May 6·edited May 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn’t it a nice story to see Gizmo, even with his shy quiet keep to himself personality acknowledge the Unfriendly, Ungrateful, Hissing Canadien invader (no offense to Canadiens!!) as a threat great enough to put his fears aside and say this is my country it’s time I stand up and show you who your messing with. There seems to be a parable of sorts here. I went to CVS over the weekend and noticed everything is behind lock and key. It’s right across the street from the Holiday Inn where our piece of shit rep Paul McMurtry allowed 20 busloads of illegals to take up residence. The police and fire are called to these three hotels day and night 24/7. Crime and shoplifting have skyrocketed at the CVS and a very large newer “Mall” called legacy Place here in Dedham Ma. The two ladies at CVS are disgusted. They say the illegals come in fill their cloths, pockets, jackets and bags with merchandise and walk out with it. They call the police every day but they do nothing about it. The lady said the company is thinking of closing the stores in Dedham because of so much lost revenue. I feel like I’m living in a third world crime ridden country. I think it’s about time we shake off our fears like Gizmo, and start standing up to these thieves that Brandon and the rest of our useless government has not only funded but opened up the gates to ruin our communities. FJB…. J.Goodrich

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What REALLY infuriates, James, is that OUR OWN GOVERNMENT (with copious conspiratorial assistance of the Un-ELECTED United Nations BUREAUCRATS and SOROS "NGOS" is committing this TREASON using US TAXPAYERS MONEY!

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James, WHERE IN THIS WORLD 🌎 do we start?!?!?! It's bad EVERYWHERE that we turn!!!

I for one, absolutely 💯 HATE to use any public bathroom 🚻 anymore!!!

These people who don't even know how to use our bathrooms in a way to keep them sanitary for the public!!!

I've seen 👀 soiled clusters of toilet tissue on the floors. It is unsightly and the smell is intolerant 😫 !!!

These people haven't been medically screened and now we have pockets of TB breaking out in several areas of our country that for the most part was as our former president says: Clean and Beautiful!

Can we please Make our America CLEAN Again! MACA


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Ana Its going to get to the point where people like me start monitoring stores like CVS and confront these filthy thieves. Forcibly take the items back and hand them back to the store. If the Dedham Police aren’t going to do their jobs citizens should stand up and force this cancer Biden and the republicans have forced onto us and stop it!!!! Let’s face it, if a group of bikers sat outside the CVS and stopped these thieves they won’t come back. This is what these f- -kin disgusting worthless politicians have done to our towns. This is what needs to happen everywhere!! You know the politicians would never set foot in a public restroom. We need to start taking the law into our own hands!!!! In a huge way!!!!!

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We need him‼️‼️‼️


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I actually remember Michael Savage talking about the outbreaks all around the country of 3rd world diseases, ones we have eradicated here. This was quite a few years ago, so this isn't new, but it is worse.

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Language borders and culture!!! Love Savage….

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"Those who say that all cultures are equal never explain why the results of those cultures are so grossly unequal."

--Thomas Sowell

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I’m with D Trump in this one. Mass deportation!!

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Absolutely 💯!

We need a STRONG person who isn't afraid 😱 to do the tough job that is needed to get our country back from the hands of these Marxists!

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I understand your frustration, James. In these highly emutional times, when the feathers are flying, and it's all honk and counterhonk, I remind myself not to judge even fowl creatures without walking a mile on webbed feet. I try to see the world through the eyes of a bird, to think and feel like a bird, to become a birdbrain. And then it all starts to make sense.

And as a birdbrain, I see that this goose has flown hundreds or thousands of miles to escape Trudeau, only to land in the land of Brandon. Be honest.... wouldn't you be hissy and hostile too? I know I would. If I were there, I'd try to hug a hissy hostile honker, make a feathered friend, and give goose a chance. Sometimes such conflicts can be resolved by just sharing some clumps of succulent grass and some choice shoots and seeds, sitting around a good marshy mud puddle.

