Excellent letter.

I am so gratified to learn that medical personnel have begun to employ their own critical thinking on matters and are no longer afraid to speak out when they see something they find worrisome, regardless of the prestige of the organizations sponsoring dangerous recommendations.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

These same "prestigious" organizations have roundly ignored/suppressed prior communications of this kind, including those from a couple of much larger aggregates of health professionals. I hope and pray that the tide is turning....

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I liken these kinds of letters to "march-and-go-home" demonstrations. The ruling elites can safely ignore them. The public (to the extent they are even aware in the first place) will soon forget about it as their focus is switched to the next "crisis". The only characteristics of resistance that will have any effect, I believe, are "massive" and "sustained". As in: Massive sustained demonstrations of civil disobedience, preferably nonviolent. Massive sustained efforts at building local alternatives for food supply. And so on.

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Massive and sustained. I pray that the waves (us) are building out in the high seas and will soon roar ashore. And the storm be sustained for as long as it takes to topple the ramparts of fraud and greed. And audacity and hubris. And arrogance and evil.

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Indeed! Denmark has rejected for young adults to newborn and now this report from UK. I’d like to believe it could make a difference. Not with current USA leaders.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the idea that giving children the vax might give Pharma a bad reputation. LOL. I think that ship sailed long ago.

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Yes this will take mobilized global will and its not going to happen overnight. People around me are starting to listen, especially those that have buried loved ones under 50 with sudden heart attacks/unexplained death. What is different in the last 2 years?

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent! Hopefully the UK views the letter as imminent, serious and a present danger.

As aside, about 3 days ago, Dr. James Thorp OB/GYN specialist did a podcast with Epoch Times specifically discussing the poison in the mRNA shot from the OB/GYN perspective.

If you can’t access it, I will sum up the GROTESQUE details for you.

“Infant girls and menopausal woman are bleeding vaginally from receiving the mRNA shot!! Imagine changing a female infants diaper and seeing that she has her period!!! Too bad this FACT didn’t make it into the letter.

Additionally, all woman who are in their menstruating years have noted irregularities in their monthly periods. Dr. Thorp mentioned a noticeable increase in complications with high risk pregnancies that include still births.

It is the most disturbing podcast I have watched thus far.

Lord hear our prayers!


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Since this obviously isn't a hormonal phenomenon, I have come to the conclusion that the body, and women's as a special case, is engineered to have many creative and not well understood ways to quickly rid themselves of poisons in an emergency. More than we previously knew. I believe I heard Dr. Christiane Northrup wondering something like this as well when she was commenting on the wave of bleeds and decidual casts from uteruses post vax. Even those of us post menopause ought to be grateful for this extra exit ramp out of the body for potential detoxification.

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Ummmmm......these assholes will kill their children all the way up to the day they're born, so what's the big deal about killing them @ 6m to 15 years?

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Oh, you make a very good point.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All mRNA or COVID spike protein delivery system mechanisms must be stopped... the Data must be transparently collected and independently evaluated...

Why not put the Global “gain-of-function” experiments on hold...

...at least a year

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I pray that there are 76 Medical Professionals in all nations of the world that have the courage to tell the truth to the those who have not had the courage to defend human life and go with the Covid con.

The challenge is forminable because of the well honed drug marketing that Big Pharma does through Public Relations firms who are well paid to manipulate the narrative that is delivered to the politicians, the physicians and the public. The following article "Stop this Madness" explains some of the methods used to create fear in the mothers of babies. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/stop-the-madness. How these word smiths can sleep at night when they are just tools of those who don't respect preservation of life. When Bill Gates states "We only expected 1% of the population to be infected" speaks volumnes that this Covid was preplanned.

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Fantastic, do we have 76 brave doctors in the USA that would put their names on something like this?

