Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here in West Denver Colorado (Jefferson County) #Jeffco parents who were concerned about mask mandates formed a group call Jeffco Kids First. That’s the website and also it’s on Facebook.

Currently there are about 5000 members.

Our leader is a young gal, very respectful and fearless. She learned how to do the Colorado open records laws and the sunshine laws so that we could see with the Director of health was doing.

What she discovered was mind blowing.

Each day she let us well by telling us who to contact what to say how to say it. People showed up in huge numbers in person and in their letters.

Our community was swayed towards the children.

Everyone including the county commissioners, Board of Education and Board of Health members were afraid of this one woman ( Director of the Board of Health).

But through hard work, all of the nasty things she had done were exposed. Once that happened the walls came crumbling down quickly. I won’t go into all the details but we fought to get those masks are off.

The public health Director has been forced to resign.

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Feb 17, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, Thanks for the wonderfully spot on advice. We follow you from Germany almost daily and your support has been a life saver. I believe I received a Jab similar to the current Covid shot in 1990 in The first gulf war at the airfield in Saudi…..it was „classified“ and nothing was added to my records. My immune system went into high gear and I was sick for over 20 years….Dr. Garth Nicolson back then opined possible genetically engineered HIV and mycoplasma fermentans….I think it was a DARPA assisted mRNA jab against bio weapons.Had covid two weeks ago…..using FLCCC and Zelenko protocol had no symptoms in 3 days. Thanks for having a backbone and being a real doctor.

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I have read that the Gulf War Syndrome was actually due to the "vaccines " the soldiers were given.

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Feb 17, 2022·edited Feb 17, 2022

It was specifically the Anthrax and Small Pox vaccines with some contribution from all that toxic smoke when Saddam's troops burned those Kuwaiti oil wells. The DoD actually dropped those vaccines because the problems associated with them.

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Maybe it was Kennedy's book.

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Thank you. I read so much I don't remember where I saw that. I appreciate your info.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderful, thoughtful guidance, Dr. Malone. Bravo! I will add, however, that the upside of COVD is that it is really a gift of a red pill for our times. It has become more than obvious as we all observe the horrifying ineptitude of many of our systems - education, health care, government, corporate, etc. Our daughter thankfully had the wisdom to immediately pull our 3 granddaughters out of a private school at the very first request of masking - as she heeded her maternal instincts of the harm/abuse of such a mandate for young children. And as she set about to homeschool them (now ages 5, 7, 9) she discovered the inadequacies and gaps in the curriculum at this highly touted school. They've never been happier and are way ahead of their peers! So, Jennifer, there is indeed a vigorous, enlightened, cutting edge community of homeschoolers waiting to meet, engage and embrace your family into it! Blessings to you for your courage - and always trust your instincts.

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As a mom of 2 kids, all I can say your daughter did the right thing!

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And you have illustrated one of the silver linings in all this, and that is insight into schools and modeling good decision making for our children in such scenarios.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every day it's getting harder to see my computer screen thru the tears. Thank you for letting the whole country lean on you. I only hope you don't tire from your load. You are a national treasure.

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Thank you for sharing this heartfelt letter as well as your powerful response, Dr. Malone. It is messages like these that make me feel our relentless efforts to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs are not in vain.

The other day, Geert Vanden Bossche published a beautiful letter to a young person facing similar pressures:


I hope Jennifer will read these comments as I would like to share two letters of my own that may help her fight these coercive measures:

• “Letter to a Governing Body” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-governing-body)

• “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority)

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GREAT letters! (just subscribed)

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Aww, thanks so much, Kim, and I’m delighted to welcome you!

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Jennifer,

I feel for you the stress and helplessness in your stomach. I went thru the same thing with my college daughter and finally got an exemption that was perfectly recommended by the way. I was in contact with Dr Malone since the beginning, I am myself a physician, and we were both in agreement. I learned a lot from him but nevertheless when you know patho physiology and immunology, this whole story is terrorizing.

Dr Malone replied to my asking for help with powerful words and opened my eyes on the fact that I was not alone. I took my courage into my hands, wrote to the college dean and to a good friend of mine MD himself and ask for help. In a matter of few days, the problem was solved: she got an exemption and didn’t need being vaxed.

My heart was beating correctly again.

I continue to pass every new studies findings, and try to open eyes to who ever try to force the narrative.

Thank you Robert and Jill for your help now and then.

Jennifer, you will do it for your children and others’

Stay strong

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for posting this letter from a Vermont mom! I too am in Vermont and am the mother of two young children. Last week, my 4th grader respectfully refused to wear a mask in school. She’s always been a rule follower so I believe her teachers were shocked (initially she was so proud to do her part and wear a mask to protect others, but she’s been pushed too far) I was called to pick her up, and that evening we received so many supportive messages from parents whose children went home and told them how proud they were of our daughter. My husband and I were also so proud! We have heard that many more elementary students are planning to do the same when they return from winter break next week.

