Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love what Kennedy said. I've always wondered why people are blind to the fact that you, Dr. Malone, have such true insight of mRna technology, and could have made millions, but chose to do the right thing and take a constant, never-ending beating in the name of truth. If people simply looked at who profits and who doesn't it would be abundantly clear who's telling the truth. Why would anyone risk millions just to be defiant?

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“This theory of the case posits a level of nefarious collusion between the vaccine manufacturers and the federal government which would be ethically and legally stunning if true.”

This credibility-defying hurdle is so difficult for normies to comprehend that totalitarian governments have relied on it throughout history to get away with mass murder:

• “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

“When confronted by data like this, I always fall back on the observation that it is impossible to differentiate between incompetence and nefarious intent without having the receipts to prove the latter.”

I brought the receipts:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

“Which would require a whistleblower. And after the warm embrace which I (and others) have received after speaking out about what I have observed over the last three years, what honest, god-fearing family person would want to speak out and get subjected to an unending stream of biased press coverage, combined with years of daily cyber and gang stalking?”

I agree it takes extraordinary courage to be a whistleblower (and a journalist who reveals their leaks), hence the poem I just republished in honor of Daniel Ellsberg and Julian Assange:

• “Ode to a Whistleblower” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower)

Here are two examples of heroic whistleblowers who have assembled evidence to prove intentionality:

• Sasha Latypova (https://sashalatypova.substack.com?r=l2dy4)

• Brook Jackson (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaLxhFiOBYk)

May other courageous insiders summon the courage to come forward before the next manufactured crisis and $olution are inflicted upon us.

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Wow! I hadn't heard of O'Looney before, this is incredible stuff.

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So glad you appreciate it, sammy, and O'Looney is another brave whistleblower to add to the list!

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

'Why not argue with an Idiot?', Is a question that contains it's own answer. It is an exercise in futility.

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From my own experience I would posit that it is bad policy to "debate" someone more gifted in that format as a poor performance by you only going s to strengthen your opponent's arguments.

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If placebos are a fact it would explain several things, one the manufacturing of billions of doses nearly overnight (wouldn't it take longer to produce or acquire enough mrna etc to formulate? Or did we already have billions of the independent materials ready to throw together in a moments notice? )

And two, Democrat elite so readily and visibly getting the shots to push them. I've thought all along their particular needles were empty and fake else more would've had a reaction. Of those few who did, maybe the deep state wanted them out?

Just random thoughts from the peanut gallery.

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I have pointed out for months if all the old farts in d.c. who so publicly took the jab got the real thing they would be dropping like flies. They are not. But a passel of very young athletes are.

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Hi Micheal, No doubt there have been side-effects in those old farts too, denial and duh. I have a friend in her 60's, boosted up the yin-yang and can't understand why she has been sick so much. The athletes dying is another piece of the issue. As the immune systems are compromised more and more, there will be more illness. I have sent her a few current substacks, hope the light goes on...

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Have no doubt the jabs deadly to elderly. The moderna killed off a brother-in-law of ours in his 60s.

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My sister, a marathon running vegetarian (which I didn't hold against her, though like so many meat-totallers, was wound waaay too tight) awakened one morning, finding breathing difficult. She was gone before the paramedics arrived.

My "vaxxed and luvin' it" twin got all the recommended shots (wouldn't even allow me to warn him) and now is on blood thinners for clots that attack/clog/fill his lungs, for the rest of his life...

Innumerable friends, and friends of friends, that died suddenly and inexplicably.

The government reminds me of officer Drebin, in "Naked Gun" telling onlookers to "move along, there is nothing to see here" as a fireworks factory explodes in the background.

If it weren't so (temporarily) tragic, it would be funnier.

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Dear Doug, I am so sorry about the death and illness in your life. Having been a hospice trained volunteer, I have a different perspective on death, but that doesn't ever take away the grief. What a rotten mess.

