know what is lies and what is truth. Thank you for all the research that you do to share with us.

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