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NOPE dems have had all this planned and now want us to welcome Hamas - yeah let's be kind until they continue to hurt, rape,and kill us (or their own) and then welcome for terrorists. How many will lyou let live in your house so you can be kind and unjudgmental?

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Oh no I'm with you on that one. Granting entry to known terrorist geese is out of the question.

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Inspired! Especially: "...give goose a chance." You're good. Plz do more.

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Oh yea - what are you smoking? There are days I would like to live in that dreamworld ! I am a naturalized citizen who worked hard to get where I am - no one gave me a damn thing and I was taught NOT TO TAKE

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Great comment! Have you thought about writing a children's book about this Goose, age appropriate of course! I love "hissy hostile honker"...!

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I'd love to print out your comment, make several copies, paste it on the back of several postcards & mail them to anyone I know who voted for this. I would, of course, edit out your name. The sad part is, is that your comment is not rare. I read similar comments all the time. This is going on everywhere now in our country, thanks not only to Biden & this administration, but to those who are pulling their strings, which is very likely Obama, among others. Their primary mission was to "fundamentally change this country", which translates into ruining it. They have made serious strides in less than four years. Another four years of this s--t, & we will no longer have a country worth defending.

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Your 100% right Debra!!! It’s only a matter of time here, that things go head to head. People are not ok with what’s going on here. There destroying normal life in my home town. Also my property taxes are up over 2000 dollars in 2 years. Town officials are completely disconnected.

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This all is truly heartbreaking James to read yours and all the other comments, it truly just "BREAKS MY HEART" and as you know, I am an Australian many Thousands of miles away. I feel a "connection" with all these people, because thats the way I have interepreted it in my own way previously. It amazes the crap out of me when I see "poles" that claim "OBiden" has a Thirty Percent approval rating!!!! How can that be?

Just a concern mate, regarding the "bikies" attending outside the various stores etc, be very VERY careful mate, because these people (Illegals) DO NOT have the same respect or compassion as we do, they can turn "deadly" even before they think.

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I had to comment, & love your deep concern for American's, & America. I think the "OBiden" party, thirty percent approval rating is obviously false, in my opinion, & I feel those folks that like or approve of evil "OBiden" , must have taken more "jabs", & of course, their brains are mush....Oh, did I just say that outloud? Have a wonderful day, Mate!

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Oh absolutely right on! I'm sure the actor in the White House has master delusional thugs bringing down America- or trying to! Every time that evil J-Brandon is broadcast trying to tell American's "I did this, I lowered inflation; border is secure; you folks are doing ok; gas isn't expensive, & oh, our strategic petroleum reserves are full"! Yup, you did that alright, you are destroying everything our Founding Forefathers fought for, & all the Veterans who fought for, & to keep our Freedom, our Right to Vote for whomever we choose! That evil demon will be voted out & maybe one day, our new, Republican President, will prosecute this evil, corrupt criminal & all his "donors"! Ok,I'm done !

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BTW feel free to send my comment to anyone you want, you’d make my week Debra!!!

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May 6·edited May 6

After listening to Brett W. on Tucker (Shelley provided the link yesterday I think) this is just more confirmation of the trouble we are in. Where are those damn bikers anyhow? After Sonny Barger went to jail, things went south. Now we could use some handy Angels and Outlaws! (In response to James talking to Anna)

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There’s a big market for strong arm protection. It’s ironic most people think of bikers as bad people and there certainly are some, but most are patriotic good people that will fight to the death for the right side of people being wronged. Years back in Dedham, outlaws were Nomads. My oldest brother was buddies with the Angels in Western Ma. I went to a couple crazy parties at their club house. The Outlaws mostly run Dedham I knows bunch of them. You know DD!!!

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I had an Outlaw "boyfriend" as well as an Angel that looked like George Hamilton. I was a sucker for a pretty face, James. My Outlaw guy was the nicest guy ever, but don't cross him. I learned so many street smarts, more than any university.