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To quote one of my favorite characters, Charles Travis Postlewaite, "There are things that gnaw at a man worse than dying..."

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So then, that might explain why Biden, Fauci and others in the HHS crowd came down with covid?

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Yep...plus we now know that jab does not prevent a bloody thing

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It saves one from vicious ridicule, which of course is not 'bloody'. Ha

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The covid "plan-demic" had many purpose's. Eliminating the population, teach Americans to obey through shame, blame guilt and fear and destroying our economy were just three.

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Oh I agree with all +, except the first. The population pays taxes and their salary+ is provided by that population; and the Covid & mRNA were not selective and Democrats need those votes you know. I think there was a lot of purpose to it all, but I personally don't believe depop was one of them.

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Since the big push is on to destroy the dollar and shove "digital currency down our throat, I don't think that matters. Those who would subjugate us will control everything and have whatever they want while the rest of will get what these so-called elites want us to have, if we behave.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Last week my spouse had to travel. So, left alone with no one to be responsible for or attend to the Lord called me away to a week of no media, with the exceptions of those things that edify the Spirit and give glory to God. I was to spend my time with Him, in prayer, worship, reading scripture and journaling prayer. It was glorious. What He showed me is that the enemy of our souls gains access to our minds through FEAR, but “perfect love casts out all fear”. ("There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” -1 John 4:18) There is intense spiritual warfare going on, and it spills over into the natural through 'the sons of disobedience' against other people. God is calling us back to Him. We need to humble ourselves before a God who is ready and able to forgive. He LOVES us, but we must acknowledge He alone is GOD and walk in step with Him. Love God. Love people. Contend for the faith.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw a video of a whistleblower who had worked in quality control at a Pfizer facility in Kansas (as I recall). She said the components for the vaccine arrived from China in large sealed bags and then the vaccine was blended there in Kansas. She said there was no quality testing of the components in the bags there in Kansas; she assumed that that had been done in China. She did not know how this was handled elsewhere in the Pfizer system, just how it was done at her facility.

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I will try to figure out where I saw this. She may have been interviewed by Steve Kirsch.

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Damn, if true, this should be shared everywhere.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dunning-Kruger Effect is displayed so often; I didn't have a name for it before now. Yesterday's essay was a prime example. I am still so impressed by the standards you live by. Unsuspecting sometimes, probably due to the fact that there is still a part of you that can't always catch the weasel before it shows up. To me, even that is admirable and indicates that your trust hasn't been completely annihilated. Thanks for your unending (so far) quest for truth!

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I mean I believe the numbers are correct. But the concept - and the differences between SAE rates - is mind-blowing. We really are under continuous assault. Thanks for alerting us.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Remember the old saying: you can not teach a pig to sing; trying to only gets you dirty and it annoys the pig.

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It is a challenge when one is skeptical of anything those with postion and money want to promote. And yes, one must be careful and percise. For instance in doing a pursuasive post like the Global Warming post attached, it is written to summarize an overview of the situation, and is specifically designed to be shared with skeptics of the view presented, to present a broad based summary of various aspects of the subject in question that encapsulates the cogent factors that must be considered for anyone to legitimately formalize a rational perspective.

For instance, regarding COVID and the vaccines, it is rather hopeless to hope to get a friend or loved one to read long detailed articles on why the COVID infection statistics on vaccinated versus un-vaccinated, are not what is presented, and another on why the virus is likely man made, and another on why the vaccines are harmful and ineffective, and another on why they force evasive mutations, why they cause immune system harm, why they are primarily responsible for excess deaths, or to even convince one there are excess deaths. Also one needs to explain VAERS and why it is legitimate and wrongly ignored. Additionally needed is everything the CDC and other government agencies do that purposefully ignores effective solutions to the pandemic, and properly determining the efficacy of the vaccines. All of this and more, is valid and rationally required prior to forming a valid position.

