Hilary Clinton and Obama did this. Hilary as the SOS brokered and pushed for the destruction of Libya and the murder of Ghaddafi. People are ignorant of why they invaded Libya. They are ignorant of the Total surrender of Ghaddafi prior to the destruction of Libya. His pleas to the US and the UN not to invade. Ghaddafi had complied with every single UN demand. I've read the documents by the Diplomats that tried to broker the Peace Treaty Gaddafi signed of unconditional surrender that the Obama and Hilary ignored. He warned them that if he was removed the country would go "Tribal" with waring factions and the breakdown in society and the infrastructure that would happen. Because they murdered Ghaddafi these damn failures happened because of lack of maintenance. Millions of people killed, left homeless, or orphaned because of these warmongers. He had UN inspectors onsite to verify his removal of all Bioweapons and WMD's. Libya was the most prosperous Middle East Country. Ghaddafi's sin was he was introducing the "Gold Dinar" that was going to replace the "PetroDollar" and threaten the US Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency.
Yes, the US is responsible for the general state of that country. It makes me sick that people in power think they have the right--indeed, the duty--to interfere in countries that do not threaten us. Maybe if the country had been united, as it was, the state of those dams would have been addressed. Evil actions have incalculable repercussions.
Tripoli was a major hub of trade centuries ago and the US bartered and battled there since its founding. Not saying that geoengineering can manifest storms or heighten a storm’s affect at sea, but I wonder. When an Alinsky follower marries a Rhodes scholar and are passed a baton by the rulers of the globe and installed in ruling positions in the most powerful nation ‘things’ happen. There are no coincidences. Libya has the 10-largest proven oil reserves in the world and ‘they’ want it for future use.
Any recent (within 5 years) published reports of below par dam maintenance anywhere in the world should be suspected as intentioned fodder to explain future events. This is where the mind goes when dots never fail to tell a story - over and over again.
The "Alinsky follower" is of course - Hillary Rodham Clinton - who just happens to be a member of the "Council on Foreign Relations", ( & "citizen of the world" Obama's former secretary of state ); and the "Rhodes Scholar" is of course Hillary's 'hubby' - William Jefferson Clinton - himself also a member of the "Council on Foreign Relations".
Noteworthy is that Bill Clintons 'roommate' in England - when was matriculating to become a Rhodes Scholar was none other than a US state department employee -Strobe Talbot - himself also a "Council on Foreign Relations" member - who, like his mentor - "CFR" member - Henry Kissinger - both wrote many books trashing the "outmoded" concept of "Individual Nation States"; and praise and accolades for the coming "One-World-Order" - as envisioned via the UN's One-World-Order 'blue prints' contained in both the UN "AGENDA-21" (and) the UN "AGENDA-2030" - now only 7 years away from becoming a "concrete" reality the International Collective Left has wet-dreams over.
UNLESS by some MIRACLE, the American people - at large - WAKE UP to the imminent
national and INDIVIDUAL danger and peril We, our children and children's children face NOW - and MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD - this "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 - WILL be a MEMORY of what WAS - and NEVER WILL be again.
START, by CONTACTING our ELECTED representatives in the HOUSE and SENATE - and the current Speaker of The House - Kevin McCarthy - tell them (and HIM) in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS- to begin voting on a SERIES of Bills to DE-FUND the ROGUE state department, "justice" department, FBI, CIA, NSA, interior, education (and) energy departments - just for OPENERS!
Great news...just the ticket for eye-opening reading (and) providing life-long super-charged (intellectual) horsepower to defeat the systemic stupidity extant.
BTW, I spoke with Don (today) about the link you provided vis-'a-vis action in the Pacific during WWII - he is anxious to see & read the illuminating eye witness remembrances.
Besides the oil, Libya has vast underground fresh water reserves. Ghaddafi had tapped that and was building a massive underground pipe system to distribute the water and transform Libya and even neighboring countries into an agricultural oasis. It was called the 8th wonder of the world - the Manmade River. NATO Blew Up the Pipe Line. Imagine having Africa feed Africa - that was also not allowed as the West would lose it's bargaining ability for the Vast African Mineral/Metal Resources.
Very, very interesting jramsix - a link I'm keeping.