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A great business to get into, with the right people, would be protection and security. As things get worse, there’s going to be a huge demand.

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We have a friend who owns a jewelry store. Several years ago they chose to lock the front door and hire a full time security guard because of a bold daylight robbery. Now, anyone who wants to enter has to be vetted by the guard. I can see this as a strategy being adopted by stores like CVS. The shoppers have to show ID to get in and a receipt to get out. Which says a lot about how we are rapidly becoming a third world country. How sad is that?

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Wouldn’t it be a better world here in America if we were paying politicians that wanted to make our lives, our neighbors lives and our towns better for us. I read Les Powers comment that said he’s surprised 30% of people think Joe Biden is doing a good job he’s right. 30% is probably the amount of people profiting off of everyone’s misery. Eventually these people are going to start going into neighborhoods robbing homes. There’s a neighborhood right around these 3 hotels. I’m positive they have felt the impact of this BS.

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The wealthy can afford such luxury while working people, with or without families, can not. This is one more reason the first and especially the second amendment are so important.

It is long past time to organize and to protect our own neighborhoods.

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Red green, There is going to come a time that a lesson will have to be taught to not only the law breaking thieves but also entire uni party that has caused this.

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James, maybe 🤔 someone needs to work on a good business plan and model?!?!

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Agree totally James! We are living in Brandon’s upside down world and it sucks! But we stick together and lean into God! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Dedham. Last names from my ancestry that were there in the early 1600s, Church, Fisher, Fiske and Battle.

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The oldest wood framed home in America is here in Dedham. It’s the Fairbanks House built in 1636, which is the year Dedham was incorporated. They say some of the founding fathers would frequent pubs in Dedham Square. The town today is a mess full of phony woke POS’s.

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Piccolo Mondo!

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? I'm missing something?

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Italian for small world.

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Not up on Italian, not a hint of it in my pedigree.

Thank you.

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Ancestor William Barstow sailed from England on the Truelove in 1635 to Dedham. In 1638 the gal he married Ann Hubbard and her brother Anthony arrived there. 7 of the families on the Mayflower are my ancestors and it saddens me to know end to know what has happened to that state.

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Wow! I have six Mayflower ancestors, but only four families (or singles).

It’s sickening what has happened.

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Some years ago I read that it was estimated there are at least 20 million in this country who are descendants of those on the Mayflower. Thirteen individuals make up those seven families I descend from. No doubt we are related.

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I’ve heard 30 million as an estimate.

Have you read William Bradford’s account? Fascinating. I found three ancestors by reading what he wrote about who married whom at the end.

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It is sad. Massachusetts was the beginning of American revolution. The state was considered the Cradle of Liberty. Dedham was once an enormous town that went all the way to Maine.

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There’s a good size local company Fisher Churchill. They’ve been around forever. I’m going to take a look. I thought they were an energy company, not sure. https://www.fisherchurchill.com/

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If any descendant are still around that would be something. Been about 400 years.

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't have a farm but there is a 50 acre wasteland behind my yard. This morning caught 2 deer eating the small unedible berries that grow all over the wooded lot. My dog found blackberries, hurry before she eats them all. The first wild plum was ripe. We had a good rain this weekend and all is popping up. The hummingbird is back and could not find its tube flowers, so it knocked on the window where my colored nettles are in full floom... carried them outside and hope to see the little flying jewels again. Taking the endless buzz of insects, biting mosquitoes, horrible ants.. on top. This is GA.

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Sloooooow spring up here. Saw reports the hummingbirds are just showing up so I put out the feeder. No hummingbirds but the squirrel has discovered he has a sweet tooth and a pair of Oriels showed up within hours and are sticking around. It's the first time I've ever seen them come over and over. usually it's once or twice a year!

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Put my HB feeders out first week in April. Saw the first one on April 20. My Oriel feeder was busted last year I believe by a raccoon. I had the plastic chain around a deck rail with feeder on top. The woodpeckers seem to like the jelly also.