Each skeptical position is layered, and they reinforce the other reasons, so the issue must be tied together as a comprehensive whole. A poor first attempt often closes the door on any further.

This birds eye view is problematic to express, so most folk send one detailed post on one aspect or another of a multifaceted issue. The person reading only has to find some critique of that particular study, or a contrary paper on that particular assertion, or a contrary assertion from an MSM narrative “fact checker” and they go on, unconvinced and perhaps resentful.

Indeed, when one is taking a contrary to the narrative position, one is at a disadvantage based on the inescapable reality that every other possible perspective is loaded into the skeptics position, thus your view, no matter how rational, is part of the everything else “denier” camp. You deny GHGs have any possible warming. You deny viruses are real. You are a Moon landing denier, and a “conspiracy theorist”. You are lumped with “them” and often effectively marginalized.

This is why I do not address things like chem-trails, or weather modifications, or the position that there is no greenhouse effect, or the possible US cause of 911, or the “viruses are not real” position. They may, or may not be supportable, but they are in a losing position, (a minority even within the skeptics camp) and often a distracting position from the main issues affecting policy and destroying nations and lives. So, as I have not committed the time and effort required to have a position on those rare views, I leave them be. (“Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”)

That is why I wrote this below article on Global Warming, to, as articulately as I am able, tackle the issue from every important policy affecting perspective. And it is the best Red Pill subject because of the long history and thousands of skeptical PHD scienctists, failed predictions, and clear political motivations, Red pill a friend on Global Warming, and a host of subjects open up, including COVID. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Read the article you linked. Thanks for your faithful and careful witness and analysis. And especially this quote which I will share with family and friends:

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very “kindness” stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” – C.S. Lewis

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Thank you Mary, my hope is that people will share it with family and friends that only hear the legacy media version, yet still respect us

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Hilarious, if I may, that you specify that "And yes, one must be careful and percise."

It is my curse, to find every typo when reading, especially on Substack, where so much of what is being said is of such great import and impact.

I often want to offer my services to those who write blogs, just to check the syntax and grammar, since sometimes the error can change the meaning of the content.

I agree with what you are saying, but had to comment on the irony of the sentence. Apologies. My mom, an absolute grammar tyrant, would be happy that I have picked up the torch and continued the legacy she began. It is my curse... (not really ma, thanks for everything).

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'Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination.'

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Interesting to read really old books and see how words were spelled. They were not too serious about accurate spelling back then

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What I find most compelling about old books is the level of understanding and intellect. I have a book, written in 1872, that requires a dictionary to read. It is "Castles, Keeps, and Ancient Ruins of England and Wales". Fascinating reading, it tells the tenuous stories of those who were given estates for their fealty to a royal family, only to have to (literally) fight enemies to keep them , and hope that a change in royalty (death of a king or change in political alliances) didn't cause them the loss of their hereditary homes.

It was not uncommon for a 'Lord' to lose his home over a trifle, ending up 'homeless', with an enemy taking his castle or keep for themselves.

The spelling of many words has changed, and I'm not sure what constituted proper spelling in an era when dictionaries were not so universally in agreement of spelling and meaning.

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It is also interesting to me how human behaviour remains relatively consistent, even as technolgy changes and the world grows ever smaller. When folk speak of the WEF "One World Government" crowds, and the corruption manifest on an international scale, they are often ridiculed as "conspiracy" theorists, when in truth we should not be surprised that, just as corporations have grown international, so has corruption.

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

It’s ok Doug…Did you know Hitler’s speech writer was a grammar nazi?

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Hilarious. Probably a vegan Nazi too.

I imagine it to be true of every 'speech writer'. Language originates with the word of God. And the greater the lexicon, the more precise the language, the more important it's accurate use becomes.

Language propels a people forward, while censorship of words drives humanity towards an abyss.

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I too have that "Curse". It does matter how a word is spelled!