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global covid summit. 17,000. Our statement came out quite a while ago now. https://globalcovidsummit.org/

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Yes DR Malone, well done yet again, these 17,000 Professionals are from ALL OVER THE WORLD, so it is NOT just a "local situation" this fiasco of covid "vaccines" (in my opinion) is literally destroying the world as we knew it.

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We do, but people have been told the brave doctors with integrity cannot be believed. Occasionally I interact with strangers on social media. A woman angrily asked for sources for a comment I made. I diligently gathered a list of several websites and several books, only to have her tell me none of it is credible. I have had this happen numerous times. They refuse to even consider it. Her only defense was to call me names like lethal, satanic, wackadoodle, etc. Bless her heart, as we say in the South. It's sad, but all I can do is respond kindly with truth, until it reaches the point, as with this woman, that I know I'm just wasting my time. Mass formation psychosis in action.

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It is hard to be told that something you were believing to be true, when it comes to something so important as a health crisis, is a lie. That the very people that should be helping us to understand how to prevent illness and make our selves healthy again are in fact sabotaging those very efforts by the doctors and all health care workers trying to help us to get and stay healthy. The passing of Dr. Zelenko is a classic example of a doctor who made a huge contribution to the solution of the Covid19 crisis with his discovery of treating his patients with Hydroxychloraquine and Zinc. Dr. Zelenko was ignored by the health officials because it did not fit the agenda of the machine that is operating even though his results were so great. Fauci and his team used 2400mg of Hydroxy that was enough to kill an elephant. Zelenko's protocol was 400mg. This is how we know that the countries health organizations and the people running them are corrupt and cannot be trusted. It will take time, but eventually the codependency will cease and the anger will emerge from the masses once they realize they have been lied too. Those of us that know the truth have to do the work to keep speaking about what we know to be true from the doctors and health professionals on the front lines who are experiencing this first hand unlike the ones featured on MSM. The machines mouth. Just like Dr. Malone, we need to do the work and it won't be popular.

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I like this quote from Canadian doctor Roger Hodkinson: "When the autopsy of this mad period of time is written . . . a thin booklet in lay language, that lays out the devastation that's been caused by these idiots running the show, when that hits the lay mind, I don't think we're prepared for the revulsion that's going to be seen internationally. . . When people understand the degree to which they've been lied to, intentionally, over a period of two years . . . this massive toll that's affected every single person on earth, the revulsion is going to be something that politicians are not prepared for."

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Yeah me too, unfortunately for me it is my own son who wont take a serious look at any of my sources. I think the tide is turning slowly though, I was surprised that Amazon did not cancel the book "Neither Safe Nor Effective" - so that was interesting.

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I'll have to check out that book, I've not heard of it. I'm buying everyone's books just to support them, even if I never get around to reading them.

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wonder why Amazon is delaying delivery of Robert Malone book. It is already months since I have ordered.. that is interesting indeed

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Not sure, but I pre-ordered also and I saw something somewhere that made me think Dr. Malone had not yet finished it.

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Absolutely, but so far - crickets from TPTB and many of the docs are being persecuted via their licensing boards who serve the Corporate State instead of docs or patients.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for the work that you continue to persevere with logic and scientific reason. Europe seems to have a more scientific response to Covid19, even though they are also under the same propaganda storm that we are experiencing in North America. It has only been 2 weeks that I have been able to board a plane or train in Canada, not having been injected with any of these experimental shots. In fact, there was a large campaign to have Canadians accept the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine if it was the one you were offered. I had the benefit of hearing from others as to their AEs, to decide not to participate.

When I speak to the European medical professionals, doctors and scientists about the importance of iodine in the diet, they naturally understand its link to elemental health, but are quick to point out how protective Big Pharma is of their American market and how "they" have eliminated the knowledge of the role and importance of iodine/iodide in our bodies. Maybe that is why Synthroid is the number one selling drug in the US? T3 T4 hormone production is vital to life and yet we here in North America, have so little knowledge as to how to enable the production of these crucial hormones. Most doctors that I speak with simply prescribe Synthroid rather than address iodine/iodide required in our diet. Naturally created T3s and T4s would surely be far superior to synthetics? Kind of like natural immunity trumping that of a vaccine?