The Bush's massive property buy in South America has the world's largest natural aquifer of fresh water and is close to one of the largest oil deposits. I also heard that Hussein’s search for the lost city of Semarian was successful and that was not allowed either. There are people in high places that believe giants with very long life spans made their home there and that important DNA is a must to be recovered, but only by the ‘right’ people.
Not sure if anyone posted this or if they remember Hilary’s famous line; we came, we saw, and we killed him!! What a great American diplomat!!! She and Obama are responsible for the civil war that has raged in Libya and all of the poor that have been killed by their actions. I’m sure if the Clinton or Biden crime families could skim off 10% for the big guy they’re all in on handing some new tax payer deficit over to them. I’m also sure it will be more than the measly 700 hundred lossy dollars they gave the people Lahaina. Why just the other day, oh ya 911, Biden gave the Iranians (the largest terrorist state) 8 billion dollars, and his administration basically said 911 was 22 years ago, people have to move on. People have to wake the f- -k up that’s what people have to do. For the life of me I can’t understand these Marxists.
You are correct, sir. Qaddafi was assassinated by the USA, through Hillary and her ilk. And then she followed through by abandoning our ambassador and bodyguard and turning our back on good Libyan people (yes, most people in every country are overwhelminly innocents). We have all seen the present regime in all their ignominy. Repeating over and over again, because that is who they always have been.
Another tragic event! Why have they silenced the Incineration of Americans in Lahaina that is just as tragic! Why won’t they allow us to know how many really died!
Whenever there is any crisis, the US government sends “aid” with strings attached through organizations who they are already in bed with- thus building up those “friends”. Those “friends" work incessantly to promote the woke agenda of US hegemony. Best to send money yourself through NGOs. but, unfortunately, it is surprising how many of those are tied into the US state department neocons. So do your homework.
The theory that the upstream dam broke first and overwhelmed the downstream dam makes sense. I saw an engineering report reference earlier today done last year stating the dams were in critical condition and needed work immediately (as of last year).
My impression has been that the state of the dams in N O had been an issue that should have been addressed. Reading over all the comments here, one has to reflect on all the unnatural contributors that may well have played a substantial role been culpable in causing this disaster.
The levees were in poor condition and many reports had been put out recommending they be raised and other upgrading work done. As in Libya, the work was never done before Katrina hit.
Thank you, Fred, and yes, that does make sense. Let's hope this leads to the evaluation and reinforcement of critical infrastructures around the world to prevent such catastrophes from recurring.
Unfortuntately this happens all the time. Maintenance is not done because of lack of funds, corruption of officals, politics putting the money to other more visible uses, out of sight out of mind syndrome, etc. Maui fires had a similar story that all the technical reports were there that something needed to be done but were ignored for various reasons. Its like the leaky roof. Some people don't do anything until the drywall is falling off of the ceiling.
Good points, Fred. Although I’ve no doubt neglect, corruption, and funding played a role in the Maui tragedy, there is far more to that sinister story than the media is telling us:
These days I don't discount even fringe conspiracy theories since so many have come true in the past 3 years. I saw a writeup by Sasha Latropova in which a knowlegable person came forward with data suggesting the fires in Maui were too perfect, following property lines. There seems to be a coverup there and no report of what happened to hundreds of missing children who by now should have been accounted for. My wife is a firm believer in DEW and HAARP activities. Since we commoners are not privy to the latest and greatest weapons I don't doubt there are weapons out there that could have been deployed. In the same way I don't discount that Libya could simply be a natural disaster. I design small urban storm water detention facilities as part of my work and understand the problems of fluidizing of soil, under drainage needs in dams, etc, etc.
1. Libya has no electricity bill, electricity came free of charge to all citizens.
2. There were no interest rates on loans, the banks were state-owned, the loan of citizens by law 0%.
3. Kadafi promised not to buy a house for his parents until everyone in Libya owns a home.
4. All newlywed couples in Libya received 60,000 dinars from the government & because of that they bought their own apartments & started their families.
5. Education & medical treatment in Libya are free. Before Gaddafi there were only 25% readers, 83% during his reign
6. If Libyans wanted to live on a farm, they received free household appliances, seeds and livestock.
7. If they cannot receive treatment in Libya, the state would fund them $2300+ accommodation & travel for treatment abroad.