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this morning’s heads up! Very timely. Good interview. Fly business wasn’t noticeable. Excellent essay.

So..Perspectives and trust for our Governments. Coming out of Mayor Daley’s Chicago, ones views are primed. Ugly Government but the lids on and its working. Never the same thereafter and has been sliding down the slope to infamy since. Had a friend whose father owned a block of eateries on Rush Street. The operator of one ended up in the subway in nude pieces. I asked why. They needed an example. From there I did college and ended up with SSA in MD. Got onto the workings of the federal government. Then coasted to the days of the Tea Party and Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny. That all was a severe ontological shock. All my family and I had believed was refuted. The pain and shock were so bad I couldn’t take it all in up close and personal. Decided I might as well assume the rest was equally evil and redirect. That is to say I arrived at the Covid chronicles as a solid doubter.

Your Twitter Space encounter was incredible. That there are still Doctor’s out there touting such wholly discredited positions and are ready to pour them out in the Twitter arena is incredible. While I hugely appreciate the opportunity to see and hear you - I’m concluding Twitter Space is not a stage for you or for I as a potential audience. It once again appears to support my conclusion - it’s a dangerous environment for Truth Tellers. There is a need there to try and reach the Twitterers - but with Musk’s new hire - it could well be a war in itself.

I did see about the Government Report on the origins of Covid and some reactions. Strikes me we are unlikely to dig out the full truth of the matter. The US is pretty likely complicit in the Covid matters in a number of ways. Personally conclude there is a Globalist Cabal that has a strong grasp on significant persons within most, if not all, governments. At all levels, we are but cogs that need to be dealt with to prevent any deflections in achieving their objectives.

When will we ever learn? We, the army you and your brave and true cohorts have formed, are well on our way to having learned. The next issue is how can we spread the word, so to speak. You’ve been doing an incredible job.

Wild thought - is there a way Candidates who appreciate and are brave enough to touch on it in their campaigns - Our questioning candidates at rallies/appearances (with our own sufficient funds of knowledge to followup as needed)?

More brainstorming may prove helpful.

You are greatly respected and appreciated! Bestest Always +++

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Prepping for biowar

have the herbs I can take readily. Check.

have a hypochlorous acid generator available. Check

now what to do with bullshit?

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Keep your dog away from it.

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Flush it!

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God bless you at even attempting at the debate. Maybe it will lead some to dig deeper and find out you do know what you are talking about.

Regarding placebos- some of the vaccines required certain temps - possible the heat caused them to be ineffective vs placebos?

As to the adverse effects, just in my circles it was evident no one was keeping up with side effects.

From MS being inflamed (month off for co-worker), one hospitalized for myocarditis (that was recorded I think), elderly CHF client who had what resembled late stage Alzheimer’s and died within week of 2nd shot (listed as natural). In the very least no one seemed to allow anything except myocarditis and that was only after JJ if I remember correctly.

It was the worst experiment if I’ve ever seen one. Which leads to - maybe they didn’t care what the side effects where. I’ll stop there bc of proof.


Bless you for what you do

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am a conspiracy guy. I believe I am being lied to. I believe there are bad actors within the government (all governments). I believe there may even be groups of bad actors working in concert. But I just can't take the next step and accept that the government is lost to us. Surely there is a way to get ahold of this situation. Just can't think of one right now.

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yeah. Me too

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been wanting to let you know about this for a few days, but none of your substacks seemed like a place to do it, so I will just launch into it now. A friend of mine sent me a video of Dr. Shiva in uncivilized language ranting about how you, Bobby Kennedy, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson are "controlled opposition". He also claims to be running for president , but I'd never heard of him. At 48 minutes in I had to quit listening. He was driving me crazy. And who would vote for someone who swears and rages like this? I thought my friend was smarter than to listen to this garbage.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent! Never stop Dr.s Jill and Robert Malone. We need you both to share the truth. God Bless 🙏🏻♥️💯

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