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Thank you for this info. I started taking my D3 with k2 in sea iodine. The last tsh I had was within normal limits. I was borderline the last few years but my doctor wanted to monitor it instead of putting me on synthroid.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What was the song the scarecrow sang in the Wizard of Oz? I think that should be the theme song for the FDA.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The fact that the 15 to 45 age group of healthy males has seen an increase in their death rate of 40%, it is insanity to inflict this on otherwise healthy individuals. This so-called vaccine, which is not a vaccine, has killed more people in less than two years than all other vaccines combined since...EVER! The monsters behind this Mass Murder must be brought to trial as in the Nuremburg Trials after WWII and publicly executed by firing squad or hanging by the neck until dead. Nothing else will stop these madmen. THE END.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I noticed a number of the people were retired, so the threat of getting their license revoked isn't so much of a threat. (I think...) a good idea for our Drs. too, do you think so? The information is clear, concise and strongly worded. I do hope they read the inherent danger, I just heard Geert, he's REALLY concerned!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The time is now!

Dr. Mark Trozzi - Fauci lied, people died | NIH coronavirus creation in Wuhan

¨If the police or military do not take Fauci and others into custody, then I pray that US militia do and fulfill their lawful right and duty.

The National Institutes of Health has stunningly admitted to funding gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan lab — despite Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly insisting to Congress that no such thing happened; and it being a crime for him to finance this banned research.

It is clearly long over-due for the police or military to take Fauci, Peter Daszak, executives at Eco Alliance and others into custody. If not, we pray for US militia to succeed in fulfilling their lawful right and duty.¨ https://drtrozzi.org/2022/07/04/fauci-lied-people-died-nih-coronavirus-creation-in-wuhan/

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Sadly, police and military at every level in this insane asylum is corrupt and co-opted.

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I believe that most of those at the low level are not corrupt. They obey and follow orders. They should not. They should follow their oaths and that is to serve the USA Constitution. The people. We should find a way to talk to them.

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I fear it is way, way too late for reasoning.

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Do you have any suggestions?

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Prepare for collapse as best you can... Food, water, shelter, means of defense, first aid supplies, few extra $s, etc. Hold your family close and avoid dangerous locations. Nothing very original or insightful here, I fear.

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The medical profession has been playing fast and loose with the development of immunity in children for some time. Knew a girl from Columbia w/ lupus. Said they had a focus of that there and it was studied extensively. Found a apparent relationship between heavy dosage of antibiotics in early life and development of lupus later in early adulthood. Sis-in-law had lots of ear infections as a,tot, gots lot of antibiotics and sure enough, lupus in her late 20s. Given the plethoria of immunizations and antibiotics kids get today can only guess what surprises these covid jabs have in store for their immune systems

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great post! Gratified to have had it shared. Will pass it along! In that regard I also came across two postings today that IMO you may want to share with your followers/readers here and on GETTR (and any other sites you post to). {If there is a better way to get this sort of info to you, would be happy to know it - I don't pester]

The first is a substack article well illustrating your recommendations re Community. Beautifully Illustrative IMO

Covid-19 Though My Eyes Pt. 3 – “Family Quarantine”Family Quarantine:

Finding the positives in life

Brooke Miller M D and Amanda Kita

The second is an Epoch Times Bright Article/Interview with Bryon Cole, MD



Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects

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Jill and I are just leaving to meet Brooke and his wife to watch fireworks together.....

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Is it true that if Pharma cos get it approved for children they will automatically get liability protection once the covid "vaccines" come off EUA?

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Oh Yes! And they did!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A great letter! I'm so glad this is happening.

Now we have to we have to get the bad eggs out and the good eggs in.

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