8. If you buy a car, the government finances 50% of the price.
9. The price of gasoline became $ 0.14 per liter.
10. Libya had no external debt, and reserves were $150 Billion (now frozen worldwide)
11. Since some Libyans can't find jobs after school, the government will pay the average salary when they can't find a job.
12. Part of oil sales in Libya are directly linked to the bank accounts of all citizens.
13. The mother who gave birth to the child will receive $5000
14. 40 loaves of bread cost $0.15.
15. 25% of Libyans had all Ilisna diplomas.
16. Kadafi has implemented the world's biggest irrigation project known as the "BIG MAN PROJECT" to ensure water availability in the desert.
If this is called “DICTATORSHIP” I wonder what democracy is?
Oh and BTW, this is weather weaponisation. The Mediterranean doesn't have hurricanes, neither did the Black Sea until two years ago. If you want to do some good, track the satellites and the planes... The small fast moving ones that aren't on flight tracker which leave Xs in the sky...
What a horrific tragedy.! Mother nature does not do this! I grew up in New Orleans and learned from a young age that hurricanes reduce in strength when they hit land...not increase like Katrina.
One reason I am so happy that Dennis Kucinich is working for Robert Kennedy jr for President is because he was the one person in Congress who "outed" the bill "owning the weather by 2020" Geo engineering for warfare.
Unfortunately, few organizations seem to help the people who lost everything. Let's make sure that we donate to proper groups, with boots on the ground.
The hurricane was probably geoengineering, to be conveniently blamed on global warming. Then the question becomes, why was Libya destabilized in the first place, and Gaddafi removed? Because Libya has oil. Why was Iraq invaded? Because Iraq has oil. Oil, and the lack of it, is the controlling aspect of 21st century life.
I'm looking at The Oil Age is Over, by Matt Savinar. He observes, "[E]ven if the oil comes from another part of the world, because it has to be paid for in dollars, it's as though the U.S. is selling it. Consequently, any country that attempts to price oil transactions in the euro poses an extremely ominous financial threat to the US economy and will be dealt with accordingly."
"What's going to happen when recently industrialized China decides it needs what little cheap oil is left as bad as the US does? World War III."
Goodness; I feel badly that this was unknown to me. I admittedly do not patronize major media because of well known untruthful broadcasting. Thank you for informing us.
A heart can break in a thousand ways, this is just one. While listening to the fire fighters stories from 9/11 I cried in honor of their heroism. Same here, the crying doesn't end.
Here's how Spirit works in my life. As I was writing a response about heartbreak concerning Libya, a new hygienist came to retrieve me. We quickly got to the point, as we didn't have much time. She is Somali and awake! One of her relatives (Great-Uncle?) was president and she showed me pictures of him with Gaddafi. We were both buoyed up to have met and hugged goodbye. There are no coincidences like this without the hand of Spirit!
My heart is filled with Anger as well.
Hilary Clinton and Obama did this. Hilary as the SOS brokered and pushed for the destruction of Libya and the murder of Ghaddafi. People are ignorant of why they invaded Libya. They are ignorant of the Total surrender of Ghaddafi prior to the destruction of Libya. His pleas to the US and the UN not to invade. Ghaddafi had complied with every single UN demand. I've read the documents by the Diplomats that tried to broker the Peace Treaty Gaddafi signed of unconditional surrender that the Obama and Hilary ignored. He warned them that if he was removed the country would go "Tribal" with waring factions and the breakdown in society and the infrastructure that would happen. Because they murdered Ghaddafi these damn failures happened because of lack of maintenance. Millions of people killed, left homeless, or orphaned because of these warmongers. He had UN inspectors onsite to verify his removal of all Bioweapons and WMD's. Libya was the most prosperous Middle East Country. Ghaddafi's sin was he was introducing the "Gold Dinar" that was going to replace the "PetroDollar" and threaten the US Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency.
Yes, the US is responsible for the general state of that country. It makes me sick that people in power think they have the right--indeed, the duty--to interfere in countries that do not threaten us. Maybe if the country had been united, as it was, the state of those dams would have been addressed. Evil actions have incalculable repercussions.