Something dug a dugout under the north side of my barn. I hope I don't have another set of abandoned skunks pups like I did two years ago.

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skunks have been close too, haven't seen them but the smell says it all! Hummers were late here too, usually they arrive at least 3 weeks earlier together with the blooming of my Abelia

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Yes, OK, but you have Lightening Bugs!

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Canadian geese migrate through my city (Minneapolis) by the thousands this time of year, and many of them hang around long enough to have babies - which is right now. This morning I saw ten different mom&pop pairs with their tiny, adorable goslings - it’s just beautiful! The geese are such protective parents, and the little ones are innocently curious about everything the encounter. It’s a joy to watch!

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Until one protective daddy launches his 25 pound ass and wings at you while riding by on my bicycle. Yeah....i stuck my arm out to protect my upper body in flight. He managed to latch on to my left hand and in one split second i had a goose on my middle finger like a fish on the line. He stripped a bunch of flesh clean off the finger. Years prior to that was Driving on a four lane Parkway with grass in the middle medium were half dozen honkers. Its a 45 mph stretch of pavement and lots of cars as shopping is all along. The lead goose decides to take flight and all the rest followed suit. Right into the upper portion of the windshield on my van. I nailed two of the slow to go ones in mid air. They did not survive but my glass on the van did fine. So yeah. We have wild honkers as dumb city slickers.

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Yikes. Sorry these incidents happened to you!

I came across a protective parent goose once, guarding the path and her babies, hissing at me as I tried to walk by. I started singing to her - “On the Street Where You Live”, from “My Fair Lady”. The mama goose looked confused for a moment (yeah, my singing will do that), then calmed right down and let me pass unharmed. I guess I sang in the right key or something!

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Yes, I have noticed that animals seem to love singing!

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Yeah not cool. He was a bad dude. We saw each other a few more times after that. He actually would recognize me an charge towards me again. I think it was more the bike than it was me personally. Any way one day he and the gaggle were close to the trail. This time i stopped and slowly walked my bike down the trail, with the bike being between me and him. And he did approach but i stopped. If he was going to lunge at me again, I planned to use the bike like a tennis racket on him. He backed off when all movement ceased so i guess in his mind the threat was diminished. Whew.......good reaction on my part.

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He maybe had a scary interaction with a different bike in some previous situation. I’m glad you’re both okay.

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Roger that. I'd agree it started with other Cyclists. The trail has dozens and dozens daily.

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My dad and I watched a flock of geese flying overhead.

He asked, "do you know why one side of the V, is longer than the other side".

I had no idea.

He said, "that side has more geese in it".

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Ha, he got ya

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all the dang time

growing up, my brother and I endured hundreds of jokes and riddles.

I have 6 pages of the best ones.

My brothers first job out of college, included a riddle list in the application. He knew all of them.

He got the job, and when asked how he was able to get ALL of them right. he just said, "you are hiring a smart guy".

Acorns did not fall to far from the tree.

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Like Nascar racing....They tail- gate in the upper wind streams. And do often change leader positions in flight. Could it be the last one of the long line, is pooped?

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more than likely,

maybe even the goose with the best eyes, is in front.....

however, the last guy in line, is always "pooped", in so many ways.

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hmmm is Gonzo suffering from OCD feather-picking by proxy ? Kidding...

Sounds line a perfect place to thrive for all. Enjoy your much deserved retreat 💕

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recognize Cristian Terhes in the photo with friends. I'll always feel a debt to those who stood up in the EU parliament to tell the truth. I wrote letters to him and to Rob Roos in October 2022 to say so.

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have to tell you how much I appreciate the inclusion of elements of your homestead life in your substack. I was born and raised on a farm in southwest Nebraska but have lived away and in large cities for pretty much my entire adult life. I am now 55 and extremely happy to be relocating back to Nebraska and a lovely 22 acre property just waiting for me to slowly learn it's nuances and make my move into gardening, chickens, and anything else I can squeeze in without getting too over my head. Your stories awaken such a longing in me... and are truly delightful. Thank you for sharing.