I am involved with a group (although small) of like minded moms, and I’d love to reach out to this mom somehow!! This letter speaks to exactly how we feel. We’ve seen a huge increase in violence in our elementary school, and it is very concerning. Our kids need normalcy, and time is of the essence!!

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Patricia - Jennifer would like to reach out to you. If interested, could you email @ info@rwmalonemd.com with your email and I will connect you two.

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I honestly believe that this age group can made a big difference if their parents encourage them to stand up. What a great lesson for all of them! Band with other parents and encourage all of these kids to go maskless. What are the teachers going to do? Really! At elementary school, they will call the parents to come get them. Some lessons are life lessons and way more important than the school indoctrination lesson of the day. Good luck to all of you!

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No mask if 80% vaxxed. So clever and evil. They give themselves an excuse to not cave on masks and shift the burden on masks to others. And they dangle that carrot to get others to do something else that they want. It really is devilishly genius.

“ Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”

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And what is stopping them from then moving the goal posts once again and then mandating the masks for the unvaxxed children? It is incredibly sinister and trust in the FDA, CDC, NIH fully eroded.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


The CDC is getting its public health policy marching orders from the teacher's union.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stay strong, Jennifer. Don’t cave. If you do, and if the CDC gets their way, your kids will continue to receive the shots going forward.

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Project Veritas says annual boosters. Ca-ching.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If Jennifer is listening, I second the motion to home school.

My wife and I took on that rather large burden when our first son was born in 1990. We had both been at university to become music teachers and became aware that the system was rotten from the inside. From then on we proceeded to trudge blindly down this path and it resulted in lost income, but five kids that have a lot of respect for what we did. It did take them time to arrive at that conclusion, and I have my regrets about not having more income for all those decades, but it was the correct choice.

No one mandated us to do it, it was a choice we made so that is a big difference. If one is being forced into home schooling and have not prepared mentally for that, I would also second the idea of a co-op or group. In 2011 we helped start a co-op where we are now, but our kids are grown and that period is over. Many companies also have internal volunteer programs to help with educating kids these days as well.

This whole worldwide situation has caused many bad and evil things to surface, but many good things as well. Sites like Khan academy are there these days and there is so many other great video resource online.

As parents we have a lot in the game, but it certainly is worth the fight.

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Good for you and your wife making that sacrifice. We did the same and have never regretted it!

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am glad my children just graduated high school last year. It was a terrible last 2 years for them and they were bitter about their Senior experience being ruined. Thank you Dr. Malone for sharing this letter, for responding to her as you did, and for caring enough to be an example to many of us. I have had people in my circle going along with all this nonsense simply because they say "what am I supposed to do", and in a nutshell you offered sound advice. We should all be resisting and being vocal against this as the "new norm".

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Intimidation by the "authorities" - why so hard to get alternative views across

I went to my urologist two days ago with materials about early treatment. I knew before when he did surgery for prostate cancer that he has been associated with Harvard. I live in central Ohio. He went through the litany: New England Journal of Medicine is best in the world, then there is JAMA and British Medical Journal. I trained with Nobel Prize Winning surgeon who got the prize because he figured out how to suppress immune system to do the first organ transplant. He even drew some diagrams of attacks by spike proteins. And he is treating patients here in a large hospital where they have covid patients 4 to a room and medical people wear hazmat suits.

Was he just showing off?

Each Wed evening, 7 PM is the Weekly Update from flccc.net. The latest session on Feb 16 is not yet up on their web page, but I recommend it. Sure enough NEJM had a recent hit piece on ivermectin. This explains the urologist explaining the "truth" about covid. Watch that video to see how journals suppress reports against the official position of vax, vax, vax.

By the way, the Feb 9 of Weekly Update is up featuring Dr. Meryl Ness. Outstanding in her discussion of the legal ways the system is kept in check. No worry about malpractice as long as doctors and hospitals go along with CDC guidelines! State of Emergency gives government extreme powers.

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Yes, both sessions are excellent! Last night's convinced me to avoid every product pharma comes out with and look for natural or nutraceutical solutions.

Their presentations last night shed more light on why my *former* PCP was so clueless about early treatment. In reality, I think it was more about covering her own butt than the issue of being ignorant.

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They’re all compromised.

We have to rethink our ‘entitlements’ to healthcare and long life expectancy, and not expect too much of anything from medical experts and governments.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, Great response to the parent of teenaged and smaller kids. Thanks so much. I will share this with my children who all have school aged kids at risk.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Covid hysteria is rampant and the result are the irrational situations such as what this mother is experiencing.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My heart goes out to Jennifer. As a grandparent, I've watched my son and daughter (who truly mean well) get vaccinated as well as my six grandchildren. It breaks my heart. Parental activism could very well be the key to stopping the vaccine mandate madness. A mother or father protecting their children - there's nothing more powerful or loaded with more genuine conviction. And other parents will notice. I suspect there are many who need someone to show them how to effectively stand up against the vaccine and mask mandates. Dr. Malone, your advice is balanced and persistently spot on. Thank you for all you do.

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