Tripoli was a major hub of trade centuries ago and the US bartered and battled there since its founding. Not saying that geoengineering can manifest storms or heighten a storm’s affect at sea, but I wonder. When an Alinsky follower marries a Rhodes scholar and are passed a baton by the rulers of the globe and installed in ruling positions in the most powerful nation ‘things’ happen. There are no coincidences. Libya has the 10-largest proven oil reserves in the world and ‘they’ want it for future use.
Any recent (within 5 years) published reports of below par dam maintenance anywhere in the world should be suspected as intentioned fodder to explain future events. This is where the mind goes when dots never fail to tell a story - over and over again.
Well said, Shelly.
The "Alinsky follower" is of course - Hillary Rodham Clinton - who just happens to be a member of the "Council on Foreign Relations", ( & "citizen of the world" Obama's former secretary of state ); and the "Rhodes Scholar" is of course Hillary's 'hubby' - William Jefferson Clinton - himself also a member of the "Council on Foreign Relations".
Noteworthy is that Bill Clintons 'roommate' in England - when was matriculating to become a Rhodes Scholar was none other than a US state department employee -Strobe Talbot - himself also a "Council on Foreign Relations" member - who, like his mentor - "CFR" member - Henry Kissinger - both wrote many books trashing the "outmoded" concept of "Individual Nation States"; and praise and accolades for the coming "One-World-Order" - as envisioned via the UN's One-World-Order 'blue prints' contained in both the UN "AGENDA-21" (and) the UN "AGENDA-2030" - now only 7 years away from becoming a "concrete" reality the International Collective Left has wet-dreams over.
UNLESS by some MIRACLE, the American people - at large - WAKE UP to the imminent
national and INDIVIDUAL danger and peril We, our children and children's children face NOW - and MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD - this "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 - WILL be a MEMORY of what WAS - and NEVER WILL be again.
START, by CONTACTING our ELECTED representatives in the HOUSE and SENATE - and the current Speaker of The House - Kevin McCarthy - tell them (and HIM) in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS- to begin voting on a SERIES of Bills to DE-FUND the ROGUE state department, "justice" department, FBI, CIA, NSA, interior, education (and) energy departments - just for OPENERS!
A nice treasure trove Tom! My TPM book will arrive on the 30th!
Great news...just the ticket for eye-opening reading (and) providing life-long super-charged (intellectual) horsepower to defeat the systemic stupidity extant.
BTW, I spoke with Don (today) about the link you provided vis-'a-vis action in the Pacific during WWII - he is anxious to see & read the illuminating eye witness remembrances.
Besides the oil, Libya has vast underground fresh water reserves. Ghaddafi had tapped that and was building a massive underground pipe system to distribute the water and transform Libya and even neighboring countries into an agricultural oasis. It was called the 8th wonder of the world - the Manmade River. NATO Blew Up the Pipe Line. Imagine having Africa feed Africa - that was also not allowed as the West would lose it's bargaining ability for the Vast African Mineral/Metal Resources.
Very, very interesting jramsix - a link I'm keeping.
The Bush's massive property buy in South America has the world's largest natural aquifer of fresh water and is close to one of the largest oil deposits. I also heard that Hussein’s search for the lost city of Semarian was successful and that was not allowed either. There are people in high places that believe giants with very long life spans made their home there and that important DNA is a must to be recovered, but only by the ‘right’ people.
2nd line of the Marines Hymn
Exactly - to the shores of Tripoli. The USG has been protecting its commerce ever since. The reason we built a navy.
Not sure if anyone posted this or if they remember Hilary’s famous line; we came, we saw, and we killed him!! What a great American diplomat!!! She and Obama are responsible for the civil war that has raged in Libya and all of the poor that have been killed by their actions. I’m sure if the Clinton or Biden crime families could skim off 10% for the big guy they’re all in on handing some new tax payer deficit over to them. I’m also sure it will be more than the measly 700 hundred lossy dollars they gave the people Lahaina. Why just the other day, oh ya 911, Biden gave the Iranians (the largest terrorist state) 8 billion dollars, and his administration basically said 911 was 22 years ago, people have to move on. People have to wake the f- -k up that’s what people have to do. For the life of me I can’t understand these Marxists.