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Congratulations! Pretty soon you will be like the Malones where improvements become a part of life.

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That’s pretty much the plan, yes. I’m trying to gear up for the inevitable process of experimenting and learning from failure. Bring it on. 😏

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You might enjoy a book I loved called “Ten Acres Enough” by Edmund Morris written in 1864. He and his wife and six kids left city life behind, but not before he had learned as much as he could about farming. They hit the ground running and turned a profit the very first year! It’s a wonderfully written treatise on the gratifications of self-sufficiency.

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Thank you for the suggestion! My family on both sides settled in Nebraska in the 1870’s. (I was the fourth generation on my farm.) Both left wonderful accounts of experiences and I treasure them. I’m guessing I would very much enjoy the book you’re suggesting. Again, thank you!

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My favorite Substack postings: your farm stories. I loved reading it. I can't help feeling sorry for the Canada goose, though, especially if he recently lost his mate. I hope he can still settle in around your property and have at least a civil relationship with the other birds.

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The animal stories are the best! I was partially raised on my grandfather's farm. He had gotten rid of the dairy cows before I came along, but the dogs, geese, and chickens kept me occupied when I wasn't bent over harvesting some crop.

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the homestead stories Dr.'s Malone...Thank you & stay well

Aloha from Hawi, HI

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Living with animals, brings out your humanity.

And, as the Romans learned, geese make great sentinels.

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have Sandhills cranes that do a special dance and sing in a very loud chortle. Great fun to watch. Your bird and animal posts are a breath of fresh air. Keep posting them.

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I live on a lake in middle TN. There is a large flock of grey geese that loves our area and to hang out around our boat docks. Last fall two pure white geese joined the flock! At first they stayed on the fringe of the flock but this spring I’ve noticed they occasionally are in the middle of the flock. I and another neighbor throw out some corn for them at times, which they love! I enjoy the honking and geese antics. Nature is wonderful!

Love your farm postings, Dr M. Such fun to read and the videos are delightful! Thank you!

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We had ducks and geese on my folks property NE of Seattle, the primary purpose was to keep the population of slugs under control - don’t know if it’s priceless or precious but my impression of a duck trying to down a banana slug was, at best, comical in its own rights (just thankful it was a couple decades before everyone had a video device in their pocket). Anyway, side benefit of a yard full of honks&quackers was the availability of eggs. Interesting thing I learned about eggs from the menagerie - not all eggs, like cultures, are good; duck eggs were fine/enjoyable whether fried or hard boiled, goose eggs were ok fried, different but good on their own merits (also much bigger 🤩 ) but hard boiled were 🤢 and just about got me to 🤮 - some things ya just never forget.

Gardening started here as well, although getting a short week respite from the garden - spring zonal flows began in earnest the other day and I’m not a fan of muddin’ w/o a 4WD truck. Asparagus is growing but sensitive to freezing, the same cannot be said for weeds 😞; the grass is growing and there’s now more green that brown, as a result I’ve mowed (mown?) 4 times this season already, a new milestone. Chalk it up to the pleasure of a tractor vs a push mower AND April was warm. This keeps up and I’ll have a chance at regularly growing a few rows of Silver Queen corn.

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So strange how Banana Slugs in - delicious eggs out, and I agree, really tasty.

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved this story, photos, and videos. Thank you for your kindness in sharing your lives with all of us. Knowing that you who slay dragons in the belly of the beast (mixed metaphor?) can still enjoy real life with a real wife is so encouraging! (And, of course, that goes for Dr. Jill too — the REAL Dr. Jill — but I needed something that rhymed in the previous sentence.)

Thank you, thank you, thank you — and the birds, horses, dogs, chickens, and other critters too!

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May 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Someone else may have already mentioned that "Canada Geese" are named after an orthanologist named John Canada and are not from Canada, as one might assume.

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I did not know that! Thank you.

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