You are correct, sir. Qaddafi was assassinated by the USA, through Hillary and her ilk. And then she followed through by abandoning our ambassador and bodyguard and turning our back on good Libyan people (yes, most people in every country are overwhelminly innocents). We have all seen the present regime in all their ignominy. Repeating over and over again, because that is who they always have been.
Another tragic event! Why have they silenced the Incineration of Americans in Lahaina that is just as tragic! Why won’t they allow us to know how many really died!
What is it now, over 1700 children still unaccounted for?
They will never tell! Regardless of origin, it would bring down the corrupt politicians in DC!
Possibly disappeared into the dark abyss of the child sex trade "industry."
You can only imagine how painfully slow recovery and discovery to find the missing is.
Takes months. Even then, how reliably accurate would it be? Missing for years is common.
Cross matching data bases should accomplish that in short order!
Whenever there is any crisis, the US government sends “aid” with strings attached through organizations who they are already in bed with- thus building up those “friends”. Those “friends" work incessantly to promote the woke agenda of US hegemony. Best to send money yourself through NGOs. but, unfortunately, it is surprising how many of those are tied into the US state department neocons. So do your homework.
Whatever “aid” is actually provided by that gang of geniuses at the Whitehouse, we may be certain of three things:
1. It will be far more than any aid to the victims on Maui;
2. It will be siphoned to the Administration’s cronies;
3. The Big Guy will get his 10%.
Don't forget the folks in Ohio. This Administration plays favorites.
Quite so!
Thank you for investigating this catastrophic tragedy, Robert, and sharing options for helping the victims.
"But of course, one must ask how do two dams fail at exactly the same time?"
That is a very good—and haunting—question.
The theory that the upstream dam broke first and overwhelmed the downstream dam makes sense. I saw an engineering report reference earlier today done last year stating the dams were in critical condition and needed work immediately (as of last year).
Another Katrina disaster? It seems the issue of ordering priorities continues to plague.
Katrina was made a disaster by the squabbling of rescue factions over who was boss.
Libya seems to be a real natural disaster.
My impression has been that the state of the dams in N O had been an issue that should have been addressed. Reading over all the comments here, one has to reflect on all the unnatural contributors that may well have played a substantial role been culpable in causing this disaster.
The levees were in poor condition and many reports had been put out recommending they be raised and other upgrading work done. As in Libya, the work was never done before Katrina hit.
Thank you, Fred, and yes, that does make sense. Let's hope this leads to the evaluation and reinforcement of critical infrastructures around the world to prevent such catastrophes from recurring.
Unfortuntately this happens all the time. Maintenance is not done because of lack of funds, corruption of officals, politics putting the money to other more visible uses, out of sight out of mind syndrome, etc. Maui fires had a similar story that all the technical reports were there that something needed to be done but were ignored for various reasons. Its like the leaky roof. Some people don't do anything until the drywall is falling off of the ceiling.
Good points, Fred. Although I’ve no doubt neglect, corruption, and funding played a role in the Maui tragedy, there is far more to that sinister story than the media is telling us:
• https://www.bitchute.com/video/VoeJ3mUqGpfa/
• https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/manifest-misery-a-symphony-in-bs
These days I don't discount even fringe conspiracy theories since so many have come true in the past 3 years. I saw a writeup by Sasha Latropova in which a knowlegable person came forward with data suggesting the fires in Maui were too perfect, following property lines. There seems to be a coverup there and no report of what happened to hundreds of missing children who by now should have been accounted for. My wife is a firm believer in DEW and HAARP activities. Since we commoners are not privy to the latest and greatest weapons I don't doubt there are weapons out there that could have been deployed. In the same way I don't discount that Libya could simply be a natural disaster. I design small urban storm water detention facilities as part of my work and understand the problems of fluidizing of soil, under drainage needs in dams, etc, etc.
It sounds like you are taking a sensible approach to evaluating the available information bolstered by your own expertise.
I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet but know Sasha discussed Maui with Catherine Austin Fitts in this video:
• https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-explains-the
Is it something like, “how do multiple fires start in Maui”, but “the authorities recommend that children go home during the fires” kind of questions?
Thank you for this update. I had no idea of the scope of this devastation!
SAMARITANS PURSE is a worthy organization for disaster relief donations.
ADRA is another one.
16 real Reasons why Gadafi was killed:
1. Libya has no electricity bill, electricity came free of charge to all citizens.
2. There were no interest rates on loans, the banks were state-owned, the loan of citizens by law 0%.
3. Kadafi promised not to buy a house for his parents until everyone in Libya owns a home.
4. All newlywed couples in Libya received 60,000 dinars from the government & because of that they bought their own apartments & started their families.
5. Education & medical treatment in Libya are free. Before Gaddafi there were only 25% readers, 83% during his reign
6. If Libyans wanted to live on a farm, they received free household appliances, seeds and livestock.
7. If they cannot receive treatment in Libya, the state would fund them $2300+ accommodation & travel for treatment abroad.
8. If you buy a car, the government finances 50% of the price.
9. The price of gasoline became $ 0.14 per liter.
10. Libya had no external debt, and reserves were $150 Billion (now frozen worldwide)
11. Since some Libyans can't find jobs after school, the government will pay the average salary when they can't find a job.
12. Part of oil sales in Libya are directly linked to the bank accounts of all citizens.
13. The mother who gave birth to the child will receive $5000
14. 40 loaves of bread cost $0.15.
15. 25% of Libyans had all Ilisna diplomas.
16. Kadafi has implemented the world's biggest irrigation project known as the "BIG MAN PROJECT" to ensure water availability in the desert.
If this is called “DICTATORSHIP” I wonder what democracy is?
Oh and BTW, this is weather weaponisation. The Mediterranean doesn't have hurricanes, neither did the Black Sea until two years ago. If you want to do some good, track the satellites and the planes... The small fast moving ones that aren't on flight tracker which leave Xs in the sky...
You will appreciate my experience today. I wrote about it just now.
I rarely donate through Red Cross these days as 50 percent of the donation goes to "overhead".
There are more efficient rescue organizations.
What a horrific tragedy.! Mother nature does not do this! I grew up in New Orleans and learned from a young age that hurricanes reduce in strength when they hit land...not increase like Katrina.
One reason I am so happy that Dennis Kucinich is working for Robert Kennedy jr for President is because he was the one person in Congress who "outed" the bill "owning the weather by 2020" Geo engineering for warfare.
Unfortunately, few organizations seem to help the people who lost everything. Let's make sure that we donate to proper groups, with boots on the ground.
The hurricane was probably geoengineering, to be conveniently blamed on global warming. Then the question becomes, why was Libya destabilized in the first place, and Gaddafi removed? Because Libya has oil. Why was Iraq invaded? Because Iraq has oil. Oil, and the lack of it, is the controlling aspect of 21st century life.
Winner ! Winner!
The sky is falling !
Chicken Little is shaking in his rubbers
Yes oil and more importantly, the petrodollar. Explained here:
I'm looking at The Oil Age is Over, by Matt Savinar. He observes, "[E]ven if the oil comes from another part of the world, because it has to be paid for in dollars, it's as though the U.S. is selling it. Consequently, any country that attempts to price oil transactions in the euro poses an extremely ominous financial threat to the US economy and will be dealt with accordingly."
"What's going to happen when recently industrialized China decides it needs what little cheap oil is left as bad as the US does? World War III."
Thank you for this article on the recent Libyan flood. I found it more informative than any of the other sources of news I turn to on a daily basis.
Goodness; I feel badly that this was unknown to me. I admittedly do not patronize major media because of well known untruthful broadcasting. Thank you for informing us.
A heart can break in a thousand ways, this is just one. While listening to the fire fighters stories from 9/11 I cried in honor of their heroism. Same here, the crying doesn't end.
Please see my current reply, as it is so relevant.
It is about the Somali hygienist.
Here's how Spirit works in my life. As I was writing a response about heartbreak concerning Libya, a new hygienist came to retrieve me. We quickly got to the point, as we didn't have much time. She is Somali and awake! One of her relatives (Great-Uncle?) was president and she showed me pictures of him with Gaddafi. We were both buoyed up to have met and hugged goodbye. There are no coincidences like this without the hand of Spirit!